Chapter 19: You Don't Belong Here
I guess you’re the same as you always were.
That’s fine.
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!(*$# You don’t belong here, Lake Ryeokja &%($*
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Some time passed.
Lake Ryeokja found himself in the neighbouring kingdom of Francia.
Unlike the Druryn Kingdom, Francia was far more developed. Littered with skyscrapers, bridges and other architectural wonders, it was clear the two clearly contrasted each other in grandeur and wealth. However, as with the increase in affluence, there was also significantly more security.
Just crossing into the kingdom, Lake was immediately confronted by border guards.
“What are you doing here, man?”
“I was just going for a stroll.”
The guard was not impressed.
Sitting silently in an interrogation room, Lake’s hands were chained to a small handle that was built into the table in front how him. Whilst the room was basically empty, it was still symbolic of the technological developments of the city. There was a hologram projected onto the table in front of him—impermeable to the touch, but able to detect audio, sending it to the nearby office.
A figure appeared in the hologram.
“Normally, we’d send you straight to the detention centre. However, the queen has requested for every single male to participate in the GAAT.”
“What’s that.”
“A general ability test for men. Personally, I don’t understand why she’s letting every single man take it, but her word is final, so you’re pretty lucky.”
“What is it for.”
“If you score high enough, you get to attend Valor University. Since you seem to be clueless, I’ll explain it to you. If you’re ranked in the top 100, you’ll be allowed to go there—it’s the only opportunity for bugs like you to get anything in life. The best graduates become butlers for royalty.”
Butlers for royalty, I guess that’s the first step to getting information on the inside workings of this world as a man.
Lake leaned back a little.
“I can’t be bothered answering any more questions. You’ll be sent out to the nearest testing facility in twenty minutes.”
With that, the broadcast instantly ended.
Being led into a large building along with hundreds of other males, guards followed behind with their swords out. Regardless, it was clear that there wasn’t anyone who’d even consider disobeying the women.
There were rows and rows of tables. Each had a tablet of some sort and a little security device. Slowly, everyone silently got into a seat. The guards marched to the front of the room and lined up with their weapons lowered.
“The sensors at the front of your table will scan your faces. In exactly 3 minutes, your tablets will open and present you with the questions. All other instructions will appear on your screens. Do not talk or you will be removed.”
Silence penetrated through the halls.
Every single other man stared down anxiously at the tablets in front of them.
Suddenly, every tablet turned on.
[Scanning person… unidentified persons… creating a new profile… error…]
[Welcome, user #00000]
—What are you doing here, Lake Ryeokja?
• ───────────────── •
“Samantha, how are things going in Complex II?”
“They’re going well, Major General Brienne.”
“I’m glad to hear that. I have recently talked with Seia regarding the boy you told me about. It seems that she found him somewhere near Camelyn Heights. Do you have any thoughts on this?”
“Camelyn Heights, I don’t think there’s anything particularly special about that place.”
“That’s fine. Have you been able to do some experiments on the boy? What’s the explanation behind his sword form?”
“We are still in the process. I’ll let you know of anything we find.”
“Alright, that’s fine then, Samantha. I hope you still remember what our mission is.”
“Of course I do.”
The phone was hung up.
Samantha slowly got up from her seat and began making her way out of the office. Mia hadn’t returned since leaving to look for Lake, and all Samantha could do was continue to lie to Brienne until she was eventually found out.
Walking across to the guards’ lounge, she greeted a few who were on break.
The guards quickly stood up in a show of respect.
“Mia will be busy for a little while, as such, I’ll be taking over running things in this facility. Please let all the others know as well. If you have questions, come to me. That’s all.”
She made her way to the analysis room and began sifting through the documents on the table. Most were simply general housekeeping notes regarding Complex II, however, Samantha was confused as to why the report was able to be stolen in the first place.
The report on Mia Hurtig was one of the most important documents in the entire facility, and is usually kept securely in Samantha’s office, only taken out when Brienne visited.
As such, it didn’t make sense for it to have been found if Samantha was residing in her office almost the entire previous day. She looked through all the papers but nothing seemed to give away a reason for its loss.
A guard walked in.
“Commandant Samantha, for some reason, the recent shipment of rations haven’t arrived.”
Samantha turned around.
“That’s weird. Did you receive any reports from the suppliers?”
“No. We have heard nothing from them.”
“Thanks for letting me know, I’ll deal with this in a moment.”
“Yes ma’am.”
The door was shut behind her as the guard left.
“Something weird is happening. I suspect that someone here is a traitor.”
Samantha tapped her fingers against the documents on the table.
“Still, what did they want?”
She took a seat and pondered the situation. It appeared non-sensical at first, with no clear connections.
“Surely this isn’t related to Philistia.”
She sighed.
“I’ll have to report this to Brienne at some point. Ah… why have I been put in such a situation.”