A New Kind Of Grind

Chapter 83

"So, Penelope," I said, once the administrative side of dukedom had calmed down enough to start trusting my temporary, appointed ministers to keep everything going smoothly. "Now that we've got a few quiet moments to ourselves... You've mentioned that you wanted romance and intimacy, correct?"

"Yes, but I did not, and still do not, expect it," Penelope said, before sipping from her teacup. "Your lessons in the administration of this city are enough as it is, and your efforts in producing as broad an educated class as possible, from which I may easily draw competent and loyal seneschals, stewards, and secretaries, have downright indebted me to you."

"Indebted, hm?" I asked, quirking an eyebrow. "Well, that means you owe me at least one favor, doesn't it?"

Penelope simply quirked an eyebrow, saying nothing as she took another sip of tea.

"I will insist," I began carefully, "that you humor me, and play a game of question-trading with me. I will ask you a question, that is about you in some way, and you will give me an answer that must be... Oh, at least ten words, and wholly true, lacking both outright falsehood and the intent to mislead. Once I'm satisfied with the answer... then it's your turn. You ask me a question that's about me in some way, and I'll give you an answer that has to be at least ten words and wholly truthful. Do you understand the rules of the game and agree to play?"

"I do understand the rules of the game and agree to play," Penelope said, nodding. "My turn."


"Do you do anal?"

I choked on my own spit.

"I- that-" I coughed, thumping my chest to help clear my throat. "Hoo boy. Okay, uh... Yes, but, I do not do so as the penetrated party. I do have anal sex as the penetrating party, although nine times out of ten, it's with a lover of mine who is an alpha, and therefore lacks a vagina. My beta lovers are not all of one mind regarding butt stuff, but some of them enjoy it, and of my two omega lovers, one of them is only now becoming comfortable enough with sex to give titfucks, and the other is the sort of domineering omega who demands that there be as many cocks inside her as possible, and is perfectly willing to use that third hole of hers as becomes necessary."

"I see, I see," Penelope said. "Would your-"

"Ah ah, it's my turn," I said, wagging my finger at her. "My question is... do you have a specific fixation with anal sex?"

"Not with anal sex in general, no," Penelope said. "I'll admit that if you penetrated my ass, I would likely still enjoy it and even cum, but my real fantasy is that I am the one penetrating an alpha's ass. It may be a form of the common role reversal fantasy, or it could simply be that I'm a beta who particularly likes being the penetrating party and who particularly likes alphas, with those two crossing over to form a deep, as yet unfulfilled fantasy about fucking an alpha in the ass." She sighed dramatically. "A shame that my own wife, my very own Duke-Consort, is unable to fulfill this fantasy for me..."

"I mean, I'm not willing to let you fuck my ass, no, but as it so happens, I do know an alpha who will let you fuck her ass."

"...My turn: what's her name and can we visit her in her chambers right this second?"

"You know," Nicky said, as she disrobed. "This actually isn't the first time Roxy's shared my ass with a royal she wanted to impress, but good god did it still catch me by surprise."

"Oh?" Penelope asked, watching Nicky with naked lust in her eyes, even going so far as to lick her lips. "Who were the other lucky royals?"

"Nobody any of us are related to," Nicky said, evasively. "We were off the continent until quite recently, after all."

"Ah, fair enough," Penelope said, clearly less concerned with the potentially juicy politics than she was with the definitely juicy ass she was about to tap.

"Anyhow," I said, clapping once, then rubbing my hands together. "It has occurred to me that I haven't had a tumble with Nicky in rather a while, myself." The last time we'd fucked, for clarity's sake, was two days ago, when a good-morning blowjob turned into a good-morning buttfuck. "Penelope, would you rather we take turns, or would you like to stretch her to the limit and go in at the same time?"

Penelope's eyes widened, and her breath hitched. "I- that- oh, oh, that's... oh, we have got to take her at the same time, Roxy, please-"

"I'm game," I said, raising my hands amiably. "But there's someone else we need to convince, first."

Nicky, in answer, finished disrobing, and laid herself out on her bed, her legs spread and her cock and balls artfully laid atop one thigh, to give an unobstructed view of her asshole.

"[Grease]," was all she said, before waving to us both in invitation.

Penelope was the first one in, her robe thrown open to let her cock- a respectable six inches like I'd originally had, and perfectly middle-of-the-road for a non-exemplar beta- spring free, open to the air for all of two seconds before she hastily, almost clumsily, stuffed herself into Nicky, moaning loudly as she started humping away with wild abandon.

"Aw, she likes you," I cooed as Penelope's hands latched onto Nicky's tits, right before Penelope threw herself into a deep, hungry, and aggressive kiss, and Nicky lost her ability to talk back to me.

I grinned, and freed my own cock before striding over to the bed. With [Levitate], I didn't even need to use my hands to flip the lovebirds over like a pancake, and climbed onto the bed in the space in the space between their legs. With a practiced ease, I guided the tip of my own shaft towards Nicky's ass, before brushing up against Penelope's shaft as it thrust in and out. For a few moments, I just hung there, feeling the texture of her dick rubbing against mine... but, well, the show must go on, and I must take up the heavy burden of double-penetrating a busty blonde who liked it rough.

Nicky started making some real noise into the kiss, once I was in, and I took it slow enough to savor the progression of noises as Penelope and I worked together to stuff her oh so very full. But while Nicky's ass was perfectly lubricated by the [Grease] spell, our dicks weren't, and there was a bit of catching between my shaft and Penelope's that bordered on unpleasant. Luckily, the solution was simple: just cast the spell again, this time targeting our dicks, and Penelope could start humping away like a rutting bull again, while I took it slow and steady.

I thought, for a moment, about reaching around to grab Nicky's tits, but... no, Penelope's already got her hands on those. What do I do with my hands, though?

An idea struck, and my Incubus senses told me it'd be well-received, so I simply reached past Nicky, and took hold of Penelope's own tits. For all that Penelope wasn't a super-busty sex doll that happened to have class levels, the soft squish of her reasonably-sized tits in my hand was a lovely feeling nonetheless, and one that finally made Penelope break the kiss with Nicky, to give a sharp gasp- a gasp that lead into a moan as I lightly pinched and tweaked Penelope's nipples.

She bucked her hips, but there was a change in its feeling. She wasn't trying to fuck Nicky's ass anymore. She was trying to frot with me, and the fact we were both balls deep in a third girl's asshole while we did that was secondary at best.

So I reciprocated. I pinned her down- using Nicky as an intermediary- and bore down on her cock with my own powerfully, grinding my shaft up and down along her length as I did my best to press into it and sandwich it between my own cock and whatever was on the other side. (Nicky's prostate, it turned out; she came on the spot, but retained the presence of mind to spend a tiny mote of her Reified Lust to avoid ejaculating all over Penelope's belly.) And then? I kept going.

Penelope wasn't idle in this, though; even with her cock being squeezed and milked between my own and Nicky's inner walls, she did her best to press back against me, applying her own equal and opposite pressure to my shaft, which was a powerful sensation.

Powerful enough that I forgot Nicky was here, or maybe just ignored her that thoroughly, and leaned around her to lock my own lips with my feisty, frottable fiance, relishing in the soft, muffled moans bubbling up from within her.

We kissed, we frotted, we fondled- or, well, I fondled her, but her hands were occupied. We pressed our bodies together, two lovers becoming one... and, as one, we both came, moaning into each other's mouths as our cocks swelled in unison, in preparation to empty both our overflowing prostates into our shared sex toy.

My knot began to swell, and as I anticipated the swelling of her own, I realized with a start that she didn't have a knot- normal betas didn't have those, only alphas and exemplars did. And yet, despite that absence... honestly, I was fine with it. A knot would increase the lovely pressure where it was, but it'd also decrease the pressure elsewhere, as it pushed our cocks apart somewhat. With only one knot between us, we had the best of both worlds.

I pulled back from the kiss, both of us breathing heavily.

"That," Penelope said, quietly, "was amazing. Thank you so much for letting me fulfill that dream. I... I still owe you one."

"I'll have to keep a tally," I said. "Something tells me you're going to want to do this again pretty soon."

Nicky moaned incoherently between the two of us, her asshole having been stuffed, ravaged, and thoroughly soaked in cum from us using her as a toy to play with each other.

"...Do you think we could convince her to do this every night?"

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