A new world’s F*tanari Messiah

New Skills

Acolyte [Amelia] has acquired skill [Cum Quality].

“Oh.” Lilith and Kass were taking another quick break to let their injuries heal when the pop-up appeared in front of Lilith.

“What’s it say?” Kass asked, walking around to read it

“Apparently Amelia leveled up,” Lilith explained, “And for that skill, most likely someone’s just ingested a large amount of her cum. Good for her.”

“Do you know who?”

“No, but I do have an idea on how to find out.” Opening her menu, she found a skill she had passed up earlier on account of not having the CLP.


Level: 1

Type: Faith/Passive

Range: 100 yards

Communicate telepathically with Acolytes within range. Range can be extended temporarily with MP.

Cost: 2 CLP. Purchase Skill? Yes/No


Purchasing the skill, she tried to reach out to Amelia with her mind.

Hey, Amelia. Can you hear me?

What the- Lilith?

Yeah. I just got a [Telepathy] skill. So, how’s things?

Uh- good. Sorry, still a bit strange that you can just- reach into my mind.

Well, it’s not really reaching into your mind. It’s just a way to communicate over long distances. I can’t even see you or where you are.


So, I saw that you just got a new skill…

Oh, yeah. That. So, the thing is, I wanted to make you and Kass a good meat stew for tonight, before the raid, but we didn’t have any meat.

Oh. Is this like a ‘maybe I can make it up to you some other way’ situation?

I have no idea what you’re talking about. What I did was I filled a jug with some milk to see if I could trade it with an old friend of mine, her name’s Julia.

Cool. So, how did this transition into her sucking you off?

Well, she wanted to know where the milk came from, and one thing led to another, and I ended up revealing that I had a penis…

Oh. Well, good for you.

You’re not angry? 

Why would I be? I’m probably going to have sex with a lot of people, I can’t exactly begrudge you for doing the same. Besides, me and Kass were… doing our own thing.

Did you have sex with him again?

Yes, but to be fair, it was for a very good and intelligent reason.

“What are you doing?” Kass’s voice brought Lilith back to the here and now. “I didn’t want to be rude, but you’ve just been sitting there for, like, a minute or two and I wasn’t sure what to think.”

“Oh, yeah. I just got a [Telepathy] skill. I’m talking to Amelia.” Anyway, as I was saying, we had sex so that I could regenerate my MP and we could train more.

Oh, yeah. How did your training go?

Well, I’ve gotten, like, four levels and still have two skill points in reserve, so I’d say pretty good.

Oh, how much did this [Telepathy] skill cost you?

Just two CLP. Pretty good price, and it’s got a good range, too.

I may have to do some quick combat training to get that ability later. Oh, speaking of…


After tomorrow’s raid, could you come visit Julia? She wanted to discuss becoming an Acolyte.

Oh, sure. I’ll see if I can find some good Enhancements I could suggest.

Well, see you at home.

See you then.

With that, Lilith severed the connection and got up. “Should we do a little more training? I’ve got a good few levels, how about you?”

“I managed to level up my Sword and Claw proficiencies, and I got that spell. I’d say an afternoon well-spent.”

“Wow, what level are you at by this point?”

“Hmmm. Wait, I’m at level ten! That means I can get another [Grant Power] skill.”

“Oh, yeah. I think I might’ve seen a pop-up about that, but I ignored it and it must’ve closed on its own. So, what skill are you after?”

“Not sure. That telepathy sounds tempting, but I’m trying to think of something that’ll be helpful during tomorrow’s raid.”

“Well, I do have two extra CLP. What say you look through for a skill and I can give it to you?”

“Thanks. Now, let me see…”


Extend Claws

Type: Swordplay/Passive

Allows you to extend and retract a set of sharp claws from your hands or feet.

Cost: 1 CLP. Purchase Skill? Yes/No


Type: Magic/Active

Cost: 4 MP

Duration: 30 minutes

All allies near you take half damage from all sources; you will take the other half.

Cost: 1 CLP. Purchase Skill? Yes/No

Static Blast

Type: Magic/Active

Cost: X MP

Sends a large shockwave flying forward, knocking away opponents. Damage depends on caster’s ATK and MP spent on the skill..

Cost: 1 CLP. Purchase Skill: Yes/No


“These three look pretty good,” Kass said. “Which do you think would work?”

“I’d say the [Static Blast] would work best for you,” Lilith said. “I might get [Protection for myself, honestly.”

“Yeah, that sounds good. “

At that, Lilith purchased the two skills and granted [Static Blast] to Kass. “So, want to try it out?”

“Yeah. I don’t have anything to really spend my MP on aside from this, so I might as well see how it works.” Holding out his palm, Kass felt a wave of power move from his body and focus, before seeing the colorless wave blast forward, hitting Lilith and sending her flying into the wall.

“Oh, oh shit, that was way more powerful than I expected. Are you all right?”

“Y-yeah. Just give me a second.” Picking herself up, Lilith felt her dislocated joints pop back into position, as [Unblemished Beauty] worked overtime to repair the new injuries. Luckily, it also dulled a hefty amount of the pain. “Well, that should definitely be useful. If that sends me flying, it could probably deal with a bunch of goblins at once. How much MP did you use?”

“Let me check,” Kass said.








Warrior of Medenta

Combat Level


Sexual Level



















“Just 2 MP,” Kass said. “Makes me wonder how much more powerful a full-strength blast would be.”

“Yeah. Well, It’s getting close to dinnertime. What say we head back home? Amelia said she’s making a meat stew.”

“How d- oh, right. Telepathy.”

Heading upstairs, the two saw Milo, poring over a map at the table.

“How was your training? I heard some strange noises.”

“I was just testing out a new spell,” Kass said.

“Well, it seems like it worked. See you two tomorrow.”

And with that, Kass and Lilith walked out into the last evening before everything would change.

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