After My Favorability Level Is Up to the Top

Chapter 165

Chapter 165 - That's Good

Xun Yimu bowed her head and sat down quietly, resembling a chastened child reprimanded by her parents, displaying obedience tinged with timidity.

As Xun Danxin exited and shut the door, she breathed a sigh of relief and stole a glance outside surreptitiously.

The young girl turned, fidgeting with her clothes, and muttered with frustration, “How dare he… Why did he intervene and discard me so easily? He's my Profound Yang Bead; if anything's to be discarded, it should be him! Absurd!”

Recalling the sight of Guo Fan succumbing to the tide left Xun Yimu's heart aching and her throat tight.

Despite being adept at underhanded tactics, what pretense of heroism did he uphold in such a life-threatening situation? Now, his fate remained uncertain, having recently attained the second position in the Sword Singing Ranking, yet to be lauded by others.

He acted foolishly.

Xun Yimu grew irritated at her Profound Yang Bead's foolishness.

She couldn't even safeguard those she cared about in such times. Why was she astute at the city gate, yet now seemed dull—blame the old woman and Sun Fen!

Temporarily incensed, the Profound Yin Young Lord inwardly berated before succumbing to despondency once more.

Whatever she harbored within wouldn't alter reality.

Particularly now, hindered by her mother, she couldn't even locate anyone, feeling inferior in comparison.

When Sun Fen leaped down directly, she returned to Night's Fall Sword City the next day, her countenance blank. Drenched clothes clung to her, and her disheveled hair obscured her face. She lacked her usual sharpness, instead conveying helplessness and loss.

Despite Guo Fan's Void Refining Stage cultivation, his survival chances were promising. Yet, Sun Fen felt responsible, believing she coerced his actions to untie her emotional knots. Fang Xiang mentioned Guo Fan had two ‘bodyguards' at the God Forming Stage, likely ensuring their safety, but their whereabouts remained unknown.

Rejecting Shen Lin's plea to return to the sect, Sun Fen's anger partly stemmed from Shen Lin's prior inaction, confounding the Blistook Pavilion's Pavilion Master.

Initially supporting Sun Fen, it would be understandable if Guo Fan harbored resentment. But now, not only did his sister fail to express gratitude, she even assigned blame?!

It proved exceedingly taxing for him…

The Blistook Pavilion's master felt the urge to weep but found no tears. He experienced firsthand the isolation of siding with an outsider, yet Sun Fen thanked him and apologized before departing, offering some solace.

Yes, before she departed.

Sun Fen had recently left Night's Fall Sword City, her destination unknown.

Each time Xun Yimu reflected on this, she regretted her reluctance to let go of her pride and allow Sun Fen to lead. Now, under her mother's vigilance, escape seemed impossible.

“Damn it…”

Reclined upon the desk, the enigmatic Young Lord Yin lay without a semblance of concern. Turning her gaze, she caught sight of the figures outside the door.

She widened her eyes slightly, hushing her presence. One was undoubtedly Xun Danxin, just exiting, while the other figure belonged to Fang Xiang.

Xun Yimu had accompanied Guo Fan days prior, thus she had become acquainted with these women's silhouettes.

Though indifferent to their presence, she couldn't help but cast a glance at such conspicuous and bothersome figures.

With the door shut behind her, Xun Danxin pivoted to find a woman standing nearby.

She slowed her pace, approaching, “City Lord Fang, do you have something to discuss with me as well?”

A subtle wave of fragrance wafted towards her, whether from the woman herself or from the lingering scent of incense was uncertain.

The woman standing by the door donned a robe of peacock blue, its loose fabric accentuating her graceful contours. Her ebony hair was swept up, secured by a hairpin, leaving her fair neck exposed, with tendrils framing her face.

Adorned sparingly, her attire served as a canvas, highlighting Fang Xiang's natural beauty.

Extending her hand, reminiscent of white jade, she tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear. In this moment, she exuded the aura of a serene and lovely common woman rather than a city lord.

Both being mothers, they shared a strikingly similar temperament.

Gentle, tolerant.

Fang Xiang had matured through worldly experiences, whereas Xun Danxin retained an innocent, almost virginal temperament.

Though seemingly contradictory, their blend of temperaments appeared remarkably harmonious, portraying the patriarch of the Profound Yin Family as suspended between youthful innocence and mature womanhood, symbolizing a transition beyond worldly desires.

If her younger Xiaobo were to assess him, he might find himself inclined to do so.

While it wasn't precisely like that, Tan Ling could discern that her little Xiaobo held a deep fondness for the beautiful woman, despite her mature physique and naive heart.

Particularly when this woman occupied a lofty position and her daughter harbored affections for him.

Apart from the natural male instinct to conquer and the primal urges of the beast, she couldn't conceive of any other plausible reaction.

Suddenly, Xun Danxin furrowed her brow. The gaze of the Night's Fall Sword City Lord… Why did it seem somewhat peculiar?

That penetrating gaze didn't resemble a woman scrutinizing another woman.

“City Lord?”

Patriarch Xun couldn't refrain from interjecting.

Fang Xiang snapped out of her reverie, diverting her gaze from Xun Danxin's chest as if nothing transpired. She offered a smile and spoke, “Family Head, please continue. I do have something to discuss with you.”

Although sensing something amiss, Xun Danxin could only nod and reply, “Yimu has been causing disturbances in your residence lately. She's been greatly indulged by me. Her haughty demeanor has stirred trouble. I intend to bring her back home for proper upbringing. I hope the City Lord won't hold it against me.”

Fang Xiang chuckled and shook her head, “No, Yimu is still quite endearing.”

Xun Danxin inquired once more, “Then, what does City Lord Fang seek from me?”

Fang Xiang began slowly, “It's like this… I have offended you.”

Without warning, she launched an attack, and Xun Danxin barely had time to react before a wave of dizziness engulfed her. Uncertain of when she was struck, she pursed her lips, “You…”


Xun Yimu swung open the door, only to find her mother slumped unconscious in Fang Xiang's arms, leaving her momentarily stunned.

Above the Martial Monarch Cave, several figures materialized out of nowhere.

“Based on our intelligence, the second Snowflake Mansion team has been eradicated. This Martial Monarch Cave is treacherous; we must exercise utmost caution,” remarked one man clad in Daoist robes, his expression grim.

“Heh, what better opportunity for our entrance?” chimed in a mature, alluring woman with a sly smile. “It seems Snowflake Mansion's members are nothing but weaklings.”

“Save your banter until after we've completed the task assigned by the master,” the Daoist-robed man interjected with a dismissive wave.

The group descended to the ground.

At the rear stood two identical-looking girls.

Clearly twins, their delicate features mirrored each other. Clad in attire starkly contrasting with Middle Continent fashion, their garments resembled a patchwork of interwoven ropes, with short, snug skirts and smooth white stockings accentuating their dainty appearance. One sported twin ponytails, while the other's lengthy hair cascaded freely.

Most strikingly, both possessed fiery red furry ears atop their heads, accompanied by fluffy tails behind them.

Silently, they lowered their gazes to the unmarked tomb on the ground.

Then, exchanging a wordless glance, they communicated silently.

He was here.


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