Chapter 25: Alex no demon volume 6 chapter 25

As serena and sukuna are charging up huge amounts of electricity and plasma out of their body, they both had crazy smiles on their faces. Three years ago, few months after the war, everyone had a break, serena and sukuna were in the training grounds with veronica, veronica explained to them "I want you two to do something for me, an assignment.", serena and sukuna are both confused as they asked in confusion "Assignment?". Veronica replied "Yeah. You see, when you guys were having that devastating battle against kirihai, I noticed something. Kirihai didn't Just outclass you both with skills and her abilities, but she was holding back abit. It was kind of hurting to see you both get beat up." Serena and sukuna were abit confused with serena even asking "Wait a minute, you were watching us get our ass beat while you were doing absolutely nothing?", veronica turned her head with a silly look on her face "My bad", she said in a joking manner. Serena and sukuna grab veronica by the shoulder and start to shake her "Do you know how hard it was for us just to land a single blow on that bitch?!", sukuna exclaimed, "If not for raquel dropping in to help us, we would have died or at the very least we could have been beaten horribly!", sukuna continued to exclaim. Veronica while being shaked up then says "I know I know! Sorrrrryyyyy! The fight was just too much fun!", serena then yelled out "What did you say?!!", "Nothing!Nothing!", Veronica replied jokingly. After this gag moment, Veronica proceeded with her explanation "You see, you both have incredible potential, out of all the young female soliders in the city, you both are definitely top 5.", serena asked in confusion "Top 5?", sukuna follows up into the conversation "We're in a ranking system?", Veronica then replied to them "Aside from the ranking system that has to deal with power and skills that being E to S-rank, each and every solider in the city are ranked based on who is stronger than the other, even civilians are ranked as well. Although most civilians are in the range of D to C-rank, while most of the soliders are on the Low ends of C-rank, but that's besides the point." Veronica goes on to explain "You both undoubtedly have extraordinary power, and you train alot. Most people can berely make it out of C-rank and can't even dream of being in B-rank, you both would make great soliders.", this statement from Veronica started to make the two girls feel themselves like Queens as they imagined themselves in expensive jewelry and clothes "You see sukuna? She said we'd make great soliders.", sukuna replied "Yeah I know, if feels so good.", Veronica then tells them while they were drowning in their fantasies "But you're still too weak.", this statement from her completely destroyed serena and sukuna's fantasies in an instant. Veronica continued to explain "You guys should just keep up your training to become stronger. But, under no circumstances should you use your full power. Work on your base power first, after that, then I'll tell you when to use your full power.". Sukuna asked "Um veronica, why should we only be working on our base power rather than going all out? Wouldn't it be easier to go all out from the start in order to take down an opponent faster?", veronica then explains to her "You see, your level of power affects the kind of power you'll end up getting. For instance, if you we're to recieve a power boost either by training or unlocking a new power, the power you'll receive will be dependent on what you are able to do at your base.", serena who seemed to be able to understand what veronica was teaching then says "Oh I get it, you're saying our base level of power affects the kind of power we end up getting. So we should just focus on what we are capable off and then after that, we can now use greater levels of power.", Veronica gives her a thumbs up as she says "Good job, you really are smart ", sukuna seemed abit sad "But I wanted to be the one to get the good job". Veronica continues to speak to them "Now, from now henceforth, you both are to train relentlessly without using any additional power. It's not like you can't get stronger with your power ups, its just thatits faster to get stronger while training at your base", Veronica snaps her fingers which caused a huge minator to appear behind her, this beast was 8 feet tall and had huge horns, it was very buff and muscular. Veronica had a smile on her face as she explained "This beast here Is B-rank, you both are high C-rank at your base state, so you should try fighting this thing together. Remember, if you train at your base state, that base level of power you have would increase, it will also allow your higher levels of power to increase as well. ", Veronica zooms away as she says "Enjoy!", this huge monster walked up to the two girls with steam coming from it's mouth, the girls were looking shocked at the size of the monster "She wants us..... to fight THIS!", they both exclaimed. Veronica was walking away with a smile as she heard serena and sukuna scream loudly with electricity and plasma bursting out of the place "I'm such a wonderful teacher.", she praises herself, diablo was standing beside her as he said to her "No you're not, you're horrible. I'm starting to thank God that I ended up being alex's teacher instead of you.". Diablo goes on to say "Veronica, thanks for taking serena into your care, I was always too focused on alex and kazuki that I berely pay attention to her.", Veronica replied "Its no biggie, I like seeing young girls getting better. Serena has alot of potential, sukuna as well. Infact sukuna has it worse, she was very sad when she found out that levi died, she was also very worried about everyone's well being after the war. They both would make excellent soliders."(End of flashback). Sukuna and serena were charging up powerful amounts of electricity and plasma while laughing like maniacs,valkary was just clapping for them "Wow! Wow! Awesome light show. You're even as strong as me now, but still, that isn't enough to beat me-" she received a devastating punch from serena causing her to cough blood, "What the.... her speed.... it increased!"


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