All-round Athlete

v5 Chapter 518 - Blame Sebastian (one more)

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On the television station, a reality TV host is posing with a serious look at broadcasting news.

“In the triathlon competition that ended this afternoon, Zhang Guan unexpectedly won the championship, which is also the seventh gold medal Zhang Guan won at the Olympic Games.”

“In the last Olympics, most of Zhang Guan’s gold medals came from track and field events, but the London Olympics were different. Zhang Guan’s seven gold medals came from tennis, cycling, athletics and triathlon. Big event. In addition, Zhang Guan also participated in the boxing competition, and now Zhang Guan is more versatile than four years ago!”

“Let us count the gold medals that Zhang Guan has won so far. Road cycling road races, Zhang Guan won gold medals, silver medals were picked by British player Wiggins; road cycling individual racing, Zhang Guan won Gold medals and silver medals were also won by British player Wiggins; track and field long jump project, Zhang Guan won the gold medal, British player Rutherford won the silver medal; track and field men 10,000 meters, Zhang Guan won the gold medal, British champion Farah won the silver medal ; Tennis, Zhang Guan’s gold and silver medals were picked by British player Murray; Field Bike Individual Racing, Zhang Guan won the gold medal, British player Kenny got a silver medal; and the triathlon just ended today In the match, Zhang Guan took the gold medal again, and the British triathlon talent Brownley won the silver medal.”

“The seven gold medals won by Zhang Guan have one thing in common. I think you must have discovered them. That’s right! For the seven projects where Zhang Guan won the gold medal, the runner-ups are all British players! Is it a coincidence?” The host had a voice, and his eyes flashed with wisdom, and he continued with a rhetorical tone: “Is this really a coincidence?”

“Let’s watch another video clip.”

“First of all, I would like to thank the President of the IAAF and the chairman of the British Olympic Organizing Committee, Mr. Sebastian. In fact, I was not going to participate in cycling. After all, I am an athlete and should be on the track and field. But The IAAF has restricted me from participating in track and field competitions, so I can only participate in bicycles…” The screen appeared in Zhang Guan’s post-race interview.

“First of all, I would like to thank the President of the IAAF and the chairman of the British Olympic Organizing Committee, Mr. Sebastian…”

“Thanks to the President of the IAAF and the Chairman of the British Olympic Organizing Committee Mr. Sebastian…

“Thank you Mr. Sebastian…”

Several consecutive videos are all Zhang Guan thanking Sebastian.

The host paused the picture, and he continued: “I want to see here, everyone should have a sense of it! The seven runner-ups won by the British team are not coincidences! This is Zhang Guan in revenge, he is in revenge on the international Mr. Sebastian, Chairman of the IAAF and Chairman of the British Olympic Organizing Committee! So why did Zhang Guan do this?”

“We all know that last year, the IAAF passed a regulation that an athlete can only participate in three track and field events, and the only victim of this regulation is Zhang Guan! You know, in the previous one At the Olympic Games, Zhang Guan won eight gold medals in track and field events, and because of this rule, Zhang Guan could only get three gold medals in track and field at the London Olympics! For Zhang Guan, he would lose five Olympic gold medals This is five Olympic gold medals. 99% of the Olympic champions will never get five Olympic gold medals in their lifetime!”

“How can Zhang Guan make up for the loss of these five gold medals?” At the same time as the host’s voice fell, signs of bicycle, triathlon, boxing and other items appeared on the TV.

“Yes, Zhang Guan chose to make breakthroughs in other projects, such as bicycles, such as triathlons, such as boxing, and these are exactly the items that the British are good at! Zhang Guan is to grab a gold medal in the British!”

“Do you think there is some fantasy? No, I have another evidence, that is, the 10,000-meter long-distance race! This is the track and field event that Zhang Guan has never participated in. In the London Olympics, Zhang Guan did not choose to sprint, no He chose to run mid-range, but chose a long-distance race, because he knew that the long-distance event was the British “Long-Distance King” Farah, and Zhang Guan wanted to attack Farah!”

“If other people make this decision, I think everyone will find it unbelievable and a joke, but when the king of track and field makes this decision, do you still think it is a joke? 10,000 meters of new The world record is there. Does anyone think this is a joke?”

“I think Sebastian is a joke right now! He used a ban to prevent Zhang Guan from winning gold medals in track and field events, but he did not expect that Zhang Guan could make up for the gold medal losses in track and field events. More importantly, Zhang Guan chose revenge, he chose to **** the British gold medal! I don’t know what Mr. Sebastian, who is the chairman of the British Olympic Organizing Committee, does he feel now? Does he regret it?”

“Let’s take a look at the remaining three competitions of Zhang Guan. The biggest hot spot for the championship in the field bicycle Kailin is British player Huo; the men’s 5,000 meters final, Zhang Guan’s biggest competitor is British famous Farah; Boxing 91 kg and above, in addition to Zhang Guan, the strongest is British player Joshua. They are all British players! I think in these three events, it is likely that the previous situation will appear again. Zhang Guan won the gold medal. The British player only got the runner-up!”

“Zhang Guan’s intention is already very obvious. He is sniping the host British team. He is retaliating against Sebastian!”

Once this program was broadcast, it immediately caused a lot of sensation, especially many British people felt that the host on the show said something very reasonable.

As the host of the United Kingdom, the United Kingdom has achieved a relatively good result on the gold medal list, at least it should be better than the last Olympic Games, but in fact, because of Zhang Guan’s sniper, the United Kingdom took seven fewer than the London Olympics in history Gold medal, this is a broken figure. Although the Olympics are not over, the British team’s performance is not as good as the previous one, but it is an indisputable fact.

But if you count these gold medals, the situation is completely different. Even if you exclude the two items of tennis and long jump, the British team can also get five more gold medals. With the current British team’s results, if you add five more gold medals, Gold medals have surpassed the total number of gold medals in the last Olympic Games!

Recognizing this, many British audiences are angry! Zhang Guan suddenly became a public enemy of the United Kingdom, and even some of the more radical people were ready to encircle Zhang Guan and find Zhang Guan’s trouble. Many British journalists have also come to the door.

Zhang Guan was interviewed by reporters in the first time, he had already thought about his speech.

“Say I grab the British team’s gold medal? Ha ha…” Zhang Guan smiled slightly, and then said: “My seven gold medals, all of them can be won in an upright manner! Competitive sports is like this, higher, faster and stronger people can Winning a gold medal is not as good as people can only get a silver medal, it is impossible to lose the game, to blame the opponent is too strong?”

Zhang Guan’s remarks immediately made several British journalists blush. Not long ago, they were still aggressive. They seemed to be looking for Zhang Guan desperately. But after listening to Zhang Guan’s remarks, they thought it made sense. .

For sports competitions, people with stronger strength should have won. “Higher, faster, stronger” has always been the Olympic slogan. If you lose the game, you naturally have to find the reason for yourself. You can’t complain about the weather being too hot, the venue too bad, or your opponent too strong!

One sentence blocked the British journalists back, but Zhang Guan did not forget to find another target for the British to vent their grievances. He only listened to him and said, “I have already said this in an interview before, I am not true I want to participate in cycling, not really want to participate in triathlon, nor really want to go long-distance running. Mainly because the British Olympic Organizing Committee Chairman Sebastian has restricted my participation in track and field competitions, so I only Can be forced to transfer projects.”

“You mean that if you are not restricted from participating in track and field events, you would not participate in other events?” a reporter asked very cooperatively.

“That is of course! Sprint and middle distance, but I am the world record holder, who doesn’t want to defend the Olympics!” Zhang Guan glanced at the reporter who asked this question gratefully. This reporter’s question is too harmonious. Zhang Guan took advantage of the situation to wipe out the responsibility.

After losing the game, one cannot blame the opponent for being too strong. To find the reason for the defeat on oneself, the British did choose to do so.

This is the home field of the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom occupies the right place and the harmonious environment. The influence of external objective factors does not seem to exist. In these projects, the British sent in strong players, such as Wiggins’ Tour de France champion, like Farah’s long-distance runner, like the Brownley Brothers’ **** of Triathlon, these are all It is the player who ranks first in the world in their respective projects, and the world’s first player cannot win. Is there any way?

So the British found that it was really difficult to find the cause of failure in themselves. At this time, Sebastian has clearly become a good target.

“It’s Sebastian, let us British team get a few gold medals less!”

“I blame Sebastian. If he doesn’t restrict Zhang Guan to participate in track and field, we can’t lose the gold medal of the road bike! Wiggins is the Tour de France champion, just lose like this, it’s too much to lose !”

“I think Brownley lost the wrong! The triathlon gold medal was originally ten in a row, but in the end he got a championship. If Zhang Guan changed the project, the Brownley brothers could not only get the gold medal, but also stand at the same time. On the podium!”

“The most unjust loser should be Farah! The World Championship, World Cup, European Championship, Commonwealth Championship, he has already won, just one Olympic gold medal is completed. Now it is good, only wait for four Years later. But four years later, he is 33 years old, can he still run?”

“All in all blame Sebastian! A good Olympic Games, he was smashed. What kind of scandals, such as throwing, bribing, manipulating the results of the game, defaulting the game champion! There are still few British teams involved. I have won several gold medals, and if I ask, I should not let him be the chairman of the London Olympic Committee!”

“That’s right, all blame Sebastian, he really should step down…”

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