Amelia and Ophelia: The Former Grand Duchess and Saintess.

A&O Volume 2: The Long March South – Extra: Toria and Family

Inside Castle Amma on the island of Nas which was once the capital of the Kingdom of Amma was Governor and Clan Leader Toria Amma, former princess of the Kingdom of Amma now Governor of the Governate of Amma. She was currently inside the castle's main study that now served as her primary office, she was working on some paperwork about the situation in her region. Reading reports from the mayors of each island and even some reports from the civilian populace filled her day as she scribbled away replies to the things she read, either ordering that more shipments of food from the mainland be sent or approving the construction of new infrastructure projects or even resource related ones such as new mines or harbors for shipbuilding. All had been well ever since the Kingdom of Amma had been annexed by the Halkare Empire, and while there was some grumbling by the former nobility who had now been stripped of their titles and reduced to mere citizens, there was really nothing to fear as they held little sway over the people after being exposed to a standard of living they could never have experienced even under the rule of the nobles, with even the poorest of the nation having a well-made home, 3 meals a day, free education and access to public amenities. 


As Toria was busy reading a report from one of the islands about crop harvests, there was a knock on the door, causing her to put down the report. 

"Who is it?" She asked 

"It is your appointment for today Ma'am, at 10" A female voice answered her 

"Ah! Send him in" Toria stated

At her command, a demonkin wearing a slick black suit walked into the room, his slightly ruffled black hair and green eyes were on an average-looking face, his height was average as well and the build his body sported showed that he was not a really sporty type as he was as lean and lanky like the typical noble from when she was a princess. He gave Toria a respectful bow that made her nod in reply, her poker face engaged and her eyes slightly narrowed. 

"Mr. Farlom was it?" Toria asked as she leaned into her chair

"Yes Your Highness, Former Baron Farlom at your service" Farlom answered as he did another bow 

"I do not go by that monicker anymore Mr. Farlom, you should know that by now" Toria corrected him as she discreetly placed her right hand next to a button under the desk 

"Oh I apologize Your Highness, but I can never get used to it as I look at your face" The former baron said as he flashed her a wink, which made her internally shudder in disgust 

"Right. So, why have you asked to schedule an appointment with me? You only told my secretary "Urgent Matters" so I am assuming it is something urgent no?" Toria asked him as her eyes narrowed and an unnoticeable scowl formed at the corner of her lips 

"It is of utmost urgency Your Highness! It's something that determines the survival of the Demonkin of Amma!" Farlom shouted with gusto and exaggeration 

"Mhmm...go on" The former princess replied to him 

"I will cut to the chase here Your Highness, given the current blooming situation in our beloved islands, I think it is time for us to...assert...a much more independent stance, far removed from the regulations and oversight of the mainlanders" Farlom stated as he stepped towards Toria 

"Oh? And what makes you think that is a good idea?' Toria asked him, her finger right on the button and ready to press it 

"Me and some others are noticing that the people of the islands do not like the new ruling of this so-called 'Halkare Empire' in fact, they are quite discontent with them" Farlom stated with a wry smile 

"Are they now? I don't recall there being such a sentiment amongst the populace last I checked" The former princess said as she locked eyes with him 

"Of course you wouldn't notice Your Highness. This is a sentiment far from the public eye, hidden in their hearts and talked about in hushed tones of course" The former baron flashed a smile at her 

"I what would you suggest to quelle these dangerous sentiments?" 

"Well, there is only one answer. The re-establishment of the Kingdom of Amma, with you of course as its rightful ruler" Farlom stated, his smile growing wider 

"Hmmm, but then there are problems with this no? The economy of the nation? The reprisals of those who are loyal to the new empire and even the Halkare Imperial Navy that had annihilated ours, how do we handle those?" Toria asked as she pressed the button before crossing her arms and leaning into her chair 

"Well for the economy, the people of Amma have always climbed out of despair and I know they can do the same, as for those loyal to the empire and the imperial navy, we have their technology, we know their battle doctrines, we can use them against them and win our independence from those vile mainlanders" 

" seems you have thought of every single thing, I am assuming that great thinking went into this plan of yours" Toria told him, doing her best to hide the disgust and mockery in her tone 

"Well of course Your Highness, me and my merry band of restorationists all think the same way" The former baron stated, his cockiness and arrogance on full display in his voice 

"Although, there seems to be a problem in the plan that you have overlooked Mr. Farlom" 

"Oh? And what is that Your Highness?" Farlom asked with a raised eyebrow 

"You are forgetting the fact that we made an oath" 

Farlom cackled at the mentioning of the oath, the oath to serve the empire faithfully without question and the oath that was to the dual monarchs who held the crown, and the crucial oath to their creator God Harcun who instructed them to follow the first two oaths. 

"Oh Your Highness, I must say, the oath you made that day was something of a genuine genius, with that oath you not only secured the future of the region but also ensured that you have a shroud of loyalty that you can hide behind. I don't think for a second that you made such an oath to those people, rather I see it as you playing a card that ensured that Amma would be basically free from oversight that does not include you at the top" Farlom stated as he looked at the former princess, with the latter showing no visible expression but internally confused as to what the fuck was being said by the person before her 

"So you think the oath I made to them that day was a vow made on false pretext?" Toria asked, her fists subtly shaking at her sides

"Of course! Was it not?" Farlom asked with a raised eyebrow 

Toria's expression then changed to a stoic demeanor as she rose from her seat and stared down the former baron before her, her eyes shimmering with a silent intensity as the scowl that was forming now revealed itself, she took a deep breath as she got ready to unleash her verbal salvo 

"It was not. Mr. Farlom, it was a vow and an oath to not only serve faithfully to those people you call vile but also a promise to our creator God Harcun that we would follow through with it. If you think that I made such a vow on false pretext, then I can see what type of people you and your merry band of restorationists truly are" She stated with a growl 

"I...I don't understand what you mean Your Highness" Farlom stated, visibly taken aback 

"What you are suggesting is nothing more than treason of the highest order to not only the nation we serve but to our creator God Harcun, I know that the populace is very much satisfied with the quality of life they are experiencing, the supposed discontent you are speaking of does not exist in the mass of the demonkin, no rather, it only is in you and your merry band of former nobles who no longer hold sway over them and wish to return to the top that no longer exists" Toria added as she moved from her table and slowly began walking towards the shaken baron 

"I...Uhhh..iii" The former baron stumbled on his words as he was backing up towards the door 


Suddenly, the door burst open and a pair of guards rushed in, restrained Farlom, and pinned him to the ground, looking at their Governor for orders. 

"No one on these islands wishes to break the oath to the empire and their creator God. No one except you and your cohorts whose greed is stronger than the divine bond of the oath. That disgusts me and it will disgust everyone else, take him to the dungeon of the castle" She ordered the guards after looking down at Farlom 

"When you talk and yes you will talk, you will give the names of all of your cohorts and you will all be judged, but not by me but by the God your lot chose to disobey" Toria added, with the final sentence spoken making Farlom's eyes go wide as he finally grasped the severity of his crimes, he struggled to escape the hold the guards had on him, yelling and screaming as he was taken down to the dungeon

After an hour of interrogation using magic crystal lie detectors and some forceful torturing to get the information that he refused to give up to a certain degree, Farlom gave up the names of 83 former nobles and their families. Many of them were single and were living in commodities constructed by the empire after their estates had been torn away, others had families who gave up the fact that they were being forced into working with the conspirators, many were also former knights, soldiers, and sailors who were swayed by the false promises Farlom had given them. 

Most of them were rounded up and brought to Black Rock Prison, those who had families were allowed to be spared only after Toria listened to all of their stories, a hidden lie detector was with her at all times during those meetings and once she confirmed the information they had given her, she let them off with a warning via higher taxes to pay and to serve a few months in smaller jails across the region. The rest, however, were brought to this specific prison for one thing, execution. 

Standing on a small podium in front of the only pier that was on the small island the prison stood on, Toria looked down at 56 tied, gagged, magically restrained through reverse-engineered magical handcuffs and blinded traitors who were guilty of the crime of treason. 

"You have all been accused and have been confirmed guilty of the crime of treason. Treason not only to the empire but to our creator God Harcun. As demonkin it is understandable to have pride and greed for they are an inescapable reality for most. But a loyal demonkin does not let their pride or greed get in the way of an oath to not only the nation they swear allegiance to but to their God to keep that loyalty. You lot, however, are the exception" Toria stated, disgust in her voice as she looked at all of them with narrowed eyes 

"For this crime, I shall give you your punishment. Death. May Harcun have mercy on your souls" 


The traitors tried to struggle or fight back but It was no use as they all had their throats slit before their bodies were uncuffed and then tied with heavy rocks and then dumped into the raging ocean never to be seen again. 

"That's the end of that" Toria stated as she made her way to a Sloop that would take her back to Nas 


On the mainland, on a farm on the outskirts of the town of Moria which was west of Olertin City, was the former demonkin king Alfonsis, his recently resurrected wife Viktoria, and their son Viktor, who, thanks to the agreement they made with the dual monarchs, got to live their lives in peace on a farm provided to them by the empire. 

Life was normal which was new to them who had been royals for as long as they could remember. Viktor tended to the field while Alfonsis and Viktoria spent a lot to their time catching up with one another while also helping their eldest son in the duties of running the farm such as tending to the livestock or cleaning the house. Sometimes, as registered adventurers in the Adventurer's Guild in Moria, they would go out on missions to dungeon dive and clear out monsters for money and materials. 

Today, it was a sunny day and the three of them were busy toiling in the fields after they had harvested a good amount of crops ranging from cabbages to carrots, potatoes, and even some rice they found space to grow.


As they were busy moving the cart filled with their harvest back to a shed where they store the food, the trio of former royals saw a lone demonkin girl walking up the road to their farmhouse, she was wearing a grey dress, with a large grey hat and a grey umbrella. 

"Who is that dear?" Viktoria asked as she looked out at the girl nearing their house 

"Ummm, I do not know" Alfonsis answered, his eyes narrowed as he looked at the incoming girl 

"Its...Toria?" Viktor added with a surprised tone as he used his <Appraisal> skill and saw her name pop up 

"Toria!? Are you sure?" Alfonsis asked his son

"Mhmm, it is. I am sure of it" Viktor replied 

The three of them then dropped what they were doing and then ran, while Viktor glided, towards the farmhouse at the front of the farm. Once they got to the front, all three of them smiled as they saw the young girl close her umbrella and then take off her hat, revealing a near carbon copy of younger Viktoria who was smiling back at them 

"Hello everyone" Toria stated as she moved towards them, with all 3 of her family members rushing her and embracing her 

"Toria darling!" Her mother stated as she cupped her daughter's face and held it next to her own 

"You didn't even tell us you were coming here, it's good to see you nonetheless" Her father stated as he pulled her from Viktoria's grasp and then embraced her 

"I thought it would be better, giving you three a surprise after all" She replied as she moved out of her father's embrace and embraced her older brother who returned the gesture in kind 

"Looks like you are tired, let's go inside" Viktor said, with Toria nodding and following behind her family into the farmhouse 

Inside the warm and cozy farmhouse, the family sat around the Family Room which was a large enough room in the house that had a fireplace and a pair of comfy seats around a coffee table for them to sit on. Viktoria had brought out a tray of small chocolate cakes and tea and placed them before everyone. 

"Enjoy everyone! Freshly baked" Viktoria stated as she sat next to her beloved husband opposite her children 

"Thank you dear" 

"Thank you Mother" 

As all of them took their initial bites and sips of tea, all eyes were now on Toria who noticed their stares 

"Something the matter?" She asked as she placed her teacup down on the table 

"How is Amma?" Alfonsis asked 

"How is your duty as Governor?" Viktor added 

"How are you deary?" Viktoria added 

"Well...Amma is fine as is, the populace is happy, they are living good lives, and the islands are all thriving. My job as always is tiring, being the Governor is something that I would not wish upon my worst enemy as paperwork sucks and I am doing fine thank you for asking, I am just a little tired as all since I had to put down a group of rebels before they could do any harm to the region" Toria answered them, with the final bit of information making them all give her concerned looks 

"What do you mean rebels?" Alfonsis asked 

"Some bastards who let their greed blind their vision, they are all resting at the bottom of the ocean so no need to worry about them" The Governor answered him 

"Do you suspect any one of us three was responsible for it? Is that why you are here?" Viktor asked, concern and a bit of confusion in his expression were visible as he asked 

"No brother, I am here because I miss you all, and before you ask, yes, I asked them if any of you were part of the plot, and they answered you were not, and before you ask, I used magic crystal lie detectors so they could not have been lying to me" Toria answered him, raising her hand twice as she saw her father's hand raise up as she was explaining 

"That's my girl. Always thorough" Viktoria stated with a smile 

"Yes Mother, I am thorough" Toria nodded back at her 

"Sooo...with that all you have anything I can do to help on the farm?" Toria added with a small smile of her own

"Don't you-" 

"Governors are allowed two weeks of paid leave every 4 months, and I submitted my notice for my two-week, do you?" She cut off her father as she heard the question, seeing the three of them smile at her as they heard she was going to stay for a while 

"We'll show you around, after the snacks, of course, I hope you are ready to get your hands dirty" Viktoria stated as she looked at her daughter, the smile on her face was warm and genuine 

"I would love that, thank you mother" Toria replied as they all took another sip and bit of their refreshments, it was going to be a relaxing week, albeit a hardworking one but Toria did not mind, she was with her family and that was all that mattered

A/N: And here we go! A simple chapter dedicated to the former Demonkin royals!  Hope you all enjoyed the chapter and if you have questions or comments leave em below! As always, Stay Safe and Enjoy Your Day! 

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