An Unscientific Mechanic

Chapter 461

Chapter 412 talks

“Hello, I’m the Speaker of the Supreme Council, Siegel Klein, and this is the Chairman of the National Defense, Patrick Sala. Just ask, is there any ambiguity in our exchanges? For example, let’s ask. “Have you eaten?” in your context is “killing you”.” Siegel and Patrick shook hands with Ian one by one. The two looked calm, but the disappointment in the depths of their eyes was simply disguised. Can’t help.

What a person. jpg

“We come from the parallel universe of the earth. Although there are differences, the differences are not so great.” Ian noticed the eyes of these two people and sighed inwardly. “Also, I’m sorry that it’s not the little green man wielding a lightsaber… Our main race is still human.

If you want to get to know the green villain… we can introduce you. ”

Seeing the embarrassment of the two passing by, Ian was still quite happy.

After all, one of the two originals has a bitter feud and a middle-aged widower. Neither of them laughed much in the play.

And now, although he is still under pressure, his emotions are still very positive.

“…Is it really there?”

“The race of the Integration Department is so rich that it is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Even when we speak, one or two new intelligent creatures will be discovered.”

“It sounds like you have a large scale. So, who are you?”

“Ah, sorry, the head of the Integration Department, Ian Vasty, is also the highest military commander of the Integration Department.”

“The highest officer came here in person?” Patrick raised his brow.

“Aren’t you also the highest military chief and the chief executive here? And this initial negotiation with a more sensitive civilization is directly responsible for personnel above the ministerial level. So it’s normal for me to come.” Ian Withdraw your hand. “Then, less gossip, let’s talk about business. Please sit down.”

“Business?” A group of people from one side sat down in the conference room.

“Well, about the plight of your adjusters, the disgusting trend of thought on earth, and the future of your world.”

“Do you know anything about us now? Do you need to provide a piece of information in order to prevent some misunderstandings?” Siegel stared at Ian.

“An Xin, our data collection is very comprehensive, and you will not be treated as monsters because natural people on the earth chant “monsters from the sky”. Now there are nearly a thousand agents on the earth to carry out intelligence collection missions. .

So please rest assured, we are experts in contact with the new civilization, so the first item is the first item. According to our intelligence, the adjuster should have the problem of the second-generation adjuster’s fertilized egg implantation problem, right, if If it is not handled in time, the adjuster is likely to have a population crisis within 20 years, and this small race is likely to become extinct within a hundred years.

What do you think about this? ”

Ian opened the materials prepared in advance.

“…I thought you would talk about the increasingly tense relationship between the Earth Union…” Siegel was stunned. “Unexpectedly, this kind of intelligence has been collected… Yes, we have indeed had a fertility crisis. For now, we are confident that we can solve this problem with our country’s technology before the country becomes turbulent.

Now our country conducts matching analysis based on national genes, and implements the mandatory marriage bill to delay the emergence of population crisis as much as possible. ”

“The conflict with the Earth is the easiest to resolve. At the most critical moment, our fleets can directly suppress the entire Earth sphere.

However, this bill may not be a long-term solution, right? Whether it is ethically or personally, just because two people are genetically matched, they are forced to become a couple or something…”

“It’s really not a long-term solution, but we can’t help it. Do you have a solution?”

“Well, we can send geneticists to cooperate with you here. We are still very good at bioengineering such as human body modification.” Ian turned the information page.

“Human body modification?” Patrick frowned.

“Don’t let the expression look disgusting, Mr. Chairman.” Speaking of the chairman…The freedom Gundam, Justice Gundam, and Eternity that the chairman ordered to develop were later sent one by one by Klein. Stealing became the core force of the “terminal” of the secret organization…

If it is not too early to die, it seems that there is also the potential to become a transport captain…

“After all, the adjuster is also a product of the most basic human modification.” Ian was a little puzzled when he saw Patrick’s expression of disgust. “If you follow your definition of adjuster, that is, human beings who perform artificial genetic manipulation during the embryonic period (or the fertilized egg period), from this definition, almost everyone in our integration department is an adjuster.

The difference from your technology is that after we make genetic adjustments in the fertilized egg stage, we will further transform our bodies during the growth process, so that we can complete the work we undertake more efficiently. ”

“Are you all…?” Siegel and Patrick looked at each other. “Sure enough, is the adjuster the next stage of humanity…”

“No, on the contrary. Our situation is a last resort choice. The mainstream of the universe is to adapt to the environment through natural evolution.

Our integration department only chose the path of customizing the body because it is more efficient.

In addition, when it comes to the next stage of mankind, your world has already appeared as the next stage of human existence,;;ElementDestined-factor genetic factors determine the evolutionary element factors of races, you seem to call this unique as a new type of human The gene segment of the gene.

According to our inference, the people who have this gene are the new type of human beings that you have cultivated during the past century of cosmic colonization and can adapt to the universe environment.

We also have this kind of humans over there, they are called changers or new humans. ”

“That “seed” theory seems to be just a theory…”

“No, this theory has been confirmed by us.” Kira Yamato, Kagari Yula Asha, Lacus Klein, Aslan Sarah have the condition of SEED. Reverse analysis showed that the people in the technical department really screened out the genome of SEED.

Then, after marking the gene, a global search was carried out, and it was found that thousands of people have this… and they are all people who are active in the universe all the year round.

One of the more well-known names and surnames is Orb’s future shadow army **** Lund Mina Sahak.

“Although mankind has not discovered yet, a new type of human being adapted to the universe has already appeared.” Ian said sternly. The emergence of races that adapt to the environment of the universe is a dividing line on the side of the Integration Department.

This race is about to become the symbol of the universe race.

“I see. Then, let’s go on, about that trend of thought on earth.”

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