Ascension of the Sylvan Cosmos.

Chapter 146. Influence Of the Book. [World Tree’s Endless Library]

While Flor and Verena discussed, Mariane took her book and walked toward Liu Shu. The figure of the World Tree with two massive winged snakes surrounding the trunk made even Mariane feel a sense of respect. Moreover, with her 75 meters in height and vast canopy, the Sun was fully hidden under her branches, leaving very few sun rays to pass through.

The beauty of Liu Shu's feminine trunk, added to the described image, increased the feeling of wonder she evoked, making her entire presence feel magnificent.

The profound, gentle, and yet innocent voice of the World Tree spread around Mariane, making the air mildly vibrate. "Hello, Mariane. Do you want anything?"

Looking upward, Mariane noticed the two snakes coiled around Liu Shu's trunk, looking down at her. "Relax, I am not doing anything to her… Well, I don't want to do anything bad. Hahaha."

Both serpents hissed, squinting and giving Mariane a warning with their gaze. Liu Shu giggled. "They won't attack unless you attack me first. So, don't worry~." 

Mariane nodded. "I am not worried. Speaking of which, don't those two consume quite a lot of energy to maintain? Are you okay with them?"

Liu Shu commented. "Don't worry, I can support their existence, and I am even recovering Anima Energy~. It's just that I have to stop nourishing my fruits in an accelerated manner, so they will grow much slower."

Mariane blinked. "Oh? They still grow?"

Liu Shu hummed. "Yes. The fruits need an initial nourishment of energy, and when the flower is fed, they will naturally germinate. I am accelerating the process by a lot, feeding them extra energy."

The mothkin was surprised. "That's something convenient. I don't think I've heard of similar abilities on other World Trees." Mariane laughed. "You are really a special little one, aren't you? If I knew, I would've come here sooner."

Liu Shu laughed gently and commented. "Well, I don't know how special I am that everyone is surprised at what I can do. I am just myself. As long as I am not bothered and can streeeeeetch, I am happy~." 

Mariane burst into laughter. "Right, right. You want to stretch and reach further and further away! Speaking of which, how much of the Golden Sap Forest have your roots dominated?" 

Liu Shu answered with a giggle. "I don't know! I can't see much beyond my roots. Well, according to the system calculations, I've covered 1,390 hectares. And around 1,500 meters in depth. I can still stretch more downwards, though~. It is just a bit harder than going outwards."

Mariane smiled. "Hard rocks get in the way, don't they?"

"YES!" Liu Shu harrumphed. "Why can't the soil be soft and yummy like on the surface? The more I go down, the dryer and harder everything becomes. The other day, I even pierced something by mistake because it was in the way, a Level 2 little thing, and I lost 1 Experience point! That's not fair! It was in the way!" 

Liu Shu paused and looked at Mariane. "Anyway~. What do you want, Mariane?"

Mariane giggled. "You are quite adorable when you are not speaking about bringing death to everybody." 

Puzzled, the World Tree asked. "When did I say that?" 

Mariane waved her two right arms. "Never mind that. Getting down to business, Tempestria told me that you wanted to be covered in a formation to pass as a Life Tree instead of a World Tree. I am here, in the first place, because I get to work with you."

Mariane proceeded to explain. "While I am constantly advancing in my Rune Crafting and Array Mastering, working with higher level materials and more complex projects will increase my proficiency much faster. So, this offer was basically irresistible. Now that I got to know you a bit more, I am even more eager to work with you. What do you think?"

Liu Shu was thoughtful. "Do you think this is really necessary, Mariane?"

Seeing the confused World Tree, Mariane asked gently. "What are you confused about?"

Liu Shu hummed. "I mean, hiding as a Life Tree instead of a World Tree… I have yet to even meet a Life Tree. Also, while I am a bit afraid of Fortuna and those who follow her, I've grown quite strong, no? Is it really necessary to be that cautious?"

Mariane hummed. "Well, Liu Shu, Fortuna is nearly twice your size, and the city around her is incomparable to what you have here. There are at least 30,000 people in her city at all times. Permanent residents also reach a few thousand, while Fortuna has support from even stronger people. Do you think you can beat Verena in a fight?"

Liu Shu pondered. "I don't think so. She is really powerful."

Mariane smiled. "They have someone called Eila Neoflora. She is not as strong as Verena, but she is stronger than Fortuna."

Liu Shu asked. "Stronger than you?"

Mariane nodded. "Stronger than me by a long stretch. She is in the second sub-cycle, Liu Shu."

"Second sub-cycle… That means she is between Level 30 and Level 39, right? She has gone the First Energy Cycle at Level 10, the first sub-cycle at Level 20, the Second Energy Cycle at Level 25, and the second sub-cycle at Level 30…"

Mariane nodded. "And you are yet in the first Energy Cycle. While I admit you are strong, people in those levels of strength, even if they are low-tiered, will be above your league."

Liu Shu sighed. "I see… This is the best way."

Mariane laughed and smirked. "Well, you are also quite a snack. Very pretty and domineering~. Who knows if covetous people will pop out left and right when they see your figure~."

Liu Shu giggled. "Well, sorry, but you are not in my mating range~."

Mariane almost spat blood. 'I got rejected, and that wasn't even my intention.'

With an awkward smile, Mariane commented. "Don't worry, giant trees are also not in my partner range."

Liu Shu realized. "Right! I see! Hmm, that book I just absorbed is confusing me. There is a lot of knowledge of many different attitudes and hints. While I have the knowledge, I am having trouble reading attitudes." 

Mariane hummed, interested. "Oh? Is that why you answered that way?"

Liu Shu asked, puzzled. "Am I wrong? Should I not be honest with my feelings and cut the relationship when I know there is no chance of romance? The social clues that the book says are something around being honest and blunt to people you are not close with or interested in."

Mariane laughed slowly. "Well… it's a bit more complicated than that." Mariane pondered and commented. "Liu Shu."

"Yes? What's wrong?"

"Well, take your time absorbing that book, okay?" Mariane crossed her four arms, a bit worried. "Growing mentally is not as easy as learning how to build a house. One of them can be done because it is a precise science, but the other is a vast spectrum. Personalities, motivations, and many more personality traits make us individuals. So, what one person might find comfortable, others will find it difficult to swallow or outright offensive. You have 'knowledge,' but you are not 'knowledgable.' Do you understand?"

Liu Shu stayed silent for a while and answered a while later. "I see. I'll be careful."

Mariane nodded and straightened the conversation subject. They had gone on quite a tangent. "Regarding the <Rune Field> you would receive, I need to touch you and be very close to you. Perhaps I will even need to engrave some <Runes> on your body. These runes will create marks around you. Still, you don't have to worry about them being permanent. Those in your body will serve as activation runes that lose effect once the <Rune Field> is completed. You can heal those parts after the <Rune Field> is active without any problem whatsoever."

One of the two flying serpents spoke into Liu Shu's mind. 'Summoner, allowing something like that is too risky. If you have no knowledge of runes, she can engrave runes to control you without your knowledge. She is a <Second Cycle> creature; hence, her energy is much more evolved than yours. She probably has transformed all her energy from shards into cores, which makes her skills much more effective against you.'

Liu Shu acknowledged. 'How about I ask her to give me a few rune crafting books? I can absorb the knowledge and know if there are any bad runes or intentions.'

Both flying serpents looked at their summoner with an impressed expression. 'You can do that, summoner?'

The World Tree commented, a bit annoyed. 'Call me Liu Shu! Summoner this, summoner that, it sounds weird. Like… It's strange! You are the children of that big eye, right? So, hmmm, I am grateful to that big snake, so you two are… hmmm… friends? No… Something similar!'

Both flying serpents smiled faintly, and the female one spoke. 'I understand, Liu Shu. If you can absorb a Rune encyclopedia like you said, it would be perfect. While some runes react uniquely and unexpectedly, you will be safe from most treachery with that knowledge.'

The Female Flying Serpent added. 'Of course, if she is eager to harm you, she will share an encyclopedia missing a few runic characters. However, if she draws something that you don't know, you can ask her while she does it to be sure. Engraving <Rune Fields> is a task that requires concentration from rune to rune, not as a whole like <Arrays>, so interrupting her is not impossible.'

'I see! Thanks~, umm… Do you have a name?'

The male Flying Serpent answered, his voice sounding earthy and pleasant. 'We don't. Don't worry about that, Liu Shu.'

Liu Shu looked back at Mariane and, feeling the pressure of Liu Shu's gaze returning, the mothkin smiled and asked. "So? Did you decide?"

Liu Shu commented. "I want a Rune Encyclopedia!"

Mariane's antennae twitched a few times. Liu Shu could feel the mothkin's evaluating many things. After a few seconds, Mariane answered. "Hmm, if I can have it back, I can lend you mine. But only if I can have those books back. I have written my own encyclopedia from the ones I've gathered during my adventures, and I have no copies."

Liu Shu became conflicted. After all, the book was digested after she absorbed the knowledge. 'Ugh, is there a way to return the book after I use the skill? I don't want to delay this a lot more because Flor is waiting for this quite eagerly…'

[World Tree Wisdom: World Tree Tianlian Liu Shu can create a building where she can store her knowledge physically via <World Tree Wisdom (SSS Rank)>. The building will have increased printing and storage ability as it becomes higher-tiered. The name of the building is <World Tree's Endless Library>.]

'Ohhh! Is it endless!?'

[World Tree Wisdom: Inaccurate. Only the highest level of the <World Tree's Endless Library> is endless.]

Liu Shu was surprised and questioned, 'Really!? I want to create it. Can I create an F-tier one for now to start printing her book and then upgrade it slowly?'

[World Tree Wisdom: It is possible. Analyzing surroundings]

A strong pulse of energy swept the area, startling everyone. Yet, knowing it came from Liu Shu, everyone decided to ignore it.

[World Tree Wisdom: Materials Needed for <World Tree's Endless Library (F+ Rank)>: 5,000 Saplingwood (F- Rank), 1,000 Sproutheart (F Rank), 100 Budbark (F+ Rank), 10 Cosmosheart (F Rank), and 1 Temporalbark (F+ Rank).]

Liu Shu looked at that and groaned. 'What's Cosmosheart and Temporalbark! QAQ!'

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