Batman in the MCU

Safe house

**Big thanks to Luke Karls for your support**


"where are we going?" Pepper finally asked unable to stand the awkward silence as well as the glares Batwoman kept sending his way.

"A safe place where Killian and his people won't be able to find you" Batman spoke as all his windows darkened preventing the people in the car from seeing where they were heading.

Allowing for Oracle to pull up a map on his HUD. "What about Tony? Killian mentioned Tony that means he is alive right?", Pepper questioned as she thought back to what Maya had said to Killian.

"This isn't the first time he has come back from a supposed death." Batwoman spoke up as she tried to figure out where they are and where exactly Batman was sending them.

"Don't worry we will get Stark back before they do" Batman reassured Pepper causing Batwoman to look at him suspiciously before a scowl formed on her face. "You know where he is don't you? of course you do, you're Batman after all you know everything" Batwoman made no attempts to hide her sarcasm as she said the later part.

"Wait you do?" Pepper said now looking to Batman with a questioning look.

"We are here" Batman spoke as he made his way out of the Batmobile with Pepper and Batwoman following after. Pepper parted her lips ready to gain information on Tony's but stopped to take in their surroundings.

They were seemingly underground apart from the trio and the Bat car there were a few vehicles parked here both luxury and normal cars.

Batwoman also stood to take a good look at her surroundings. "Is this the Batcave?" she questioned her disappointment clear in her voice, "No this the bunker, a safehouse" Batman responded as he came before a scanner.

His mask was disabled for a moment allowing for his identity to be confirmed. The mask was back on though before Batwoman could confirm his identity.

"Get in" Batman motioned to the two ladies as he entered an elevator which had revealed itself after confirming his identity. The elevator ride was a silent one causing Pepper to miss the awkward music Tony installed in all his elevators, 'Elevator music is meant to be awkward' was Tony's only response when she asked why he had done that.

*Ding* the sound of the elevator doors opening was heard allowing for the two to enter the place which was decorated with a modern aesthetic. Batwoman moved towards the floor to ceiling windows, and looked out at the city. "When you said Bunker I had a completely different image in my head".

"That's the whole point"

"Enough, we need to find Tony we need to warn him about Killian." Pepper spoke not able to hold it in anymore.

"Right"  was all Batman said before walking into another room causing both Pepper and Batwoman to share a look before they followed after him to see him seated before an impressive setup with seven massive screens.

"This, now this looks more like a safehouse for the Batman" Batwoman spoke as she continued to look at the information running on the screens, "here" Batman pointed to a screen which had an address with a model of the a house.

"Is that where he is?" Pepper asked with her anticipation clear in her voice. "No but that's where he'll be" Batman turned to look at her, before anyone could say anything else a ding was heard soon followed by a voice.

"Hey Bats! I'm here... you-" Gwen came to a halt seeing the woman she was looking for standing right before her. "Hey lil bat, seems you're here as well" Batwoman waved at her.

Gwen dropped the brown bag she was holding and prepared to charge at Batwoman but came to a halt as Batman appeared before her. "That's her the one who was attacked me last time, that's her!"

"She's with us now"

Gwen tried to convince Batman to allow her to attack Batwoman but he's resolute attitude dissuaded her although she kept sending Batwoman dirty looks to which she responded to with a smirk.

"Why are you here?" Batman asked her causing her to stop and respond. "Agent S sent me to give this to miss Potts" saying so she handed the brown bag to Pepper who opened it to see cookies which caused her to give Ghost Bat a questioning look.

"He said you might want to eat something, oh and I might have taken one or two"

"Wait is this your kid?" Batwoman asked the question which Pepper's was curious about at this time. Batman ignored the two and focused on Gwen waiting for her to finish "oh and Orphan called" she continued "apparently she won't be able to make it this time. She met a boy or something."

"What?!" Batman questioned, "so this one's 70/30 but the other one is definitely his kid" Batwoman who had come to Pepper's side muttered to her causing her to nod her head in agreement.

"Yeah apparently she and him are dealing with something." Gwen tried to explain, before Batman could question her the alarm he set for when Tony was spotted went off.

Pinching the bridge of his nose he turned back to Gwen. "I'm having a conversation with Orphan when all this is over.

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