Battleship For All: Building A Star Empire From The Raft

Chapter 63 Torch Synthesis Skill Book

Ask for an explanation in the face of the little devil.

The hot-tempered Big Brother Yanlong couldn't bear it any longer.

[Hehe, you little devils, this is just an interest. Seeing that I, Qin God, is the kind of person who does not forget the national humiliation and likes to fight tooth for tooth and blood for blood, you foreign devils just wait to be washed by my God Qin. ,Ha ha. 】

[This wave is really cool to watch. In the past, I only admired the cold and fierce bosses among the gods of our Yanlong Empire. Now I think we can add another God of Qin. 】

[Haha, to tell the truth, the Lenglie boss is indeed a gangster. Ever since the guarded Tianji Island was taken by the lighthouse, the Lenglie boss has been squatting around the islands of the lighthouse every day, and seems to be sneaking around last week. A destroyer that sank the lighthouse. 】

[What is a destroyer? The Lenglie boss is a battlecruiser, plus its own S-level talent Jedi counterattack, plus damage avoidance, acceleration and dodge. When Qin Shen grows up, I feel that just these two A Jagged God of War can recover our Tianji Island!]

【Agreed, I look forward to fighting side by side with God Qin!】

world of warships.

After killing all the chosen ones of the Sakura Devils.

Qin Tian no longer manages those fleets of other countries.

Fighting against the scorching sun for a whole morning in this extremely hot weather.

He felt like he was going to suffer from heat stroke.

He chose a direction with no fleet blocking the road within 30 nautical miles.

After Qin Tian set up the thrusters, he plunged into the cabin.

Once in the cabin.

Feel the cold air.

He just felt refreshed all over his body.

The dizzy head also became clear.

"Phew, I've come back to life, and it's still comfortable to stay in this cabin. Those foreign devils are just looking for trouble, and they insist on fighting and killing. Don't you know that I, Qin Tian, ​​am the most peace-loving anti-war element?"

A sentimental sentence.

Almost made those foreign devils in the live broadcast room vomit blood.

Ya you love peace?

Are you anti-war?

All morning, I saw that you were the happiest to kill.

It's just that these complaints in the live broadcast room are invisible to Qin Tian.

At this moment, he took out a piece of bread and a bottle of water and sat on the bed to eat.

While eating, he also opened the trading interface.

Check how your two hundred bottles of ice water are selling.

Everything is fine in the trading market.

The only point is once something hits the shelves.

Can't sell out in a short time.

Then it can only be hung up until the end of a week before it will be automatically removed from the shelves.

How much will be sold at that time.

Resources will also be given to the God Chosen together with the items that are automatically removed from the shelves.

Looking at so far, a total of more than 70 bottles have been sold.

Qin Tian couldn't help shaking his head helplessly.

It seems that it really can only hang up until the end of a week.

After watching his ice water, he opened the trading market to scan the goods.

This morning, he used the boat crossbow to kill at least three hundred God's Chosen.

Although the resources that can be harvested each time are pitiful.

But little adds up.

He now has one or two thousand more units of several resources in his hand.

Don't say it.

After looking around, he really found a good thing.

[Torch Synthesis Skill Book]

Isn't that just the kind of good stuff you need for a polar night?

Check out the exchange requirements.

Five bottles of water.


Not too outrageous.

It is estimated that this person is completely useless in such hot weather.

It will be thrown directly into the trading market for trading.

Qin Tian didn't hesitate.

Pay directly for five bottles of water and get the skill book in hand.

Then walked back again.

After discovering that there is nothing good.

He can only open the chat interface boringly to watch the screen to relieve boredom.

In World of Warships.

It's the only form of entertainment right now.

Open the chat channel.

I found that it was full of content about his sweep of the six fleets this time.

Especially that guy Carl.

Lived in it @ him several times.

Send a coordinate for him to lead the death.

But what Qin Tian didn't know was.

Carl is actually depressed to death right now.

The reason why the upsurge of hunting Qin Tian was set off this time was mainly caused by his reward.

Originally, he was a little complacent.

He secretly sighed that his charisma was against the sky.

As a result, after a detailed understanding of the situation.

He found out that all the fleets that went to hunt Qin Tian were all thinking of taking the treasures on Qin Tian's ship all by themselves.

There is no one who is really willing to listen to his orders and help him with affairs sincerely.

This made Carl very unhappy.

Fortunately, Qin Tian was strong enough to not be wiped out by these miscellaneous fish.

Otherwise he would have to go crazy.

But in this way, Carl's jealousy and fear towards Qin Tian became even more severe.

That's why he tried every means to lure Qin Tian to die.

Today, he has assembled more than 500 God's Chosen.

There are as many as sixty crossbows in the fleet.

He has confidence.

As long as Qin Tian dares to come.

He has the ability to completely leave the other party behind.

It's just that Qin Tian is not stupid.

Knowing the flood of crossbow blueprints, how could he be provoked by the opponent.

Let the other party be arrogant for a while.

After he upgrades his fishing boat to a warship, he will naturally go to the tower-destroying fleet represented by the opponent to settle a wave.

Qin Tian silently closed the chat channel.

Just staring at the sea outside, I became dazed.

As the fishing boat sailed away from this area.

Qin Tian never encountered the fleets of the Chosen Ones from other countries.

The sea is vast and boundless.

As long as there are no exact coordinates.

Trying to find someone on the sea is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.


Qin Tian received a private letter from Li Yangming.

This guy was sleeping during the day, completely unaware that such an exciting thing happened in one morning.

After learning from Nangong Le that Qin Tian alone destroyed the fleet of six foreign devils including the Sakura devils.

His admiration for Qin Tian has simply reached its peak.

next three days.

Everything became extremely peaceful.

Qin Tian is still continuing his great business of selling water.

Although the foreign devils of the Eurasian Federation were hung up by him and given a blast (obtained) by him.

But life has to go on.

You should eat or you have to eat.

Should drink or have to drink.

Qin Tian's water is still the best seller in the Novice Sea Area.

Carl led some of the Eurasian Federation's chosen ones to call for a boycott of Qin Tian's slogans, one wave after another.

But it's obvious.

It's useless.

After all, the high temperature in extremely hot weather is too severe.

Not drinking water means that the state will decline.

If the state declines, it is easy to harvest poorly.

And if the harvest is not good, there is no material to buy food and water.

So caught in a vicious circle.

Often it only takes about two days.

It can make a healthy God's Chosen completely incapacitated.

Can only fall on the raft and wait to die.

Compared with life and death.

What use are those so-called slogans?

So just three days of work.

Qin Tian has already hoarded more than one-third of the materials for upgrading fishing boats. .

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