Birth of the Devilish CEO: So what if i'm a Lady?

Chapter 171: Finally meeting my in-laws (a playful hubby)

With his white blazers on to complement Lie Ruge's white dress, Yi Lan quickly walked to the beginning of the stairs and waited for Lie Ruge to reach the tips of the stairs before he proudly bent his right hand for her to hold onto. Even Lie Ruge's servants who witnessed her grand entrance had to blink their eyes twice so that they will not get blinded by the radiant rays that were emitting from this two couple's shiny white clothes and their remarkably beautiful face. Lie Ruge smiled brightly as she held onto his hands. Any outsider who saw this loving couple in these white complementary clothes will think that they had just concluded their wedding party. Madam Yi and Elder Yi were already waiting for their arrival when they arrived. They quickly went to stand at the balcony of the second floor when they heard the horn of a car. They reached the balcony when Yi Lan was opening the door of the car for Lie Ruge to step out. They smiled happily when they saw how caring their son was to his woman. This was the first time he has officially brought a lady home which means that he was serious about this particular relationship. When they stepped into the Mansion, all the servants were at the entrance of the door to give them a grand welcome to the Mansion. Madam Yi had already told them that they were expecting a very important visitor, so they have already prepared everything they would need before their arrival. After they had settled down the servants served them water and wine. Lie Ruge was so tensed to the extent that Yi Lan had to stroke her two hands but unfortunately, his little strokes could not calm her down.

" Inform my mum and dad that we have arrived", Yi Lan ordered one of the servants sternly.

" Ge'er, why are you feeling so tensed? I have never seen you this tensed before. I remember how eager and excited you were when we fought with the assassins so how come you are so tensed when it comes to meeting my parents? Are you afraid of them? And it is alright if you are not yet prepared to see my parents, we can just leave right now if you are not comfortable meeting them Ok?", Yi Lan said looking at her face affectionately.

" Of course, I want to meet them, and I am not afraid of them. You can call it 'Meeting the mother-in-law and father-in-law syndrome", Lie Ruge said feeling a little relaxed after talking to Yi Lan.

" What is that? When did my wifey come up with meeting the mother-in-law and father-in-law syndrome excuse? Wifey just admit that you are nervous and oh yeah I think I know how to get rid of your nervousness", Yi Lan exclaimed excitedly. He was deliberately teasing her so that she will feel relaxed before his parent shows up.

" And what is that?", Lie Ruge asked curiously. Just then Madam Yi and Elder Yi stood at the top of the stairs watching their little playful acts.

" I thought you said you were not nervous?", Yi Lan asked smiling as he playfully tapped her nose.

" I'm not but I just want to know in case Xiao Bai might need it when she wants to meet Yun Yi's parent. You know how easily scared she can be. So how can one get rid of his/her nervousness?", Lie Ruge asked inquisitively as she stared directly into Yi Lan's eyeballs.

" Are you sure you want me to show you?", Yi Lan asked in a naughty manner.

" Yes, I'm sure", Lie Ruge said confidently as she kept her gaze on him. The servants had already excused themselves after serving them the water and the wine so it was just the two of them in the sitting room apart from Madam Yi and Elder Yi who were happily enjoying their little acts. Yi Lan quickly captured her lips before she could avoid his lips. He moved closer to her and made the kiss more intense. Lie Ruge kept on hitting his chest for him to let go of her, but he didn't listen to her. Madam Yi and Elder Yi looked at each other in amazement when they saw how their son was bullying their daughter-in-law. Elder Yi wanted to make their presence known at that moment but his wife signal him not to do it, she told him that Lie Ruge will feel so embarrassed if they were to make their presence known at that minute so Elder Yi took to his wife advice. Lie Ruge did not have any other choice but to respond to his kisses when Yi Lan refused to disconnect his lips from hers. Yi Lan instantly disconnected his lips when he saw her respond to his kisses.

" As you can see, you are more like yourself right now although you look so irresistible with your eyes close", Yi Lan said teasingly when he saw that Lie Ruge's eyes were still closed even after he had disconnected his lips. Lie Ruge quickly open her eyes after hearing Yi Lan's teasing voice, she could not help feeling embarrassed since she was the one who initially wanted him to stop.

" Hey Lanlan, how could you do that? What if your parent had shown up at that moment, it would have been so embarrassing for me to look them in the eyes", Lie Ruge said gently hitting his chest repeatedly with her right hand.

" Ouch... that hurts", Yi Lan exclaimed in pains as he held his chest. Lie Ruge immediately stopped hitting him and started massaging his chest with a worried look on her pretty face.

" But I only hit you gently how come you are feeling pains?", Lie Ruge asked worriedly as she continued to massage his chest. She did not see Yi Lan's smiling face since she was busy trying to help him relieve the pains.

" You look so adorable wifey, I feel like teasing you even more", Yi Lan said smiling brightly as he cupped her face with his two hands.

" You. ...", Lie Ruge was left speechless by Yi Lan's naughtiness. Elder Yi cleared his voice at that moment to make their presence known, unintentionally startling Lie Ruge in the process. She quickly stood up from her seat when she saw the husband and wife coming down from the stairs. Yi Lan attempted to pull her to her seat, but she stood still making Yi Lan reluctantly stand up to his foot too to welcome his parent. Madam Yi and Elder Yi watched their every move as though they didn't see what was going on between them.

" Oh my gosh! Who is this heavenly beauty at my home?", Elder Yi exclaimed as if he was just seeing her at that moment. The husband and wife walked closer to Lie Ruge and pushed Yi Lan out of the way. They behaved as if they did not see him.

" Why asks dad? Of course, that heavenly beauty is mine", Yi Lan exclaimed proudly.

" Honey, do you hear someone talking? Who is that stranger in my Mansion?", Elder Yi asked pretending as if he was looking for the person talking. Lie Ruge smiled brightly at their jokes, she silently prayed that her father will not treat her in the same manner when she wants to introduce Yi Lan to him.

" I wonder who allowed the stranger into our home", Madam Yi replied playing along with her husband's act.

" Hello darling, welcome to our home, sorry about the little drama that just took place a while ago", Madam Yi exclaimed happily as she gave Lie Ruge a warm hug.

" It's my pleasure to meet you, Chairman Yi, Madam Yi", Lie Ruge said politely. She was surprised when Yi Lan's parents just stare at her in another dimension. She was so nervous that she had said something wrong. She quickly threw a questioning glare at Yi Lan but Yi Lan shrugged his shoulder and gave her the ' I don't know what is going on expression'.

" Please pardon me if I had said anything wrong", Lie Ruge said apologetically. Madam Yi almost burst out laughing when she saw her cute expression. " My Ge'er looks so cute", Madam Yi thought inwardly.

" Wow! I almost mistook you for a fellow business partner some minutes ago due to the way you addressed us", Elder Yi finally break the two minutes silence.

" Come on mum, dad, you guys should stop bullying my woman", Yi Lan replied with a displeased expression. Madam Yi immediately shot him a sharp gaze when he interrupted them.

" You normally called us mum and dad when you were a little girl or don't you recall it?", Madam Yi asked curiously.

" Yeah mum, Ge'er does not have much memory of her past, and she was just a little girl back then so it is understandable if she does not recall that", Yi Lan said defensively as he quickly found his way to Lie Ruge.

" Sorry for my manners, I thought you would feel uncomfortable if I just suddenly called you mum and dad after personally meeting you for the first time after a long while", Lie Ruge said truthfully.

" Of course, we would not feel uncomfortable, welcome home Ge'er. It is nice to see you after so many years", Elder Yi said happily as he gave her a warm hug. Lie Ruge was so overwhelmed by their warm reception. She had thought that they would have forgotten about her existence because of those years of not being in close contact with them, but she was wrong, they were so happy to see her.

" Thank you mum and dad", Lie Ruge said as she gave them her brightest smile.

" Mum, dad, Ge'er is my woman, stop treating her like your lost daughter because I would never give off my woman for an adoption", Yi Lan said as he pulled Lie Ruge closer to him.

" She was my daughter first before she became your woman and would I ask for your permission if I was to officially make her my daughter?", Madam Yi asked fiercely while signalling for Lie Ruge to come and sit down with them. Yi Lan shook his head in disapproval but Lie Ruge whispered into his ears, "Don't you want mum and dad to like me as their daughter-in-law? Sorry hubby but their wishes come first right now before yours", Lie Ruge encouragingly tapped his shoulder before she stood up from her seat and obediently sat down in between Madam Yi and Elder Yi. Madam Yi and Elder Yi were so happy when Lie Ruge listened to them. They thought that although she was now a grown-up lady, she still chose to listen to them instead of Yi Lan like how she had always done when she was a little girl. They chatted happily for about fifteen minutes before it dawned on Madam Yi that they had not eaten their lunch.

" Oh my gosh! Forgive your mum baby, I was so carried away with our conversation that I forgot to tell the maids to serve us our lunch", Madam Yi said as she made to stand up from the couch. She wanted to personally supervise the maids on how they should serve their meal.

" It is alright mum, I wasn't feeling hungry anyways", Lie Ruge replied sweetly.

" Mum, if Ge'er is not hungry, I am feeling very hungry right now, so I think it is time for us to have our lunch", Yi Lan said using the lunch as an excuse to drive his parent away. He wanted them to go even though for just five minutes so that he will have Ge'er all to himself. They were practically stealing his wife away from him in his presence without him being able to do anything about it, so serving this lunch was a perfect excuse for him to be alone with Ge'er.

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