Bonded Summoner

Book 3 - Epilogue

Jake groaned as they flew over the rift, finding that they’d be facing the undead once again.

[Undead Rift. Goal: Defeat Elite Bone Golem]

They were an easy battle for his party, but the cleanup always required drinking mana water and spending time removing the blight.

Ophelia said, “We should just assault Life’s Haven soon, no matter how many rifts spawn. It’s clear they are delaying us.”

Jake agreed. Thankfully, Vesuvius and Rookard’s people were nearing Life’s Haven, and had closed a few rifts of their own, reducing the burden on Jake and his party.

Vesuvius and Roxo had sent various clans underground to meet up with other reptile beastkin and rally them. Seeing the enemy reptile beastkin working to convert his people lit a fire under them to make sure the message reached as many of them as possible. That a true goddess was present in their world and one worthy of serving.

Fhesiah and the rest of Clan Hart enjoyed a short party with Vesuvius and Roxo’s Tribes. Due to them needing to travel and rest from their battle, it was a small affair, and Jake had supplied most of the food.

Jake was happy to see Rookard getting along well with the reptile beastkin. Between the five auril heroes, many of them were to try a sort of matchmaking ritual. Among chieftains and auril heroes, it was common for them to pair up their daughters with their sons or even among each other, depending.

Ophelia put Jake down near the rift, and Jake summoned Bloodberri and Fhesiah. She was now mostly done with her research for now, able to cut back on it some.

Fhesiah said, “I still have much work to do, but we need the higher quality resources from deep within their jungles for me to make anything to help out Vesuvius and the rest.”

“How far are you along on your… other things?”

Fhesiah smiled. “I think I am only a few weeks away from finishing that, but I am not quite there from being able to use it outside a dire situation. Rest assured, if it will make us safer by me using it, I will not hesitate.”

Jake smiled as he could feel her anticipation over it. She was excited to show him her surprise, and knew that a lot of it was a hope for making him enjoy it as much as she did. He reviewed her status.

[Fhesiah Status Level 19]

[Strength: 104]

[Dexterity: 85]

[Constitution: 73]

[Intelligence: 92]

[Wisdom: 93]

[Charisma: 92]

[Fhesiah’s Level 19 Combat Skill Sheet]

[Draconic Empowerment: 2]

[Draconic Fire Plunder: 2]

[Dance of the Sun and Moon: 3]

[Advanced Energy Control: 5]

[Advanced Runic Magic: 2]

[Fhesiah’s Level 19 Non-Combat Skill Sheet]

[Looting: 2]

[Advanced Alchemy: 3]

[Alchemy Subskills: Analyze, Synthesis, Reproduction, Extraction]

[Misc Skills: Draconic Flight, Energy Vacuum]

[**Surprises for Jake, Don’t Look Or You’ll spoil the surprise!**]

[Bloodline Transformation 3]

[Advanced Flesh Shaping 4]

Fhesiah had kept up with her level despite missing combat from all the rifts. Her new skills hadn’t had much time for practice, however, only having improved prior to arrival on Highlands. She’d barely attacked anything in this week in Highlands.

“I had a lot of time to consume pills and spend time in our refuge. That Hearth, along with our own, is truly special. Taking in energy at this pace would normally harm the foundations of my [Spiritual Temple]. Still, something about my Hearth is strengthening it, able to withstand my constantly adding large amounts of energy and building them up, along with my body.”

Jake was glad that Fhesiah was able to keep pace with his group. Everything about cultivators was about slowly and steadily winning the race. Spending an entire decade to go from Foundation Establishment to forming her Cultivator Core would be a prodigious pace. To do it in less than a year would be considered absolutely crazy.

Part of it was that she had crafted her body with knowledge gained that only Nascent Soul cultivators could know or understand, and another was her powerful soul.

Ophelia was watching the sky. Their potential clan mate was on the way and should be arriving shortly. They had decided to meet up here and clear the rift together. Her flock was resting at a nearby village, bringing a node to it.

Ophelia said, “I can’t wait to see Tanda again! I’ve missed her these last few days.”

Blood said, “You two get along well. She seems to look at you differently, wanting your opinion on things.”

Jake chuckled. “Tanda seems like she’d get along with anyone except the adventurers. Still, it almost feels like she does treat Ophelia a bit differently.”

Ophelia said, “I can’t really put it into words, but… She’s like the friend I never had growing up.”

Berri looked a little hurt. “But I’m your friend, too!”

Ophelia shook her head. “I know you are, but it’s more like you’re more my sister than a friend. Of course, you’re family, and Tanda will be too. But friends are like the family you choose, and I would definitely choose Tanda, even if I never met Jake.”

Fhesiah said, “I’m a little jealous, but I get it. So, I’m like the cool big sister–”

“More like the leering uncle?” Ophelia noticed Fhesiah’s narrowed eyes and hurriedly added, “But also the cool, capable aunt at the same time, somehow? A-And a Dragon! Amazing!”

Fhesiah’s eyes got even narrower before she nodded. “Good enough, I suppose. I guess now you won’t wake up with something in your room changed. Or will you?”

Ophelia began to sweat at that. “Uh, I’m looking forward to trying my new ability in combat!”

Jake looked over Ophelia’s Status.

[Ophelia Status Level 19]

[Strength: 94]

[Dexterity: 63]

[Constitution: 89]

[Intelligence: 54]

[Wisdom: 82]

[Charisma 83]

[Ophelia’s Level 19 Skill Sheet]

[Advanced Mana Control: 3]

[Ride of the Valkyries: 3]

[Advanced Valkyrie Magic: 3]

[Advanced Purifying Flames: 3]

[Advanced Runic Magic: 2]

[Bonded Hearth Core: 3]

[Valkyrie Spells Known: Renewal, Consecration, Spear of Hestia, Barrier, Hearth of Hestia, Valkyrie Champion, Intervene]

[Ophelia’s Level 19 Non-Combat Skill Sheet]

[Looting: 2]

[Advanced Smithing: 3]

[Smithing Subskills: Essence Transfer, Magical Metallurgy, Mana Forging]

[Misc Skills: Energy Vacuum, Chosen Champion Fervor]

Ophelia had the lowest stats of the three girls prior to Tanda joining, but it was important to remember that her Valkyrie’s Chosen Champion ability would increase her attributes when fighting near Jake. Even more than that, when he was in danger. Then, using her [Valkyrie Champion] ability which could only be used once per day, she could often beat the other girls in a fight or push things to be extremely close.

Jake nodded. “[Intervene] certainly will be useful during our assault on Life’s Haven, with the large Battlegroup. I’m mostly excited to see what we’ll get when we hit level 20.”

Bloodberri’s [Between Heaven and Hell] ability was not remarkable for combat in its current form, but it still did something. Blanketing holy light on the ground in a large radius did help heal allies and harm undead, while the holy dark could severely debuff a single large enemy.

The idea that they would get something of similar quality was exciting.

Jake looked over Bloodberri’s Status Sheet.

[Bloodberri Status Level 20]

[Strength: 125]

[Dexterity: 51]

[Constitution: 109]

[Intelligence: 76]

[Wisdom: 82]

[Charisma: 60]

[Bloodberri’s Level 20 Combat Skill Sheet]

[Advanced Mana Control: 3]

[Holy Dark Paampu Attam: 3]

[Advanced Monstrous Strength: 4]

[Advanced Purifying Flames: 2]

[Advanced Holy Dark Priestess Magic: 3]

[Advanced Dark Magic: 3]

[Bonded Hearth Core: 3]

[Hearth Bond: 2]

[Runic Magic: 4]

[Bloodberri’s Level 20 Spell List]

[Dark Holy Priestess Spells: Advanced Dark Siphon, Advanced Armor of Faith, Divine Intervention, Resurrection]

[Dark Magic Spells: Weakness, Absorb Strength, Life Drain]

[Champion Spells: Maul of Hestia-Echidna, Between Heaven and Hell]

[Bloodberri’s Level 20 Non-Combat Skill Sheet]

[Looting 2]

[Advanced Tailoring 1]

[Advanced Armor Crafting: 3]

[Armor Crafting Subskills: Essence Extraction, Essence Infusion]

[Misc Skills: Energy Vacuum, Twin-souled, Twin-minded]

The two of them were moving along in Runic Magic, and to some extent, the status sheet represented both girls’ efforts. It wouldn’t be much longer until she could do Runic Group Casting with the rest of them, but she would not be ready for the assault to retake Life’s Haven.

Jake looked over his own Status Sheet.

[Jake Status Level 19]

[Strength: 98]

[Dexterity: 90]

[Constitution: 93]

[Intelligence: 104]

[Wisdom: 100]

[Charisma: 101]

[Jake’s Level 19 Combat Skill Sheet]

[Hearth Control: 3]

[Lesser Spell-forms: 5]

[Runebound: 2]

[Advanced Purifying Flames: 2]

[Hearth Runic Magic: 3]

[Advanced Champion Magic: 3]

[Divine Hearth Core: 3]

[Spell-forms Known: Clean, Mana Bolt, Force Push, Mana Blade, Flame]

[Champion Spells: Barrier, Divine Reinforcement, Call Goddess]

[Framework Spells Bolster, Reinforcement, Haste, Cure Wounds, Advanced Stamina Regen, Summon Arcane Eye, Call Summon, Advanced Summon Beast, Advanced Summon Humanoid]

[Jake’s Level 19 Non-Combat Skill Sheet]

[Looting 2]

[Advanced Cooking 1]

[Advanced Enchanting 3]

[Subskills: Investment, Runic, Hearth]

[Hearth Bonds: Ophelia: 2, Fhesiah: 2, Bloodberri: 2]

[Misc Skills Valkyrie’s Chosen Champion, Energy Hunger, Energy Sharing]

Now that Bloodberri’s Hearth was bonded, Jake was getting 4% of her attributes added to his. With that, Jake was both strong, sturdy, and fast. If only he had some wings and was able to fly, he might actually be able to keep up with any of the girls.

Then, his mental attributes and core gave him a significant amount of mana to play with, and a rapid rate of regeneration.

Despite all their hard work, their skills had yet to reach level 4 within Tier 1. Tier 1 could potentially take years for most. Divine Reinforcement certainly sped things up as far as improving their skills, along with magic-based skills improving quickly in their refuge. However, they likely needed many months of practice and experimentation to be ready for the next tier, even if they hit the level sooner than that.

While Tanda wanted to rush to Jake, she had visited a few villages and clans on the way back that she had missed. In addition, she helped coordinate bringing nodes across the continent among her Clan heads and was now free of the burden of leading her Tribe.

Aisling would act as interim Tribal Elder, reporting to Tanda over the [Menu].

They waited a while, and Tanda appeared, landing near them. Jake could see she was happy, despite being a little weary from travel.

“Jake, I’m so glad to see you! My heart missed you a lot, but the Divine Reinforcement and bond felt like you were always near.”

Jake gave her an awkward armored hug and a kiss that sent her tail wagging and her smile beaming. Ophelia and Bloodberri hugged her, Fhesiah smiling and greeting her, before Tanda hugged her as well.

Ophelia said, “We all missed you, Tanda. How was your trip?”

“It went well, adding a few more to our flock and my people gaining in level. We cleared another couple of rifts on the way down, and as you already know, I got access to my storage bracelet! After consuming the meat and the fights, I have finally reached level ten. I must go through the second awakening to enter the next tier in truth.”

Jake nodded. “How does that work?”

“It’s similar to the awakening at level 0. When you first awaken, the world finds you and connects to you. Then, when you awaken again, it’s like you connect to the world instead, and that small connection is wrenched open, making the connection stronger.”

Jake wondered about this connection. Could it even work if she left Highlands? Just where would she get her auril replenished? Problems for later.

She continued, “My spirit has grown significantly in the last week. Killing the Champion was likely massive, even just as one contributor of many. It took a bit of time to absorb and for my body to improve. I’m amazed at how rapidly my body can grow, thanks to your meals and the fight rewards from the Framework.”

Jake looked over at Tanda, but she was covered head to ankle in her armor, him only seeing her furred feet and her face through her helmet. He thought her hair looked extra lustrous, and her face filled out from finally having her meals. He was a little shocked that just a few days of eating well could have that level of impact.

Ophelia asked, “How about Brigid’s seed?”

Tanda smiled. “I’ve felt it stirring a few times, but it is being nurtured. I think it will take it some time, weeks, perhaps.”

Blood asked, “How about the Druidic Magic? Have you been able to try out some seeds? I am interested to see this.”

Tanda showed a beaming smile, the attention all on her. “I have quite a few tricks now, just wait and see! Thanks to the storage bracelet, I can keep much ammo for my bow and plenty of seeds for my druidic spells.”

Jake said, “Well, welcome back. I hope that we don’t have to spend time without you again for a while. Once we retake Life’s Haven, our goal will be to set up a branch and a portal to the north, among many other things.”

Jake reviewed Tanda’s Status sheet, her tail wagging as she talked with Ophelia about her trip.

[Tanda Status Level 10]

[Strength: 46]

[Dexterity: 41]

[Constitution: 43]

[Intelligence: 36]

[Wisdom: 48]

[Charisma: 34]

[Tanda's Level 10 Combat Skill-sheet]

[Melee Specialization: 5]

[Melee Specialization Subskills: Spear, Bow, Flight, Mortal Strike]

[Auril Enhancement: 5]

[Auril Healing: 4]

[Auril Manifestation: 5]

[Druidic Magic: 2]

[Druidic Magic: Rampant Growth]

[Champion Magic: 2]

[Champion Spells: Cyclic Resonance]

[Tanda’s Non-Combat Skillsheet]

[Dismantling: 4]

[Misc Skills: Enhanced Auril Heart]

Tanda said, “I did read that book on Auril. It seems it won’t be long until all the skills roll into a form of Auril Mastery. I just need to master my base skills first. After that, it shouldn’t be long after I become an Auril Hero, my connection to the world stronger.”

Jake realized that with her not having a class, this wasn’t a loss for her. When she increased her connection to the world and became an auril hero, she could level to 11. There were no benefits in maxing out her skills before that, unlike Jake's party wanting to have the best shot at a higher rarity class.

“Alright. Well, we do have a rift to clear before our main assault. So let’s get to it?”

Jake made sure the girls were fully buffed, and they approached the rift. Tanda had switched her weapon to her bow form, and he much wanted to see how she fought.

Red lightning struck, and over a hundred enemies spawned. All sorts of enemies comprised the undead, from skeletal knights and warriors to skeletal mages, then ghoulish-looking creatures on all fours. Some bone golems were more prominent in the rear, but nothing that could be called elite. Finally, it seemed there would be another wave of just the boss.

Ophelia, Bloodberri, and Fhesiah charged in, their respective techniques blazing through the enemies. Jake used his [Aegis State], adding buffs to each girl.

Tanda immediately started firing her bow, shooting arrows at the casters in the back. As she smiled at him, he realized his intent or desire must have carried over to her.

Each arrow struck its target, causing a miniature explosion from Jake’s [Aura of Heavenly Flames]. She wasn’t using auril yet as it was not needed, but eventually, some mages put shields over themselves.

She charged her auril and fired at one with a shield. The explosion looked almost like a wolf bite, the shield shattered, and the skeletal mage was destroyed.

Jake rushed in, knowing Ophelia’s intentions. She flew into the rear of the enemy formation while Jake leaped into the middle, flapping his odd wings awkwardly while holding his gear to arrive mostly safely. He blocked a ghoul’s claw on his shield and stabbed into a skeletal knight, causing an explosive shower of bone.

Ophelia released her [Consecration] ability, releasing a wave of flames from Jake and herself. It engulfed the creatures, and many of the weaker ghouls were eliminated in seconds, along with many of the bone skeletons. Jake fought through the undead, having little need to expend much of his mana.

Fhesiah and Bloodberri destroyed creatures on the outside of the flames. Then, Fhesiah spread her own while Bloodberri twirled her tail and swung her maul. Both were swaying and spinning in their dances, quickly taking out enemies.

The bone golems in the rear activated a spell, causing bones to begin flying toward them. Where the enemies’ bones were shattered, they joined with the creatures, making them gigantic.

Fhesiah and Bloodberri were about to deal with the more giant creatures that had doubled their work when Tanda used her [Druidic Magic: Rampant Growth] ability. She filled a seed with her auril, attached it to an arrow, and shot it at the bone golem.

When the arrow struck, the seed latched onto the golem and proliferated. Flowers bloomed all over its body like the deathly energies were being sucked from it to power its growth. The flowers released gas, a corrosive that began breaking down the golem and covering others nearby.

The plant appeared to be digesting and consuming the golem, breaking it down by drinking the deathly energies and releasing a gas filled with life instead. This corroded the golem, and Jake doubted it would significantly harm his party.

Tanda arrived next to Jake, adding auril-enhanced attacks to help destroy other golems.

“It’s a plant from our swamps called deathbloom. In a few areas on our continent, massive deathly swamps are the opposite of our life-filled forests. They are filled with danger, but some plants from there have interesting effects.”

Jake was excited by this. He hadn’t been aware that some regions of Highlands experienced negative or deathly energy instead. They had not yet run into these, though through his long flight, he saw a darkened area that might resemble a swamp in the distance.

Jake had wanted to draw some of Tanda’s auril with energy sharing but found it challenging to use. It disrupted the flow of his mana, and he had a hard time making the energy empower himself more than his mana would already. Jake found it would take significant practice to utilize it properly.

Ophelia had better luck with the energy than him but needed to craft a new weapon to utilize this. For the assault on Life’s Haven, they would be much better off letting Tanda use all of her limited resources.

Bloodberri and Fhesiah focused on those not covered by the gas, and the plant's vines covered the one golem and bound it to the ground.

Bloodberri smashed her large maul into the creatures, and Fhesiah danced and spun flames around her, engulfing the large creatures of bone.

Ophelia blazed toward one of them, piercing it and filling it with the flames of Hestia. She blocked another with her floating shield, and cut down another

The bone golems were destroyed, and the power of the encounter stirred. Red lightning struck, and a large bone golem was formed. The creature was black and filled with deathly energies, looking like a giant humanoid made of dark bone. It was nearly ten meters tall, and stood with its legs nearly as wide.

It immediately punched out for Bloodberri, who was standing near it. She swayed out of the way, and slammed her maul into the arm.

Jake heard a loud crunch, but deathly energies appeared to restore some of her damage, the arm quite sturdy.

Fhesiah began her dance of the sun, sending waves of flame onto the bone golem, while Tanda shot several seeds of deathbloom, one after the other. The seeds began to grow into vines, but it was slower than with the weaker golems.

Ophelia blazed forward with [Ride of the Valkyries] and cut into its leg with her lance, the damage once again shallow. The golem swiped at her with a quick punch, and she moved out of the way rapidly. An echo of that fist came out of the arm as a deathly shadow, and punched at Ophelia once more.

This echoed attack moved much faster than the ponderous fist, and Ophelia just barely interposed her shield in front of it. It knocked her at an angle toward the ground, but she managed to arrest her momentum in time.

The golem then leaped at her, surprising Jake in its aggression against her. But she filled her shield with the Hearth of Hestia, forming a flaming barrier. Jake layered another Sacrificial Barrier on top of it, and the monstrous-sized golem crashed into it.

The creature was rebuffed by the massive barrier, crashing to the ground, landing on its feet. The remaining flames were pulled into Ophelia’s shield.

Blood landed an [Absorb Strength] debuff, the creature’s movements becoming more sluggish. The deathbloom’s flowers opened, releasing some life-filled corrosive gas and weakening the golem further.

Fhesiah had built up a powerful sphere of flame attack, and now launched it at the giant creature. The golem met the sphere with its fist filled with darkness, the explosion shattering its arm off.

Bloodberri surged forward, her armor covered in black and white light, slamming her [Maul of Hestia-Echidna] into the creature’s chest. Light and dark exploded out, a decent chunk of bone exploding out.

An explosion of darkness rocked Jake’s party back, and the bone remains from the rest of the encounter stirred and flew at the creature. Ophelia pushed her shield’s flames at the golem and erupted a large wall of flame to stop the bones, and Fhesiah pushed more flames to engulf the creature.

Tanda’s vines were empowered, somehow surviving by pulling a large amount of dark energy from the creature, her pushing her auril and focusing on her [Rampant Growth]. She launched arrows at the creature of death near the chest, her attacks mostly ineffectual.

The bone golem suddenly stomped, and bones traveled through the ground at Tanda and Jake. She filled herself with auril and took to the air, and Jake prepared a fast runic barrier. But Ophelia used [Intervene], forming a shield around Tanda in an instant, and Ophelia rocketed toward her, with her shield.

Jake’s barrier was pierced, and Ira roared as it misdirected the spear of bone slightly from Jake. He was mostly ready with his shield, but he thanked the creature for its assistance. Ira had gotten a little larger, but was mostly in a torpor lately. He hoped it was growing to the next tier, but he wasn’t sure.

Jake was surprised at Ophelia’s speed, as she moved in a streak of light. She arrived just in time to intercept the massive bone spike as it erupted from the ground. It slammed into Ophelia’s shield, and she was able to angle the attack away from striking anyone.

Jake created runes of flames to cast a massive spear of fire with his Hearth flames, and sent it rocketing toward the golem. It was now falling apart as its chest was engulfed with Fhesiah’s flames of creation and the flames of Hestia, its deathly energies pulled away from it by Tanda’s deathbloom.

Bloodberri smashed her maul repeatedly into the creature as she was covered in light and dark runes. She shattered bone as she wrapped her tail around its legs and shredded it with her armor, the elite bone golem crumbling to the ground into a pile of bones.

The creature was defeated, and Jake received his CP reward. He looked over his girls, proud of how far they’d come and what they had accomplished in just a short time.

The Hart family had grown by one and were on a solid path for setting the beastkin people of Highlands up for success. They would soon assault the lost Alliance HQ at Life’s Haven and continue clawing back their new home from Tartarus.

There were many things to look forward to once they won their victory on the Alliance HQ, From the [Mass Migration] to calling upon an Administrator to aid them in running their Guild.

Fhesiah said, “That’s right, Jake. So just what kind of race will we get to move in here? Did you know some races are female only, just like Ophelia here? So this should be a lot of fun!”

Berri nodded excitedly. “Like the Lamia! We could use more snake girls, for sure.”

Fhesiah remembered a conversation very much like this one, and chose to be excited this time instead. “R-Right! We’ll see what’s available when the time comes.”

The beastkin were leveling up, and becoming a viable force on their own. Jake was building an air force of blimps and other means of conveyance all over Highlands. Walls were being built, and the Highlands culture was changing to be more industrious, as now they didn’t have to worry about harming the balance of the world they loved so much.

The enemy was not going to go quietly. Jake’s party was being delayed every step of the way, and Tartarus had evil plots to convert traitors, use the wildlife of the world against them, taint the world with an undead blight, and more.

Gods of Evil and Good had designs on Highlands, and the Hart family was at the center of all plots.

Jake’s family was now closer than ever, the seven of them working together for the same goal. Jake was sure that they would face the difficult challenge of retaking the Alliance HQ together, and come out on top.

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