Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

97. Friends and Companions

It was the next morning before Bonny’s companions started to wake up. However, no one was willing to release her without Eloisss’ approval, and the lamia hadn't gotten any sleep over the full three days. She had stayed awake to watch over Bonny throughout the whole process.

When Miu woke, she claimed Bonny’s lips, kissing and licking, then moving to groom Bonny’s head and ears, a light purr rumbling through her.

Kanae nestled deeper into Bonny’s side, head on the bunny's shoulder, after stealing a kiss of her own. Bonny's free arm was around her and when she wiggled against it, Bonny started scratching her back, running her finger's through the fox's thick fur.

Adelina reappeared from where ever she had been hiding. She hovered above Bonny after Miu and Kanae finished taking advantage of the bunny. “Hey! Are you really okay?”

“I am. Thank you. How bad was it?”

“Bad! You wouldn’t talk or do anything but fuck. We had to take turns and no one got enough sleep.”

“I’m sorry for that. Lust wanted more sex, more power, than I was giving her. I think she tried to replace me with Hyzenth.”

Everyone but Eloisss was awake. They gathered around, listening.

Hyzenth went back to suckling at Bonny’s nipple. The arm on that side was still restrained above Bonny’s head and she couldn’t do anything about it.

“We fought, that’s when I reached out and connected with all of you. You all saved me.” Bonny smiled up at the little fairy, then turned her head slightly to include the rest of the room. “I couldn't have done it without all of you. Hyzenth was injured during the fight, but Recovery said that she’s healing.”

“That was Kanae’s idea.” Adelina said.

“I’m sure she had her own reason for that.” Bonny tried to glance down, but Kanae didn’t look up. Didn’t meet her eyes. “Recovery said that you’re cured too, Kanae.”

The fox’s tails started wagging, all three thumping on the bed rhythmically.

Miu continued to lick around Bonny’s ears, her purr growing more intense.

Bonny looked past Adelina, to the crowd gathered around. “Iolana, I’m surprised to see you here. Bess, Clara, and Nellie too. What brought all of you?”

All four started to talk at once, then the three cow girls quieted down, letting the harpy speak. “I was nearby when everything went crazy and followed Freja when she carried you here. Hoping I could help. I think you’re helping me though. I think my wing is regrowing.” She lifted her stump.

“That’s great.” Bonny smiled up at her. “You’re welcome to stay until it does. Or after, if you want.”

“Is she really the dragon?” Iolana used her good wing to point at Zeal, who still sat in the corner. Everyone turned to look at the dragon girl.

“Yes. She’s sorry for everything she did. Wrath captured her and had control of her.” Bonny raised her voice. “Zeal, can you apologize?”

There was a long pause while everyone watched, silent, expectant. Zeal pulled her knees up and put her head down, hiding her face.

“Zeal?” Bonny asked again.

“Sorry.” Zeal’s voice was quiet.

Bonny continued for her, explaining to Iolana and the rest of the group. “I think she’s embarrassed at losing control. Letting someone ‘lesser’ use her like that. I hope you won’t hold it against her.”

“I’ll think about it.” Iolana’s voice was hard.

Bonny looked back at the three cow girls, who were standing together. Nellie was in the middle and had her arms around the other two. “Are you all okay? I didn’t mean for you to get dragged into all this.”

“Yes,” Bess answered. “We’re happy we could help. We want to join your group too. We can help raise your kits.”

“And mine!” Clara shouted. “I want you to breed me! I want your calves!”

“Shhh.” Nellie poked Clara with a finger. “Quiet, don’t wake Eloisss.”

Bonny sighed. “We’ll see. I’m not making any promises though.”

“And me!” Adelina landed and sat on Bonny’s nose. She started rocking back and forth, grinding against Bonny.

Willowbelle stepped forward, from where she had been standing, near the head of the bed, just outside of Bonny’s vision. She was holding her sapling, but it looked unhealthy, dry and withering. “I need to leave soon, the city is not good for my tree, but I would like offspring as well.”

Bonny sighed again. “Why are you all obsessed with kids? Why can’t you wait a couple of years? There’s still a war going on.”

Everyone spoke at once and Bonny closed her eyes, sighing a third time.


Miu purred contentedly as she started grooming Bonny’s restrained arm. She listened to everyone argue for the bunny’s attention and took pride in being the first. Bonny’s first companion. Bonny’s first love. She was Bonny’s first mate and would have her first children.

She felt loved. Included. She felt like part of a team for the first time ever.

She licked her way down Bonny’s arm, while everyone around them talked, then moved to Bonny's shoulder and armpit, leaning over. She pulled back briefly to kiss Bonny on the cheek. “Love you, nya.”

Her parents were far away. Small and distant. They had no hold on her.


Kanae curled in tight and slipped her arm over Bonny's stomach, wedging her hand between Hyzenth on Bonny's other side. As the group around them talked, she lifted one leg over Bonny's and craned her neck far enough to kiss Bonny on the neck. Then she settled back, and relaxed into the feeling of Bonny's fingernails lightly scratching along her back, through her fur. She would take what she could, but she wanted more.

She had started feeling better during the days and nights spent cuddling next to Bonny, suckling, drinking the nectar of Compassion. Now that her recovery was confirmed, she wanted to continue servicing Bonny, like she had on the trip through the woods. She just couldn’t get enough of the strange bunny that had hopped under Oakleigh’s tree a few weeks ago.

She heard Miu’s whispered affection and added her own. “I love you too, Bonny.”

There were more rivals around now, more lovers, but Kanae wanted more. Wanted Bonny more than any of them, more than anyone.


Willowbelle stood still and continued to hold her sapling. Her life was bound to it and it was not doing well. She needed to go. She should have left days ago, but didn’t dare abandon Bonny. Her own thread was bound up too tightly.

Whatever Bonny had done in that moment, during the confrontation with Lust, it had tied them all together, left knots in their fates.

News of the land grant was welcome though. She could plant the sapling and help it recover. Help it grow. Mark the land as hers -- hers and Bonny’s.

The discussion of regrowing the forest was also welcome. She would be happy to help provide alternate trees for the city and knew a couple other dryads that would be willing to assist.

Then she could settle down and rest, grow her own roots, spread her own seeds.


Adelina continued grinding against Bonny’s nose, a little surprised that no one seemed to mind, Bonny included. They had all participated, all pleasured themselves while satisfying Bonny, but that time was over. Bonny was awake. The fairy had participated the least, since it was awkward for her to do much, but she was happy that she was included at all.

She didn’t have any particular desires other than to stay together, to stay relevant. She was happy that she had been accepted and wanted to continue to be helpful.


Freja stood near the foot of the bed, glad that Kama had found a room large enough for all of them. It wasn’t always easy for her to fit into human buildings or human sized rooms.

She watched as Bonny talked to everyone and watched as Hyzenth continue to suckle, the other bunny's mouth tight around Bonny’s nipple. She wondered if the continuous suckling hurt or if Bonny’s passive healing kept her nipples from getting chapped and sore.

She wanted to take Hyzenth’s place. Or Kanae’s. The fox wasn’t even nursing anymore.

Freja wanted to drink from Bonny. She also wished for milk of her own, to feed her in turn. For them to exchange fluids, to be connected in a cycle.

She looked at the restraints holding the bunny and remembered the night on the stone. She wanted to be restrained again. To be bound to Bonny’s will. She wanted the bunny to have her way with her, to feed her like she did that night. She thought again of the carrot that Bonny had seasoned and fed to her.

Her stomach growled as she thought about asking Bonny to do it again.

She thought about what the future would look like. Her, standing beside Bonny, protecting her, facing giants with her, eating together, tasting each other. Pleasant thoughts and dreams that would have to wait till later.


Violet woke up with a gelatinous ripple. She wasn’t used to sleeping, though she had meditated for years at times while confined in the mage tower.

She was surrounded by warmth. She opened her eyes to find herself staring into Bonny’s vulva. Most of her body was tucked in tight against Bonny’s groin, with a bubbled protrusion extending up to her crown sitting on Bonny’s thighs.

She gathered herself and morphed, forcing her membrane into a Bonny shape. Her head formed around the crown, leaving her chin resting on the soft shelf of Bonny’s mons. She stared up Bonny’s body as the rest of her own body formed and extended down, until her hips and legs hung off the foot of the bed. She pushed her arms under Bonny’s legs and around her waist, slipping them between the fox and other bunny, holding on and claiming space.

She thought back to all the changes since Bonny had freed her a few days ago. She had freedom and friends. She had eaten goblins and other monsters. She could use her magic without punishment.

And she had experienced pleasure. None of her other owners had pleasured her like Bonny had. She suspected no one ever would and resolved to do anything she could to hold on, to keep Bonny safe.

A Need started growing within her at the thought. She remembered attacking Bonny and the others before falling asleep, when she had allowed the Need to take over. She hoped they were fine and didn't hold it against her. 

The Need wasn’t as strong this time, but her core and membrane still heated, throbbed. She morphed her neck, extending a pseudopod to press against Bonny’s folds.

Bonny glanced down at her and smiled, then winked and gave her a slight nod.

Violet smiled back and pushed her tentacle in, feeling the heat and slick wetness as Bonny started to react. Violet kept it slow, kept it secret from those around her. There was no need to rush to climax.

She formed bumps and ridges for increased pleasure as she continued to expand and contract, eyes locked on Bonny as the bunny continued to interact with the oblivious crowd around them.


Zeal stayed in the corner and kept her head down. She wasn’t embarrassed by what she had done. Maybe a little that she had allowed someone else to control her, but she didn’t care about the city or the bird.

She felt ashamed of her inability to protect Bonny. She had sworn to serve and protect for a year and a day, then failed that very evening.

She had felt Bonny link to her and share her soul. Dragons were aware of souls, of course. It was part of how they changed forms. She had responded, reaching out in turn and strengthening the link.

She had felt the links to the other companions, with their relative strengths. The cat and snake had given more than her. The horse about the same.

She should have done better, given more. She was the dragon. How could a cat, snake, and horse give Bonny more support than her?

Then, once here, the snake had taken control, had ordered them around. Zeal had obeyed, not sure how else to help. Fire wouldn’t, they kept throwing water at her anytime she warmed up. Eating the other animals wouldn’t help, that would just make Bonny angry.

Zeal started to cry for the first time, ever. Silent sobs wracked her body as she listened to Bonny chatter with the other animals.

She resolved to do better, to be more, like a dragon should.


Nellie stood between Bess and Clara, the three happy that Bonny had acknowledged them. It sounded like they would be able to help, since Bonny didn’t immediately reject their offer, but they could work out the details later.

The three looked at each other and smiled. Nellie kissed both of the Holstein sisters and they went back to watching Bonny interact with everyone.


Hyzenth continued to nurse, not sure what else to do. She could no longer feel Lust, the demoness that had possessed her, though she could feel lust. Her nether regions ached with desire.

She had ridden Bonny once, but when Eloisss realized what had happened she was directed here and left alone, suckling. She did feel better now, but there was still a gaping hole inside her. It didn’t hurt, exactly, but she felt the loss.

She knew Bonny wouldn’t allow her to stay, especially after what happened. She didn’t remember all of it, but knew she had wronged her.

For now though, she would take what she could. She could mourn later.


Iolana’s stump ached. It was a good ache, as long as she didn’t touch it.

She stretched her stump and wing as she looked around, her eyes drawn to the small girl in the corner. The dragon.

She remembered fleeing, then pain and falling. She remembered two riders sharing a mount running toward her as she fell. While thinking about it, she realized it hadn’t been two riders, it had been Freja and Bonny. Bonny had been riding the centaur.

She frowned.

Bonny had ridden another sapient like an animal. Possibly frightened the dragon off, then saved her and brought her to the temple. And grown wings? Iolana wasn’t completely sure how that worked, she could see the bunny didn’t have wings now.

Bonny had supposedly flown up and fought the dragon in the air, a place where even she, a native flier, couldn’t have bested a dragon. Bonny somehow won, killing the dragon, then bringing her back to life?

The story was absurd.

She looked at the dragon girl again and noticed her shoulders shaking, heard the faint sounds of muffled sobs. Crying! Everyone else was happy that Bonny was awake, but the dragon was crying.

Iolana hopped off the chair and strutted awkwardly through the crowd, not quite comfortable on her feet, especially without her wings to help balance her. She approached Zeal and crouched down, extending her good wing around the girl.

“Shhhh. It’ll be okay.”


Lupa watched the harpy move over to the dragon, then went back to watching Bonny.

When Bonny invited her to join, she didn’t realize how big Bonny’s pack was. How devoted they all seemed to be.

She hadn’t participated in the sex, except for once, not long before Bonny woke up. It was the only time she had shifted to wolfkin form. She had licked Bonny’s folds, as directed by the lamia, then shifted back immediately after. She curled up near a wall, where she wasn’t likely to get stepped on.

She was the least of the pack, she knew. Everyone else seemed to know their place, but Lupa was new and confused.

So she watched, and waited.


Tamanna bounced back into the room, carrying a platter of food. Only her and Hananoka had been in and out, bringing supplies as needed and interfacing with the rest of the brothel.

Her new class let her check on Bonny’s offspring and she had spent time examining both Miu and Kanae. She liked both of them, but they seemed reserved with her.

It was fine. She would help with care and delivery and they would learn to trust her. To accept her. She would be useful and earn their acceptance. There was room in Bonny’s family for everyone else, so there must be room for her as well.

She grinned at everyone as she handed out grilled cheese and vegetable wraps, laughing as Freja claimed several. Tamanna then wiggled herself onto the bed, slipping in between Kanae and Miu, and claiming the corner. She fed Bonnie personally.

When the little fairy turned around, still excitedly rocking back and forth on Bonny’s nose, Tamanna allowed her to nibble at one end of the wrap, certain that no one would complain.


Eloisss finally woke up and stretched, slowly coiling her tail under her and lifting her torso from where she had collapsed beside the bed. As she did, she looked around at the girls surrounding her and Bonny.

The jealousy seethed within her, poisoned her against the rest of their companions. She accepted Miu, of course, since the cat had been there before her. She knew she had agreed to allow Bonny a harem and knew, logically, that her and Miu could not have gotten Bonny through this last trial with just the two of them, but the feelings still burned within her.

If it was just sex, she wouldn’t have minded, but she was now connected to most of them, a web of internal bonds that she didn’t quite understand, even as she felt everyone’s love for Bonny, and Bonny’s love and empathy in return.

She would deal with it, for Bonny’s sake. She knew they probably felt her feelings as well and tried to keep them repressed.

“No one releassed her?” Eloisss asked, wondering why they had all kept Bonny restrained.

“We were waiting on you, nya.” Miu answered.

“Sshe sseemss fine now. Let her go.” Eloisss growled at them as she slithered to the food of the bed. She started loosening a knot, as Freja stepped forward and started working on the other foot. Eloisss glanced up to be sure Miu was freeing Bonny’s restrained hand.

A few minutes later, Bonny was able to sit up. Eloisss watched as the bunny stretched, and shook her arms out. Then continued watching as everyone fought to get a hug. She glared at them behind their backs.

Lupa stayed curled up against the wall and both Iolana and Zeal sat together in the corner. At least they seemed to know their place.

Eloisss would allow everyone hugs, this time, but she was going to wrap Bonny up tonight. She had managed the situation, had been Bonny’s shield and had led the recovery effort. She deserved some alone time, together with her love.

This ends volume 2. I hope everyone enjoyed it.  :)

There will be a five week break with some short interludes before we start the next one.

The first few chapters of the next volume are on patreon, along with an Eloisss POV bonus chapter:
97.5 ♥♥ (Eloisss) Voracious (R-18+, BDSM, Restraint, Blood, Vore)

Thanks for reading,

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