Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

Vol 3, Ch 17. ♥ Tangled

Aqua and Lake floated horizontally, suspended in the water just below hip height.  They lay in an inverted, or sixty-nine, position with the mermaid on the bottom, facing up.

When the twin vortexes that formed Aqua's legs settled around Lake's head, the mermaid's eyes widened in surprise as the dense, purified water filtered in through her fluttering gills. She pressed her mouth into place without hesitation. Her face was slightly distorted by the maelstrom and ripples of current, but she seemed to enjoy the new experience, even if she didn't seem to know what to do. The currents caught her long hair and pulled on it wildly, swirling it up into the elemental's body.

Bonny giggled and summoned her largest cock, the foot long monster that she originally thought was useless. Somehow she kept finding uses for it. It wasn't like Aqua had a real body to stretch around it.

She stepped into place, her cock suspended horizontally above Lake's face. She could see the mermaid’s eyes widen at the size and wondered briefly if the mermaid thought that was normal or knew better.

Bonny eased forward, not worried about lining things up correctly. Aqua could adjust as needed. The twin currents of the elemental's ass caught her cock head and tugged her forward, sucked her in. She stepped forward, straddling Lake's head, penetrating into the elemental's dense swirling maelstrom of mermaid hair and twisting currents.

Bonny gripped Aqua's hips, fingertips penetrating into the vortex of swirling water, and pulled. The floating pair of elemental and mermaid slid back easily as Bonny forced her way further in. When she was fully sheathed, the current grabbed her balls and tugged them in as well.

Her ball sack was attached to the base of her cock, not to her groin directly, but she still felt pleasure and pain if they were touched. When they were yanked in, a flash of dull pain lanced up through her abdomen, pulling a groan from her, then settling into a dull aching throb. She paused her motion and tried to balance.

The maelstrom of currents eased, no longer tugging so hard, but caressing, gently sliding across her sensitive organs. The pain throbbed for a moment longer, until the healing waters and her divine regeneration soothed the hurt.

Bonny thrust forward again, letting Aqua's currents flatten the fur on her abdomen, pulling it to the center. She took a deep breath and blew air out, watching the foam illuminate the curvy figure in front of her as the tiny bubbles swirled across the elemental's hips, ass, and lower back.

Neither Aqua or Lake were as tall as Bonny, not counting the mermaid's tail, and Bonny's cock easily extended past the halfway point of Aqua's torso. She could see through Aqua, to the indentation of the elemental's breasts pressing into Lake's stomach, just above the mermaid’s scale line.

She could see Lake's breasts as well, swaying back and forth, pulled up by the twisting currents that made up the elemental's body. Lake's hair spun, twirling around, giving shape to the elemental between them.

Bonny rocked back and withdrew, then thrust forward again, pushing and pulling on the floating, intertwined girls. The mermaid's hair caught on her cock head, twining around it in the spiraling current. Aqua’s ass sucked her in again, sucked her balls in, sucked more of Lake's hair in, and tangled all three together, pulling Lake's head up and into the maelstrom of current as well.

Bonny pushed the pair forward and away as she pulled her hips back, then started in surprise as her balls brushed across Lake's face. On the next thrust forward, Lake moaned as her head was forced up again.

Since the mermaid wasn't complaining, Bonny ignored her and kept going. It wasn't what she intended, but it was kind of funny. She glanced over to see Kanae laughing and Brooke watching in disbelief, her eyes wide and a hand covering her mouth.

Aqua's currents tightened around Bonny and squeezed at her cock head, her shaft, the pressure fluctuating as Aqua began vibrating in pleasure, the currents growing rough and turbulent. Bonny closed her eyes and concentrated on the feeling, the cool flow of the elemental's body, the light, rhythmic headbutts from Lake, and the moaning vibrations that were building up in the pair beneath her.

She reached out and touched them both with her aura, her Desire. Their arousal spiked at the contact, both bodies squirming and pulsing beneath her. Aqua was undoubtedly happy, but Bonny was surprised to find that Lake was as well, despite the hair pulling and awkward position.

Bonny tugged lightly on the connection to Aqua and tasted the pure, spiritual energy of Water as it flowed into her. She felt the Temple, pulsing like a heartbeat, bound together with the will of the elemental in front of her. She could sense veins of water crossing the land and she could see the path between her and the Temple, feel the flows connecting them.

She felt the weight of the seas as well, the vast oceans, deeper than those on Earth. They pressed down upon her and she could sense entities within herself. No, within the water. Huge sea monsters swam within, many times the size of Zeal’s dragon form. Leviathans! No wonder ships disappeared.

She felt herself moving backward and cracked her eyes open to see Lake's tail undulating as the mermaid’s hips writhed beneath her and Aqua. The trio slammed into the wall behind her, the impact pushed Bonny’s cock even further in, stabbing through Aqua's chest, the twin flows of elemental's breasts caressing the sides of her cock head where it exited for a brief moment.

Aqua moaned and convulsed, waves crashing through her. The maelstrom picking up, the flows turning frenetic and wild.

Bonny stopped moving and concentrated on the swirling currents, on Lake's hair tightening as the mermaid twisted and spasmed beneath her. The pressure built, sliding across her shaft as Lake’s movements pulled her cock sideways and down, crossing currents, crossing the streams.

Bonny cried out as she came, a spray of cum shooting out, visible through Aqua's invisible body. Her essence spun around in tight spirals, descending through Aqua's body instead of rising, gathering at her center. It stuck to Bonny's cock and Lake’s hair, matting and smearing across all three of them where they were connected together.

Aqua melted with a sigh of contentment, the currents whipping around them wildly for a moment before calming, leaving both Bonny and Lake panting. Bonny still stood over Lake, who was leashed to Bonny’s cock by the tangle of hair.

Bonny closed her eyes and leaned back against the wall, feeling the afterglow and slowly regaining control of her breathing.

Lake reached up and grabbed Bonny's dick. “Can you help untangl…?”

Bonny yelped in surprise, then realized it should have been expected. "Wait. It’ll be easier if …” Bonny stopped protesting and dismissed her dildo, leaving Lake’s knotted, cum covered hair floating between them. Aqua had taken most of Bonny’s seed with her, but there was plenty left, congealing in the cool water.

Bonny pushed off the floor and floated away.

Kanae was already past her, sucking and licking at the mess of hair. Bonny wasn’t sure if she was helping untangle it or was making it worse.

“Kanae, I will clean it up if you give me…”


Bonny sighed. “Fine.”

Lake pulled a matted lock into her mouth after watching Kanae’s excitement. Her eyes went wide and she started sucking at more of her hair as well.

Bonny sighed again as Brooke swam over to join them.

“Why are you two ...? Cum doesn’t usually taste goo… Oh!” Brooke swallowed a solidified drop that was floating free of the tangle. She paused, tasting it, then joined the other two in making the tangle even worse.

Bonny sighed a third time and activated her purification aura. At least that still worked, even if the goddess wasn't allowed in. The mess evaporated in moments.

“Bonny!” Kanae protested.

“No! This is getting silly. Eloisss is still waiting on us and we have to meet up with the rest of our companions.”

Kanae whined, which sounded weird coming from a mermaid, fox tails or not.

“Stop it! Tonight is your night to fuck me. If you really want, you can suck my dick then.”

Kanae brightened at the reminder and swam over to join Bonny, her tails wagging happily.

“Lake and I have some things to discuss. You can make your way back without me.” Brooke said, waving them away.

“Okay. Thank you for bringing me. I'd like to visit again sometime.” Bonny smiled and waved back, then pulled Kanae to the exit vent.

Looking through the crevice from the inside showed a narrow strip of sunbeams and wavy blue skies below them. Bonny had completely lost track of up and down during sex, but was reminded as she looked down through the vent. The entrance had been dark and mysterious on the way in, but it looked fun and inviting on the way out.

Bonny grinned as she jumped in feet first. The jet of water caught her and propelled her through the tunnel, then out into the lake. She surfaced moments later. There was a brief moment when she worried about rapid ascension from long dives, something half remembered about nitrogen and bending, but forgot about it when she realized that she could heal injuries.

She could feel her gods and demons and sent a sense of satisfaction to them. Happy to be reconnected.

She looked around, then splashed her way over to Eloisss once she found her. The lamia was floating face up and occasionally flicking her long tail to keep herself near the spring. “Hey, girl.” 

Eloisss flipped over and grabbed Bonny in a tight hug. “Welcome back, Love. I misssed you.”

Bonny laughed and gave her a kiss. “I missed you too.”

Kanae surfaced while they were hugging. She glanced around, then dove down again, chasing the fish around them.

“Did you find the artifact? Where iss Brooke?”

They flipped over again, Bonny lying on top Eloisss with her head pillowed on the lamia’s breasts. Eloisss pulled her coils in, layering them underneath to give more buoyancy to her shoulders and head. Her hands and arms wrapped around Bonny, gripping her possessively.

“She stayed to visit with her sister. Lake is a water priestess and maintains the shrine or something. They also said there’s a water temple to the south. Hyzenth went there for healing. There’s a water elemental named Aqua. Oh, and there are other elemental temples. One is to the north and I wonder if…”

Eloisss’ face grew dark and angry as Bonny talked, until she finally interrupted. “Brooke hass a ssister? And you sstayed with them for hourss? Did you fuck them?”

“Uh, no? I mean, not the mermaids.”

“Then who?”

“Aqua. The elemental. I think I got a status alert about it. [Status]” Bonny focused on her alerts, affinities, and stats, trying to pull more detail out about how they worked.

Alerts (2):

Your water affinity has increased through essence sharing with Water (10 -> 22.5%). Your Magic Power and Control have increased (15->25%).

Your water affinity has increased through essence sharing with Water (22.5 -> 35%). Your Magic Power and Control have increased (25->35%).

Status (limited):

Magic Affinities:
      Journeyman 12%
      Master - Lust 100%
      Journeyman - Wrath 40%
      Expert - Courage 0%, Healing 5%
      Journeyman - Justice 0%, Compassion 0%, Hope 0%
      Journeyman - Water 35%
      Novice- Air 75%

Phys Pow: Novice 25%
Phys Con: Novice 25%
Stamina: Novice 25%

Mag Pow: Journeyman 35%
Mag Con: Journeyman 35%
Mana: Journeyman 36%

Aura Pow: Expert 9%
Aura Con: Journeyman 95%
Will: Expert 27%

“Oh, I got two updates.” Bonny said, then read them to Eloisss.

“From ssex, I asssume? How many timess did you ‘sshare esssensce’?”

“Uh, three … or four. It was kinda of continuous, but I asked Lake about elemental magic and the temples while Aqua went down on me. Did you know Aqua can control pee?” Bonny shivered and smiled at the memory.

“Sso they were there? Did they partiscipate?”

“Uh, yes? I mean, no. Except the last time, I wanted Lake to get to know her goddess better.”

Eloisss glared at Bonny, but the bunny's head was still buried in cleavage and she didn’t notice.

“I tried not to touch her, but her hair got all tangled in Aqua’s body. She’s just a big whirlpool that has eyes and … can talk.” Bonny paused and looked up. “You’re ... not happy for me, are you?”

“No.” Eloisss’ answer was short and hard.

“Elss, don’t be like this.” Bonny squeezed Eloisss around the waist.

“It hurtss, Bonny.”

“I’m sorry. We’ve talked about this. You need to get over it. You can’t satisfy me alone, remember?”

“Yess. I know." Eloisss sighed. "Do you alwayss have to be sso exscited when you talk about other girlss?”

“Elss, listen to me. You’re the only person that I trust enough to be dominant over me. The only girl that I give blood to. You’re already special. No, you’re more than special, you’re unique.” Bonny gave her another squeeze. "I need you."

Eloisss ran her fingers through Bonny’s hair and fur, rubbing her back and shoulders, but didn’t answer.

“I do want to fuck a mermaid though. It doesn’t have to be Brooke, there’s a colony or something near the Water Temple. If we did it together, would that be okay?”

Eloisss sighed again. “I’ll conssider it.”

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