Now dragon eye, I have a question for you. Would you like to be come a member of trefectaus? I can offer you, power, wealth, women are men what ever your choice, and most importantly i can offer you revenge ,on those who have wronged you. I can also grant you immortality if you so desire it.But try to keep in mind if you say yes there is no going back. Now tell me what is your answer. Alexi asked Expressionlessly. Dragon eye fell to his knee. I wish to serve you. From this moment on I pledge allegiance to trefectaus.Alexi smiled. That's a wise decision, but let me ask you this. Do you know why, the neighboring kingdom's conspired against you. Also don't you find it odd that the master of lightning was in grasslands . Well it's because all of this was planned by bloodlan the high enforcer. His plan was to get rid of you . Alexi said. But why? At the time i hadn't offended anyone, from high house. So why. dragon eye asked with a confused face . Well It's because, you had a sovereign nation. You didn't depend, on anyone for anything,if you think about it. High house considered you a threat, Because they couldn't control you. So it would be better, if they eliminate you. But Luckly my spy's, informed me of everything. So I decided to use you, to my advantage it was a win-win situation.You get your revenge, and i take a shot at high house.Alexi said then he started laughing.Now dragon eye, there is one last thing we have to do. Before you officially become a member of trifectus. Alexi said then he snapped his fingers, and they appeared in the sky over the kingdom of Novelist. What are we doing here ? What if someone See's us? dragon eye asked. Don't worry from this high up, they won't be able to see us from down there. Alexi said then he pointed his finger at Novelist. Rain down Extinction,Destruction deltapath. He shouted, and a tiny line of energy, shot out from his finger. five seconds later, the Kingdom exploded and nothing but dust and dead bodys left. Noooooooooooooooo! Why did you do that? I had untouched concubines down there, that was a waste of potentially good p***y. Dragon eye cried. Alexi was stunned for a moment. What a heartless and funny guy, Didn't he have children down there as well. Yet he was more worried, about his untouched concubines. I made a right decision to recruit him. Alexi thought to himself Chuckling, Then he snapped his, fingers again and this Time they appeared over the kingdom of grasslands. Then he pointed his finger at it and shouted. Destruction eminent, and just like that grasslands was no more. All that was left was dust and debris.Good Now that! That has been taken care of, it should appear now. Alexi said with a Grinn. As He said that, a white portal appeared where grasslands use to be. Alexi and dragon eye, flu in to it, and on the other side was a pocket demention. Were a man is chained to four stone pillars, he looked up at them and spoke in a deep treacherous voice. Who has broken my seal? The man asked. Old friend it's been a long time hasn't it? About A thousand Years, more are less. Alexi said with a Smile. Alexi is that really you? The man asked with tears in his eyes. Yes it's me it took longer, to find you then i expected but i am here now. Alexi said. I would hug you, shake your hand are something, but I'm a little tied up at the moment. The Man said then he and Alexi started laughing. All jokes aside (M) i shall find away to set you free.Then we shall have our Revenge, on High House. Alexi said mashing his teeth. By the way Alexi, who's this with you. M asked. Oh him, he's my servant, introduce yourself. Alexi said. Dragon eye Fell to his knees. Greetings to you great one! My name is Dragon eye, and it's an honor to meet you . Alexi and (M) looked at each other and then started laughing. Listen dragon eye, There is no need for you to be so formal. For instance my name is Marcus but you may call me Mark. M said. I see, thank you sir. Dragon eye said blushing with embarrassment. We don't have much time, they are still things that need to be done. So mark we, shall take our leave now, but i shall return. Alexi said with a sigh. What's this, leaving so soon but i have onlyjust awaken. Mark said with a sad face. Yeah, and now that you are awake, we can use thought communication. Alexi said with a smile. Well okay then, Normally! I would see you off, but i think. I will just hang around here for now. Mark said then he and Alexi started laughing.

Alexi and dragon eye flu back through,the white portal. They both landed were grasslands use to be. Dragon eye! Someone shouted in the distance. Dragon eye looked around. Ahhhhh yes, it's the guard dog yontin. But how are you still alive

Dragon eye asked with a snear.Yonton then rushed at dragon eye, with his sword in hand today I shall end you . He said with his sword raised but at the moment he was about to cut dragon eye down. Alexi stepped in between them to catch the sword with his bear hand. Sir! I don't know who you are. But i am asking you to stand aside this is between me and him, I do not wish to harm you, if I don't have to. Yontin said in a fit of anger. Alexi just smiled at Him. Such a noble and honorable man you are, i shall give you two options. One become my servant and i shall give you more power than you have, are two i kill you right here and now. Make your choice. Alexi said. Before I answer you, tell me this one thing

Why are you protecting dragon eye. Yontin ask. Is it not normal for a leader, to protect his servants. Alexi responded rolling his eyes. I choose option two, i would rather die. Than to be a slave, to someone like you.

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