Cooking in the Monster Shelter

Chapter 45

Chapter 43 Knight’s Proof (3)

The small town named “Loren” is filled with heavy fog all year round, and the alleys paved with slabs are submerged by the shadows of the houses, turning into a dark and winding curve.

Concubine Lin walked on the street with great interest, met her favorite scenery, and even took out her phone to take a picture or two. Obviously it is a high-risk level task, but she has become a free tour in a small European town.

Chi Yu quietly followed her and asked in a joking tone, “Stop and go, passive and sabotage. How do you always perform tasks like this?”

“This time is different.”

Lin Yan pursed her lips and smiled, and her gaze flicked across the eyes of the person beside her very briefly: “After all, someone doesn’t know how many years it takes to go out. If the trip ends too soon, there will be no fun.”

It was actually to allow him to stay outside for a while.

Chi Yu was only planning to make a joke, but she didn’t expect Concubine Lin to answer that way. He originally thought he was pampering the little girl next to him, but in the end, Concubine Lin was able to accommodate him infinitely.

The young man blinked his eyes in a daze, the slightly mocking icy smile at the bottom of his eyes just faded, and the corners of his mouth involuntarily conjured up a slightly invisible arc. This smile is extremely light and light, and does not contain any mocking or gloomy emotions, like a fleeting wind, which disappears quickly.

“Oh.” His voice seemed clearer, and he turned his head slightly away from her, “The scenery here is pretty good.”

When you reach the center of the town, you will see a magnificent Gothic cathedral.

The church occupies a vast area, the whole body is white, with clean vertical lines running through the whole body. Many large and small towering spires pierce the sky at the top, and the tall bell tower is also built with exquisite sharp spires, as if it is closely connected to heaven, making the whole building even more majestic.

Viewed from the outside, the stone-carved window lattices are made up of flowing water-shaped curves to form a vivid pattern, and the layers of grilles are stacked, showing a sense of beauty and tranquility under the dappled light and shadow.

The main entrance of the church is wide open, and standing in front of the door can see the spacious and solemn auditorium.

The towering and deep top decoration resembles a dome, and the rose window is gorgeous in color, reflecting the magnificent colorful light and shadow. The content of Genesis is meticulously carved on the frescoes, giving people the illusion of being in heaven.

“Before the accident, the town of Loren was originally a small famous tourist attraction.” Chi Yu said quietly, “I heard that this church of St. Mary is blessed by the gods. If you pray sincerely, the wish in your heart will be Can become a reality.”

Concubine Lin doesn’t believe in God.

But she still blurted out instantly: “Really?”

Being able to ask this question subconsciously indicates that there is an obsession in the heart that is trying to realize it. Chi Yu raised his eyes slightly, and said with a smile: “If you want to know, just try it. You always have to experience new things during the game, don’t you?”

He spoke lightly, with an invitation that could not be refused, as if he was encouraging a child to try a brand-new toy.

The fact is, he did succeed.

Concubine Lin agreed without hesitation. In order not to disturb her, Chi Yu offered to stay in front of the door and wait.

Passing through the long seats of the auditorium, the altar at the end is close at hand. There was a square window made of glass just behind the altar, and light poured in through the glass, illuminating the cross placed upright on the high platform.

She looked at it quietly for a while, and slowly closed her eyes for a while, folded her hands up and put them on her chest.

God, please bless her to find that person.

Even if it’s a corpse… She wants to see him one last time.

The auditorium is as silent as time freezes. Compared with it, the outside of the church is much more lively.

After Shui Ling escaped from the sewer, he publicized the fact that outsiders had broken in on a large scale to the townspeople. It has been a long time since no outsiders have come in here, and the uncontrollable desire to kill has been awakened at the same time, and the demons and demons have begun a large-scale raid in the whole town.

And the first to find them was the tooth girl who was known for her brutality and swiftness.

From the outside, the tooth girl is not much different from ordinary human beings, but if she opens her mouth suddenly, it will reveal a mouth full of scary steel needles.

Without a tongue, the sharp and dense steel needles are like dense bushes all over the entire mouth, and there are a lot of growth in the throat. As long as one bite, it is difficult to escape the fate of **** blood and unbearable pain.

She hadn’t hunted for a long time, and was especially interested in the two stupid humans who broke into this place, so when she saw the prey at the door of the church, she couldn’t help grinning.

It was a thin and tall oriental male wearing a black hoodie and staring motionlessly into the church with his head sideways.

Unsuspecting and not looking strong, she is simply the easiest prey to catch. She can’t wait to step forward and open her mouth toward his neck.

However, it was in the blink of an eye.

The young man turned his head quickly to meet her eyes, one sideways to avoid the attack. Just as the tooth girl rushed into the air, he pressed the back of the opponent to fix it, and the other hand slammed the woman’s chin, and turned it down to the right.

There was a crisp click.

In just one second, her chin was easily removed, and a knife was immediately pressed against her neck.

Tooth Girl:?

The tooth girl was dumbfounded, completely dumbfounded.

Because of her open mouth during the attack, her mouth opened to the size of an abyss at this time, her chin was shaky, her saliva flowed uncontrollably, and her sluggish eyes without highlights, she looked like a blank child with a blank face.

The only weapon she had on her body was the pointed needle, but now she couldn’t close her mouth at all.

How does this make her fight? what? how to spell?

It’s not like a mother to forgive this little broken child.


After the jaw is dislocated, the woman cannot say any complete words, but can only squeeze out some vague syllables from her throat. The voice was sad and long, but when she could see the appearance of the person in front of her, any complaints would be swallowed back in her stomach.

Willow eyes, black eyes, and pale thin lips were smiling indifferently and mockingly from beginning to end, as if “I just look down on you and you will be killed by me soon”.

Confirmed that the look in her eyes was the one who had blown her up.

Under the influence of the undead knights, ghosts and monsters in Loren Town frequently appeared, and no pedestrians survived in the past, and they were all killed in this world of purgatory. Many sacred sticks and mercenaries came here admiringly, but they also ended up with no bones left.

Until an oriental man appeared.

Without such a gorgeous and expensive weapon, the man easily solved all the attacking evil spirits with only a small knife, forcibly smashing a **** path in the flurry of demons, and finally subduing the knight himself, becoming a nightmare for all the residents of the town.

At this moment, looking at each other after a long river of time, the tooth girl couldn’t help but shudder all over.

Goodbye mom, I’m going to sail tonight, don’t worry about me, I have a happy and wise paddle.

——Although the destination is the other side of hell.

She was ready to meet death in the electric light and flint, but the black-haired and dark-eyed teenager only slightly lowered his eyelashes. Although the dagger in his hand was tightly clenched, it did not penetrate the tooth girl’s vitals.

“Shh, you are too noisy.”

The index finger of his left hand was covering the center of the lips, and Chi Yu’s voice was low and soft. The murderous intent in his eyes has not faded, and his hostility is gloomy in the dark eyes, but he smiles when he speaks, and speaks softly and softly: “Keep quiet, I won’t hurt you. Don’t interrupt prayer.”


The tooth girl didn’t understand the meaning of the word for a while, and turned her head in the direction of the auditorium.

He looked through the long corridor and finally reached the altar at the end of the auditorium. The slender black-haired girl folded her hands and stood upright with her back facing them. The light penetrated through the rose windows all over the church and turned into colorful sparkling waves to completely envelope her.

The facing glass window leaked a glimmer of dim sunlight, like a lightsaber pierced by thorns, piercing the darkness, covering the girl’s head with whiteness, dragging her shadow into a long one.

It is a kind of strange but sacred beauty, which is particularly solemn and quiet in the dead silence around it, as if it will be broken suddenly with a single sound.

That should be the person walking with him.

Looking between the two, the tooth girl blinked thoughtfully. The dislocated jaw healed a little bit, and she whispered tremblingly: “That guy Shuiling is spreading news…I, I will tell others not to approach you.”

“That’s not necessary.”

Chi Yu smiled and glanced at the inside of the church without a trace, seeming to point out: “If the trip ends too soon, there will be no fun.”

“Are you all ready?”

Hammer smiled and touched the cold hammer in his hand, and definitely looked at the two partners beside him.

The undead in the town have no memories of their lives, so they don’t know each other’s names. The three of them had similar interests and were good at attacking with iron products, so they simply called themselves by weapon names.

Axe nodded: “Of course I’m ready. When the two pass by this street, we will rush out and kill them together.”

The little stick was trembling with excitement: “It’s been a long time since I met humans, I will torture them severely!”

According to Shui Ling’s intelligence, the two outsiders seemed to be going to the castle on the top of the mountain. This street was their only way. The three set an ambush long ago.

Just as they expected, after a while, two figures appeared in the hazy fog.

The hammer squeezed the hammer and lowered his voice: “Brothers, go!”

With an order, the three brawny men danced with ironware and rushed out. The two seemed to be taken aback, and their footsteps came to a halt.

Sure enough, I was scared! Hahaha!

Hammer ran away, he became more and more excited, and laughed triumphantly from his mouth, and suddenly heard Axe muttering to himself: “Strange, that guy…how does it seem familiar.”

“Don’t all the meat on the chopping board look the same!”

He retorted with disdain, and when he focused his attention on the two of them, he also vaguely noticed something was wrong.

Because of the long distance and the fog, the faces of the two outsiders were hidden in layers of white fog, and they could only be vaguely distinguished between a man and a woman. Now that they are getting closer, their facial features are gradually showing up, and the boy seems… really familiar.

Some fragmentary memories flooded my mind. The whole brain was filled with the cold light of a dagger constantly flashing, the corners of the young man’s lips sneered, and other residents screamed like a broken bellows when their throats were cut with a knife.

Hammer: Gan.

Gan Gan! ! ! How is this plague god! Did he treat it as a tourist town for repeated check-ins? Get out of me, get out of me!

“I’m sorry, brother,” Hammer hadn’t reacted to what to do, when he saw Axe expressionless, his hands swaying wildly like a turbine, “I’m leaving!”

He did what he said, and as soon as he finished speaking, he twisted his waist coquettishly, and ran away.



Actually betrayed directly! This is completely different from the promised death in the same year, the same month, and the same day. Hey! Wait for him!

Hammer also wants to run.

But Uncle Newton’s coffin board was still there, and his inertia made him continue to rush forward.

Even if he knew that there was an abyss in front of him, he still never stopped. This sentence sounds bloody, but the truth is that he just wants to cry.

The small stick had not fought with Chi Yu head-on before, only when the two of them were ordinary tourists, they immediately ran forward with an iron rod, yelling, “Idiot couple, die to the father!”

Let them see his kill, true, single rage, and the roar of the evil dragon!

The iron rod danced a round arc in the air, but there was no chance to wave it again—

Chi Yu was short to avoid the attack, and firmly grasped the elbow of the small stick, twisting his backhand like a twist, and the sound of bone dislocation, the wailing of the small stick and the sound of the iron rod landing at the same time resounded through his ears.

His eyes were cold and severe, and the tail of his eyes was slightly curved, and he actually smiled: “Bye.”

The hand lifted the knife and fell, and the light of the knife reflected on the opponent’s neck.

When the evil spirit dissipated, there was no blood stain, but it dissolved silently and instantly, turning into a ball with the air.

The hammer who has witnessed everything: OVO is well-behaved.

The second child was second, and the second child ran away, leaving him alone holding the hammer, like a motionless sculpture of a macho.

He really is a hammer.

“Don’t bother you to raise your precious hand.” The hammer shivered, and the hunk man shed tears, “I’ll do it myself.”

When the extremely heavy hammer slammed on his head, he felt unprecedented relief.

Ah, why do people hurt each other? Ordinary is good.


Before the coma passed, Hammer thought of a very serious question.

-Trash Shuling, die for him! ! !

Today’s news: Just in Europe, just in Europe, the town of Loren, the largest undead town, has closed down! The black-hearted boss burns, kills, loots and does no evil, and now he is back with his sister-in-law!

On that day, the residents of Loren Town finally remembered the horror of being once dominated by the eastern boy, and the shame of running away crying for mercy.

All evil spirits have two common beliefs: to live, and to put water spirits into the toilet forever.

“I don’t think it’s right.” Concubine Lin looked at the deserted street and the locked door of the house, and turned the dagger in a circle, “Why did they all run away?”

Obviously she and Chi Yu are the ones holding the victim’s script. According to the plot in the horror movie, shouldn’t the villains kill them both with their own abilities? They just had a friendly discussion with the butcher, the water spirit, and the uncle with the hammer, right?

Without the resistance of residents, the two easily reached the foot of the mountain at the end of the town.

The fortress that has stood on the top of the mountain since the Middle Ages is majestic and majestic, looking down the vast land like a silent giant. From the feldspar stairs up, the close-up view of the old castle gradually unfolds in front of you.

The fortress built of white stone is not too big. The rectangular main body stands solemnly and there are tall towers with spires on both sides of the top.

And it was on that section of the city wall that two tall figures stood silently.

The middle-aged man standing by the wall has his head full of withered yellow hair, and his burly figure resembles a silent lion; the young man standing behind him respectfully has a slender and handsome body, dressed in a simple white robe, and is surrounded by an elegant and calm body. Solemn temperament.

“If the one behind is the undead knight,” Lin Yu recalled the containment files she had read, and couldn’t help but smile. “Isn’t the uncle standing in front of him like the big brother…the lord?”

“It seems that we were lucky, and we happened to wake up when we ran into that one.” Chi Yu and the blond young man looked at each other silently, and sneered, “The lord’s strength is still unknown. Don’t drop the chain.”

Lin Yu tied the black hair at the back of her head into a neat short ponytail, raised her head slightly and blinked at him and smiled: “Don’t underestimate me, let you see today, what is “Billions of Knights Buy One Get One Free”.”

When she spoke, her eyes flowed, and the dim sunlight overflowed through her eyes. Some broken hair stagnated in the girl’s clean and smooth jaw, floating in the milky white mist when blown by the wind.

Chi Yu looked at her quietly for a moment, and then quickly turned away, with a faint tone that couldn’t hear any emotions: “”The Monarch and His Ministers Return the Home” is also good, what do you think?”

The author has something to say:

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone!

From the name of the villain, you can see how bad my naming skills are. XD Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

30 bottles of mmm-c-yyy; 10 bottles of Ye Zhimu; 5 bottles of Portuguese **** cookies and another 5 bottles of you; 1 bottle of Nicole;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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