Creation: Book 3 Complete!

Holy Scripture #2

... And that is how a basic democracy works. Please bear in mind, that a Democracy is not the same as a Republic. The biggest difference, in my eyes, is that in a Democracy the people vote on everything, whereas in a Republic the elected representatives do. The greatest empires in the history of the world were built through a Republic system, but, they all eventually fell from within. To better explain that last portion, the corruption of its leaders is what kills a grand empire.

I've already explained to you a bit about my life before arriving here to create Symphony. In that world, they could not tell the difference between the two and kept mislabeling their own system of government.

You may be wondering why you're learning about political movements and government structure within a holy stricture.

The answer is simple, it is important.

In following the path of the Unending Summit, and as stated so many pages ago, you must have a general education. The ability to read and grow from learning is a core tenet of our religion. Knowing math, or maths according to your preference, isn't voluntary in regard to success. There can be no progress without learning, and there can be no learning without an open mind. It is not enough to be willing to listen, you have to also be willing to have long-conceived ideas be changed. To morph or evolve. To head in directions never once conceived. To escape from the closeted grip of safe spaces.

Let's take a step back from the basic education that has been provided thus far, and move back into the ins and outs of the Unending Summit and what it means.

The primary rule to be a Horizon Chaser is simple. Do Not Be An Asshole. But what does that translate to?

First, do not feed every hungry person. It doesn't mean you cannot feed the hungry, but there is an old quote from my world, "Give a man a fish, and he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he eats for a lifetime." This metaphor ties back to the original statement at the beginning. If you provide some guidance, you're helping. If you provide all assistance, you're hindering. People need to learn to stand on their own, and not be carried through life. Do not create a program of free handouts as it creates a system of dependence that is not healthy for you, them, or Symphony as a whole.

The second is respect. Respect is the concept of providing or allowing dignity for others. It is a sapient being recognizing the autonomy and value of those around them. You do not know who you may bump into on the road to life. They could be the smallest farmer who just wants to see the dawn with a crop of wheat in hand, or they may be a child who has great ambition but no value in society's eyes.

The farmer is content to move from one day to the next, living with the land. Harming him is harming your own stomach.

That child, when treated in a harsh or wrongful fashion, could grow up to one day be quite powerful, and use that gained power in the darkest light possible.

The formerly stated, in regards to respect, comes down to a basic idea. Treat others how you would want to be treated. Allow for the basis of unmolested pride and respect, until someone has shown you they do not deserve it. At that point, the choice is yours. Please balance the cost of breaking this tenant with your own future prosperity. This means that every person in Symphony is a blank slate to Horizon Chasers. Do not believe a person is evil, or the simplified idea of "bad", without first meeting them.

The last part of "Do Not Be An Asshole" is courteousness. To be courteous means to present oneself as you would in court. That may not have a great amount of meaning to the uninformed, but it is a whole new world in how you act with and around others. You do not have to hold the door for every person who needs to enter, while you stand idly by losing the most precious of all resources, time. You do not have to bend the knee to every would-be king or suitor, or bow to every lady, as if gender makes one more noble of character. It means be polite in your language and gestures, be considerate of others in your actions, and show gratitude when you receive help, even if unasked.

If the only thing our religion becomes known for across the years is that our members are helpful guides, respectful, and courteous, then Symphony will still receive great value from us.

The leader of our religion will be called the Zenith. Not because it sounds awe-inspiring or because they will dictate from the top down, but the opposite. They will work for Symphony, and the Unending Summit. They are a reflection of who we are and a representative of our faith. Perhaps faith is too strong of a word, as this is really a means to live rather than pray, but nonetheless, we will be called a religion for all.

Each Zenith will be, not a tool or puppet of mine, but their own person with their own interpretation of the Scripture. I make no requirements for them, except that they do not be an asshole and try to administrate the Unending Summit with honesty and integrity. The moment that changes, and they violate my only true requirement of them, I will come.......

To answer a question I am sure you will have, no, I cannot be the Zenith. I will be far too busy with running Symphony as a whole, and cannot run a religion alongside it.

Now, let us get back to your general education. I do not know a lot about architecture and building, but I do know just enough to help bridge some gaps in your potential knowledge. First, you need to make sure you survey the land. Do not build any structures over clay or damp soil as it will collapse. The trick is......

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