Creation: Book 3 Complete!

Holy Scripture 4 please do not attempt to "bleed" people to make them feel better. Perhaps there will be unique afflictions that affect others in time, but the idea of "bleeding" people to make them feel better has been disproven multiple times in my world. You also cannot help people by putting generic environmental cleaning solutions into their blood systems. Cleaning solutions like that are meant for clothing and otherwise, not people. That is all I have to say on hygiene and health, moving on!

This is the final page of the Scripture. I am out of space, and out of time. Because I obviously knew this page was important, I set aside some final items I needed to present before you complete the reading. Pay special attention to what I've written here.

Once, long ago, I was returning from a battlefield where a friend of mine had been killed. We had fought for multiple days and I was thoroughly exhausted, both mentally and physically. As I was stepping out of our return vehicle, two men of much higher rank than me sat upon a food chest and were looking at me in silence. My clothing was torn and I had a few red-stained bandages covering parts of my body as I limped forward. Once I approached them, they asked if I had been injured in the fighting, and when I said I had, they stated I must have prayed to my God for living at all.

That is a standard from my world. There are three great religions that somewhat dominate Earth. I won't get into a great amount of detail here, as I do not have the space, but understand that they each worship God in their own particular way. They are what you would call monotheistic. For the uninformed, mono means one or single, and theistic means belief in. That isn't to say there aren't polytheistic religions here, but there is a certain size to the single god belief system on my home world.

What is commonly forgotten, or plainly ignored, is that there are many many religions that aren't a part of the big three. Hinduism, Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism are another few I can name off of the top of my head. If I had to associate the Unending Summit with a single religion from my home world, I believe the closest religion found would be Buddhism. It's belief in solving Dukkha, or suffering, is to "ride" the pain and let it run its course. I won't get into Buddhism too closely here, but just understand that they believe in the karmic value of people. That we all live many lives, and the value of the life you live, the good and the bad, is brought into your next life.

We are not them, but that isn't to say we can't learn from them. We are a way of living more than a religion. The Unending Summit is a support system that presents the truth of Symphony, enhances the world's knowledge, and provides mentorship to those in need. Our goal is to ever travel up the road of progressive strength and insight, not to simply increase our membership's size, and shame others who do not hold to our values. Please do not spend your time attempting to spread the word of the Unending Summit. It is for others to join based upon their own values and ideals, not because they feel pressured to do so.

It is important that you always remember it, or the travesties of my world will visit this one. Most wars on Earth were started in the name of religion, more than anything else in our history. I will not allow that to spread across Symphony.

The home of all of our operations will begin in, of all places, a library. Other religions may have churches, synagogues, temples and the like, but we will have libraries. The Unending Summit will be the first Faction to touch base on Symphony's soil and will have a few extra rights because of that. I do not apologize for creating this world and then placing its first faction with a leg up on others. My world, my rules. The library will host all of our knowledge, and will be a place for our members and our leaders to reside.

While I was given a task recently to create a library for Symphony, it was always my plan to do so, and this worked well in my favor. There were libraries in my world, and we never appreciated them nearly as much as we should've. Once, they were placed for the disenfranchised and ignored to congregate, so they could build upon their knowledge and better themselves at their own rate of speed. Now, they are viewed as superfluous locations for the poor and the unsanitary. That will not be a view we hold. If there is a single holy item this religion will see, it is the book. If there is a single holy site found throughout Symphony, it is the library. Treat all librarians with great caution and respect, or face a rejection of entrance that is assuredly deserved.

For a final note on the almighty library, there will be one greater site, and many branches. Should a great city rise, a library will rise with it. In this, you have my promise.

I wish I could write more, but that is not the fate of this, the original Scripture. I promise to add more to it as I can. Thus, my last words here will be quite simple and to the point. Words to live by.

Be fair. Be earnest. Be strong.

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