Dark King

Chapter 1193

Chapter 1193: Chapter 1,182: The Great Sage

Translator: 549690339 

“Don’t force me!”The Radiant King panted heavily, his face ferocious. “Don’t think that I don’t have the ability to drag you down with me. I’m willing to quit. If you continue to pursue me, I’ll kill whoever goes first!”

Crimson Moon frowned slightly and slowed down. She hesitated. During her time in the empire, she knew some secrets about the radiant king. She knew that he wasn’t an ordinary king. The demonic insect in his mind was extremely powerful, it had swallowed the human will in his body. It was completely controlled by the magic worm. It wasn’t like other kings who were affected by the interference of the magic worm.

“Who knows when you will come back?”Dudian raised his eyebrows as he saw Scarlet Moon’s hesitation, he imitated the indifferent expression of the king of light: “If I’m Like You Then I’m willing to quit. I’ll sit back and watch the Tigers fight. Wouldn’t it be better to intervene in the end?”

“You!”The King of Light glared at him. He didn’t expect that Crimson Moon wouldn’t be the one to attack but the king of the federation.

“What do you think?”Dudian looked at the ice bird and the Devil Emperor. The Ice Bird was the incarnation of Lin Changsheng. He didn’t take advantage of the chaos to leave or the Devil Emperor would chase after him, dudian and Crimson Moon would join forces with the Devil Emperor to kill him. So he was indifferent as if he didn’t care that he was the target of everyone.

The Devil Emperor didn’t respond.

The ice bird seemed to be detached from the matter.

Dudian sneered: “Let him go since he doesn’t want to be the first one. I Won’t be the last one.”He stopped his attack.

Crimson Moon’s face slightly changed. If she let the King of light run away then he would have time to recuperate. If he came back then she would be weak and would be able to help him.

Her eyes flashed as she looked at the devil emperor: “Your Majesty, if you don’t speak then let him go.”

The devil emperor indifferently said: “Since he is a problem then let’s solve it. Why are you looking for trouble?”

The Light King’s face changed, and he said angrily, “Your Majesty, I have followed you for so many years, and I have fought everywhere. Even if I haven’t contributed much, I have worked hard. I am willing to help you. Why did you abandon me? !”

The demon king said indifferently, “Don’t you have an answer to this question in Your Heart?”

“You knew long ago?”The Light King’s face changed, and he looked at him fiercely, “But I knew that you knew. You even knew her secret. She is the same as you!”! “But you pretended that you didn’t know. You ambushed the Fire Dragon Lord. It is obvious that you are giving her a chance to jump out. You must have joined forces with Lin Changsheng. We will kill Crimson Moon after we die!”

He was referring to Dudian.

Dudian didn’t show any reaction. On the contrary, Crimson Moon’s face slightly changed. She didn’t want to believe it but at the moment she felt uneasy. If she was dealing with the Devil Emperor and Lin Changsheng.., she felt that she could barely cope with the situation. But the key was that the death of the King of light and the presence of Dudian made her unable to control the situation!

“What’s the point of struggling? Great Sage?”The eyes of the Devil Emperor turned cold, “Do you think I don’t know the purpose of your compromise by my side? You were captured by my father and used to protect my family’s tomb and territory. You knelt down in hopes that one day you would be able to stand up. But you didn’t know that I had already seen through your thoughts.”

“You’ve knelt for too long. Your Horizons are too limited. Don’t you want to return to your own planet? Don’t you want to find the formula for perfect life? “HMPH, it’s a pity that the formula is already available. Your ice demon insect clan had already completed their experiment on Lin Changsheng over two hundred years ago. It’s a pity that he dodged it. Do you know why every time the Crimson Moon descends, I gather all of You Kings to discuss the battle

“Sea Beasts? Snow Apes? I don’t even care about those little things of theirs. I just want you all to stay under my nose and not give you the chance to report me.”

At this point, the demon lord sneered, “The apostles that you secretly sent out to infiltrate the Federation were also killed. Do you know why? “That’s right. Two hundred years ago, my father signed a confidentiality agreement with Lin Changsheng. This agreement will continue to extend to me, and it will continue to continue in the future. The ice magic bugs that returned to Earth will never be able to know the true situation on Earth!”

The eyes of the King of Light opened wide in disbelief.

Scarlet Moon’s eyes lit up. She turned her head and coldly looked at the devil. It seemed that she was ready to attack at any time.

Dudian was a bit surprised. He didn’t think that there would be such secrets. He thought of the fierce battle on the border. He suddenly felt that it was a bit funny. The generals and soldiers at the bottom were fighting with passion, the story of the war was moving. But he didn’t know that the top rulers had secretly conspired to form an alliance.

So, what was the meaning of these sacrificed soldiers?

He felt that the value measurement was too cruel and ruthless.

There would be leaders and leaders in the group. It was like a pyramid system. When there was a pyramid system, there would be a situation where the top looked down on the bottom. When life was no longer equal, there would be tragedy and tragedy.

When one was born in such a group and existed in such a form of life, perhaps it was already destined that one would have to face such a thing and endure such a thing, be it obedience or the king’s Landing!

The demon lord seemed to know the killing intent in Crimson Moon’s eyes, but his expression did not change, he said indifferently, “However, the confidentiality agreement is only to keep Lin Changsheng’s existence a secret, and Lin Changsheng will also pay a corresponding price. But outside of this agreement, it does not prevent us from fighting each other. Just like the two dragon lords of the Fire Dragon Kingdom, they were also one of the people who signed the confidentiality agreement. But Now? “The Fire Dragon Lord is dead!”

Crimson Moon continued to look at him coldly, her killing intent not lessening in the slightest.

The light king said angrily, “Since the two of you have colluded in the confidentiality agreement, who knows if the two of you have colluded in other agreements now? For example, to get rid of us first? To let us kill each other, and then you guys clean us up before finally fighting each other?”

The demon lord said indifferently, “If you guys are worried, you can just get rid of Lin Changsheng first. What do you mean by killing each other? Isn’t that too laughable? Are the two of you considered to be on the same side? “If it weren’t for your own ulterior motives, how could you be incited by Lin Changsheng’s Light Words?”

The King of light was slightly stifled, his face turning purple.

“Don’t think that I don’t know your plans. You Already Know Crimson Moon’s power and used her to deal with me. No matter which one of US dies, you will take away the body of the dead and achieve the perfect state of life that you seek.”The Demon Emperor sneered, “It’s a pity that plans can’t be changed. I’m guessing that you have the same plan, Lin Changsheng?”? “You already knew that this little brother has a special constitution and isn’t an ordinary king. You wanted us to finish him off first and then take away his body. In this way, none of us will be your match!”

His words suddenly shifted to Lin Changsheng. The ice bird was slightly startled, but she did not deny her current identity. She coldly snorted, “This person is not from our federation but from your empire. Otherwise, how would your new Crimson Moon King Know Him?”

Dudian saw that the demon king wanted to hide his relationship with him but didn’t immediately expose it. Although it would slap Lin Changsheng’s face but it would be disadvantageous to him. Perhaps Lin Changsheng had expected this.., so he had the confidence to say so.

The Devil Emperor looked at Dudian. He frowned as he saw that Dudian was indifferent. It seemed that he was a bit disappointed but the emotion didn’t stay on his face for a second, he said: “In any case, my suggestion is to get rid of the great sage. As for the next matter, we will talk about it later.”

Scarlet Moon looked at Dudian. She was silent for a moment before nodding her head.

Dudian also expressed that he had no objection.

Ice bird indifferently said: “That’s good.”

For Lin Changsheng, the King of light had to be killed or else he would be exposed. If he didn’t want to get Dudian’s body to deal with the current situation, his first target would be the king of light.

The King of light was so angry that his whole body was shaking. His face turned red. He was the king of the Empire and the great sage of magic insects. No matter what kind of identity he had, he was incomparably noble, but now he was sentenced to death in a few words. He didn’t even have the space to interrupt. This kind of feeling made him want to self-destruct. But he knew that even if he tried his best.., he wouldn’t be able to kill the Devil Emperor, Crimson Moon and the others.

“Kill!”Dudian shouted.

Crimson Moon didn’t take the lead. She was afraid that the king of light would do the same to her.

The Devil Emperor didn’t stand idly by. He was the first to rush over.


Chapter 1194: Chapter 1183: Dead or alive

Translator: 549690339 

“Whoever wants to kill me will die with me!”The face of the King of light was twisted. If everyone was a king then he would be able to escape from here, however the Devil Emperor and Crimson Moon as well as Lin Changsheng were not simple characters. Even if he revealed his true form it would be difficult for him to escape death. He could only fight to the death and sacrifice himself for his own race!

Seeing the Devil Emperor was the first to rush over, he immediately locked his eyes on the Devil Emperor. The light from his body suddenly blazed like a high-energy incandescent lamp. It illuminated the sky and Earth in pure white. It was dazzling. Even with Dudian’s strong vision.., he felt that his vision was pure white. Countless light particles completely blocked his vision. He couldn’t see through it. He felt as if his body was molting and burning.

“Counter attack?”Dudian thought of the terrifying movement of the Fire Dragon Lord’s counter attack. His eyes moved but he didn’t retreat. Instead he tried to turn his eyes to search for the shoulder, neck, cheek and other parts of the body, seven or eight eyes suddenly popped out. They kept rotating and gradually filtered out a vague figure from the intense white light. It was Crimson Moon!


He suddenly rushed forward but didn’t reveal any killing intent before the attack. His expression was calm. The strange eyeballs on his body were also very calm. However, when he was about thirty feet away from Crimson Moon, the crazy killing intent could no longer be controlled, the muscles all over his body suddenly squirmed. Terrifying sharp blades whistled out from the inside. They shot out from all parts of his body, including the part of his neck where the eyeballs grew out. The eyeballs closed and the structure instantly changed, the sharp blade shot out.

The sound of flesh being cut echoed. Hot blood splattered all over his face. Dudian narrowed his eyes. He saw that Crimson Moon’s figure was pierced but strangely turned into a distorted smoke, he quickly floated to another place and turned into a humanoid again. A large amount of black fog burst out from his body and covered his entire body. He disappeared into the black fog.

“Go to hell!”

Suddenly, a crazy roar came from another place.

Dudian felt the hair on his body stand up. He felt the sharp blade cutting towards his neck. Death was approaching in an instant. His brain was stiff for a moment. He stopped thinking but the moment was extremely short. By the time he reacted.., the first thing he did was to put some distance between his body and the danger. He saw the intense white light shrink and transform into a compressed beam of light. It suddenly pierced through the slender figure of the devil emperor, it went through the sky from the back to the far end of the horizon!

This scene was more terrifying than all the laser cannons he had seen!

Dudian was startled for a moment. The white light in his line of sight gradually disappeared. He saw the king of light in front of the Devil Emperor turn from a handsome youth into a white-haired old man in the blink of an eye, it seemed that the blow had completely drained his life energy!

While he was surprised, the other eye noticed that there was a mass of black fog flying towards him from the other side of his line of sight.

Dudian quickly came back to his senses. He didn’t pay attention to the situation on the side of the Lord of Light. The length and width of the sharp blades on his body were rapidly increasing. The size of his body was also rapidly expanding. In the blink of an eye, he had turned into a giant with sharp blades all over his body, to be precise it was a giant humanoid monster. The back of its hands and arms were curved like dragon thorns and sharp knives.

He roared as he rushed towards the black fog. The sharp blades turned red as flames appeared. The Black Fog was instantly torn apart, revealing the dark moon that was made of ink. The black mucus on her face had faded. Her face was pale and ugly, she stared at Dudian with anger: “You Dare to Sneak Attack Me? No one can save you today!”

Dudian didn’t say a word. He crazily attacked. The burning sharp blade turned into thousands of cold light and covered Crimson Moon’s body.

Crimson Moon roared. Her voice turned hoarse like a wild beast. There was no trace of human voice. The next moment her body changed, her arms and legs were bent into multi-limb claws. Twelve Black Wings grew out from her back. However, there was thick mucous membrane between the wings. There was an unusually cold face behind her head, it was the disappeared bolo!

Dudian was startled for a moment. He thought of something and said in a deep voice: “You Are Not Scarlet Moon. You Are Bolo!”

“You are wrong. I am both her and Bolo.”Crimson Moon’s body was no longer standing straight. She was prostrating on the ground. Bolo’s face was revealed from the back of her head, the voice was Crimson Moon’s female voice, “Our memories have become one. She swallowed me. I didn’t know that she would read my memories. I deliberately looked for her to die. Only when we die can we become one. I will never be separated from my Dana!”

His voice was full of affection.

Dudian sneered: “Your Dana has long died. Crimson Moon is just a substitute for you. Although I don’t know how you devoured her memories but her body is still hers. She is confused by your memories. She thinks that she is you!”

“Hehe, don’t you dare to use such words to mess with my mind. You Don’t understand my current situation. Although Crimson Moon is a replica of me but she has inherited all of Dana’s memory. Memory is the core that distinguishes everyone. The outer skin is not rotten flesh and blood. It is the same. The reason why you are you is because your memory tells you that you are you. If it were other memories, would you still be you?”Crimson Moon sneered, he wasn’t in a hurry to attack but continued to demonize his body. His body was getting bigger and bigger.

“Memory is just the past. The combination of body and memory will allow your future thoughts to be your own.”Dudian looked at her coldly, “Your Daina is already dead. You have intercepted her memory and given it to Crimson Moon. You have only preserved her past. But is Crimson Moon’s own memory mixed with your Daina’s memory? Is she still your complete Daina?”

“You’re just deceiving yourself!”

“You’re BULLSH * t! !”Crimson Moon suddenly flew into a rage, boro’s face emitted Crimson Moon’s female scream, “You don’t know anything. You’re just a lucky person who was blessed and created by God. You’ve obtained everything from the very beginning. How can you understand me? How can you understand how perfect my current state is? You Don’t know what is eternal and what is resurrection! You are just a waste who can not use tools. I will eat you and let you feel inside my body. What is true perfection?”!

“You have gone mad!”Dudian sneered, “I don’t know what you have set up in your memory. You have hypnotized Crimson Moon’s memory so that she will think that you have seized her body. But you are dead after all. You are just a clown living in her memory. Your Dinah has long died. You have nothing left. The Real Crimson Moon, you should wake up!”! ”!”

He suddenly shouted at the end.

Crimson Moon’s movement was slightly stiff but soon she began to giggle like a ghost chewing on a bone: “You want to disturb my thinking but I have been giving you a chance to stall for time. Now, you should die!”

Her huge body which was almost 20 meters tall shook slightly. She suddenly opened her mouth and spat out a large amount of black fog. Thousands of white threads shot out from the fog and shot towards Dudian like sharp arrows.

Chapter 1195: Chapter 1184: God’s cage

Translator: 549690339 

“How would you know that I am deliberately letting you delay time?”Dudian slightly grinned. He opened his mouth and spat out a flame. The flame was like a waterfall, the flame was so strong that it swept half of the sky. The white silk that touched the flame was quickly ignited, burned and turned into ashes. It didn’t have time to display its effect.

Dudian had already seen through the structure of Crimson Moon’s body. The white silk was both soft and sharp. He couldn’t cut it but the white silk could wrap around his body and cut it into countless pieces, if it was just a king who was good at physical attacks, this move alone would be enough to kill him. But the flame that Dudian brewed just so happened to restrain the white silk.

Dudian knew that the core ability of Scarlet Moon was ‘Dreamer’. It should be the ability that she was most proficient in. Although people like Scarlet Moon who had a divine body could control the body to learn any ability, however, no matter how many kinds of abilities he had learned, he was still proficient in the first time. It was just like how he was most partial to the control of the cutting edge.

The dreamer was evolved from the Black Weaver. Its original form was a spider. The Black Weaver was good at burrowing into the ground and spitting out silk, leaning towards escape and assistance. The Dreamer’s ability was many times better in this aspect, not only could it burrow into the ground and spit out silk, it also carried a strange neurotoxin. It could see the memories of others and could also cause others to fall into confusion, as if they were in a dream.

The poison was extremely strong and there was no medicine to cure it. If one touched it, they would be infected. If one was attacked by her poisonous stinger during the battle, their consciousness would immediately be confused. Even if it was only a short period of confusion, it would be fatal.

However, as long as a god like Dudian thought of a preventive method, he wouldn’t be infected. He could build a barrier in his body to isolate the poison.

However, Crimson Moon would obviously optimize the basic ability of the dreamer. Whether it was the white silk or the core of the poison attack, they were very different from ordinary dreamers. The poison was like a corrosive acid, the speed of the corrosion was fast enough to destroy the barrier that Dudian had built. However, the power of the flame was enormous. As one of the basic elements of the world, as long as the temperature was high enough, in theory it could burn everything!

Countless white silk was burned by the flame and quickly melted. Although the white silk was extremely tough, but in front of the flame it was quickly burned into ashes like water.

Boro’s face sank but he didn’t stop spitting silk. However this time the direction of spitting silk was divided into three directions. Part of the white silk rushed towards the flame. This part of the white silk was covered with cold air, the other two white silks were very long. One on the left and the other on the right. They surrounded Dudian like two snow-white strips.

The white silks quickly became wide and formed a big ball. Both dudian and Crimson Moon were wrapped in it. The diameter of the ball was over a thousand meters.

The white silks secreted a strange yellow mucus. The flame was extinguished when it came into contact with the yellow mucus.

The heat brought by the flame increased several times as the environment was sealed. It was as if he was in a sea of fire.

Although the temperature had increased but Dudian frowned. He immediately understood the intention of crimson moon. She wanted to isolate the air. After the air in the white silk ball burned out the flame would be extinguished and he would be at her mercy.

This huge white silk ball is like a giant cocoon.

“Humph!”Dudian snorted. He turned around and cut the white silk wall. The white silk ball was as soft as cotton, his cutting edge quickly sank in, and the white silk ball was much thicker than he had ever seen before, and in that short time, the latter had not only constructed such a large white silk ball, it’s also expanded the thickness by more than 100 times.

Moreover, his perspective was blocked by the waxen mucus, unable to penetrate further, his vision was yellow and orange, shaking his eyes, so that he had to stop using perspective to see the white silk ball.

“This was originally intended to deal with the effiny Hughes and that Old Dog Lin Changsheng Cage, did not expect to be used on you, this half-finished body, you deserve to die ten thousand deaths, ten thousand cuts are not enough to regret!”Bolo said with a hideous smile.

Dudian’s face was gloomy as he waved a few more blades. However he was once again trapped in the white silk ball. It seemed that there were thousands of hands in the white silk ball. He was unable to pull out the blades.

“It’s useless. No matter how sharp the attack is, it won’t be able to break my carefully prepared cage. I have been thinking about it for a long time. No matter how many abilities you have, you won’t be able to escape from my cage!”Boro smiled.

The flame in the white silk ball was rapidly shrinking. Crimson Moon’s figure was faintly visible behind the flame. Her body had become one with the white silk ball. Only her head was sticking out as if it was embedded in the inner wall of the white silk ball, the Face on the head was Boro’s.

Dudian tried to heat up the sharp blade which was embedded in the white silk ball. The strong pulling force was loosened but he felt that the heat in the sharp blade was quickly disappearing.

“It’s useless. My divine thread can absorb heat. You Can’t destroy my cage unless you can burst out with the same kind of temperature as fire dragon Lord! However, if you want to burst out with that kind of temperature then your mind will be blurred and you will stop thinking. Just like Fire Dragon Lord, you will turn into a human-shaped sun and keep burning until your body’s energy is completely exhausted. Nothing will be left!”Boro laughed.

Dudian’s previous flame gradually extinguished as he spoke. The air in the sphere had been burnt out.

The Darkness didn’t affect Dudian’s line of sight. He saw the white silk ball where Crimson Moon’s body was. The inner wall of the white silk ball slightly squirmed. Sharp white silk stretched out from the inside and aimed at him like a spear.

There was no flame in the white silk cage. It was Crimson Moon’s domain that dominated everything.

The short-term lack of oxygen was a small matter for Dudian and Crimson Moon. It didn’t affect their actions.

“Do you think there is no flame because there is no air?”Dudian suddenly opened his mouth. There was a bit of ridicule in his eyes: “If so, the fire dragon kingdom would have been exterminated!”

Boro sneered: “Then you continue to consume your body!”

Dudian had released the oxygen stored in his blood. At the same time, he had created a large amount of gas in his body, the flame lit up the entire cage at the same time.

The white silk around Crimson Moon was like a poisonous snake. She sneered at Dudian as she waited for him to exhaust his body.

Dudian knew that this wasn’t a long term solution. He couldn’t create endless gas. At this moment he used the flame to balance scarlet moon. There were several sharp blades on his body. Each of them was suffused with cold air.

The water couldn’t be cut but the ice could.

Puff! Puff! Puff!

The sharp ice blades penetrated into the white silk ball. The cold air was released and spread out in an instant. The white silk ball was frozen and hardened. Dudian waved a few red hot blades to cut the frozen white silk ball, he cut a few cracks.

Dudian’s eyes lit up as he increased his strength. The sharp blades that were deeply embedded in the white silk ball also released cold air. The frozen area was enlarged.

“Hehe, do you think that I won’t consider the ice because of the Flame?”Boro suddenly sneered. The next moment, Dudian felt that the frozen white silk ball quickly softened. The cold air inside seemed to have been sucked away.

Dudian’s face slightly changed. Dozens of sharp blades shot out from his body. All of them pierced within a radius of dozens of feet. The cold air was released and instantly froze the white silk ball. At the same time.., the sharp blades on his back quickly cut open the hardened white silk. There were several deep crevices. He was about to drill into it when the white silk suddenly softened and absorbed all the cold air, at the same time, it absorbed the dozens of sharp blades and sank deep into them.

Chapter 1196: Chapter 1185: mutual destruction

Translator: 549690339 

Dudian frowned as he suddenly thought of something. His face changed and became gloomy. He cut off the dozens of sharp blades and let them be absorbed into the swamp-like white silk wall.

He didn’t attack again. He quietly waited for the flame to extinguish as he thought of a new method.

“Why aren’t you attacking anymore?”Boro squinted his eyes and grinned, “It seems that you are smart enough to sense it. Unfortunately, it is useless for you to know. You will only become more desperate. You will be like a flying insect struggling on the spider web. You will see the spider coming but you won’t be able to move!”

Dudian was silent. He didn’t pay attention to her. Crimson Moon was right. His current situation was like a flying insect trapped in the spider web. He was trapped in the white silk blade wall, he was aware that the white silk blade wall was special. It was no wonder that Crimson Moon called it ‘cage’. Even he couldn’t think of a way to crack it.

“Don’t you realize that even if you don’t attack, your life energy is quietly draining away? There are several layers of my cage. I have absorbed and stored the Flames and ice that you released. My energy alone is enough to eat you. Moreover you have given me so much energy. Unfortunately you are too smart. If you were to attack me a few more times then my cage would be more solid!”Boro’s smile was very exaggerated, but his eyes were extremely cold as if he was a cold-blooded animal sizing up its prey.

Dudian felt that the heat in his body was dissipating bit by bit. His surroundings were pitch black. However, the darkness wasn’t just the visual darkness without light, it was the real dark matter. Even under the sun, it was still there. The Darkness was like the Black Fog released by Crimson Moon. It was just that the concentration wasn’t that strong so he didn’t notice it because of the white silk blade wall, but even if Boro didn’t say it, he would soon notice it.

“This is the combination of Boro’s dark ability. The two abilities have reached the extreme. It is indeed terrifying.”Dudian’s eyes were serious as he rapidly decomposed the surrounding dark matter. At the same time, his body rapidly simulated the decomposition of the dark matter, he released a dark matter mucous membrane which protected his body like a bubble. It repelled the gradually encroaching darkness but his heart gradually sank.

The thickness of the divine cage that Crimson Moon had constructed was beyond his imagination. He could not tear it apart with just his sharp blades. If there was energy attached to the sharp blades, this energy would be absorbed by the white silk blade wall. Simply put.., regardless of whether it was physical or energy attacks, they were ineffective. On the other hand, energy attacks would become Crimson Moon’s nourishment. From this point, his current situation was practically a dead end!

However, he did not sit still and wait for death. After thinking for a short while, before the flame was extinguished, he suddenly demonized a huge sharp blade that was dozens of meters long and fiercely slashed at the white silk blade wall.

The sharp blade quickly broke through the surface of the blade wall. After penetrating seven to eight meters deep, it gradually lost its strength. The power on the sharp blade was weakened layer by layer and could not penetrate deeper. He wanted to use brute force to push it deeper, however, he felt that the resistance was even stronger. After pushing it less than two meters, he felt exhausted. However, from the feeling on the sharp blade, there were still no signs of penetration.

By the time he wanted to pull the sharp blade back, the sharp blade had already been stuck. A large amount of viscous force pulled it, but it could not be pulled out. It could only break at once, breaking the part of the sharp blade that had gone deep into it. The rest was retracted back into his body, the next moment, pieces of ruby-like material appeared outside his body. The cutting blades all over his body were retracted and turned into crystals that covered his body. At the same time, several crystals extended from his body and looked at each other.

“Eh?”Boro saw Dudian’s strange appearance. His reaction was very fast as if he thought of something. The white silk blade wall around Dudian suddenly began to wiggle slightly.

Dudian didn’t bother to explore the strange shape of the white silk blade wall. He took a deep breath and condensed the energy stored in his body into a beam. A fist-sized ruby shot out from his forehead!

The beam shot out more than a dozen times through the complex structure of the ruby. It reached the limit of the ruby structure. It rushed out of the body and went through the refraction of several concave crystals which dudian had demonized, finally, the last concave crystal was shattered. It turned into a red ray of light as thick as a bucket and flew towards the white silk blade wall.


The Ray of light instantly entered the white silk blade wall and pierced through a huge hole. However, the white silk blade wall began to squirm crazily like a wave. Dudian saw that the ray of light had penetrated dozens of meters into the wall, the energy was used up and the end of the wall was still the black white silk blade wall!

It didn’t Pierce through!

Dudian felt a chill in his heart. He couldn’t believe it but he suddenly thought of something. His body went berserk as he stretched out many sharp blades and hit the white silk blade wall which was hundreds of meters away.

Bang! More than ten sharp blades pierced into the wall of white silk blades like gears. They went four or five meters deep and then suddenly loosened. They pierced through the cage!

Dudian’s eyes lit up. He was about to drill out but he felt soft and sticky white silk wrapped around the front end of the blade. His eyes turned red as he tried to push it out, however it seemed like it would never end.

“DAMN! !”He shouted. His reason controlled him to cut off the connection with the blade and retreat.

“That was close!”Boro took a deep breath. He put away the strange smile on his face and looked at Dudian with admiration, “I almost let you escape. Fortunately, I caught up in time. Unfortunately, you shouldn’t be able to launch a second attack with such intensity, right? Even if you can, I’m prepared. I Won’t give you any chance!”

Dudian’s face was extremely ugly. He was in disbelief when the sun rays didn’t penetrate the white silk wall. But he quickly thought that the cage was made of spider silk from Crimson Moon, these spider silk were her limbs. They were moving according to her will. In other words, the thickness of the balanced and round cage had been weakened and transferred to the place where the sun rays attacked.

That was the moment when the divine cage was at its weakest. By the time he reacted and attacked, Bolo had also reacted and saved it in time.

All of this happened in an instant. If he had reacted a thousandth of a second earlier, he might have rushed out at this moment.

“It would have taken more time to kill you but you have given me such strong energy. It has accelerated your death!”Boro smiled: “Those two fools outside are still quietly watching. They don’t want to help because they are afraid of wasting their strength. They think too highly of you and look down on me. After I eat you, my body’s energy will surpass theirs. At that time, they will pay the price for not doing anything. I will take revenge for you!”

Dudian gritted his teeth. He was furious. If the Devil Emperor and Lin Changsheng were to attack from the outside, it would be easy for them to tear open the cage. However, they were in a stalemate. No one was willing to take action. The possibility of him being saved.., it was almost zero!

“You had escaped from my hands. I wanted to spare your life but you were courting death. Now you have turned from a small abyss into a demigod. Unfortunately, I still ended you!”Boro smiled, “This is your fate. You are a supporting role. No matter how hard you try, you will eventually become a stepping stone for me. You will help me ascend to an unprecedented state of life!”

All the white silk inside the blade wall stood up as he spoke. It was like hundreds of millions of white steel needles were aiming at Dudian.

Dudian was silent.

Perhaps it was because of his nature or because of his years of experience. He always felt that he was rational at all times. Although he was angry but he knew that the Devil Emperor and Lin Changsheng couldn’t help him, he could clearly see his current desperate situation.

Unwillingness, grievance, anger. All sorts of emotions interweaved in his heart, but most of them were reluctance.

He was not willing to suffer so much, suffer so much, abandon everything, and struggle to this day, yet he had to die here. It was as if the villain in all the stories had to die in the end. Could it be because he had done too many bad things.., he had killed too many innocent people, so he couldn’t escape retribution in the end?

But who would repay crimson moon?

The Demon Emperor, or Lin Changsheng?

Then who would repay them?

Although he was unwilling, he knew that he didn’t have the chance to search for this answer. What made him miserable was that he would never have the chance to see her again. Even before he died, he wouldn’t be able to see her again.

In this world without him, who would take care of the Lonely King Corpse who was wandering in the wilderness?

How insignificant was he and she to the millions of lives in this world?

“In the end, she is still a failure…”Dudian lowered his head and sighed. He bitterly smiled.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Countless white steel needles flew over. It seemed that they would pierce him into a hornet’s nest in an instant.

However, when he lowered his head, a dense flame spread out from his body and swept over, turning into a soaring flame that soared into the sky, instantly enveloping his entire body, the monstrous flame burned to a height of over a hundred meters, and the flame was about to touch the white silk blade wall at the top.

The white steel needles that shot out from the surroundings were instantly burned into ashes by the flame, completely submerged.

“Continue to struggle!”Boro licked his lips. His eyes were filled with excitement.

At this time, the flames on Dudian’s body didn’t stop but turned into a flaming tornado. He was standing in the center of the storm. The Flames were getting bigger and the temperature was getting higher, the yellow mucus on the white silk blade wall seemed to have dried up.

“Eh?”Boro frowned as the excitement on his face disappeared. He felt that something was wrong. The temperature of the flame continued to rise and there was no sign of stopping. He was aware of Dudian’s thoughts, boro’s face contorted in anger: “Do you want to burn yourself to ashes like the Fire Dragon Lord? !”

Dudian’s face was calm as he stood in the center of the tornado. He looked at Bolo: “Unfortunately I can’t kill you but at least I can make you suffer heavy losses.”

“Bastard!”Bolo’s voice was hysterical: “Stop! I can let you live!”

“There is no need.”

Dudian gently looked at him and slowly closed his eyes. He felt that his blood and bones were burning. He controlled his cells to continue to divide and demonize limbs to burn as fuel, the temperature outside his body continued to rise and became more and more vigorous!

His body was going beyond the limit again and again as he rapidly demonized the limbs to burn as fuel. The heart in his chest was beating violently as if it was about to tear. The pain made him feel suffocated.

At this point, even if his heart exploded, it was not surprising to him. He tried to transform his heart into a flame but found that he could not control the changes. It was like an independent thing in his body, something that was parasitic on his body.

“I hope I can burn you too…”Dudian muttered to himself.

Suddenly, an idea flashed through his mind.

Chapter 1197: Chapter 1186: Open

Translator: 549690339 

“The body is the container…”

Dudian thought of this point through the uniqueness of the heart. The idea of the “Container”made him think of a possibility of survival, which was to create a container that would not be burned by the flames, he would seal his own brain!

This inspiration was also connected to Crimson Moon’s special situation.

His body was like the Fire Dragon Lord, trapped in an endless cycle of nature, constantly splitting, regenerating, and then burning. However, there was a limit to the body. When the body’s potential was exhausted, it could no longer continue to split, the Flames in the body would gradually extinguish. However, during this process, the consciousness of the brain had long been blurred by the high temperature and stopped thinking. All of the hippocampus would also burn out and the memory would disappear.

However, if there was a container that could seal his brain and prevent the flames from burning until his thoughts stopped, he could also prevent himself from self-combusting!

The purpose of self-combusting was to break through the limits of his body and reach an extremely terrifying temperature. He would destroy Crimson Moon’s divine cage and break out of it. If his divine cage was destroyed, his consciousness would be able to wake up in time, he would be able to save his life by preventing his body from continuing to spontaneously combust. Although the Devil Emperor and Lin Changsheng wouldn’t let him go but at least he would be able to live for a while!

His will to survive made him unwilling to give up easily. He wanted to hold on as long as there was a glimmer of hope.

“What should I use as a container?”Dudian quickly thought. He felt that the flames had burned to the point that he couldn’t bear it. The pain in his body made his thinking extremely difficult and painful, it was like thinking about how to write an academic paper when his brain was about to crack. However his willpower was extraordinary. He felt that his teeth were almost crushed. However, he endured the intense pain.

The first thing that came to his mind was the ice. It was the opposite of the flame. It was the most suitable container. However, he quickly rejected it. Then he thought of the stone. He quickly rejected it. With his ability, he was unable to construct a stone that could isolate heat, most of the stones were heated very quickly, especially in this terrifying heat. If the skull was made into a stone, the brain tissue inside would probably boil!

He thought about the materials one by one. At this time, Bolo’s angry roars kept coming, shouting at him to stop. He even tempted, traded, and even begged, but he threw them all to the back of his mind and ignored them.

Soon, he suddenly realized that he had fallen into a misunderstanding. It was almost impossible to find materials that could isolate this terrifying high temperature, and it was not something that he could construct with his current ability, in the end, he still thought of the ice that he had considered from the very beginning. Although the ice would be quickly evaporated by the high temperature, it was the most suitable method at the moment. He planned to use the ice to seal his brain, after the high temperature melted the ice, if Crimson Moon’s divine cage had not been destroyed, he could only continue to burn and be devoured by the flames.

If the divine cage was broken, he could stop the spontaneous combustion and save his life.

Thinking of this, he immediately demonized his body into a strange shape, like a gourd-shaped monster. The head was huge and occupied almost half of the body. The surface was still burning with flames, but the inner layer formed an area.., the inside was covered with low-temperature air currents, and the air pressure was extremely low. The layer that was burning with the skin was formed into ice. The temperature of the ice was also below zero due to the extremely low ambient temperature, which slowed down the burning speed.

He constructed a total of three ice shields, each with a small space between them. A small lump of meat ball that stored all the brain tissue was sealed inside. The surface of the meat ball was another layer of warm material to block the cold air.., it was to prevent the brain tissue from freezing.

And this lump of brain tissue had been hidden the deepest, so it had lost contact with the body. It was like a completely sealed and isolated tissue. At this moment, the person in charge of controlling the body was another part of the brain tissue that he had copied. In other words, from now on, everything that he had experienced would be completely destroyed along with this part of his consciousness burning up, it would not be known by his awakened self.

However, he had already stored everything that was about to happen and what he was going to do in his origin memories. It was like a precaution. When his origin consciousness woke up, he would also know what he had done previously, and what he was going to do next.

All of this was done in a few seconds. In this moment of extreme survival, his potential had been completely squeezed out. He no longer cared about the load on his heart. He urged his body with all his might. The outer layer of the ice barrier did not even last half a second, it was burned into soda. In the end, even the steam and white fog were burned out. Even the second layer of ice barrier was melting rapidly.

However, this part of his consciousness was responsible for reconstructing the ice barrier at all times. Almost at the same time that the ice barrier melted, a new ice barrier was reconstructed.

The outer layer of his skin kept demonizing the limbs outside his body. They were still like dry wood that turned into raging flames. They were burning fiercely. From the outside, it was impossible to know the structure of his brain. Even if Crimson Moon had mastered the ability of perspective.., it was impossible to see through the flames and the demonized limbs on his skin. These demonized and burning limbs were like walls that were constantly erected. Before the perspective could completely permeate through them, they were blocked by a new wall, it was impossible to see the scene inside his head. It was enough to deceive the world.

“Bastard! !”

Boro felt the heat on his body. He felt that his face was burning. His vision was filled with tornadoes. The fire was more vigorous than before. It almost occupied the entire cage, he didn’t care about Dudian’s escape. He quietly released a lot of needle-like holes in the cage to vent the heat but it was still a drop in the bucket.

“If this continues you will die!”

“There will be nothing left. You will die completely!”

“I can let you live! I promise! I Promise You!”

Boro was furious. He shouted but Dudian was like a silent stone statue. He didn’t respond. It seemed that he had made up his mind.

Soon, the inner wall of the white silk gradually cracked. Boro had to release a large amount of cold air to put out the fire. But it didn’t take long before he felt the burning signs again. If he continued to persist he would be burned by Dudian.

Boro saw that Dudian’s body had been deformed by the flames. The demonized limbs had stopped multiplying. Only his main body was still burning, the temperature was high enough to paralyze all the functions of the Creator. Even if other kings appeared in the cage they would be burned alive!

“DAMN! !”Boro had a violent feeling, dudian thought that he would be able to kill Dudian and eat his body to make up for the loss. However the other side didn’t leave anything for him and damaged his cage, most of his physical energy was used up. If the Devil Emperor and Lin Changsheng attacked him then he wouldn’t be able to escape!

The more he thought about it the angrier he got. But Dudian’s current appearance had stopped the demonization of his body. It was obvious that he had stopped thinking. His mind was blurred and his body was maintaining the will power of the previous will power, when the flame was completely burnt out there would be nothing left!

He couldn’t stop this process unless he used the cold air which was more terrifying than Dudian’s desperate burning. But it was impossible. Only a real God could do that, it was the perfect life that they were after!

He wanted to grab Dudian and crush him bit by bit. But in the end he quickly opened the cage. He didn’t want to compete with a self-igniting bomb. His reason told him that he should think about how to deal with the next trouble, this was the necessary calm and reason of a superior. He should stop the damage in time. He shouldn’t be immersed in anger and lose more things or even lose his life!

When the Divine Cage was released, the demon lord and Lin Changsheng, who were in midair outside, immediately felt a monstrous flame sweep out. Their expressions could not help but change, and they quickly retreated over a thousand meters. They saw the Crimson Moon retract her countless white threads, retreating to the other side of the flame, their bodies were blurred by the flame, so they could not see clearly. They also did not continue to pay attention to the Crimson Moon, but were attracted by this ball of flame!

It was too fierce!

The flame tornado became even wilder when it came into contact with the air. It was like the flame in the bomb had left the shell of the bomb and suddenly exploded. The tornado was hundreds of meters tall and dozens of meters wide, it instantly became thousands of meters tall and hundreds of meters wide. The temperature released by the fire tornado seemed to sweep the entire world. It was expanding at an astonishing speed. Everything in the air was burning, it seemed to be the medium of the flame transmission.

“Self-ignition?”The Devil Emperor’s face slightly changed. His eyes flashed with a trace of seriousness. He quickly recovered from the shock of Dudian’s self-ignition. He looked for Crimson Moon’s figure behind the flames.

It was obvious that Crimson Moon’s strength was a bit beyond his expectations.

Chapter 1198: Chapter 1187: fall in the destruction

Translator: 549690339 

The Ice Bird’s face was gloomy as it looked at the scene of the Sea of fire. Its special vision allowed it to see the figure at the center of the fire. It was dudian who was melting like a candle, he didn’t expect that the cunning kid would use such an extreme method to destroy him. From the intensity of the fire, it was obvious that it was burning out of control. It was the same as the Master of Fire Dragon in the underground base.

Dudian’s death meant that he would have one less divine body to spare and a way to counterattack the Devil Emperor.

The eyes of the devil emperor flashed as he searched for Dudian behind the Sea of fire.

At this moment, both the Devil Emperor and Lin Changsheng’s eyes were fixed on Dudian for a very short time. They didn’t pay attention to the man who was bound to die.

Therefore, they didn’t notice that Dudian’s huge head slowly cracked open. White steam was coming out of it. However, the steam hadn’t risen yet.

Dudian felt as if he had slept for tens of thousands of years. When he woke up, he felt intense burning pain and the terrible high temperature that would melt his body.

He instinctively quickly formed ice to cool down. At the same time the chaotic memories in his mind were quickly sorted out. The last memory was the words that he had told himself to tell the current situation that he would face when he woke up.

When he saw the memory, he was completely awake. The first thing he did was to look at the situation outside. When he saw the Endless Sea of fire, he couldn’t help but change his expression. Soon.., his burning eyes saw a few figures thousands of meters away from the Sea of fire. The Ice Bird Forest and the Devil Emperor stood on one side. They were hundreds of meters away from each other. Crimson Moon was on the other side of the Sea of fire, at the moment, she was constantly spitting out translucent silk which gathered in the air. It seemed that she was creating a trap.

Dudian saw that they didn’t rush to attack him. He was relieved but soon he was pulled back by the burning sensation in his body. He immediately controlled the cells in his body to stop the splitting and burning. However, when his willpower was transmitted over.., his body didn’t respond. His face changed. He tried to control his body to raise his arm but found that the reaction was weak.

“The temperature is too high. is the body out of control?”Dudian felt that the situation was critical. He quickly used the tissue in his brain to demonize the stem cells. He injected them into his body and built nerves in his blood and flesh, however, it was burned by the terrifying high temperature as soon as it was constructed. It was like a cotton thread in a flame.

“No, I have to lower the temperature first. The temperature here is too high. I have to get out of here first!”Dudian’s thought process was very fast. The first thing he did was to construct two ice-covered wings on his head. There was ice at the end of the wings to insulate the heat, the wings were constructed by the magic insect spaceship. The ignition point was very high. When the wings were constructed, the temperature quickly rose. It became hot and red but it didn’t melt.

Dudian immediately controlled the wings to fly away.


The wings flapped the flames and carried his body away.

The unusual movement in the Sea of fire attracted the attention of Lin Changsheng, the Devil Emperor and Crimson Moon. The three of them were shocked when they saw that Dudian didn’t die. Especially Crimson Moon, there was a crazy killing intent in her eyes. But she held back in the end. No matter if Dudian died or not, she would face the following troubles.

Moreover Dudian had survived but if he was killed then he would be dragged into the Sea of fire. Even if he didn’t die then he would be burned off a layer of skin which would be very disadvantageous to the next action.

“This cunning kid…”the ice bird’s eyes flashed with cold light. Its killing intent towards Dudian was more intense but it didn’t make a move.

The shock on the demon king’s face quickly disappeared. He looked at the figure struggling to fly in the Sea of fire. His expression was calm but no one could tell what he was thinking.


Dudian dived towards the ground and quickly escaped from the Sea of fire. All of this happened in a very short time. It hadn’t been more than ten seconds since he broke out of Crimson Moon’s cage. He felt that he had made the right bet, crimson Moon didn’t dare to waste too much energy to kill him. However, it was urgent to reverse the trend of spontaneous combustion of his body. He used the brain tissue to demonize new cells and then used new cells to construct the ice magic limbs, he reduced the heat around his body.


His body crashed into the ground like a meteorite. The fire on his body quickly ignited the surrounding weeds and other combustible materials. The fire quickly spread in all directions.

“No, my body is burning through!”Dudian felt that his body was completely dead. He couldn’t control it. After all, he wasn’t a complete god. He had lost his heart so he couldn’t directly abandon his body. Otherwise, he could only become a parasite, he could live in other life forms and then rob other life forms to survive. But in that case, his God’s body would be even more incomplete.

“The temperature can’t be lowered and the nervous system can’t be constructed to control the body!”

“Damn, don’t tell me it will stop after it is burned clean?”

Dudian’s face was ugly. The burning flames on his body burned his brain. It was as if his brain was being pricked by Needles. The pain was unbearable. It was extremely difficult for him to calm down and think, if it was an ordinary person, they would have covered their head and screamed.

“Do you need my help?”Suddenly, a cold voice came from the air.

Dudian was startled. He looked up and saw the ice bird, the Devil Emperor, and Crimson Moon. They were looking down at him from the air. It seemed that they didn’t plan to attack but it seemed that they would attack at the same time.

“It’s more than enough for me to drag you down with me!”Dudian clenched his teeth as he fought back against Lin Changsheng.

“It seems that you don’t want to die.”The Ice Bird’s face changed into Lin Changsheng’s. A cold smile appeared on its face, “Although I don’t know how you stay conscious in such a high temperature but it seems that it is a bit difficult for you to live. Why Don’t you just die?”

Dudian gritted his teeth. He knew what they meant from their expressions. If he died of spontaneous combustion then they wouldn’t attack him. If he wanted to stop the spontaneous combustion then.., they would immediately kill him!

At this moment, he had to stop the spontaneous combustion of his body. It was extremely difficult and anxious. Moreover, he was facing their coercion. It was like a person who was struggling in the water but was stopped by the people on the shore.

Although he had thought of this situation when he thought of using self-ignition to break Crimson Moon’s cage, but when it really happened, he still felt furious!

The next moment, he no longer controlled his own self-ignition. He suddenly rushed into the sky. His whole body was burning with flames as he rushed towards Crimson Moon!

Crimson Moon was startled. She suddenly became angry. The meaning on her face was very obvious: “It is clear that Lin Changsheng is provoking you. Why are you trying to kill me? !”

The Devil Emperor and Lin Changsheng smiled as they saw the situation. They knew that Dudian didn’t attack Lin Changsheng because if he tried to kill Lin Changsheng then the Devil Emperor and Crimson Moon would have no choice but to attack, if Lin Changsheng was killed by Dudian then the mechanical heart would be burnt. Dudian would be facing a joint attack of three people. However they would only watch as he tried to kill Crimson Moon.

From this it could be seen that Dudian really wanted to find someone to take the fall before his death.

Crimson Moon’s face turned ugly. She cursed at the madman and quickly retreated. She didn’t want to fight with Dudian. She just wanted to drag him until he burned himself to death.

Crimson Moon used her dark domain to cover a few miles. Her body flickered in the dark domain. Dudian’s attacks missed again and again.

It had to be said that if two people with the same strength wanted to kill each other, it was almost impossible for the other party to kill the other party unless both parties were fighting to the death.

Dudian was even more angry as he saw Scarlet Moon’s plan. However he was in a bad condition at the moment. Half of his body was burning and he couldn’t use much strength. Scarlet Moon was trying to dodge so he wasn’t able to chase after her.

The most desperate and powerless thing was that he wouldn’t be able to catch up to her even if he tried his best!


His body fell to the ground like a pile of mud. His body was still burning with flames.

After a few minutes of chasing, his last bit of willpower and physical strength was exhausted. He could only look at the sky as Crimson Moon gradually converged her domain. His eyes gradually became lifeless and his consciousness became blurred.

“It’s still over…”his remaining consciousness thought bitterly.

Finally, his perception slowly contracted, and the entire world became blurry and dark. Then, the light gradually dimmed, and all the light beams were compressed in front of his eyes, converging into a blurry, gentle face.

He smiled bitterly. He wanted to clench his fists and muster his last bit of strength to fight, but he found that he did not even have the strength to clench his fists.

His vision gradually blurred, and his hearing gradually weakened.

The entire world seemed to have become incomparably dark and silent.

Dong Dong!

Dong Dong!

There was only the sound of thunder-like throbbing, rhythmically and steadily beating. Moreover, the faster he jumped, the more rapid it became. However, this kind of urgency could no longer bring him an unbearable pain, because the pain in his body had long been burned away by the flames.

Chapter 1199: Chapter 1188: Life in the heart

Translator: 549690339 

“A trapped beast is struggling to survive!”Crimson Moon looked down at Dudian who had fallen to the ground and was still burning. There was a silver crescent in her eyes as she looked through the Flames to see Dudian, her Heart was relieved as she saw that Dudian had closed his eyes. She knew that it was difficult for him to continue and that he would gradually burn himself to death. Her eyes turned to the Devil Emperor and Lin Changsheng.

At the same time, the Devil Emperor and Lin Changsheng withdrew their eyes from Dudian. They knew that the latter was at the end of his rope and would die without a doubt. They no longer paid attention to each other but looked at each other.

At the moment the situation was three-legged but Crimson Moon was the weakest one!

Crimson Moon spoke to Lin Changsheng before the devil emperor opened his mouth: “There are only three of US left. It is easy for accidents to happen in a free-for-all. Are you interested in cooperating with me to get rid of Effiny Hughes First?”

The Demon Emperor narrowed his eyes at this, a cold glint flashing through them.

Lin Changsheng gave a faint smile and asked, “Why do you want to work with me instead of Your Majesty?”

Crimson moon sneered and said, “Calling him your Majesty is just hoping that he will lead the way. I’ve long wanted to take care of him.”

Lin Changsheng tilted his head and glanced at the demon emperor. With a faint smile, he asked crimson moon, “What confidence do you have that I’ll work with you and not him?”

“Because he’s a little stronger,”Crimson Moon said coldly. She did not mind admitting that the demon emperor was stronger than her, especially at this moment.., “If you cooperate with him, after you kill me, you’ll have to face him alone! “But I’m different. Earlier, this kid used up too much of my energy, greatly reducing my strength. After we finish him off, my strength will decrease a little more. At that time, if you face me, your chances of winning will naturally be a little better than if you face him, right?”

Lin changsheng chuckled, “That’s true.”

The Demon Emperor did not interrupt when he heard the two’s words, nor did he propose any conditions. When Crimson Moon had invited Lin Changsheng to cooperate, he had already considered this point, so he knew that saying anything else was just nonsense, so he might as well not say it.

“Demon Emperor, your judgment isn’t very good!”After Lin Changsheng said this, he teased the demon emperor to the side.

The demon emperor indifferently said, “Don’t be too pleased with yourself. Perhaps we can work together to deal with you. There’s no absolute hatred. As long as the benefits I propose are appropriate, she might not cooperate with you.”

Lin Changsheng raised his brows and indifferently said, “No matter what conditions you propose, when you achieve your goal, you will take them back. If she’s smart enough, she should know this.”

These words were meant for crimson moon. In reality, Crimson Moon knew this even without Lin Changsheng saying it. On the contrary, the tone of Lin Changsheng’s words made her feel very uncomfortable, but acting was a small matter to her, the key was the final result.

The Demon Emperor indifferently said with his hands behind his back, “If I really wanted to give her benefits, she would definitely agree, because the benefits I gave her would immediately be used by her, but…”

“But what?”Lin Changsheng frowned, feeling a hint of threat.

“But I don’t want to give it to you,”the demon Emperor indifferently said. “To me, an extra half-baked person to help you is only so-so.”

Lin Changsheng heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, and at the same time, he laughed loudly. “Good, what a good demon emperor. As expected, you are arrogant. Since that’s the case, let us properly experience your magnificence!”

He transformed into an ice bird and rushed towards the Devil Emperor. The air in the air froze as if the entire sky was frozen.

Crimson Moon saw the situation and immediately used her special magic silk to bind the Devil Emperor. She didn’t use the previous cage. With her current energy, she could only seal one at most. If there were two of them, she would be killed.

The Flames on the ground were burning more and more. The area was very large. The fire was burning along the ground. The place where Dudian fell had been burned into the core magma, blood red lava was flowing. Dudian’s body was floating in the magma. He was being burned at all times. At the same time his body was instinctively going through the magic fission, he turned into an endless stream of fuel and injected it into the flame.

Dudian’s eyes were dull and lost his spirit.

His mind gradually stopped. The skin of his body was rapidly falling off and was burning. He was quickly reborn. There seemed to be no limit to the cycle.

But if one looked carefully, they would find that the speed of regeneration was gradually decreasing. The speed of healing couldn’t keep up with the speed of burning. The skin was gradually no longer healing and the flesh under the skin was constantly burning.

There were new rocks melting into the magma. Dudian’s body was suspended on the surface and the magma bubbles kept coming out.

Dong Dong!

Dong Dong!

Most of his chest was submerged. The magma was trembling slightly.

It shrank and shrank as if the magma was breathing.

Dong Dong!

The trembling sound continued and jumped more and more violently. It was unknown how much time had passed. Suddenly, the magma in Dudian’s chest seemed to have flowed into a hole and collapsed.

The next moment, the surrounding lava all rushed towards the collapsed hole. It seemed that this was the drainage hole at the bottom of the pool. It sucked the surrounding lava and crazily surged. Gradually, it formed a vortex!

The height of the lava rapidly decreased. When it was about one meter high, suddenly, a ferocious claw made of lava suddenly stretched out from the collapsed hole. The arm of the claw was full of cracks of the lava, it seemed that it would explode at any time. The Claw was extremely sharp. It ruthlessly grabbed the surrounding magma and then another magma claw stretched out!

The two claws reached into the magma at the same time. The surrounding magma seemed to be boiling and surging. It was quickly absorbed by the claws and covered the claws!

Soon, the magma reached the bottom. Dudian’s body also floated down to the bottom of the hot rock. The two magma claws were two to three meters long and stood beside him, it was a small beast that was less than 20 centimeters tall. Its body was made of magma. It looked like a human. Its eyes were white like a burning flame but there was no flame.

Its eyes were very big. There were no eyes or nose. It had two huge human ears. Its body was like a human baby. Its belly was bulging and its two feet were very short.

“Wa wa… ?”

The small beast made a puzzled sound. Its huge arms were very inconsistent with its body. It turned around and saw Dudian’s broken body lying on the side. It took a closer look and sniffed, “Wa Wa?”

It slightly tilted its head as if it was thinking. After a while, it suddenly opened its mouth. The baby’s mouth suddenly opened to more than two meters long. Its mouth was full of sharp piranha-like teeth. It Swallowed Dudian who was on the ground!

Chapter 1200: Chapter 1189: ancestor of the Aragami

Translator: 549690339 


The small beast swallowed Dudian and began to chew. The sound of bones being chewed could be heard. Soon, it raised its head and swallowed. Its short body was suddenly enlarged. It shook its body like a bird in the cold wind. As it shook, its body gradually became bigger. It was half a meter tall and its image became like that of a human child. It seemed that it had grown a lot in a short period of time.

At this moment, the sound of intense battle above its head attracted its attention. Its pure white eyes that were like flames raised its head and looked over. It saw streaks of silver threads shooting out explosively in midair, as well as black fog surging out, there was also the ice wall cold air that engulfed the sky and earth, as well as the laser-like rays that split out from within.

“WA-WA?”The little beast blinked its eyes. It was somewhat puzzled and also somewhat curious. Its eyes quickly revealed a bit of desire. It was like a hungry person who had seen a delicious feast. It licked its tongue greedily!

However, it didn’t rush up immediately. It suddenly raised its huge arm after absorbing the lava and plunged into the ground. Bang! The ground shook and the next moment the ground around it quickly collapsed, it was as if it had fallen into a bottomless black hole.

Its body was slowly growing as the ground collapsed. In the blink of an eye it had grown to a height of nearly three meters, at this moment, it had turned into a basin with a diameter of several kilometers!

The Devil Emperor, Crimson Moon and Lin Changsheng who were fighting in the air also noticed the unusual movement below. They were shocked. Could it be that Dudian could reverse the resurrection in that situation?

When they looked over, they found a huge funnel-shaped basin on the ground. At the bottom of the funnel in the center of the basin stood a creature that was made of magma. Its body was made of magma which looked like it would collapse at any time, they could see the red liquid flowing inside. It looked like blood or boiling flames. The body structure was humanoid and not complicated. There were no extra carapaces or fur scales. It was very simple and “Smooth.”.


The demon lord, who was being forced by Crimson Moon, suddenly felt a fear in his heart. He caught a familiar feeling from this strange creature. It was familiar, but it also made him feel fear!

In these past few years, besides his father, who had appeared in his memories when he was young, he had also experienced fear from the sea monster he had encountered when he had gone out wandering when he was young, as well as those two terrifying monsters that occupied the wasteland outside his borders, there was nothing else that made him feel fear. Even if he was targeted by the nuclear bomb in Lin Changsheng’s hand, he would not feel the slightest bit of fear.

At the same time, Crimson Moon who used the divine thread to attack the devil emperor felt an inexplicable palpitation when she saw the magma creature. It was as if she was the prey of a hunter, like a frog who met a snake, she had an instinctive fear which shocked her. Ever since she finished the final experiment on Dudian and defeated Bolo, she had never met anything that made her afraid.

Even though it was the first time she had met the Devil Emperor in the Kingdom of God. She wasn’t afraid but at the moment she was trembling. She wanted to turn around and run away.

“What is this thing? Is It Dudian’s demonized body? No, it is impossible for him to give me such a feeling. The body structure of this thing is very special. It is changing all the time. Could It Be…”crimson moon seemed to think of something, her pupils shrank and her face was filled with horror. She stopped her attack on the Devil Emperor. She was shocked and doubtful as she thought about whether she should retreat.

Lin Changsheng didn’t have the strange palpitation of the Devil Emperor and Crimson Moon. He felt that this magma creature was a bit strange. He was wondering if it was Dudian’s demonized form. However, it didn’t seem like it.., he tried to change the structure of his pupils and infiltrate into the creature’s body. His face changed as he saw the situation inside the creature: “Impossible!”

At this time, the small beast on the ground twisted its arm and pulled out from the ground. Its magma-like arm was covered with a layer of metal. It looked at its own arms, there was a bit of curiosity on its face. The next moment, sharp spikes shot out from its arms. They were black and sharp. It was the cutting edge that Dudian had used previously.

The next moment, the sharp blade shrank back and turned into a burning flame. Then the flame disappeared and ice appeared. It emitted a thick cold air and then turned into metal, rock, and Black Fog, silver Threads also appeared. If one looked closely, they would find that they were the same as the threads that Crimson Moon had revealed. The silver threads only flashed for a moment and then turned into something else.

In just a dozen seconds, its arm had turned into hundreds of different structures. It was dazzling, and once again shocked the three people in the sky.

“Impossible! !”

“This… how is this possible? !”

“The structure is so fast!”

The three people were all incomparably shocked.

Little Beastie’s arm was still continuously constructing new substances, as if it had discovered a novel toy and was continuously trying it out.

After the three people in the sky recovered from their shock, the demon lord was the first to react, he decisively and solemnly said, “This is an Aragami, a true Aragami! It’s even more terrifying than our race’s Aragami ancestor. Let’s work together to kill it first. Otherwise, we will all die!”

“I agree!”Crimson Moon said almost immediately.

Lin Changsheng glanced at the two of them. Thinking of their special identities and bodies, he sneered in his heart. However, he did not deny the demon lord’s suggestion. The divinity that this magma creature displayed far surpassed any of them!

The so-called divinity was what he called extreme life forms. It referred to the control of cells, the ability to change genes, the speed at which matter was constructed, and so on. In theory, a God could create all things, and the battle between them.., the more special and tough the matter that was constructed, the faster the speed, and the greater the chance of victory. This was just like the difference between an ordinary person who punched fast and a person who punched slowly.

In the blink of an eye, from the three people who were fighting each other to the three of them working together, it only took a few seconds to decide. The three people’s eyes met, and they quickly agreed on an attack method. The Demon Emperor was the first to rush out, and crimson moon surrounded them from the side, releasing a large number of silver threads, he set up traps and domains.

On the other side, Lin Changsheng relied on his powerful knowledge to control the Aragami in his hand to create ice, fire, thunder, and other three elemental substances. A large amount of dark clouds gathered in midair, he used the magnetic field in the world to strengthen his attack. What made him regret was that the Aragami in his hand was only an ordinary Aragami. If he had not trained it for over a hundred years and grasped a large amount of knowledge.., the speed of the body’s structure was probably far inferior to crimson moon and the demon emperor.

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