Daughters of Demeter

97. Homework

"So Deveron-8," Sarah commented as she sipped her drink. "I know there's a few other reasons why you avoid that world, above and beyond what you told Jace."

Rebecca grimaced, "It's been thirty years. I ought to be over that by now."

I didn't comment because it really wasn't my area of expertise, but I had a feeling those memories were still painful for our tough stoic girlfriend because she'd never really taken time to process them. Burying those thoughts and feelings meant she didn't have to deal with them in the moment, but they never really faded or went away.

It was evening and the four of us were sitting around the table in the ship's mess, but we hadn't bothered with food. We were still full from the big meal this afternoon over at Gilly's, so instead of dinner we'd opted for drinks and conversation.

"I got the feeling you're familiar with the outpost Mr. Wheeler mentioned," Jenny observed. "Have you been to Ganvis before, captain?"

The boss grimaced again, "Just once, and only briefly."

She paused for a gulp of her whiskey, before elaborating. "Like Jace said, it's on the opposite side of the planet from the capital and spaceport. Literally on the ass end of the world."

After another brief hesitation she sighed, "It's the closest settlement to the rendezvous-point where Ellery died, where I was all but killed. Ganvis is where Gabe parked the Demeter, before me and El set out in the shuttle. Neither of us actually set foot in the place though, Gabe's the only one who spent any time there."

"Ah," Jenny frowned. "I hope this trip won't be too stressful for you."

Rebecca drained her glass then shrugged, "I'll manage. It's just another freight job, and one that shouldn't carry any risk. We'll be taking the payment in advance too, so we won't have any unhappy surprises when we get there."

There were a few quiet nodds around the table, but none of us commented on that.

Eventually Sarah spoke up again with another question, "Do you think we'll find another cargo for the trip back?"

"Hard to say," the boss shrugged as she poured herself another drink. "Even if things are as bad in the outposts as Jace said, they might be doing better off around the city. And if it really is that hard to find a ship willing to head to the Deveron system then anyone there looking to ship stuff off-world won't have a lot of choices. So it might balance out? Fewer potential customers but less competition means the odds of finding a cargo might be about the same."

I had a gulp of my soda then asked, "So what's our next step? What are we doing tomorrow?"

"Supplies, fuel, and port fees," Rebecca replied. After another sip of her drink she added, "And I think I might check in at the spaceport to see if they have anything to say about Deveron-8. Not saying I don't trust our new customer, but it's always a good idea to get another opinion. It's been long enough since I've been over that way, I'd like to find out if my information on that world's out of date. Stuff like approaches, fees, port rules, cost of fuel, any new pirate activity in the area. The usual."

Most of that was fairly standard, but the last thing she mentioned left me worried. "Pirates? For real?"

"Yeah," the boss didn't sound that concerned. "They used to hang around Marshal's World and the Garrett Cluster. Both those systems are between here and the Deveron system. As long as we don't stop there it shouldn't be an issue. Even if we do stop we'll be fine as long as we stay on our toes."

Sarah stated, "Well we won't have to stop for any kind of mechanical reason. The Demeter's engines are in top shape."

"Glad to hear it," Rebecca smiled. "Anyways I'm sure we'll be fine. It's going to be a long boring trip, and I'm not too happy where we're going, but the actual job itself should be a milk run."

I had no idea what that meant, and my confusion must have been obvious on my face since my cute blonde girlfriend volunteered an explanation.

"A milk run is an easy mission," our engineer explained. "Don't ask me where the expression came from, it's another one of those ancient sayings that's stuck around. But yeah, it just means we can expect a quiet easy mission."

Our amazonian girlfriend nodded, then drained her glass again. She commented, "If anyone else has last-minute stuff to do before we ship out, plan on doing it tomorrow or the day after. If we stick to jump-0 it's going to be quite a while before we're back on this world."

"I should touch base with Gwen tomorrow too I suppose," she added with a sigh. "Find out if she's sent word home yet, and let her know we'll be busy for some time."

"I'd like to send my sister another message before we go," I decided. "With all the excitement between Tamsin, Lebeau, and Gwen, I completely forgot to respond to her last message."

I looked at Sarah to see if she wanted to write her granddaughter, but she shook her head.

Rebecca suggested, "We'll take care port fees, fuel, and arranging supplies first thing tomorrow morning. Then in the afternoon I'll swing by the port facilities and maybe a few places I know independent pilots hang out, to make some enquiries about the conditions in that part of the sector. The day after we'll visit Vesfar Urox so you can send your message Amanda. And if there's anything else we need, we'll take care of it then. How's that sound?"

We all agreed that worked, and that was about it for the conversation.

When it came time to turn in, it didn't take any convincing to get Rebecca to join Sarah and I for the night. I had a feeling she'd be spending the next couple nights with us, since once we had our passenger on board she'd want to be more professional and act like a proper ship's captain.

Sarah seemed to know that too, and without either of us having to say anything we both decided to make sure Rebecca's next few nights with us were memorable, to get her through the eighteen or so nights she'd probably be alone during the transit to Deveron-8.

In fact we did such a good job making sure it was a fun night that we were still at it the following morning. Not that we didn't get any sleep, but when we were right back at it as soon as we woke up.

Eventually hunger and thirst got the better of us, and we all finally emerged from the cabin. Nobody bothered getting dressed yet, I was in a nightshirt while Sarah and Rebecca only got as far as panties and bras.

Jenny met the three of us in the mess, and everyone exchanged quiet good-mornings as we got ourselves coffee. Then I pulled out some of the left-over BBQ and started warming that up for breakfast while Sarah got out some plates.

"We received a message from Lady Magniveen a little while ago," Jenny announced, after the rest of us had a few sips of coffee in us and we were all looking a little more awake.

The AI had a faint smirk on her face as she continued, "She asked me to inform you Princess Rebecca, that she has composed and sent a message to her family on Vysalis-4. She also wanted you to know that she has not revealed any secrets yet, but instead this first message is to establish the line of communications and test the waters to determine that her family are willing and able to cooperate. She expects to hear back within four days."

The boss rolled her eyes, "Just because she keeps calling me princess doesn't mean the rest of you get to do that too."

"I don't know your highness," Sarah grinned. "I sure don't want to accidentally disrespect you by forgetting to use the correct honorific. And I really don't want to get on the bad side of someone who commands an entire planetary defence force."

The princess's reply to that was grumbled under her breath just a little too quietly for the rest of us to hear. Then as I set out the reheated food she looked to me and said, "After breakfast I want to go over the navigation data with you Amanda. We'll be heading into a new part of the sector for you, and I was thinking it'd be a good idea for you to have a look at the chart ahead of time."

"Ok," I agreed as we all started to eat. "Is it difficult, or anything specific to worry about? Apart from pirates I guess."

Rebecca shook her head, "Not really. But unless you've been doing more studying on your own, you probably aren't familiar with anything outside the three or four systems you've been to."

The food was good as usual, even warmed-up day-old BBQ was nicer than the stuff that came out of the autochef. Then when we were done the boss asked Sarah to handle the tidying up so I was free to look at the star charts.

We still hadn't bothered with clothes yet as I followed the gorgeous redhead forward into the cockpit and slipped into my seat. A minute later we were both staring at a 2d representation of the Gorath Sector on my nav screen.

"This is one of the reasons why nobody likes going to Deveron-8," Rebecca said as she gestured at the screen. "There's nothing else out there."

I nodded slowly as I stared at the chart in front of me, "Yeah. I see what you mean."

Ecclestone's World was practically in the middle of the sector, which helped make it the Gorath Sector's main shipping hub. In stark contrast, the Deveron system was way off in a far-flung corner. It wasn't completely isolated, but none of its neighbouring systems had much to offer.

"So if we can't pick up another cargo on that world we probably won't find anything nearby either," I sighed. "Which means flying back empty."

"Correct," the boss nodded. "Fuel's going to be another concern. I'm sure we can get some at the spaceport, but it might be expensive. If we head out there at jump-1 we're going to be running low. On the other hand going out that way at jump-0 isn't a fun trip either."

I checked the distance on the chart and did the math in my head, "Eighteen days. That'll be our longest trip yet, at least since me and Sarah came aboard."

"Eighteen days wouldn't be too bad if it was just the four of us. I'm sure we could all find ways to keep each other entertained. Unfortunately we won't be alone," Rebecca frowned. "That means eighteen days properly dressed, with everyone on good behaviour."

"Yeah," I sighed. It probably wouldn't be a fun trip, for any of us.

Still, I couldn't help feeling bad for the farmers who needed this shipment. And even eighteen days on duty with my two girlfriends and my AI friend was still better than what I did for three quarters of a year on the Hammersmith. It might not be as much fun as usual, but it wouldn't be awful. And it was for a good cause, too.

After another minute or so staring at the chart Rebecca said, "Like I said, I'm going to do some homework this afternoon. Find out what conditions are like in that part of the sector, see if anyone else has been there recently. I might even shoot off an FTL to the Deveron port facilities, to ask them about their current fees and what fuel costs. If the rates are favourable, maybe we'll do this trip at jump-1 whether or not Jace can afford the extra fees. Just to get it over with."

I gave her a look and half-teased, "I thought you said we didn't do charity work?"

"We don't," she replied. Then she grimaced, "The additional costs of a level-one jump are legit but I'm also weighing that against our time. And as a good captain I also have to consider my crew's morale, right? Eight thousand ecks versus an unhappy crew..."

She shook her head, "Not an easy call."

"Especially not when two thirds of that crew are your girlfriends," I teased. "And we're still hoping to get Jenny on board too at some point, right?"

Rebecca rolled her eyes but didn't comment.

I quickly got serious again as I asked, "Considering your past experience on that world along with all the logistical issues, I'm actually surprised you took the job in the first place. Not only that but when you and Jace were haggling yesterday I got the feeling you were going easy on him?"

She grimaced slightly as she leaned back in her chair and stretched. And as distracting as seeing her flex her strong beautiful body was, it didn't actually make me forget what I was asking.

The boss could see it on my expression too, as she rolled her eyes. "Ok fine, you're right. I guess I got a little sucked-in by his sob story. You remember I told you I grew up on an agri-world though, right? You probably know as well as I do how devastating a prolonged drought is to that kind of place. At least in the Imperium they'd actually get some support from off-world."

"Don't get me wrong," she added, "I'm no fan of the Imperium. But this is one situation where they're actually helpful. Out here, without any off-world support? Those people could well be starving. And the planet's economy is probably on the verge of collapse. They depend on their produce for everything. Food, money, medical supplies, tech."

I nodded, "I know Rebecca. That's the first thing I thought of yesterday when Jace mentioned it. I never experienced anything like that myself, but I heard the stories growing up. And Kaitor-7 hasn't been part of the Imperium all that long. So those stories were as bad as what you're saying for Deveron-8."

We were both quiet for a few moments after that, and I was sure she was thinking the same thing as me. We were worrying how bad it might be, while hoping Jace was maybe exaggerating to play up the sympathy.

"So what about finding cargo for the return trip?" I asked, trying to change the subject slightly. "I guess we don't have high hopes for that? What else can we do instead?"

Rebecca gestured at the chart, "If we're looking at flying back here empty then maybe we'll set out at jump-0 and make a point of looking at the Garrett Cluster and around Marshal's world. It's a gamble, but we might come across something worth salvaging."

I frowned, "That's where you said the pirates were right? Wait, you're thinking we might come across some wrecked ships pirates have left behind?"

"Pretty much," she replied. "It's a bit of a long-shot. If Deveron-8 has fallen off the shipping lanes, there's no juicy freighters coming and going. Nothing for pirates to prey on."

I frowned at her, "Except we'd be a juicy freighter wandering through their territory. So if there's any pirates still hanging around we'll be an appealing target. It wasn't that long ago you and I were talking about you not taking unnecessary risks, you know? I hope you haven't forgotten about that so soon."

"I haven't forgotten," she grumbled, though the blush creeping across her cheeks made me wonder.

After a few seconds I turned my attention back to the navigation chart and asked, "Speaking of shipwrecks, where did you find Jenny's old ship? I know you said it was way out of your usual route. Are we going to be anywhere near there?"

"Not really," Rebecca sighed. She pointed at a spot on the screen, "It was in this area here, down on this side of the Gorath field."

I checked the distance from there back to the Deveron system then sighed, "That's almost as far from Deveron-8 as we are now. over a dozen days at jump-0."

"Yeah," she nodded. "Not a bad idea though Amanda, good thinking. The problem is even though both locations are remote, they're not the same remote."

"So I see," I sighed.

After a quiet half minute or so the boss got to her feet, "That's enough for now. Let's get dressed, it's time we got on with our day."

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