Drag Sister to Dominate Hogwarts

Page 161

When the child grows up, he stops being well-behaved, and a child of Cassandra's size is the most likable.

Especially well-behaved and caring girls.

Cassandra also started chatting with the two old men, completely oblivious to Newt's breaking the law.

In fact, Cassandra felt, the Ministry of Magic might have known about Newt's little secrets, since he'd been doing it when he was young.

Newt's life experience is also considered legendary, and he has made too many achievements.

Unless Newt did something unforgivable, the Ministry of Magic obviously wouldn't take such a centenarian as a knife.

Around noon, there was a bang in the living room, and a fat man with black hair appeared.

Seeing Tina, Theseus and Cassandra talking and laughing, he seemed a little overwhelmed.

It wasn't until Theseus laughed and said "Show me, my stupid brother", that he had no choice but to change back to the original.

With silver-white curly hair and wrinkles that couldn't completely cover his original facial features, with a silly smile on his lips, Newt came in front of Cassandra.

"Hello, boy, I'm Newt Scamander."

"I heard that you saw through Theseus' compound potion. How did you do it? It should be because his performance is too stupid, right?"

"No, your approach must be too stupid." Theseus quickly retorted.

The two brothers had a lot of conflicts when they were young because of personality problems.

But that little conflict has long been reconciled with age, otherwise they would not be able to live together.

But things like bickering can't stop, they will fight until the day they go to the grave.

Oh no.

Maybe after death, they entered a new adventure, and they would continue to fight.

"I just think that Mr. Theseus' attitude towards Xixiu is not very friendly."

"Damn it, that Niffler has stolen my glasses 110 seven times, how could I have a crush on him!"

When Theseus heard this reason, he was not discouraged by failure, but turned to accuse Newt of Niu Niu.

Newt also grinned and said, "Being beaten 110 seven times by a Niffler, you've degenerated from an Auror to a Squib, bro."

It was Tina who stopped the two brothers from bickering and let Theseus go to the sun with the kitty, leaving Cassandra and Newt behind.

"I'm sorry that this happened to you. It's really urgent what happened to me."

"A group of wizards tried to burn the Ash Snake and set the whole valley ablaze."

"They didn't want the Ministry of Magic to know about it, so they invited me."

Cassandra asked curiously: "Then how did you solve it?"

"Ash snakes themselves are not scary. What makes them a headache is that they hide and lay eggs secretly."

"And the eggs of the fire ash snake are a huge hidden danger, which may ignite everything around them."

"So what we have to do is very simple, guide the ash snake to a place they think is safe to lay eggs."

"Those gathered Fire Ash Snake Eggs are even quite a fortune."

Cassandra nodded: "Freeze them, you can make a love potion, or swallow them whole to treat malaria."

"The perfect answer."

Newt applauded Cassandra, and then said: "In fact, the frozen ash snake eggs can still be revived, even more so... some more drastic changes."

"But that's not what we want to know today."

Newt took out his book: "Okay, I heard from Theseus and Tina that you have mastered everything in the book?"

"Not everything, sir. I just memorized the content of the third grade, and the rest can only be regarded as understanding."

Newt was not willing to test Cassandra on some topics, and finally had to admit that Cassandra was better than he imagined.

Looking at the girl in front of him who had heard from many people, he was both happy and worried.

But worrying about this kind of thing can only be put down for the time being. Fortunately, she can still control Mo Ran.

"You're better than I thought!"

"It's getting late, let's have lunch first, and then we will learn to protect and take care of magical creatures."

After lunch, Newt took Cassandra to the backyard and pulled out his almost legendary suitcase.

A box that could be picked up at any time was turned into a large space by Newt's Untraceable Stretch Curse. There are more than a dozen different environments in it to meet the different survival needs of magical creatures.

It can be seen that Newt's spell level has also reached a terrifying stage.

Even at a young age, he can already compete with Greenwald.

"Come on, Miss Malfoy, I hope I won't disappoint you."

136 1/3 Newt's Hidden Place

Cassandra enthusiastically followed Newt into the box.

What magical animals can Cassandra see in it?

Cassandra is looking forward to it.

Climbing down a ladder to a utility room, Cassandra looked around in surprise.

In her memory, there are countless tools stored here to deal with all kinds of magical animals.

There are even several full cabinets containing various ingredients for feeding different magical animals.

These things speak volumes for Newt's knowledgeable approach to caring for Fantastic Beasts.

Ordinary wizards may be exhausted taking care of one magical animal, but Newt can easily take care of dozens or even dozens of magical animals.

Not only that, but Newt can subdue entire populations of magical animals in the wild, which few other wizards can do.

Sadly, that all seems to be history.

Now the utility room is empty, not only the tools have disappeared, but even all kinds of cabinet furniture have disappeared.

"It's a bit empty indeed."

Newt seemed embarrassed, shrugged, and showed Cassandra around.

However, Cassandra's disappointment was quickly dispelled by the miraculous sight in front of her.

After walking out of the utility room, Cassandra felt as if she had time-traveled.

The scenery in front of him suddenly turned into an endless wasteland, and a huge stone pillar stood in the wasteland.

Not only the scenery, but also the scorching sun shining on the skin, and the bitter wind brings suffocating airflow.

All this seemed to tell Cassandra that the wilderness scenery in front of her was real.

"It's a desert habitat, and I mimicked the Arizona desert environment with a little bit of weather spells and immobilization spells."

Newt casually explained it to Cassandra, not seeming to care much about the level of enchantment involved.

However, Cassandra is almost unable to distinguish the surrounding environment. Her magic perception is 4, which has reached the point where she can directly distinguish compound decoction. Ordinary wizards don't even have 1 point in this attribute.

But even so, Cassandra was tricked.

If she hadn't known the environment here long ago, Cassandra might feel that she had really time-traveled again.

Not only the weather spell, but also the immobilization spell in Newt's hand has become almost miraculous.

The situation in front of us has lasted for decades.

It wasn't something Newt was fixing dead, either, something as trivial as a nail on the wall to hang a picture on.

Instead, it fixed the sunlight, temperature, humidity and other environments created by the weather spell, and created a small ecological circle.

This is something that human beings will not be able to easily do in the future, but it seems easy in Newt's hands.

And Newt did it over 60 years ago.

"Don't just look at the desert, we still have a lot of environments to look at."

Under Newt's reminder, Cassandra turned around.

I saw bamboo forest habitats, grassland habitats, beach habitats, and mountain habitats.

Walking into the bamboo forest casually, the cool air and bright moonlight make Cassandra seem to have really come to the night, reflecting the atmosphere of walking in the bamboo forest under the moonlight.

The same goes for the few remaining habitats, each of which lives up to its name, not just a show.

After all, these are all prepared for the corresponding magical creatures. If they pretend, not only will the magical creatures not agree, they may all die immediately.

All this also made Cassandra realize how to pack so many ecosystems in a small space. Newt obviously also has a high level of research on ecological cycles and species contact and polyculture.

Next, Cassandra saw cave habitats, rock cave habitats, rainforest habitats, inlet habitats, snowfield habitats, and even floating bulb habitats in the air.

These are all Cassandra has seen in the movie, and there are many other environments that she saw for the first time.

Such as underwater environment, crater environment, snow mountain environment, glacier environment, wetland environment, cave environment...

In short, the interior space of this suitcase has just gotten bigger now.

This also made Cassandra realize one thing, that Newt in front of her may also be very successful in transfiguration.

Otherwise, so many environments couldn't have been handcrafted by him bit by bit, right?

Sure enough, a powerful wizard can never do without Transfiguration.

After seeing all the environments, Cassandra said she was deeply shocked.

Not only because of the level of magic that Newt showed, but also because Newt used magic in different directions, and finally got shocking results.

Sure enough, magic is not just about exams, spells, potions and eating melons.

The wizarding world is a whole world, with countless wizards doing all kinds of things.

It's a pity that this is probably the reason why many of them don't obey discipline. In their eyes, the Ministry of Magic is probably inferior to trolls.

It's not as friendly and cute as Muggles, at least Muggles don't think about legislating to restrict their behavior all day long.

But Cassandra felt sorry after all, because she didn't see any magical animals in it.

After Newt retired and gave away all the animals, the news seems to be true.

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