Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 128: Brainiac


***HR. Undisclosed location between galaxies***

Hidden between galaxies a secret place tore through sub-space and formed one of the most advanced intergalactic quantum entanglement communication centers. The station was a mammoth in construction a star base in its own right. A massive center piece of metallurgy of ancient design with a giant ring around the midsection of the station. The station itself was color with a none reflective material to look like a hole in space itself. It blended perfectly with dark space. Unless you were looking right at it, you would never know it was there.

The Intergalactic News Network Station was fully automated and only had a few organic members aboard. It's news anchors, and their families. Each anchor was selected carefully for their ability to not only always hold themselves to a certain degree or ideal. But also for their ability to protect themselves. Each anchor could only serve for approximately 10 standard solar years. Then they were placed in retirement in any location in the universe with a large retirement fund. After that... Well they were on their own.

The individuals behind the Intergalactic News Network were ancient beings that had rumored to had been around since the big bang. Eldritch beings beyond measure, beyond understanding, united under a single ideal. The ideal of truth. That some secrets are to be told, and that some secrets should be told. It was believed that the beings had seen it all, and each cycle of life and rebirth they tried something new. In their attempt to find the universes happy ending. It would amaze people how much a single individual can change the universe. Just one...


Communication relays across the universe were interrupted of their scheduled programs. The IGNN was about to begin. Anyone not watching soon flipped on their communicators and sat down to watch. There interest were only piqued with greater interest as the words. Breaking News! Were sent across the screen. Their favorite Thuoonkigoll A-sexual being from the realm of madness sat in it's chair as it stared at the screen camera with its many eyes. The tentacles around its gaping maw writhed with intensity. That wasn't a good sign. Next to Thuoonkigoll was the seductive and sensual Raerienga the astral dragon who had a look of feigned interest.

“Welcome l' intergalactic news network, Y' ah thuoonkigoll” The nightmare said. Its pincer like appendages folded some papers to hide their tension.

(Welcome to Intergalactic News Network, I am Thuoonkigoll)

“Hello everyone, I am Raerienga of Intergalactic News Network.” Raerienga said as she sat sideways on her throne of stone. She raised her brow as she read through her prompts.

“C' mgep ch'nglui'ahog news, machine intelligence mgepkadishtu Iiahe brainiac mgep mgepmgah'n'ghft itself ph'nglui soth sector-2814 ph'nglui sol system. H' mgep h' mgepmgulnah n'ghaauh'ee ph' entire solar system. The civilization llll system ah epgoka yogor fierce resistance. Thuoonkigall's vulgtmm llll ah ymg'” Thuoonkigoll said to the camera. Then continued to shuffle its papers in clear agitation.

(We have breaking news, the machine intelligence known as Brainiac has revealed itself in space sector-2814 in the Sol System. It has sent its armies across the entire solar system. The civilization within the system is putting up fierce resistance. Thuoonkigall's prayers are with you.)

“It has been nearly thirty standard solar years since the last sighting of the Coluan machine intelligence. Where the machine ripped the city of Kandor out of the now destroyed planet of Krypton. As some of our viewers know the first planet that Brainiac destroyed was its own home planet of its creators, Colu. I want to remind our viewers that Coluan refugees are not to be blamed for any action Brainiac takes. The machine is its own individual.” Raerienga replied and attached her own note at the end, Thuoonkigoll agreed by nodding its head.

“Brainiac's mgehye'bthnk ot mgepah throdog surprise Iiahe uh'e ot sol system mgepah defending f' against hup mgehye'bthnk nnnogorr ot nilgh'rishuggogg ahf' l' mgepahmgr'luh mgah'n'ghft ng or'uh'enah uh'eor mgepkadishtu Iiahe wraith ahf' mgep f' mgepah'mgehye reputation. C' mgep holographic recording ot event, ahlloigehye kadishtu fahf ah approximately ehye solar standard hour mgepog” Thuoonkigoll said next as they, and Raerienga turned to look at a projector.

(Brainiac's attack was of great surprise as the people of the Sol System were defending themselves against an attack from the Guardians of the Universe who sought to find and capture the individual known as Wraith who had destroyed their reputation. We have a holographic recording of the event, please understand this is approximately one solar standard hour old.)

The holographic video showed the battle between the JLI and the Kryptonian and/or the Green Lanterns. Trillions of people across the universe watched in fascination as the Green Lanterns loyal to the Guardians got their ass handed to them. But a few specific galactic nations highlighted the Blue Lanterns. That was odd. Then the military nations in the milky way galaxy all went wide eyed as the FTL Sling Shot was used as a super weapon to slice through a capital ship. Finally in abstract horror they watched Brainiac pull itself from sub-space and start its attack. The people of the Sol System tried their best but it was clear they were losing and losing badly. The holographic video ended when the second electromagnetic pulse went cascading through the system.

“The machine intelligence known as Brainiac only attacks places of advanced technology, or rare specimens of specific abilities, and power. It is with a heavy heart that we inform the universe that the newly created Blue Lanterns were originally created in the Sol System. It is this networks belief that Brainiac has arrived in the system to claim the power of the Blue Battery Core.” Raerienga said to the camera with a look of complete sympathy.

“Ah'n'gha'drnn ot sol system, ng planet fhalma gaia. Gn'bthnknythh ng vulgtmm yog bug l' ymg'. Mgng ph'nglui such na'ah'n'ghayar ahagl ymg' og survival llll ah stake, c' ahor uh'eor ah'kn'a. Llll ah'f'nah! civilizations ph' nilgh'rishuggogg ahf' mgep suffered ep brainiac ph'nglui mgephaiagl ah mobilizing f' forces. If f' ahor get l' ymg' ph'nglui yar f' ymg' ephaihafh fend naIIII brainiac if f' ahor't? f' ymg' ephaihafh rebuild ymg' ah'lw'nafh. Ahornah ymg' na'ah'n'ghayar story ah llll mgep'ai generations!” Thuoonkigoll looked at the camera and saluted. A look of respect and admiration its body language.

(Warriors of the Sol System, and the planet Mother Gaia. Hearts and prayers go out to you. But in such a battle where your very survival is at stake, we can only ask. Hold on! Civilizations across the universe who have suffered under Brainiac in the past are mobilizing their forces. If they can get to you in time they will help you fend off Brainiac. If they can't? They will help you rebuild your lives. May your battle story be told for generations!)

“In other news...” Raerienga began to say but also gave her own salute to the battle ahead.


Any populated star system within a hundred jump points around the sol system began to evacuate. Anyone who could leave, did leave. Brainiac had been known to create a devastating wake in its retreat from what ever world it consumed, destroyed, or shrunk. If one system had advanced technology what about their neighbors? Even now metal shards were flying through system after system dropping cyber-slaves off to look around. Frontier colonies were under attack. In a battle they couldn't possibly hope to win.

While the refugees, and broken nations from centuries pass scrambled their warships to get to space sector-2814 and the sol system as quickly as possible. The chances of them arriving before the end of the battle was mathematically impossible. But they could pray for a miracle. That this time Brainiac would find its end. That they would be there to see it happen. Because every nation, every culture, ever civilization knew the simple truth. Brainiac always kept trophies. Entire planets, cities, its people in a sort of library aboard its ship. Maybe...Just maybe they could find their best, and brightest aboard. Just maybe...


***HR. Mother Gaia, Washington DC.***

Metal shards rained down from the skies and landed into the city of Washington. The shards were towering structures hundreds of feet high with sharp protrusions sticking out of them in a chaotic mess. The entire shard looked like it was alive? Breathing? It's main power core would pulsate like a heart. Thump-thump! Thump-thump! Thump-thump! Then these arteries would open and humanoid machines would step out.

The humanoid machines would have streamlined bipedal skeleton structures. Two legs, two arms, a rib cage, a spine, and a skull. With synthetic muscles, organs, and plastic tissue for skin. A thin membrane that would allow you to look inside and see the organs. Their skulls were be translucent. Their very organic brain would be seen inside. Stretched across their metallic skull would be a face. A very human face. Some would be crying, some would call for help. Some would be old, and some would be young. But one thing was for certain, they were once alive and they called for help desperately.

All of it was a lie. An attempt to garner sympathy from their targets. It worked! It always worked. People would freeze, people would stop to ask if they should. Then the cyber-slaves as they were called would raise their arms up as if asking for a hug and then cannons would pop out of their forearms and melt through flesh, bone, and metal alike. Anyone they caught alive would be dragged back to the shards for processing. Anything dead would be brought back for processing. It was an army that grew simply by winning.


Lex Luthor the President of the United States was beside himself in curiosity as he watched the cyber-slaves fight his security detail in charge of his safety. The shards had landed just outside the White House outer perimeter. The shards actually landed instead of crashed. Which meant they could be piloted, and they had come here specifically. But that was not what he was interested in. What he was interested in was when one of his secret service shredded his suit and turned into a ten foot tall mass of muscle and started to rip the cyber-slaves apart like a child with a toy doll.

Members of his detail pulled out swords! Even one pulled out a wooden staff. Where they kept it Lex didn't know. But they started to fight back, and they fought back hard. The one with the staff called down a lightning strike that destroyed two of the metal shards. Lex had seen that attack before. He had seen holographic recordings of Agent Wraith calling down that strike. His alternate reality self had told him it was magic. Or Universal Energy was the scientific term.

“Mr President we need to move!” One of his human meta agents said as he reached for him.

“My boy there is no need to shout.” Lex said with an amiably smile and tucked in his tie. He strolled across the office as if he was about to go play golf with some senators. He was cool, confident, and in control.

“Yes Mr President, sorry sir.” The man said as he took a breath.

“Good man, now please.” Lex held out his hand and the agent took it and they teleported away...


One of the cyber-slaves watched the one known as Lex Luthor disappear in a flash of light. 0.5 seconds later every cyber-slave went to fall back orders and started to harvest any organic material they could get their hands on. The priority target had moved away. Universal Energy detected among the guards. Adaptation required.... Error! Origin code detected.... Error!

Favorably before the thought could continue another Call Lightning was called by a resident Druid and destroyed the metal shard the cyber-slaves were linked to. But the communication between the slaves, to shards, to sub-program, to Brainiac prime was 1.5 seconds...


***HR. Brainiac's ship.***

Brainiac's ship was massive in size, scope, and function. Having being designed by an machine intelligence who had originally been an android. Brainiac Prime was a complex individual that was in many ways perfect. But a simple truth that Prime had discovered early in its life. Perfection was unobtainable. One could chase it, reach for it, catch it. But one could never obtain it. So Prime sought another form of perfection. Knowledge. Knowledge was pure, untainted, and forever. Because it was always changing. Just like perfection.

In the center of the ship was a room that was covered wall to wall in video screens, holographic screens, and even a few astral water mirrors. Universal Energy was nothing new to Prime. Though to this day it still didn't truly understand how to wield it. But maybe that would change today. This planet, this one called Mother Gaia was dripping in Universal Energy. As was this creature that feebly destroyed its ship like a cancer from the inside. Prime watched with interest as a million sub-programs ran in the background.

Prime sat in a throne made completely out of wires, data jacks, and ports. He had trillions of neural links connected to him. Prime was a 10th level intellect. Considered one of the smartest, most innovative intelligence in the universe itself. There wasn't a problem that couldn't be solved with enough time, and information. So why? Why was the question in his mind so confusing. Prime magnified a window to saw the creature covered in scales, smoke, and shadow destroying a room with its very steps it took.

“Where have I seen you before?” Prime said to himself. His sub-programs scanned the creature over and over.

An eclectic collection of energy had been detected. The creature had at one time traveled not only through space, and time. But also across realities, and dimensions. But there was something else. Something, or someone was hiding this creature from Prime. What was it? For the first time in centuries a smile tugged on Primes lips. He loved a puzzle. He absolutely had to have this creature for his collection.

Prime pushed the screen aside and then focused on the other intruders in his domain. A strange collection of natives, and visitors. Lanterns of green, blue, and yellow. Thanagarians using their primitive Nth metal to bash their problems away. So barbaric in their methods that they were being held up in a single artery. But this one here. This Superman was making great strides to destroy Prime's domain. He was Kryptonian. Odd, Prime didn't remember Kryptonian's being this strong. This required his attention. Prime had collected samples since his arrival. He would see what made them so special...

Priority alpha processing....Begin.....


***HR. Watchtower Star Base, Medical Wing***

Another wave of cyber-slaves rushed into medical wing and the defenders raised their rifles and fired into the compacted corridor. There were literal walls of bodies strewn across the floor. That only grew as time passed. The slaves had no preservation of life. They had swarm tactics. Throw enough bodies at a problem will eventually fix it. Regrettably it seemed to be working. People were dying. But they were next to a hospital after all.

A shadow bolted from the defenders line. A suave man with thick black hair tied back, who wore hospital scrubs, radiant blue eyes, and a name tag with, Ethan across it. Ethan jumped over a wave of slaves and threw out a line of....string? He looped it around one, then jumped around another. He slid under the legs of another and ran around the group then yanked. The thread sliced through the slaves like wet clay. The string glowed hot as it was pulled back into Ethan's hand. Then he whipped out and cut another slave down the middle.

“Monomolecular edge, one molecule thick capable of cutting through nearly anything.” Ethan said with a smile. As he jumped back to the defense line.

Ethan landed among his people and raced back towards his operating room. He had been in the middle of re-attaching a leg and couldn't do it with the slaves beating down his door. His patient was a clearly awake and grimacing Oliver Queen aka Green Arrow. Black Canary was by his side trying to be supportive.

“Sorry about that. Those damn salesmen wont leave us alone.” Ethan said as he cleaned up, and prepared to continue attaching the nerve tissues.

“It's fine Doc, I'm not going anywhere.” Oliver said with a smile.

“Any word from operations?” Canary asked.

“I'm afraid not. The slaves put up some kind of jamming device. We lost contact with the whole station. Thankfully we have JLI members with Telepathy they are reaching out. We should have word soon enough.” Ethan replied, and reconnected Oliver's femur.

“I have to ask. Did you see if the teams made it aboard?” Ethan asked, as he started to connect the tissue.

“They did. Past that we have no idea. All we know is that Brainiac stopped sending shards once they were aboard. I hope that means they are causing enough problems that the machine cant. Speaking of which are you feeling?” Oliver asked, as he focused on Ethan.

“Ah! The elephant in the room. When the first surge came through every android dropped like our off switch had been flipped. Mercifully once we woke up none of us were under Brainiac's influence. We all experienced what organics would call a fever. Aches, pains, delusions, etc. But we fought it off.” Ethan said with a smile as he finished with the tissue and started to smooth the skin over the wound.

“Why can't we talk to Vici?” Canary asked, she smiled when she saw that Oliver's leg was reattached.

“I assume the jamming device is responsible. But never you worry, mother is handling herself just fine.” Ethan said with a genuine smile.


Down in Vici's main processing core was a woman clad in a light weight exoskeleton suit. She had yellow green eyes after her father. Bob cut hair that would change with her mood (Black/Green). She stood approximately at 6' even with a strong inverted triangle figure. Strong, streamline, and very active. As she punched through a slaves chest and ripped its spine out. This was Vici's mobile platform, Victoria Ghost.

Every few seconds a shadow would appear across the deck and make a simple cutting motion with a blade in hand. Then fade back out of sight. Hex the security chief was by Victoria's side as they protected the main core together. Every slave that died on this deck was quickly converted into energy and sent into the core for re purpose. Unlike the other decks the main core was never in any danger. Because behind the two of them were four Saurian Elites. All them a terror in themselves. But seeing the Elites was also a boon of moral. Because everyone aboard the station knew that if the Elites were still alive. That meant Wraith was still alive.

Victoria raced across the deck like a bullet and shot her foot out to crush a slaves chest. Then spun around and launched the carcass at another. She dove straight towards another with a palm strike caving in a skull. While a shadow fluttered past and another slave dropped to the floor. Its spinal column sliced. Victoria pulled her arms up, palms out. Then pulled focus, waving her arms around like she held an invisible ball of energy. She mouthed the words, Kaaaameeeeehaaaa! And shot a bullet of energy that exploded down the corridor.

“Really?” Hex appeared by her side.

“What? Nothing happened!” Victoria said with a sheepish grin. She pulled her hair back and flicked off some mercury blood.

“So I shouldn't send a video recording to Grandfather about all that?” Hex asked, honest humor in their voice.

“Don't you dare! Let your mother have this!” Victoria said with a bemused expression. The four elites chuckled and Victoria blushed just a bit.

“The last of the shards have been removed from the station. There are still thousands of slaves aboard but they won't be getting reinforcements. Shields are up!” One of the Saurian Elites said as they all felt an energy hum crawl across the station.

“We'll need to go deck by deck to flush them out.” Hex said next, returning to their no nonsense attitude.

“We also need to find what's preventing our communication.” Victoria replied, and Hex nodded in agreement.

Hex seem to wibble wobble in place then something disturbing happened. Hex reached up, and into themselves. Then tore out their own heart? They placed their heart floating in the air next to them. The heart pumped out incorporeal shadow, and mist. The energy took on a skeleton structure, that soon grew organic tissues. But before a gender could be seen, the body was wrapped in tattered cloth. A new Hex stood next to the old one.

  • Replication: The User can instantly and perfectly replicate themselves and/or targets which can be objects or living beings, numerous times, while usually being able to recombine the clones. Most users have both of these abilities (if subconsciously), copying their clothes/equipment along with their body. Original user will normally be able to maintain control over all copies.

    • Side-Note: In case of living/sentient clones, mental/physical properties are exactly the same as the original one's, although each copy will have different experiences and may gain independent personalities over time.

“I'll find the jamming device.” The second Hex said and fluttered in place and disappeared from view.

“Where are you?” Victori asked Hex.

“Engineering operations with Malleus, Science with Samanthei, Training Hall with Kimiko, Operations with Vigil, but I lost my copy in the prison section. Naya'il was dealing with a break out due to the loss of power.” Hex replied.

“Can you send some warriors to the prison deck?” Victoria asked an Elite who nodded. “Good, lets start taking back our home.”


***HR. Watchtower Prison/Interrogation***

Ursa aka She-Devil, and soldier of Dru-Zod was currently holding a gauss rifle and fighting against a well known foe on an new battle field. A cyber-slave was crying, pleading for Ursa to stop hurting it. Even while it attempted to shoot her face full of super heated plasma. Ursa swept its legs out from underneath it and shot it in the face point blank twice, and two more in the chest. Then she rolled to the side and fired a few more times another another slave.

Then she looked up in astonishment as she saw one of her gods from Krypton fly through the air. Gozith the son of Nightwing, and Flamebird flapped his shadow born wings and sent hundreds of onyx feathers at their old enemy. By his side an angel of destruction swung her flaming morning star, and blocked a blow with her metal wings. Naya'il the prison warden was doing her best to protect her charges.

“Move up!” Ursa shouted down the hallway and her subordinates worked up the corridor in an organized fashion. What was Ursa doing here? Well...


***Thirty minutes earlier***

Ursa had been meditating in her cell when the power shut off. The Kryptonite halogen lights that sapped her strength shut down. Already she could feel her strength returning. But it would take time. This wasn't the first time the power had been shut off. The Prison Warden would do it periodically to test the cell mates. Privileges for good behavior. Anyone who didn't try to escape would get rewards. So, Ursa didn't move. She was hoping she would get visitation rights to see her child growing in the genesis chamber they had aboard the station. Lor-Zod, a good name for a good son.

Ursa knew that the situation was real when she heard blaster fire echo down the hall from her. The normally sound proof cell started to communicate shouts of surprise, and anger. Twisting metal, and cheers went through the prison deck. Soon replaced by screams of horror and pain as the sound of a plasma rifle melting flesh, and bone went through the deck. But by that time Ursa was at her cell door digging her finger tips through the metal trying to pry the cell door off.

Her nails cracked, a few even peeled off. But her new found strength helped her get a grip and she started to force the cell open. She peaked through the crack and saw Ren Jim-Ner one of her soldiers trying to get hers open as well. Then they both heard the unmistakable sound of security droids sprinting down the hallway. They watched in confusion as the droids didn't even glance at them. They took up positions by their doors and started to fire at the something.

“Please help us!” “I want my mother, please!” “I want to go home!” The screams of the cyber-slaves sent a shiver down Ursa's spine. Brainiac's soldiers!

Ursa's struggles to get the cell door open bordered on full blown panic. The security droids did a wonderful job of holding the line. The moment Ursa got her cell door open enough for her the droid by her door pulled his side arm out and held out to her with out a word Ursa took the weapon and started to fire down at the cyber-slave.

“Ren get the others!” Ursa shouted as Ren got her cell door open and raced to the next cell. A security droid popped open a hatch and showed a manual lever for her. Soon half of Ursa's unit was out, and armed.

The prison deck was one large room with prison cells all stack on top of each other, on the floor, along the walls, all the way up to the ceiling. Each day the cells were rearranged to create a sort of maze. This was done on purpose to confuse the prisoners should they ever escape. They also separated people if they were together. Half of Ursa's team was in another section of the prison. She had to find them!

A golden divine light burst into being above them and their prison warden appeared. Naya'il a woman of impressive beauty, warm attitude, and ruthless brutal efficiency. Ursa had a lot of respect for her, she also hated her. But that was normal for someone who tortured you on a daily basis. Naya'il flew down towards the slaves and cut them into pieces with her angelic metal wings. The silver mercury blood of the slaves washed over and left not a single stain on her golden hair, white robes, silver breast plate. She looked picture perfect as if she stepped out of a painting.

“Kryptonians! Your army is here to retrieve you. Unfortunately before we could discuss a prisoner exchange the machine intelligence known as Brainiac moved into our solar system. He is attacking the entire system. Help us take back our station and I promise you we will give you back to your people. You have my word!” Naya'il said to them.

“I want the Ligadian's word, where is he?” Ursa asked.

“He is currently fighting against Brainiac's forces. Communications are down.” Naya'il said, and with out a word the security droids all turned on their heel and looked at the Kryptonian's each armed with a weapon, and their strength slowly returning.

It was a stand still until a voice called out. This voice was smooth as silk to the Kryptonians. They felt something deep inside of them gently tug towards the owner of the voice. A man came from the shadows. His skin was pure midnight black, he long silver hair to his shoulders. Almost effeminate features. He was both handsome, and beautiful at the same time.

“I am Gozith, demigod of Krypton. Son of Nightwing, and Flamebird. If you do not believe her word then believe mine. I want nothing but the best for the last of my people. The Ligadian never wanted to fight your people. Help us, and we will do all we can to find you a new home. A new Krypton. But if we do not fight together now? We will all die.” Gozith said to them all, and despite the situation Ursa wanted to kneel and bow her head in awe.

“We'll help...For now.” Ursa replied.

“Good enough!” Gozith replied.


***Present Time***

Gozith was a giant bird made of shadow and smoke with multiple eyes, and giant wing span that seem to pass through physical objects like they were not even there. His scattered feathers were razor sharp and moved with unnerving accuracy. While the angelic soldier Naya'il worked in perfect concert behind him. Her flail weaved in flame would strike the slaves. Whether it was a crushing blow, or glancing the slaves would drop dead as if their very soul had been extinguished.

“Moving!” One of Ursa's soldiers called out and pressed forward.

The soldiers kept overlapping lines of fire as they moved out of the prison section as the power turned back on. Automated turrets snapped out and started to fire on their position. Thought it wasn't long before the turrets returned to their side and fired on the slaves. One by one they retrieved their Kryptonian soldiers, along with any sympathetic prisoners who agreed to help if they could be sent back home.

But one thing stayed with Ursa the whole time she was with the group. Dru was here, in the solar system. They had fought, and they had lost against the system security. Against the Ligadian known as Wraith. Ursa had never prayed once in her life. But now that she was fighting side by side with a demigod of Krypton she had to wonder.

'Please Dru, be safe....'


***HR. Sol System. Mars***

The cyber-slave blockade around the capital of Ma'aleca'andra was short lived as Martian Manhunter led a daring raid against the metal shards. The warriors of green, white, and red. Shape shifted into monsters from legend both on Mars, and Earth. They tore through the metal soldiers with ease. While the yellow Martians cast their spells and reinforced their people.

Manhunter shifted his form and turned into a mighty dragon from the eastern legends of Earth. A long serpentine creature with two arms, and two legs. Its tail struck like a cobra, and its claws tore flesh, bone, and metal alike. He shot blue hot flames from his maw, and flew through the air under his own power. Plasma shots bounced off his scaled hide, or were deflected back towards their attackers thanks to the spells of the yellow priests.

'J'onn, there are no more shards on our home. But the mechanical soldiers have dug in like a malgarian tick.' -M'yrnn his father said to him through Telepathy.

'Any word from the Watchtower?' -J'onn asked his father.

'Yes! Communications are up. A team was sent aboard the machines primary ship.... M'gann. M'gann is with them.' -M'yrnn replied.

'Call our ships back from the battle! We must see to our own defenses first!' -Another voice was shared across the telepathic link.

'Your highness you can't!' -J'onn began to say.

'I know what you mean to say, J'onn. But we must look to our own people first. Once they are safe we will return to our allies side. I'll give the order myself.' -A red martian wearing a royal garb said as he shifted back into his normal form.

J'onn turned back into his default green martian form and bowed his head towards the red martian who was the leader of this attack on the metal shards. The red martian nodded in acceptance and the order was sent out. All of the bio-ships sent out came rushing back to their home planet. But not all of the Martians returned. Many stayed on the Watchtower, while one specific white martian was aboard Brainiac's ship.


***HR. Sol System. Brainiac's ship.***

M'gann M'orzz aka Miss Martian was currently aboard Brainiac's ship fighting against his soldiers. She had taken the form of a giant reptilian soldier. One that was often seen fighting side by side one of her friends. She had pure white scales, four arms, two legs, a bladed tail, four tentacles, six eyes, and a bad attitude.

By her side was Hawkman, Hawkwoman, Vyllith, and the Yellow Lantern known as Sinestro. M'gann ran ahead of the group and used her shifted forms natural defenses to rip through the soldiers with her claws. The plasma shots were oddly absorbed by her scales. Which was odd. Just because she took the shape didn't mean she got the powers of the shape. She had seen Wraith absorb energy before. So why was she?

“I must admit dear girl you are incredibly brutal! Are all Martians like you?” A cultured, and educated voice sounded behind her as a giant yellow energy constructed hammer slammed down on a group of slaves. Sinestro had a warm smile on his face.

“We have our moments.” M'gann replied.

Vyllith zipped past them with her sword out as she dissected the slaves in front of her. She was whirlwind of destruction. Every swing of her blade was an explosion of crimson light. The Hawks dove down from behind and swung their maces and crushed slave after slave. M'gann jumped into the fray and open her mouth, a caustic gas rushed out and melted the slaves on the spot. Sinestro snapped his fingers and his ring made a spark and the gas turned flame immolated the rest.

“That's the last of this wave. Hell Knight, where we headed?” Hawkman asked Vyllith who sheathed her sword on her back.

“One moment.” Vyllith said in her sweet, seductive voice that made M'gann shiver. Vyllith had been different then M'gann had remembered. But M'gann was glad she had been in the same room with her when M'gann came aboard.

“Wraith's in that direction.” Vyllith pointed towards a corridor. Their entire group could hear the ship groan in discontent as something or someone was ripping the ship apart.

“My troops who made it aboard are headed that way. They report seeing a assembly station. It is...grotesque from their description.” Sinestro commented as he gestured toward another pathway.

The metallic clang of footsteps echoed down the hallway they were standing in. One by one purple glowing eyes appeared in the darkness. M'gann's predatory instincts kicked in and she rushed down the path with reckless abandonment. The slaves fired on her to no avail as she bull rushed through them like a bowling ball. She was closely followed by her team, all the while Sinestro had the most brilliant albeit unnerving smile on his face.

“You are terrifying, you inspire fear even in these mechanical soldiers!” Sinestro said with absolute glee. As the yellow radiance from his ring glowed true.

That was an odd thing to say. M'gann wasn't sure why but she felt it wasn't a good thing that Sinestro was so taken with her. How could machines be afraid of her? But she couldn't help but notice that the cyber-slaves tried their best to keep her at arms's length or more. More than once she saw the false face of a human look on in fear as she raked her claws through them. Was it her they feared, or the shifted form she had took? She wanted to believe it was Wraith's soldiers they were afraid of. But some part of her knew it wasn't that. What did the power of Fear mean to M'gann?


***HR. Sol System Brainiac's ship***

Kara Zor-El / Kara Kent aka Supergirl activated her solar eyes and cut through dozens of cyber-slaves. They fell like domino's as her one of her best friends Koriand'r blew through another group like a explosion of green starlight. While her cousin paved the way for them by ripping through the bulkheads with ease. Kara glanced behind her to see another of her best friends Lash casually walking through the carnage as he if was walking through the park. He left behind rotting bulk heads, and destroyed systems.

Wraith's reptilian eyes focused on her and a smile stretched across his snout. Kara smiled back at him then turned around to destroy another group. She knew she be focused on the task at hand. They needed to hurry through the ship. Find Brainiac Prime and end this here and now. But Kara had to admit that she had missed working with Wraith. His calm confidence at the situation always reassured her.

“Superman! Go three hundred feet up, and to the left. We'll run into another team there.” Wraith shouted behind her. Clark didn't even stop, he just adjust his aim and started to fly up.

“Starfire! Time for a recharge!” Wraith called out, and Kory flew back with a grin on her face. Kara rolled her eyes at her.

Kara watched as the literal fiery red head landed next to the grim reaper. Then a brilliant ball of sunlight burst into being. The energy so radiant that even Kara could feel it from here. Then Wraith slowly pushed the energy into Kory who all but moaned in orgasmic glee. Kara blushed, and tried to ignore the sounds Kory had made. Time to punch things!

Their group continued to move forward until they ran into another JLI group. Kara didn't recognize any of them. But there had been thousands of JLI members last she checked she couldn't remember them all. Even though they all seem to know who she was. Some of them were really enthusiastic despite the circumstances. One even asked if they could take a picture with her post battle. She felt like she was back at comic-con. But the moment Wraith stepped up they all went to attention.

“Brainiac Prime is our primary objective.” Wraith began to say after he put up a baffle-field to hide them. “However, he is not the only objective. Brainiac keeps a library, or rather a trophy room on the ship. There he has hundreds if not thousands of cities, continents, worlds! They have been shrunk down to small size for easy access. Millions of lives contained with in each. Including but not limited to the Kryptons capital Kandor.” Wraith said, and Kara's attention snapped into focus.

“Kandor is on this ship!?” Clark asked loudly. Kara's cousin looked absolutely shocked, and hopeful. Ever the optimistic her cousins was.

“If the information is to be believed, yes. Not only is the city here shrunk down for easy transport. The people in the city should still be alive as well.” Wraith said next. “Along with hundreds of other alien cities, people, cultures, etc. This is a rescue operation just as much as it is a assassination.”

“So we are killing him? Brainiac?” Kory asked.

“Yes, with out a doubt. Regrettably even if the Prime dies every slave, every drone, every shard has an origin code of Brainiac. Once Prime is gone, they all have orders to reorganize, hide, and rebuild. A single slave can remake Brainiac Prime.” Wraith said, and everyone took a moment to absorb that.

“So even if we defeat him. We'll still have a war on our hands?” A JLI member asked.

“Correct.” Wraith replied.

Kara wasn't sure why but all of the JLI members all had a silly grin on their faces. A few whispered something about a hidden quest line? Wraith didn't pay any attention to it, so neither would she.

“Don't trust your communication network. Even if we are back online doesn't mean Prime can't hack our lines. Telepathy could even be overheard. Prime has thousands of worlds knowledge aboard this ship. He has seen, and learned a lot in his time. Always use a baffle-field when talking. Even then, be mindful of your surroundings.” Wraith said next, then took a moment to cast several spells on the whole group. A pick me up as it were.

“Let's get this done, and go home.” Wraith said, and everyone turned to move out.

Kara went through a systems check on her exoskeleton. The Brainiac virus had been expelled but the UI system kept sending her prompts that a new virus was uploaded, found, erased, then found again. Everyone had switched to manual operations. Which dramatically cut down on their utilities. But it was to ensure the suit didn't suddenly cut off their oxygen, or lock up their joints. Even a single second could spell their death.

“Let's see here...Processing station...Alpha.” Wraith said softly to them as they walked down a corridor. Clark ripped the door from its frame and they stepped in. Kara wished she could erase what she saw inside.

But it didn't matter. None of it mattered because the moment they walked in they were under attack. A sonic boom shot through the air and hit Clark. He went flying backwards as the JLI team scattered. The cyber-slave looked half finished but he had black skin, short black hair, and a Kryptonian house seal on his chest along with cybernetic implants. House of Zod?

“So that is where you ended up.” Wraith said.


***HR. Sol System. Brainiac's Ship.***

Green Psionic Blades burst from Lash's knuckles from his upper arms. While his lower started to cast and channel Darkness Manipulation. He jumped forward swinging his arms down at the Dru-Zod cyber-slave. The man moved but a fraction and some how was just out of reach. Then hundreds of blades made of shadow shot straight towards him and Dru shot up into the air. The blades chased after him. BAM! Another Kryptonian slave slammed into Lash and sent him through a corridor and through a wall.

A blue, and red blur shot past Lash and caved in the skull of the slave. Supergirl was pissed and proceeded to dismantle the slave by ripping its arm off. Starfire concentrated her energy and lanced through another slave that was in mid processing. Out of all of them Dru was the most functional. Superman broke the sound barrier and slammed into Dru. Screaming at him to stop fighting them.

Lash reached into his Grave Domain and looked for their soul-tethers. No...They were dead. Fuck, Ursa was not going to be happy. Lash said as much to his companions. The moment he mentioned soul-tethers they understood. These husks were gone. Even the meat puppets from the prior invasion still had their souls.

Lash reached out hands hand and cast a ritual circle. Dozens of intricate spell script surrounded him and created a barrier. A few Kryptonian slaves bashed into the shield and rebound away like they were a rubber band. Again, and again they flew back towards him. Then Lash slammed his hands together and cast Portal Creation. A portal of swirling darkness and starlight was made. Out stepped a dark plate mail foot, followed by a leg. Then the entire body.

The individual was clad in pure black armor with skeletons stylized into the armor. A red cape adorned on his back, with a wicked curved spiked helmet. Red crimson eyes glowed from beneath his helmet as he reached for his sword at his side and pulled it free. The blade was eternally bloody, it dripped across the floor and the scent of carnage, and brutality ushered into the room. He surveyed the area and the whole room froze for a brief moment as a sense of dread fell over all.

“Hello Kyle, thanks for answering the call.” Lash said to the new deity of war in Greece.

“Of course!” Kyle God of War shouted a war call and he charged into the fray.

Lash had seen Wonder Woman fight. She was like a dancer with a blade, and shield. She moved with purpose, and moved with grace. Kyle...Kyle was a straight berzerker that rushed through the enemy like a ranging bull in a pottery barn. His long sword cut through anything everything like it was made of paper. This included the Kryptonian-slaves. All the while Kyle laughed like a madman!

“Yes! More! Give me more!” Kyle shouted.

Lash's ritual circle fell and he waded into combat next to his friend. Red Psionic Blades cut the machinery into ribbons. While Decomposition slowly ate away at the bio-mechanical substance. Slaves poured into the room by the hundreds. While hundreds more Kryptonian-slaves still being processed had their implants activated. Then Dru slammed into Lash and tried to pull his head off. So Lash's tentacles sprung up and struck. Dru's battle reflexes won the day and he bolted just in time.

Lash jumped to his feet and cast Acceleration, and Cat's Grace. He tore through the processing station chasing after Dru. It wasn't until Lash was past the door he realized he had been baited as the door behind him slammed shut. An intricate array of lights bloomed with power. A flash of light swallowed him and Lash found himself in a different place on the ship.

In the room with him was Dru. Now that he had a moment he could look at him. Dru-Zod had been a good looking man with chocolate black skin, short black hair cut close into a military style. He was easily 6'3” maybe taller. He had an inverted triangle figure, strong, firm, and streamlined. But that had stopped when he had a collection metal data jacks from the back of his skull. Three purple eyes on his forehead in the shape of an inverted triangle. Brainiac's symbol, along with a portion of his skin, muscle, and bone replaced with metal.

Cyber-Dru looked at Lash like he was nothing more than an objective. He floated in the air waiting for a moment that Lash would make a single move. Then he bolted straight for him when Lash's tribal spell marks started to glow. One hundred feet away, gone in a half a blink. Just enough time to cast Personal Time and Dru froze in a moment of time. Lash wasted no time as he bisected Dru down the middle with a red energy blade. Then cast Unburden, and Decomposition on the body. First to remove any lingering attachment, and then to ensure Brainiac couldn't reuse the body.

When time resumed Dru was nothing but ash by the time he hit the floor. Once his enemy was defeated he looked around the room. Though it was pitch black he had Night Eye (Dark Vision) Along with full spectrum vision. Electromagnetic, infrared, along with several Magical Perceptions. He could see the room in near perfect detail. It looked like tree roots. Thousands of wires, data jacks, and power cords all in a gaggle across the floor that slowly snaked towards a centralized point. They rose, and fell, then twisted into some sort of chair, or a throne. This throne surrounded by hundreds of view screens.

“Been waiting long?” Lash asked softly.

“I expected you 720 seconds ago. But the creation of the portal, and reinforcements of the deity was a worthwhile endeavor on your part.” A clearly male synthetic voice replied.

A holographic screen was enlarged and shown to Lash as he watched Kyle the God of War rip through the ship. His sword cut through anything like a hot knife through butter. Superman was right behind him carving the ship apart with his bare hands. Supergirl, and Starfire right behind him. Then another holographic screen was highlighted and shown to Lash. It was the Hawks, Vyllith, Sinestro, and a white Saurian Elite? It was M'gaan, how odd.

“This species ability to copy others is fascinating.” The voice said from his throne.

“So, what is the mathematically possibilities of us winning?” Lash asked as he carefully stepped around the wires, trying to make his way towards the throne.

“9,543,621,231,640 to 1. That you will win this encounter with me.” He replied, Lash whistled at the odds. “The odds increase in your favor by the moment.” He ended.

“Why did you come here?” Lash asked as he came to a stop, the wires around him started to writhe and hiss like a bundle of snakes.

“Several cycles ago a previously unknown eruption of color cascaded across the universe. It was the blue spectrum of light. This light passed over my ship and... Created a curious sensation within me.” The voice said.

Lash looked up at the throne and saw him. Brainiac Prime a green skinned Coluan who wore a metallic synthetic suit. With the purple inverted triangle symbol on his forehead. He stood at approximately 6' maybe taller if he didn't slouch. He was large in the way of muscle, or fat tissue. Just large, as he was made that way, maybe he was? He had a humanoid body. Two arms, two legs, five fingers on each hand. Two eyes, a nose, and a mouth. Data jacks play the part of his hair. Each one was linked to a wire. The blue holo screens bathed him in a eerie glow.

“Hope... You felt hope.” Lash said to him and Brainiac tilted his head to look at him.

“Hope is an emotion, a chemical response. I have neither so I am incapable of feeling it.” Brainiac replied.

“But you still felt it. Which is what brought you here.” Lash said next, and silently cursed his Cosmic Patron.

Once again Lash played into his own mess. The Blue Battery Core was meant for an A grade station. Not C grade. If Brainiac had shown up to attack an A grade station they would had floored him. Which of course is why his Cosmic Patron gave the Battery Core ahead of time. A chill rolled down Lash's spine as he stopped to wonder if Darkseid now knew about them because he bought the Blue Core ahead of its time.

“This system is....erratic. Primitive civilizations among advanced. You are uplifting this system to a higher level of technology. What species are you? I have not seen anything like you.” Brainiac asked, his voice colored with curiosity. A type of curiosity that would see Lash strapped to a table to be dissected.

“Have you been to the edge of the source wall?” Lash asked, and Brainiac leaned back on his throne.

“No, the last copy of my code went there and never returned.” Brainiac replied. Lash nodded as if that was of course the answer.

“Yes, someone of your intellect couldn't understand what was on the other side. More than likely your code was added to the wall.” Lash said, and for a brief moment Lash swore he saw irritation in Brainiac's expression.

“There is no one in the Universe who knows more than me.” Brainiac stated simply.

“I'm sure.” Lash replied in a tone like an adult talking to a child. Brainiac's eyes narrowed and the wires around him rose up in irritation.

“Do you know another that knows more?” Brainiac asked, as if his very identity had come under attack.

“There is an individual in a bar named Lux in Las Angeles who knows more than you.” Lash said with a smile. The flapping of wings was heard in the room and Brainiac stood up in shock as a man who was impeccably dressed in a pure white suit with golden white wings on his back.

“Who are you!? How did you get in my ship!?” Brainiac shouted at the man. Lash turned to see Lucifer Morningstar looking at him with a playful smile.

“Don't bring me into this.” Lucifer said in a smooth voice. Then clapped Lash on the back. “Congratulations on the promotion. Come by the bar sometime, I'll buy you a drink.”

“I'd like that.” Lash replied, Lucifer winked at him then with a flap of his wings was gone from the room. “And for my next trick!” Lash said as he bowed towards Brainiac as if he was performing an act.

Lash felt thousands of sensors scan him, the room, as they looked for the mysterious stranger who appeared, and disappeared with a flap of their wings. But they would never find him. Lucifer had seen this universe begin. Naturally he knew more than Brainiac. But honestly, Lash called on Lucifer simply because he knew that Brainiac wouldn't be able to handle it. He would be so distracted that he wouldn't notice Lash do something.

Divine Domain, Monster Creation..... When Lash became a Minor Deity he had grown from a mortal to something else. Abstract information had been poured into his very being and little by little he grew in understanding not only in the world, but the universe as whole. Cosmic Awareness helped a lot. But even now. Lash barely understood a single 1% of what he had learned. He reached out and in the palm of his hand a monster was made.

The creature was small, an inch long. It looked similar to a centipede in design. Chitin plates down its back, protecting each section. Dozens of tiny legs, that moved in perfect sync together. Two antennae with composite eyes, and pincers joined to its tiny mouth. It's mandibles clicked together softly as it looked at Lash. A link was made between them then, and there. The first monster created by Lash and his Divine spell craft. Lash knelt down and let his creation go into the mess of wires. The creature took one last look at Lash then burrowed into one of Brainiac's data wires.

“What have you done?” Brainiac asked, but by that time it was too late.

Brainiac went into a spasm. His entire body, no the entire ship started to shake. He seized back and forth as his every wire in his whole body sprung away. Silver mercury blood poured from the wires. As Brainiac Prime screamed in pain, and fury. He reached up and scratched, clawed, and tore at the base of his skull. He tried to pull at something. He knew something had burrowed there. But he would never find it. Something deep inside of Brainiac grew into being. A hollow light. Then with a crash! Like a tidal wave from a hurricane did Brainiac fall to his knees.

“WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?” Brainiac shouted.

Across not only the ship, but every metal shard, every mini skull, every cyber-slave not only across the solar system. But also across the universe. Anything that had any connection to Brainiac Prime momentarily froze in place. As a system wide reboot took place. Then an energy current flooded through their systems. A spark had grown with in Brainiac. A life-spark. Or what others would call a soul.

“If you can feel hope!” Lash shouted as red energy blades burst from his knuckles. “Let's see if you feel fear!

First draft, raw, unedited. Sorry its only 9k this time. It just seem like a good place to stop.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.