Dreamland Guide

Chapter 125 - True darkness

   Aoki did not expect to see this familiar symbol in the mountains of southern Yunnan. He closed his eyes, calmed down slowly, and reached out to touch the ceiling of the cave.

   The rock wall was covered with moss, and the place where it started was wet and smooth, and it was cold. The coolness spread all over the body with the palm of his hand, causing Lingling to shiver.

   Cuckoo asked anxiously outside: “How is it? Have you seen it?”

   Aoki said, “I saw it, but what should I do?”

Du Juan said: “Touch him, touch him! Touch him like a lover’s face… Uh…” She seemed to think of something, and her face suddenly blushed, “Although you are both men, but… two handsome men It’s okay too…”

   The crow standing by and waiting heard something wrong, and said suspiciously: “Gah, what did you say? Man? What did you see?”

   “You have to feel with strong mental power to touch the entity. I am gone, I can’t see anything.” Du Juan said frustratedly.

   “No, no, not just now,” the crow shook his head, “I mean before, the first time, what did you see?”

Du Juan said: “I saw Situ’s face, and he was on the rock wall. His eyes were very gentle, looking at me like a lover. I touched him with spiritual power, and he became a reality, and then I, I… …”

“Wow, I heard that you were only thirteen years old at that time.” The boss of Coal calculated, “Well, for crows, thirteen years are not too young, but humans… are really a strange species!… ,Then what?”

“Then…I found myself able to communicate with the power of the entire space here. I can use the power of space to control the consciousness that enters here. Of course, it’s only to a certain extent, and I can’t fully control it, so in this space Here, I don’t dare to go too deep, and I’ve never encountered it…”

   Dujuan continued. Thinking of what happened just now, she used her arms to protect her body and looked a little scared, “I have never met a Japanese.”

   Aoki did not care about their conversation, but closed his eyes and carefully felt the coldness on the rock wall. Slowly, he found the two triangles protruding from the rock wall, shining in his consciousness.

   Of course, Aoki knew this was not true. It was in a dream, and he closed his eyes now. This thing still gives him different experiences in touch and vision, and affects his consciousness.

   This is a brand of consciousness.

   Aoki thought of it. This is the backdoor left by the original dream maker, just like leaving a BUG deliberately in the background program of the game. Game designers can use this BUG to modify the player and NPC data to quickly clear the level.

   When the brand of consciousness is deeply imprinted in your consciousness, you can obtain sufficient authority. The size of the authority is directly proportional to your own mental strength, so Dujuan only obtains a part of the authority here, and the authority of Yaoma is even smaller.

   I don’t know how much Situ got? Is it all?

   Aoki thought this way, and began to accept the etching of the brand of consciousness.

“It will never be the same as what you see.” The crow said to Cuckoo. “I guess what you see here is human desire. You can see what you want in your heart. Well, that’s it, so you see A man, then my master…oh my goodness…”

   The coal boss tilted his head to look at the hole, “Who will this idiot see? Oh no, no, no, I have to take a look, for dear Ruhua, for my sauce elbow!”

   It spread its wings, moved its two claws, which are good at jumping but not good at walking, and swayed into the hole.

   “Hey, man, who did you see?” The crow stepped on Aoki’s body and jumped to his shoulder, and looked up, “Quah? What is this? Crow!”

   It stretched its neck, pecked at the apex of the two triangles with its beak, and the symbol suddenly turned a hundred and eighty degrees.

   Although it looked the same after turning around, he was taken aback by the crow: “What the hell!”

   It suddenly heard a sound like a surging wave hitting the rocks, coming from behind.

   The coal boss walked a few steps outside the cave, carefully stretched his head out, and saw the huge water waves in the abyss outside the cave rushing upwards.

   He shrank his neck in fright and yelled: “Run… 呱…”

   But before it finished its words, water poured in. The powerful current engulfed it and Aoki’s body, then exited the cave and fell into the dark abyss.

   Before falling, Boss Coal quickly grabbed Aoki’s hair with his sharp claws.


   Aoki was receiving the etching of the brand of consciousness, and suddenly felt that the surrounding space was rapidly collapsing, just as the space collapsed when the dream was about to wake up, but he could not withdraw calmly as before, and his consciousness sank into the darkness.

   The only remaining sensation is the feeling that the hair on the top of the head is being pulled by something.

   I don’t know how long it took before he regained consciousness.

   opened his eyes, there was still darkness in front of him, and there was nothing to see. Under the wet body, I could feel the water slowly rising.

   Aoki wanted to sit up, but bumped his head against the top.

   He touched his pocket and found the phone. The phone was wet, but it still worked, so he turned on the flashlight.

   He found himself still in this arched cave.

   There is a pattern carved on the top of the cave, which is blurred under the cover of moss.

   He wiped off the moss with his hand, and the two triangles appeared. When he touched it with his hands and felt it mentally again, there was nothing left but a cold feeling.

   Just when he was about to give up, he found that there seemed to be some small nicks on the side of the symbol. He used his nails to scrape off all the moss marks and mud on it, and when he looked closely, he found that it was a line of Japanese:

   Kitano Shintake made his dream here.


   The water level rose, and the waterfall outside the cave began to grow bigger, and there was a rushing sound.

   Aoki had to exit the arch. He was also sure that he had withdrawn from the dream at this moment.

   That symbol may not only be the back door left by the person who created the dream, but also a self-destructing device~www.mtlnovel.com~ It must have been triggered by him or the crow just now, causing the underlying structure of the dream to collapse.

   Cuckoo was lying in the river channel outside the cave, wearing the same clothes as in the small wooden building, and there was no trace of tatters. The river had already flooded her body, Qing Mu went up to touch her breath and neck veins, opened her eyelids and looked at it, giving up the idea of ​​rescue.

   An iron cage is hung on the bank of the river. The wires on the rock wall above have fallen off, and the spotlights have corroded and rusted.

   The cage half immersed in water reflected dark black light under the flashlight. Many cages are littered with bones, and some are still intact human form.

   Aoki walked back along the river bank, and soon heard the cry of “Woo” and the cry of “Help”.

   He walked over and saw Han Laizi’s father and several brothers were kept in a row of cages. At this moment, he saw the light of his mobile phone, lying on the iron railing, looking at him for help. Han Laizi did not move at all, floating in the water, apparently dead.

   The iron door of the cage at the end was open, and Aoki knew that this was the cage he had just been locked in. Logically, between him and Han Laizi, there is also a mad beggar. Strangely enough, the door of the cage was also open, but the mad beggar was gone.

   A bunch of keys hung on the cage door.

   Aoki took the key down, walked to the cage of Hanlaizi’s family, and held the key in his hand: “I will give the key to Xiaoqin. Wait, if she is willing to come and rescue you.”

   The men in the cages looked at him, their eyes full of resentment that they wanted to kill.

   But as Aoki turned and left, no matter how much resentment, anger, regret, and fear, everything was swallowed by the boundless darkness and silence, except for the sound of kicking footsteps from a distance.

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