Dressed As the Scum a In the Campus Literature

Chapter 150

Chapter 148: (Add More)

After shopping for a day and returning to the hotel, Mo Yuxin and Zhao Yingzhi made a video, wanting to see the cub, Zhao Yingzhi turned the camera on the cub, and let the cub look at Mo Yuxin on the screen, cub Seeing Mummy, my temper came up again. Who told Mummy to leave without reporting to her! She is angry again! Just don’t look at bad mommy.

Thinking about it, the cub has pouted his little butt, and he turned his head and snorted at the screen to express his dissatisfaction with Mommy.

Mo Yuxin chuckled and coaxed: “Mommy’s little moon is angry again, isn’t it? Just leave a little **** for Mommy? Let Mommy see her little face, okay? ”

Cub twisted her little **** and said nothing to let Mommy look at her little face, “Humph!”

She holds revenge!

Seeing that she had provoked the cub again, Mo Yu reluctantly chatted with Zhao Yingzhi for a while, seeing that the cub was lying on the bed playing with toys again, and then hung up the phone.

Mo Yuxin leaned on the bed and shook her head with a chuckle. She is not a big person and her memory is quite good. Why is her cub so cute even when she is angry?

A few days of preparation time passed quickly, Mo Yuxin also turned around the big and small places in Beijing, and went to the gambling place to play a few times, but no luck It was so good before, but the quality of the two pieces of jade that came out was not very good.

The subject is determined, and the subject is announced by the chief examiner on the day of the competition.

The seven judges of this jade competition are also top figures in the carving industry, the most outstanding is the top domestic carving master Wu Lao, and two of these seven are Wu Lao Closed disciples: Zhou Yuxuan and Ye Jinglong, even though Zhou Yuxuan and Ye Jinglong are both in their early thirties, but their status in the jade world is very high, which has something to do with their own craftsmanship and the status of old Wu disciples.

Many carvers who came to participate in the national competition want to have some relationship with Wu Lao. The domestic carving industry leader, even the big leaders have awarded Wu Lao awards and brought Wu Lao several times. The old team went abroad to visit, and Mr. Wu can be said to be a national treasure-level engraver.

The venue for this competition is much better than the competition venues in provinces and cities. Even the jade used for carving is about 50,000 pieces of jade, and all the carving tools are brand new are placed on the table, and all contestants enter the venue with their credentials.

Mo Yu thought she went early. After entering the venue, someone took her directly to her workbench and sat down.

At this time, the engravers are also entering the field one after another, and the national finals are also in the form of live broadcast. 1 million for the first place, 500,000 for the second, and 300,000 for the third.

Compared with these awards, what is more important is honor. Many leading jade enterprises want to attract such carving talents. If they can win this competition, the value of the carver will also rise with the tide. .

Because of the length of the competition, some of the judges will be there in the afternoon, but some will be there from the morning, including Zhou Yuxuan, she is a sculptor, and her ordinary life is sculpting besides sculpting , Even his master Wu Chengbo felt that Zhou Yuxuan’s character was too calm, and he devoted himself to carving.

Zhou Yuxuan glanced at the audience, and soon saw Mo Yuxin from among the sculptors. There was no other reason. Mo Yuxin was the youngest among these sculptors, and also had the highest appearance. Yes, she really felt that others had a wall with her at first glance.

Zhou Yuxuan knew Mo Yuxin’s strength because of the last provincial competition in Linhai. She is looking forward to Mo Yuxin’s performance this time. After all, she has some talent in the field of carving. Yes, but Mo Yuxin is only 22 years old. To be able to carve such works at this age is not an exaggeration to say that he is a genius.

But if Mo Yuxin knew what Zhou Yuxuan was thinking, she might be amused. There are so many geniuses in this world, but she was just trying to polish herself in the last life, her fingers hurt and blistered They are all commonplace, and the carvings are so fascinated that they can even forget to eat.

When Mo Yuxin looked around, she also saw Zhou Yuxuan, and Zhou Yuxuan was also looking at her, Mo Yuxin smiled at Zhou Yuxuan as a greeting, she had seen Zhou Yuxuan at the exhibition before I think she is a good sculptor, so I have a good impression of Zhou Yuxuan.

Zhou Yuxuan also nodded to Mo Yuxin, but after all, it was a game, and the two did not have any other exchanges. Soon, it was not even seven o’clock. All the contestants It’s all there.

The examiner of the competition took a sealed envelope and walked to the front of the hall, “Every contestant should know that every competition in previous years has a theme, and this year is no exception. The question is a question specially given to you by Mr. Wu Chengbo, and the content of the question is in my hands. No one knew the content of this year’s test questions before I opened the package, so I will first ask three notaries to check the tightness of the test questions.”

The examiner handed the envelope to the three notaries for inspection, and after it was correct, the examiner took the envelope again in his hand, “Now the seal of the question has been checked, now I want to open it The exam is closed.”

The examiner opened the envelope in his hand, looked at his watch, and when it was seven o’clock, he took out the test questions in his hand on time, “The theme of this year’s national competition is: around spring and summer , autumn and winter to engrave in one of the four seasons, all works must contain figures, animals, plants, and the seasons to be engraved must be highlighted, and the engravers can start the competition after hearing the title.”

As the examiner’s voice fell, the question just now was projected onto the big screen, and the engraver below lamented.

The engravers who can participate in the national competition all have a certain carving skills. The reason why they sigh is not that they can’t engrave the content required in the title, but that they can engrave the title in such a short time. content, but also have its own theme.

Mo Yuxin glanced at the title, the characters and animals are the most difficult to carve, because these two are living things, it is really difficult to carve a vivid feeling in such a short time. easy.

Mo Yu thought about it for a while and then started to pick up the jade and start sketching. She was going to carve a picture of playing in early spring. The overall composition is a few ancient girls in early spring. A playful scene, there is a cat on the low stone next to them lazily watching them play, the overall composition background will draw a willow tree that has just sprouted, the willow branches are slightly blown by the breeze, and the grass has just emerged, just like this In the scene of the sculptor, the facial expressions of the characters should be portrayed in place, otherwise it will appear very rigid, and this also requires the sculptor’s excellent carving skills.

Mo Yuxin was not the first to use pencils. It took her five minutes to figure out the composition of the picture. Basically, the engravers in the venue had already started to write, but Once Mo Yuxin figured it out, she quickly caught up with other people’s progress after she started writing. She just polished the rough outline based on her feeling. As for the feeling, it was the experience she had accumulated over the years.

When Mo Yu was excited about the electric knife, many engravers were attracted to her, and some people thought that Mo Yuxin was too hasty, and secretly shook his head, only Zhou Yuxuan’s lips slowly hooked From now on, this Mo Yuxin is really bold. She dared to use her feelings to draw outlines in the national competition. Her eyes couldn’t help looking at Mo Yuxin.

Mo Yuxin directly blocked the eyes of others. At this moment, all her thoughts were on the face-sized jade in front of her. Soon, her hands matched the thoughts in her heart. The outline was polished and gradually became clearer.

At the same time, the discussion about this game on the Internet continued to increase. At first, some people who were concerned about carving and jade were watching, and many jade companies were watching this game. , I was going to choose some good sculptors to sign in to the company. As the game time stretched, passers-by strayed into the live broadcast room one after another, but they did not rush out. Most passers-by were directed at Mo. Happy face.

“I’m going, who would have thought that I would be a face dog in the jade carving competition, and I just swiped it in, and I couldn’t bear to go out.”

“The one upstairs will take me one, Miss Sister’s fingers are very long, and the joints are clearly seen, and she is very strong, woo woo woo love love~”

“Fuck, it seems that everyone is the same. The contestant Mo Yuxin written on this nameplate is very good-looking, and the judge named Zhou Yuxuan is also good-looking.”

“Yes, yes, it’s their faces that keep me reluctant to go out.”

“I announce that the young lady named Mo Yuxin is my new husband.”

“Hmph, stop dreaming upstairs, it’s obviously my Jiaojiao wife, my wife is posted~”

“Woo woo woo, my husband’s fingers are so long, hehehe, love love.”

Su Yubing watched the live broadcast early in the morning. She put all her work aside. Now she is watching the live broadcast of the Jade Competition. I don’t know if it is because of the high popularity on the Internet. Now, there are more and more shots for Mo Yuxin.

Su Yubing felt sour when she saw the barrage in the live broadcast room, staring at the barrage and muttering softly: “That’s my wife, the length of your fingers has nothing to do with you, okay? Enjoy? It’s me, what does it have to do with you?”

Thinking that Su Yubing was still leaving a message in the live broadcast room: “That’s my wife, the famous flower has an owner, okay? Everyone here, wake up, you have no chance.”

“Sister upstairs, wake up too, the wife belongs to all of us, why is it yours?”

“That’s right, konjac belongs to all of us. Husband hehe, his fingers are long~”

“Sisters take your saliva, this is a comment area, not a no-man’s land.”

“It’s a shame to send her up!”

Su Yubing looked at the barrage, and the more she looked, the more unhappy she became. Her alpha was too attractive. She participated in a game with a lot of fans. She must take good care of her alpha in the future. Just do it.

I don’t know if this year’s netizens are too embarrassed. The jade carving contest has actually become a hot search. Mo Yuxinyan#, #She has good looks but relies on her talent# and many other entries, at first passers-by thought that someone was buying marketing, but when they clicked in, they found that it was the scene of the National Jade Carving Competition. , And in the hands of all the competitions, Mo Yuxin is undoubtedly the most dazzling one.

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