Dxd: Ink and Summoning

55- End of the visit.

Why was Serafall so horrified after seeing her? Because she senses it... the power pouring out like waves from the seemingly innocent little girl carrying the two cats.

And she looks exactly like that now that her ears aren't pointed like an elf's and she's wearing more normal clothes.

They asked her to hide them to not make Serafall suspicious. 

"A-Ahm... who is... she?" Even if she isn't in your house, the mere fact that she is passing or sensing near a town is enough to cause havoc, and yet there she is... eating peacefully with two cats on her lap, she almost looks harmful...

The blow was too much for her.

How does she know who she is? There aren't many people with that kind of strength, and Ophis isn't trying to suppress hers.

"She's just a sassy lost child... She appeared at our door, we gave her some cookies and she is now staying with us." Ahm actually spoke the truth because there was no reason to lie or play with words in order to avoid triggering her senses and then Ophis simply nodded her head confirming what I had just said before Sera could freak out about me 'insulting' such a being.

"I-I see... " Mumbled Serafall

Sona could tell something was wrong when she saw her big sister's strange reaction.

"Do you know her, big sister?" So she asked to try to figure out what was going on, but then flinched when she heard what another voice said.

"Oh? That would be great, we don't know Ophis' parents… Scathacht is the one who sends her back home… " Jalter couldn't help but to tease the devils with her lips curved up a little bit by giving them her name as if she were talking of a normal kid.

making Sona startled after recognizing the name and Serafall simply didn't know what to say after Jalter confirmed it. 

It's like going into a friend's house after a year and finding their cat the size of a dog...

The little kitty you played with turned out to be a panther capable of killing you with a couple swipes or bites...

Jeanne and Kei sat next to me and just watched the show. Jeanne gave me soma glances and a sweet smile because we hadn't seen each other this morning due to training and other things.

I couldn't help but wrap my arm around her and caress her back while pressing her against my body slightly; she's so lovely.

"If Sera-chan knows her… then she must be someone important." I asked her while lightly caressing Kei, Jalter gave us an annoyed look after seeing it... 

I guess I'll have to spoil her a little later so she doesn't get jealous.

Get a lot of girls, they said, and it'll be a lot of fun they said.

It's complicated; even if you love them equally, you still need to divide your attention between them; otherwise, there could be a lot of problems, such as jealousy or dissatisfaction, which I don't want to happen.

"Yes, I've heard of her… you could say that she's quite... famous." Serafall's voice began to regain confidence after witnessing Ophis being so harmless and peaceful and the fact that she had been in this house many times already many times before with no incident.

Also Scathact didnt comment on her being dangerous.

She now understands why Scathacht said she wasn't the strongest in the house...

"Even I've heard of her... " Sona's reaction is a little different because she has only heard about Ophis and has never seen her power in action, making her curious rather than scared. All of her fears went away after seeing how she is acting and that her sister has begun to calm down.

It's similar to how babies develop fear of certain bugs or small animals after hearing their parents scream or act scared, an inherited trait that helps babies survive...

As much as Serafall infuriates Sona, serafall has always been a pillar of support for her so as long as she is present, she feels safe.

A trust between siblings. 

"So your parents are amazing, Ophis-chan?" Jalter asked, and Ophis nodded.

Ophis' reasoning is simple: Parent > Creator > The one who created you > Dimensional gap.

Every time she hears someone talk about her 'Parent' they say how 'amazing' it is, so Jalter is correct in some way...

Serafall was also taken aback after seeing Ophis nod and focusing on her because she realized something...

Her senses are useless against Ophis! 

But she quickly realized why; how could she feel Ophis' 'negative emotions' among all the power she was emitting? Is there just too much in there for her to intercept those emotions...

It would be easy to see deep inside a lake if the water was clear and the inside was clean... but what if the lake was filled with thrash, mud, flora, and even fishes?

Yes, Ophis is an exception and one of the few who can do this, but... it does open a few doors for her, especially after recounting Scathach words.

'She shouldn't rely on her natural devil senses to detect enemies. They focus far too much on negative emotions.'

Maybe she should look for another way to sense if someone is lying.

Or even use this new information to conceal her true intentions.

Then an unexpected thought pushed the idea even further... She can use this training as an excuse to spend more time with her sister!

After Sona opened up to Ahm and they called each other by their first names, they played, ate, and watched some movies while talking and making yokes, resulting in a great day for all of them.

Especially Jalter, who enjoys teasing Sona and breaking her serious expression.

So, with no further surprises, the visit concluded peacefully, with a few minor surprises, such as Serafall realizing she has some strong competitors after Ahm began to pamper Jalter a little bit. 

And, judging by the way they look at each other

Thankfully, she is confident in her own charms, even more so after witnessing his reaction to her photos...

Maybe she should send him some more…

Luckly, ways to protect their information were already invented.

The only surprise was that after hugging him, she fell back into trance, so she pushed her little sister to give him a good-bye hug, and she clearly noticed that her Sou-tan stayed a little longer than usual.

So, as they were leaving the house, she couldn't help but tease her younger sister...

"How was it, Sou-tan~?" 

What is the true reason for her bringing her younger sister to Ahm's house?

To Relax.

This is pretty much the only place they can forget about everything and just have fun without fear of being judged or having to act in a 'proper' manner for hours defending themselves from others' plots or searching for hiding meaning behind every word...

Especially since Sona has been dealing with the challenge thing for a couple of years and it's starting to wear her down...her reputation with the whole Chess plot isn't high enough to scare the challengers.

Even her time with her best friend Rias has something to do with Devils… with her discussing her new Peerage members, her marriage, and how much she hates her fiance Riser, leaving Anime as the only normal topic to discuss.

What would her reaction be if she found out she had just visited the creator of those Anime and Mangas...

"It was fantastic, but... are you sure he's not a Devil?" Sona is taken with his schemes...

When the subject of her marriage came up with her using words to make it be under the pretense of a plot for one of his Animes, he gave her a terrible idea to fasten her plans...

'Ask for a MASSIVE amount of compensation from anyone who challenges you under the guise of not having enough time or something similar.' It may be simple, but what he said afterwards was pure evil, a sure checkmate.

'Do it in public and tell them that your future husband should not be bothered by such a 'measly' sum of money if they say something to reject it.' There is no way out... They can either be cowards and lose their precious reputation, or they can go forward and lose a significant portion of their wealth...

It may not be much, but the cost would deter idiots from even attempting or repeating it, as well as boost her reputation and hasten her plans...

And there's nothing wrong with her getting some free money to help with her plans to build a school...

'This would also cause them to behave like idiots in an auction, attempting to flaunt their wealth and superiority by offering more than the others... You might get some good stuff out of it, even family heirlooms if they're stupid enough.'

With only a few twists and turns, and some rumors spreading among the young Devils...

Vengeance… Sona's face lit up as she imagined how she could improve it so she could dry those Devils dry...

And if they come knocking on her door, attempting to bargain for their lost heirlooms...

She might even get a couple of favors for it...

She'd finally get her vengeance on those idiots who keep challenging her even more because they think they can win because she's exhausted!

Serafall smiled as she saw her little sister being so happy and spirited... Even she is anticipating how hard those idiots will pummel into the wall...

Nonetheless, a human-made wall…

Serafall realized she should ask those cats what was wrong with Ahm, so she contacted them with a magic spell.

"Kuroka? Shirone? Do you have any idea why Ahm is like that? His scent enchanted me..."

It didn't take the sisters long to respond. The first voice to respond is clearly that of the older of the two.

'We… I'm not sure, but it could be... Touki' Kuroka replied, unsure what to say... Fortunately, they weren't too close for Serafall to tell if she was lying.

"Touki? What makes you think he has Touki?" Serafall responded surprised, but after some thought, it made some sense.

'He seems to be a natural user or it could be because this place since the Ki here is extremely pure thanks to Kei combined with his training… I think It's Touki since it can be used for a lot of things regarding the body and wanting to make those around him safe or calm would make sense... ' Kuroka explained trying to make it sound as reasonable as possible but also with an unsure voice since she doesn't know much about how Touki affects humans or the body.

Not a problem since she is still a young yokai and she shouldn't know much about this stuff.

"... " A natural Touki user… this complicates things a little bit… 

Serafall mumbled worried since many could feel something like Touki… even without looking into it, she can feel that Ahm is filled with vitality to the brim but she thought that it was because of the food they make or the environment…

Maybe something that Dusk or Scathach did knowing how strong they are…


Kuroka and Shirone looked at each other and sighed in relief…

They dodged a bullet.

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