Merry Christmas!
November 1st, 2185
An alien ship orbited Earth and sent a radio signal to the One World government, primarily ran by international corporate oligarchs, translated as:
"People of Earth, we offer a life-changing technology so that you may evolve as a post-scarcity civilization, and we offer this with no strings attached ..."
"How can we be certain of this?" asked the leader of the (GFCT) Global First Contact Team.
The aliens demonstrated their abilities while giving a tour of their mothership, and after much investigation, proved their benign intentions satisfactorily to GFCT scientists.
December 2nd, 2185
The aliens sent a follow-up signal:
"People of Earth, we ask for your help. To mass-produce the replication technology, we require resources and factories on your planet. We need the assistance of your top tech and industrial leaders. Please let us meet with your CEOs, executives, and any decision making stakeholders."
December 12th, 2185
C-levels, consultants, investors, millionaires, and billionaires all convened in a spaceship to discuss the replicators' manufacturing and distribution with an alien ambassador.
A chosen One Earth lawyer, also a master translator who learned the alien language, spoke:
"Instead of bringing these replicators to the masses, we suggest that you give us exclusive access to the blueprints, thereby limiting the possibility of people replicating harmful products because human nature tends toward violence and self-destruction."
The alien ambassador jettisoned the conference chamber—"This happens every time."
The convention invitees gasped, grabbed their seats, cried, and shouted while the chamber spun around in space.
"What do you mean that this happens?" asked the lawyer.
"We don't actually require your help. We encounter you greedy types on every populated planet, and you always attempt to persuade us to give you exclusive rights—mistrusting your own people. We now use this method to identify you. You don't care to realize that you've created the greed, the hunger, and the desire for more, contributing to a growing debt, which perpetuates poverty and violence by controlling distribution, supplies, workforces, and demand. Suggestion denied."
The alien ambassador disappeared as a hologram, and the separated conference chamber propelled into deep space—to an unknown destination.
December 25th, 2185
The aliens sent another signal, translated as:
"People of Earth. Here are the blueprints. Build one replicator and use it to create another and another. You'll find that there'll be no envy, greed, selfishness, crime, poverty, or hopelessness, with everyone having plenty. Once you accomplish this, you can join our galactic neighborhood in peace. In the spirit of one of your sacred traditions, Merry Christmas!"