Even If You Become An Animal, You Have To Serve An Iron Rice Bowl

Chapter 112

Chapter 110:

Shen Qiu pressed the mouse in front of him with black claws, squinting fox eyes and watching the little cubs behind him vigilantly.

Fox put another mouse down.

The other little cubs looked at Shen Qiu and looked at the boss who was eyeing Shen Qiu, and they turned their heads and pounced on the other mouse, and they started fighting.

Soon, the fourth child, the soft girl, won the other siblings and dragged the mouse away.

The boss lowered his body and whimpered at Shen Qiu.

“Give me the food back!” he yelled.

Shen Qiu raised his eyebrows, lowered his head and bit a piece of meat, tearing it hard, he ate the softest piece of meat.

At the end, he looked at the boss again, his eyes were indifferent, as if he asked again, “What can you do if I eat it?”

The boss is completely angry, he has always maintained the position of the boss in the small group of fox cubs, no matter which brother or sister can’t shake his position, and can never grab it from his mouth food.

So in his heart, as long as it is the food brought back by the fox dad, he should be the first to eat it!

But today, the youngest brother jumped over the food in front of him, and even ate the food in front of him!

The boss couldn’t believe it, felt that his status was challenged, and his mentality exploded.

The little fox purred and rushed towards Shen Qiu.

Shen Qiu is waiting for him.

The eldest is too domineering on weekdays, and as he grows older, he is especially harsh on his younger siblings.

On weekdays, he only needs to eat the remaining cubs to continue to **** food.

But in recent days, he has begun to try to hide food. Even if he is full, he will not allow other brothers and sisters to interfere.

If this is the food he caught, Shen Qiu will never care, but this is what the fox father caught to raise all the children.

If he wants to hide, there will inevitably be cubs who are not full, and the cubs will not be full. Fox dad will go out again, and every time he goes out, it will add another threat to his life.

But now in an unfamiliar place, there are hidden dangers everywhere. For the safety of the family, Shen Qiu must change the boss’s domineering temper!

In the animal kingdom, nothing builds group status like a fight.

Shen Qiu’s thoughts turned over, and within a few seconds, the boss rushed in front of him.

He bared his mouth, bared his fangs, opened his teeth and danced his claws, trying to scare Shen Qiu from his aura.

Shen Qiu gave him a very calm look, the whole fox jumped up to avoid the boss’s collision, then rushed over and bit the boss’s neck.

The boss, who was just showing his teeth and claws, immediately curled up his limbs, and he still said threatening words.

“You put me down! Or I’ll bite you!”

Shen Qiu did not say a word, and silently increased his strength, his claws pressed against the boss’s fox head, and his fangs exerted force.

The boss’s voice suddenly fell a little.

“I warn you! Don’t mess around!” He began to bluff.

Shen Qiu still didn’t say a word, the fangs rubbed on the fox’s neck, slowly moved to the aorta, and then bit down heavily.


“Help! Mom and Dad save me! My brother is going to eat me!”

Although I controlled the strength so that nothing would happen, but the fear of the fangs biting on the aorta made the boss feel at ease in an instant.

He huddled into a ball and made a dog-like sound calling for help.

Dad fox and mother fox were indifferent, watching the fight between the two cubs silently.

The status competition between the little cubs, as long as they don’t hurt their lives, they won’t care.

The opening of teeth and claws just now seemed to be an illusion, and the boss admitted it in seconds.

“Brother, I was wrong, brother, let me go, I will never dare brother next time.”

He howled and rubbed Shen Qiu’s mouth with his sharp mouth, trying to kiss him.

Shen Qiu didn’t move, let him stick it, and then slowly released.

The boss stuck his tail on the ground and wagged his tail, making a pleasing gesture to Shen Qiu.

Seeing that Shen Qiu ignored him, he immediately rolled over to the other siblings.

Fox dad saw that the farce here stopped, turned around and went out again.

The cubs haven’t eaten all night, and the two mice will definitely not be able to fill their stomachs.

The boss hid behind the fox mother and watched Shen Qiu gracefully finish eating most of the mice, and then began to wash his face.

Looking at the remaining mice, he was a little itchy, but looked at the sharp claws that Shen Qiu stretched out.

The boss retracted his head and shook his head.

Forget it, the younger brother is so fierce, so don’t provoke the younger brother.

I sang an empty city plan in my stomach, and the boss looked forward to the direction where the fox left.

After Shen Qiu washed his face, seeing that the boss didn’t rush up, he nodded with satisfaction.

Although the rat is big, he can’t eat it all. I just think that it is too dangerous for the fox dad to find food now, and I want to help the fox dad as much as possible.

He took the remaining half mouse to the weakest cub.

Lao Qi is the weakest of the eight cubs, and often ends up eating the scraps of his siblings.

Seeing his brother hand the mouse to him, Lao Qi’s ears twitched back, his excited tail wagged into a propeller, and then he kissed Shen Qiu frantically, calling out to his brother.

Seeing that the cub gave food to the seventh, the fox mother was very surprised.

Ask him why.

Shen Qiu licked her paws and told the truth.

The fox mother was full of relief, but she still said, “This is something that parents need to consider, you are just a little cub, you just need to fill your stomach and try to survive.”

Shen Qiu nodded while listening, but doing it or not is another matter.

Fox dad came back safe and sound several times. Although all the corpses and wild fruits were brought back, the family of ten barely filled their stomachs.

The sun rose from the mountains to the east, the sun fell on the fox family, and they set foot on the westbound road again.

This is a week.

Several times on the way, Fox Dad almost fell into the hands of natural enemies.

Shen Qiu was finally allowed to hunt nearby after pleading with Mother Fox several times.

He began to dig holes like the fox dad, and he would jump up and pick wild fruits when passing through the jungle.

As long as it can fill the stomach, he will not refuse.

Every time he can’t finish the food, he will bring it with him, just in case Dad Fox can’t find the food, they won’t be too hungry.

Although Shen Qiu is young, he has several lifetimes of experience. He learned to climb trees from cats, so he can go to the trees to dig bird eggs.

I learned how to identify various odors in the air from the panda, and learned which plants are poisonous and which are not from the bear mother.

So when he is really hungry, he will even eat some raw mushrooms.

It’s definitely not a fox’s recipe, but it can fill your stomach and not starve to death.

With the help of Shen Qiu, it is rare for the fox father to travel westward without being too tired.

Although the little cubs are a little thin, they are much better than the fox mother expected.

The youngest cub made such an excellent performance that both the fox father and the fox mother were deeply gratified.

After reaching the west plateau, Mother Fox made a new decision.

A family of ten climbed up from the bottom of the mountain.

I saw snow rabbits all over the plateau at a glance.

It’s summer and they’re all grey and hopping about on the grass.

Other snow rabbits were warned and ran back.

In just a few seconds, the snow rabbit on the plateau disappeared without a trace.

It’s nothing.

Anyway, they will live there forever, and these snow rabbits will one day become their meal!

Shen Qiu suppressed her eagerness to hunt, and followed behind Father Fox to grab the dirt hole!

At the beginning, Shen Qiu couldn’t accept the operation of grabbing the earth hole, he always felt like a bandit.

But if there is no dirt hole at night, they have to sleep in the wild, and they will become the natural enemy’s meal at some point.

I can only meditate in my mind that I am an animal or an animal, and it is important to save my life.

By now, he is very skilled at robbing the dirt hole.

Fox dad took a fancy to a dirt hole, in which lived a family of prairie marmots.

Dad Fox banged twice and cooperated with Shen Qiu.

Shen Qiu blocked the way on the other end, Fox Dad aimed at the main hole, one jumped up and inserted his sharp beak into it.

The head drills hard inside!

Soon, Father Fox bit a marmot. While the marmot was being picked up, a young marmot escaped from the gap in the hole.

Some marmot cubs ran out from Shen Qiu and were blocked by Shen Qiu.

Father and son worked together and quickly occupied the earth cave, and the marmot family became the fox family’s first meal here.

This is the first time Shen Qiu has eaten so full this week.

There is a lot of food, so the little cubs don’t grab it, they eat their own food separately.

At this time, Shen Qiu heard the sound of “Zila Zila” in his ears.

Somewhat familiar, but I can’t remember where I heard it for a while.

until a ‘stone” slowly rolled towards him.

Shen Qiu stared at the stone in deep thought.

This thing… it’s not a camera!

Are there humans?

He immediately stood up and looked around vigilantly, the tip of his nose kept twitching.

But the plateau is too big, and there is no human smell in the current wind direction.

He called out to Father Fox.

“There are humans!”

This camera doesn’t have any signs, and I’m not sure if it’s a good guy or a bad guy, so be careful for now.

Fox dad also followed and looked around with a fierce look.

“Honey! Take the kids back to the cave!”

Dad fox shouted, and the little cubs ran into the cave with the food they had not finished eating.

The ‘stone” seemed to know that he had been discovered, so he rolled forward and patted the Shen Qiu family at the front of the cave.

At this time, on the hillside not far away, a group of people hid behind a large rock


One person is holding the freshly soaked instant noodles in his hand, sucking and looking at the camera.

“Why do I think that family found us?”

“No way, our camera is quite secret this time.”

“But this is the first wave of red foxes in the plateau in recent years. You said we should…”

The other person shook his head, “Our target this time is the Tibetan fox and the hozen, as for the red fox…”

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