Chapter 82 - Entertainment Variety Pack ①
“Oh? Is it just you, Sadataka?”
“Hm? Segawa, good morning. Yes, right now it’s only me.” (Sachi)
Arriving at the meeting spot a little earlier than expected, Ichirou greeted the only person of his friend group that was at the meeting spot at present, Sachi Sadataka.
“You came early.” Sachi said.
“I give it back to you. You’re also quite early yourself.” (Ichirou)
Sachi dryly laughed. “Well, this meeting spot was a little farther away than normal, so I thought I’d come early.” (Sachi)
“Heh, I see.” (Ichirou)
This time, their meeting spot was a train station that was a little farther than the one they normally met at. The part of the city where the station was located was a place none of them had explored before, so for their day today, the six decided to go around this place.
“I have to say, I’m impressed with the plan you proposed, Segawa. Only complaint is that it was kind of hard to come up with an original place to visit… aside from a bookstore that is…” (Sachi)
“I’m glad you like it!” Ichirou happily smiled.
As the group was discussing their plans, Ichirou intervened and explained an idea that came to mind. In short, the idea was that all six of them would look for a place to go to and they’ll try to cover it all in one day. It would be a challenge to cover six different places, that’s why two of them decided on a place to get lunch and dinner.
A long day was ahead of them.
“Alright then! I believe each of you have your places in mind, right? Ichirou. Shizuka, you two are in charge of our meal, hope you don’t disappoint!” Kei said in an authoritative voice that quickly made both Riku and Shizuka straighten their backs.
““Sir, yes sir!”” The two saluted.
“Seems like a scene straight off the military…” (Riku)
“It’s the same as usual for us, though.” (Sachi)
“True.” Hayato asked.
“Shizuka and Ichirou both are kind of alike, so no wonder they got along in that regard. Oh, don’t get jealous though, Hayato.” (Sachi)
“I’m not jealous.” Hayato shook his head.
“He is, isn’t he?” (Riku)
“I’m not!” (Hayato)
As the three of them talked between each other, the other half of the group seemed to be done with their military play as they joined the others and decided to start the day.
They talked and coordinated between each other, they voted and decided who’s place will be first on the list.
First destination: Hayato’s place.
First Hang Out Spot: Hayato’s Decision
“This is…?” (Kei)
“A bowling alley!” (Hayato)
“A bowling alley?” (Riku)
“A bowling alley!” (Hayato)
“A bowling al— ouch?!” (Kei)
“Stop it already, that’s four lines of text we’re using there…” (Shizuka)
For their first spot on the list, suggested by Hayato Hayasaka, the group of six were at a bowling alley inside the facilities of shopping mall within the vicinity.
“What are we waiting for? It’s a bowling alley!” (Hayato)
“A bowling alley!” (Ichirou)
“Are you that desperate to reach fifteen hundred words?!” (Shizuka)
“I wouldn’t be wrong if I assume you came bowling before, right Hayato?” (Sachi)
“Unn. Unn. I often come here with my siblings, we’re kind of… regulars in this place.” Hayato said as he wryly smiled. After the group entered they moved towards the reception where they paid for a one hour stay.
“Oh, Hayato. It’s you again, didn’t you come here a few days ago?”
“Any day is a good day for bowling, you know?” Hayato proudly said, somehow, the others who were looking at their interaction seemed taken aback at first, except Shizuka, of course.
“It’s been a while, Takeru.” Shizuka said.
“It has, it has. Back for round two?” The boy, who’s deep blue hair and eyes gave him a look of solemnity, respectfully greeted Shizuka. “Those at the back, your friends?” (Takeru)
“Unn. Kei Ichinose, Riku Ryouzaki, Ichirou Segawa and Sachi Sadataka.” At Hayato’s introduction, the rest re-introduce themselves in succession.
“Alrighty, so. What can I help you with, this time?” (Takeru)
After they successfully paid, they arrange into teams of three with the following line-up. Team A composed of Hayato-Shizuka-Kei and Team B, composed of Riku-Sachi-Ichirou.
Consisting of ten frames, they will be alternating between teams as the first six frames are used by one player, with the seventh and eighth used by two and on the ninth and tenth, the captains go again.
Of course, most of them were beginners, so they were doing it for fun. First off, team A with Shizuka.
“This time for sure!” (Shizuka)
“Isn’t it kind of unfair that the two that actually know how to play are on the same team?” Ichirou said annoyingly.
“We should’ve gone with the lottery…” (Riku)
“Wait… they also have Kei don’t they?!” Sachi exclaimed, at that time, they knew they were done for. Simply put, Kei would catch on quickly making this match almost unbeatable for them.
As they lamented, Shizuka’s frame was over and the result was quite simple. “Geh, eight in total…” Shizuka lamented. During her first throw, she knocked six, in the second only two pins remained.
Two frames later, it was Sachi’s turn. That was when their display happened. Before Sachi, Hayato who was from the other team went and before him, her boyfriend, Riku.
“I think I got the hang of it. Sachi, almost everything is in the posture.” Riku then proceeded to walk over to Sachi, and without realizing he started to correct her posture properly.
“R-Riku?!” Sachi exclaimed, embarrassed.
“Stay still, let me correct that posture before you start.” (Riku)
Sachi’s face was completely red, and Shizuka, who was next to Kei, whispered in his ear. “Kei, are they…?” (Shizuka)
“Heavily flirting? Yes.” Kei nodded, annoyed. He realized something, he realized he planned on spending the whole day with two couples and Ichirou.
“There, done! Hm? Sachi, your face is red, are you o—” Before he could finish, he froze as he realized the situation he was in. Soon enough, his own face also grew red.
“I-I-I’m sorry! I was to fixated on the game so I–” (Riku)
“I-It’s okay, I don’t really mind…” Sachi meekly said.
“Kei… everything is going according to the cliche, isn’t it?” (Shizuka)
“Was about to say…” (Kei)
After that little incident, the six proceeded to continue their game as they only had an hour to use. Eventually, the game ended in Team A getting the victory, which was expected, since Hayato and Shizuka who already played and Kei who caught on quickly with the game were in it.
“That was so fun!” Shizuka said as she stretched her back. They group left the bowling alley, and moved over to a bench where the two girls and Hayato sat.
“So, I believe we have one more place before lunch, right?” Sachi asked, to which the one who was about to conduct the next entertainment, stood up.
“My moment has arrived! Behold! The dawn of creation!” (Kei)
“Did you mistake sugar for something else?!” (Shizuka)
Second Hang Out Spot: Kei’s Decision
“An arcade? Knowing Kei, I thought he’ll bring us to a library.” Shizuka said.
“That was my idea, but Arisa looked at me with a ‘are you serious?’ type of face that I chose not to…” (Kei)
Thank you, Arisa! For a moment, both Shizuka and Riku’s thoughts merged into one, as the two didn’t have too much attachment to reading.
“We’ve been in the arcade dozens of times now, I know. However, a new game came recently, so I thought we could try it out together!” (Kei)
“Weird, I thought you would come with Arisa fir—” (Riku)
“I already brought her.” (Kei)
“Figured.” (Riku)
As they entered the arcade, Kei led them to a corner where a single booth stood, it was for a quiz game.
“A quiz game?” (Riku)
“Unn! When I came with Arisa, it was so fun and note that we were only two. Imagine with six! Possibilities are endless!” (Kei)
“In this context, they’re not.” (Ichirou)
As Kei went over to change some money into coins, he went over to the machine and deposited one coin for now. The game began.
#1 Which is the only edible food that never goes bad?
“So soon?!” (Sachi)
“All food expires, doesn’t it? “ Riku said, quite confused.
“By logic they should, I want to say vanilla extract, as they can improve with age, however I’m not really sure…” The game itself had a simple layout, on top there was a question displayed, with three different buttons with different answers inside. Only one was correct.
“There, the answer was honey. I have it correct it seems.” The one who pushed the button was Hayato.
“Due to the honey-making process and the low pH, organisms that spoil them won’t survive much inside it…” (Hayato)
“I… see?” (Riku)
“My twin sister Honami loves bees, you see, so I had to hear some of her rambles here and there…” (Hayato)
#5 What sport is dubbed as ‘the king of sports’?
“I know nothing about sports…” (Sachi)
“Well, bad for you, I do!” Pressing the button, Ichirou was the next one who got it correct. Though the question itself was easy…
“Soccer is the one nicknamed as such!” He said with a smug.
“Don’t you call it football?” (Shizuka)
“We won’t enter that long debate yet!” (Ichirou)
#9 What country has the most natural lakes?
“Geography this time, huh?” (Kei)
“You can probably answer it in a heartbeat, so why bother?” (Shizuka)
“I’m not participating, but I do know who might get it correct.” (Kei)
“Hayato or Shizuka weren’t exactly good with geography and even though Sachi’s grades were on the first five, she didn’t really retain info she didn’t need.
Ichirou on the other hand gave this one to someone else, content with the correct answer he delivered.
However, for someone who loves history and art, geography was a must! That kid was an artist, “That’s Canada, no questions asked.” (Riku)
Pressing the button, the machine showed that indeed, it was the correct answer.
#14 For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
“Oh, that’s easy… There! Third law of motion.” Such knowledge wasn’t something Sachi deemed unnecessary.
“How come I still haven’t answered one?” (Shizuka)
“I pity you…” (Ichirou)
#16 What type of blood is considered as a universal donor?
This one’s ending in a heartbeat… Good for her. As Hayato and Sachi were about to simultaneously press the button, Shizuka interjected and rapidly pressed it on their stead.
“Sorry, you two. However, I can’t let this slide! That’s my type of blood after all!” (Shizuka)
Blood that can be donated to any other type without any risks.
“Right, you were O-, right?” Kei, who was leaning on the wall by the machine, chuckled.
“Indeed! I remember that time during middle that it was my first time donating blood, the memories~” (Shizuka)
With Shizuka down, all of them answered at least one of their respective questions. Kei proceeded to join them and they played for three more games. Little later, Ichirou took the victory with thirty-three points, two more than Kei, who was second.
Next up, lunch.