Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 200

-POV Sapphire-

By the time I get back home, it seems like Snag’s problem is dealt with and he’s already asleep in his room with mom. “He’s fine sis. He just changed his race to human for some reason.” Amber tells me, so I guess mom was right. She still had a worried look on her larger body when she asked me to come help. I let out a sigh of relief and tell my sisters “That’s great. He’s the only one who likes to help me clean.” I joke with them, but I really would be upset if he ended up with something worse. People get new races sometimes, it’s not like it’s strange.

I could just use cleaning skills to deal with everything in the house, but Snag helped me learn that cleaning with my hands is a good way to clear my head. Now that I’ve been doing it for long enough, I enjoy it almost as much as getting fucked silly by my pack. Of course the cleaning is more difficult, but it gives more of a sense of accomplishment once I’ve finished. “If you just let me use my new cleaning skills nobody would have to clean. I think sis is one of those masochist things my friend at the brothel was telling me about.” Amber retorts. I ask her “What’s a masochist, and is your other body still doing that?” Mom told me earlier that her, Amber and Citrine were going to get people to pay them for sex. It sounded like it might have been interesting, but I had both of my bodies helping my friend Cindy. So I wasn’t able to try it out.

My orange haired sister responds “Apparently it’s a term for someone who likes doing painful or boring stuff. I know you like having sex with that giant hound and cleaning without skills, so I think it might apply to you.” I remember how nice it felt when Pops tied me up and choked me during that orgy, so she’s probably right. She continues “I am still working at the brothel. I’ll finish up soon since we’re all getting pretty tired. I’m just waiting for mom to come home so we can get in bed.” I’ll use my other body to ask her to send one of herself down soon then. My sisters do look pretty exhausted and I can’t blame them. Today has been really draining.

Citrine adds “Amber here seems to have found a new hobby for herself. It was a little lackluster for mom and me.” My silly younger sisters then start trying to convince me to go sometime, but from their explanations it doesn’t sound very exciting. It’s nice that Amber found something she likes though. She seems easier to talk to tonight, so it must be doing something for her.

Doing so much healing in the battles has gotten me tired too. I don’t want to wait for mom to get here with another body, so I say goodnight to my sisters and head towards Snag’s room. I’ve never slept with him before, but Cindy is staying at Ruby’s Rest tonight. So I won’t have my normal cuddle partner here. I quietly open the door, since he’s probably already asleep. Mom waves me over from the bed, and I get my first look at my previously goblin friend. His face at least looks like a normal human, but the rest of him is covered by blankets. I’ll get to see the rest of him when we clean the house in preparation for our impregnation party with Morgan tomorrow.

For now I need rest and mom’s smiling face is making it harder to keep my eyes open. I slide in behind her and snuggle up close. She always makes me feel so safe. As I feel a slight wiggle from her, my eyelids grow heavy and I welcome it as sleep hits me.

-POV End-

The next day – Opal

Snag is the first to wake up out of all the people I slept with last night. Even Citrine who doesn’t have to sleep wasn’t up yet. It makes sense since he didn’t fight any spiders like everyone else and even had a nap. Should I call it a nap if he screamed in pain and then passed out while changing races? Probably. He smiled when he saw Sapphire cuddled up behind me, so I don’t think he minded her sleeping on his bed. Usually I’m the only one who joins him. I was a little concerned he might be against it when she got home, but I could tell she was tired and worried about her friend.

He offered to make everyone breakfast, which is nice of him. My body in the bed between Amber’s two bodies is the last to get ready. Being held from both ends felt really good and she’s always been a late sleeper. Surprisingly it didn’t take her long to be up and out of bed after waking up. She told me “I just feel so full of energy. Is this how everyone else feels in the morning?” I’m not sure, since I’ve never actually needed sleep. I respond by giving both of her bodies a kiss and saying “I think you just had a lot of fun being a whore yesterday. Sapphire always seems more energetic after we try out a new monster.” It’s the only thing I can think of at least.

“It was a lot of fun wife. I’m thinking of going back when I’m not busy with other stuff if that’s alright with you.” She says, and I nod since I’m glad she found something she likes. She then gives me a kiss while grabbing my butt, telling me “I like how it sounded when you called me a whore.” I giggle and feel her other body start grabbing my breasts from behind. “Okay my sexy whore, but your breakfast that Snag made is going to get cold if we get into sex stuff now.” I say, still happy if she chooses it over warm food. I hear a growling sound from both of her stomachs and she blushes before squeezing my butt and breasts one more time. As she lets me go I say “We can do all that while you’re waiting for your turn later. Morgan only has two bodies, so we’ll have plenty of time.”

We’re having the party where she gets us all pregnant later today, so I can wait till then to play with my wife. I know she has a hard time not eating after her tummy makes that sound. She sighs and says “I could just drink your milk while we play around, but Snag had a rough day yesterday. So I should eat the food he made for me.” Is not eating food people make for you bad? Thinking about it, I guess if I made food for my family and they didn’t want to eat it… Yeah, that makes sense. It makes me glad Amber likes feeding me, or I might have been rude to people more often.

After we get dressed and show up in the back yard, everyone seems to be happily chatting. Both Snag and Morgan look a little anxious though. They haven’t been talking much, so I hope they’re okay. I go to get our food, but Amber tells me she’ll grab it. She probably wants to eat more than usual. That’s the only time she prefers getting it for us. Nobody else feeds me, so my other body has just been sitting and chatting. She thanks Snag and hands me a plate before sitting next to both my bodies with hers. I remember what she said earlier and tell her “Thank you whore.” She smiles and blushes, but Citrine gets a shocked face.

“You can’t call her that mom. It’s rude.” My angel daughter says. She asked me earlier… Oh, so it’s like how she likes being called a Slut when we have sex, but not around other people. I start to apologize, but my orange haired wife giggles and says “It’s okay wife. I should have been more specific.” She then looks at Citrine with a grin and continues “You can call me that in the bedroom too sis.” My angel daughter seems to choke on her food a bit and her face gets really red. It’s so cute when my daughters decide to tease each other.

Once Amber has started eating, I ask Morgan “Are you okay sweetie?” She nods and smiles before answering “Yeah mom, I’m just a bit nervous for all the sex later. You’re… the only person I’ve used my penis with and I don’t want to disappoint everyone.” This time I hear a choking sound come from Snag, our used-to-be-goblin friend. His blushing is definitely cuter now, but it can still use lots of work. I wonder if women are just naturally better at blushing than men. I’ll have to think about it.

I’ve watched all of my daughters having sex with men and monsters plenty of times, so I offer “Don’t worry, I can give you some tips on what everyone likes.” It will be good if she can change her penis shape, but if she can’t there are still different ways that make them moan more. Sapphire likes to be grabbed around her throat and spanked. Amber likes being called slut, and I guess whore now. Citrine is a little tougher, but I think I figured it out after talking to Amber about it. It shouldn’t be too difficult for Morgan to call her sister a lot. Amber thinks it has something to do with her being human in her last life and sex with family being taboo with them. She’s probably right, my wife is pretty smart.

Ruby is the easiest to please, but I’m not sure yet if she’ll be coming. Jessica likes biting people and nibbling at their sensitive areas. If Morgan isn’t okay with that, she also just really likes getting pregnant and won’t be disappointed as long as her sister cums inside. That’s the whole point of the sex this time, so I don’t think it will be a problem. I’ll tell her all of this in private later, since it might be rude to say all of that in public.

Snag gets up and stands in front of us, getting everyone's attention with a few claps. He looks nervous, slicking back his new hair once everyone is paying attention. He says “I have something I want to say to everyone… Thank you all so much for inviting me into your home and accepting me when I was just an ugly goblin.” I guess he wasn’t exactly attractive, but what does that have to do with accepting him? He continues “I don’t remember my life before the dungeon anymore, but if it was half as nice as this I would have been truly blessed. Your family really saved me when I needed it the most. That’s why I want to do everything I can to pay you back.” Citrine starts to tell him that it’s not needed, but he interrupts her saying “I know it’s not required by any of you wonderful women, but as a man I feel it’s important.”

I’m not really sure what else he could be doing. His ideas for dealing with the spiders we’re extremely helpful and probably saved us a lot of pain and deaths. He continues “So I’ve decided to move out. I can’t grow as a man if I rely on my friends for all of my needs. Once I can stand with you all as equals I’ll know I’ve earned this life.” I don’t understand what he’s talking about, but my sons I’ve asked to stay with us don’t stick around long either. I feel a bit tight in the chest, but my sons have said similarly strange things before moving out, so it must be a man thing. I’ve learned to not let my sadness show when it happens, so I just stand up and give him a hug instead.

Maybe he’ll move back after gaining some tiers… Probably not since none of my sons have. Sapphire joins the hug and says “You have to tell us where you end up living so we can visit.” I agree with that and nod. The hug soon turns into a group hug as everyone else joins in with one of their bodies. I hear a sniffle from our now human friend, but don’t see any tears in his eyes. I wonder if he’ll let me stay at his place overnight sometimes. I know he might have trouble sleeping if I don’t.

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