
A Messenger’s Assignment 2


Unfortunately, it seems like Duchess Carina lives around half a day of traveling away from Valera.
This means a lot of walking.
Not a problem for me, as I somehow don't feel a strain and I took enough supplies with me to be safe, but Owen has it a bit harder.


"Is it much looonger?" (O)

"No, it isn't. Just push through!" (A)

"Youuu already said that half an hoouuur ago!" (O)

"Just lEt a worker carry you!" (A)

"Nooo, that's embaaarraaassing! Don't wannaaa!" (O)

"ThEn ztop complaining!" (A)


Fortunately, I can finally see our destination in the distance.
Wow, that's a huge mansion.
Being a duchess must sure be nice.
Thinking about this woman makes me a bit anxious.
I barely interacted with her, but already that I'm close with Honiu seems to have sparked her interest.

That reminds me, I'm only supposed to deliver the message to her.
Also, I never heard of her being in company in the palace.
This might indicate that she reigns alone over her duchy.
It isn't unheard of, but a woman in charge is still a bit of a special case.
It might be because of some family tradition, no other options among the inner heirs, or her husband died, but I probably shouldn't ask about this.
This should already be hard as it is.

Once we approach closer to the mansion I become aware that we might've caused a small commotion.
Looking behind me, I glance over the four workers and two guardians.
The latter might've been a bit too much, but it isn't exactly safe for someone looking like me to walk alone through Valera.
The animosity is rampant and collaborators are not exactly favored.
Therefore a collaborator who's basically an insect mutant can only hope to somehow get out alive again.

Weirdly fortunate, I mostly have to deal with palace attendants and nobles.
Most of them are rather keen on staying cooperative.
In this sense, delivering this message shouldn't be too much of an issue.
So I hope at least.

We arrive at the walled mansion where the servants and a contingent of guards are in a frenzy running left and right around the orchard.
Once I step to the gilded door, a thoroughly terrified maid receives us, while the guards start getting into formation and the servants keep on running in the distance.


"Y-y-yes? W-w-what's y-your business?" (maid)


Okay, Allie.
Calm and professional.


"I'm a messenger working for Princess Honiu and am here to deliver a message to Duchess Carina." (A)


While I should probably request something like a sign that makes it possible for humans who have no sense for this scent to confirm that I'm actually working for Honiu, the insectile wings and insect escort are usually enough not to get questioned.


"M-messenger? A, a message?" (maid)


She's starting to irritate me.


"Yes! A message. You know, a notification. I need to talk to her!" (A)

"I, I'm sorry, b-but the lady isn't ready t-to receive guests yet and needs to prepare." (maid)

"This won't be an issue. We can wait." (A)


That is if you don't have a problem with this troop staying in your courtyard.
Concurring to my assessment, it doesn't take long till we are allowed to enter the mansion.
In accordance with a not-so-subtle hint and in an attempt to show manners, I assign the troop to stay out, so I won't barge in through the front door with several soldiers.
It's not like I have to fear any threat in there.
As I said, most nobles are currently trying to stay on our good side.
They might want to get something out of this, but if they get it isn't all that important to me, as attacking a messenger would accomplish nothing but incurring Honiu's wrath.
And hell, you don't want this.

Also, just in case, I have Owen with me.
So only the two of us enter the spacious entrance hall.
It's decorated in super-expensive-looking stuff.
Rows of servants ordered by gender wait in attendance in front of a big stair to the upper floor.

Owen grows visibly uncomfortable in this situation.
While I'm getting used to this, it's still slightly overwhelming to stand here.
Especially, if I consider where I was a month ago.

At some point, steps are to be heard coming closer from above.


"So I truly have Formicean messengers waiting in my home abode? My, how daring! I can't wait to brag at Lady Celia's next tea party. Huh, but the last one was canceled due to the occupation. Well, maybe I'll just host my own to do so." (C)


Maybe I should have feared the one we're visiting for different reasons.

I finally see her coming into view.
Oh damn, I need to maintain a straight face.
She's wearing an outrageous dress.
The headpiece seems to be adorned by silvery rods, adorned in gems, that resemble antlers ... or maybe antennae?
Her gown isn't much better, mostly blue, but it distinctly reminds me of Honiu's carapace patterns.
Does she think this would be flattering?

I need to jab Owen in the side to prevent him from making a scene.
Just think about that mirror.

She seems excited, the way she strides down the staircase, sided by servants.
Yet then she suddenly frowns upon laying eyes on us.
Her steps slow down, an intent gaze fixed on us.
Which is when her eyes suddenly flare wide open and she resumes closing in on us with her initial speed.


"Uuuiiiiiieeeh!" (C)


A piercing scream is heard through the hall.
The woman just crosses the distance and stops right in front of us, gesturing wildly.


"Oh my, just look at you!" (C)


She's basically squealing upon laying her eyes on me.


"You have wings? Are those truly real?!" (C)

"Eeeehhk!" (A)

"They are!" (C)


This crazy just squeezed me there!
And that while they're so tender.
Suddenly, Owen rushes between us two.


"Stay away from her!" (O)


Which prompts me to smack him on the head.


"Would you not?!" (A)


Now I need to fix this diplomatic slip-up.


"I'm sorry, Lady Cariena, but I neeed to ask you to abstain from touching me there. ThEy're very sensitive." (A)

"Oh my, aren't you something? To think I'd get visited by cute little insect children!" (C)


She certainly doesn't sugarcoat.
No matter how delicate of a topic that might be for us.


"Ahem, Ladye Carina, I'm coming here with a message from PrincEss Honiu." (A)

"Stop right there! This isn't the right environment for this. Please follow me to the appreciation hall!" (C)



Not like I have much of a choice but to follow her down the hallway.
After all, I want her to listen, which won't be possible if I don't.
Fortunately, she already takes a door to the left only a short distance away.
Yet once I arrive, I have to catch my breath.

The complete interior is stuffed with stuff I know from the underground base!
There's one of the earthen vases, and over there is a bottle labeled "nectar", right next to one that reads "cleansing liquid".
Heck, she even has furniture that seems to be made with the insect applicant!
It partly looks like straight out of my quarters.

Not to forget the other stuff.
There I see lightstones.
There's a pheromone pod, like those I sometimes have to transport for messages I don't know in its entirety.
Is that an egg?
Wow, this woman leaves nothing out.

Oh damn, I think I get it!
She's completely fawning over everything that is even remotely Formicean!

Uh, for now, this might be to my advantage.
She takes place at a small table, apparently made with the usual earth-applicant mix, on a stool that is the same, while two maids settle next to her, one of them being the stutterer from the gate.


"Please, join me." (C)


It would be rude to deny her, but nonetheless, I'm feeling slightly uncomfortable here once I sit down.


"Please tell, what kind of message are you bringing?" (C)


Alright, this is it.
As usual, I’m able to perfectly recall the scent pattern that Honiu gave me.
It's barely any effort to remember.


"PrincEss Honiu wishes you to join an important meeeting tomorrow at thee palace that should hold great impAct on the future of the country. So you're heereby sent an invitation." (A)

"Oh my, that sounds exciting. Personally invited to an event held by an insect princess. On that matter, I was informed the Formicean queen came to our beautiful capital. Is there anything to mind?" (C)

"Ehk, the queen is going to attEnd, so it's expEcted that you show respect, like not chiming in when she speeaks and so on. But there's more. Here, PrincEss Honiu sends a gift." (A)


Recalling the pheromones I was given on the way, I remember that I got something else for her.
Though, this may be a little peculiar.
I can only hope she'll take it well.

So I place two small earthen flasks on the tray on the table.
Honiu's mutation inductors.


"It was deeemed that you should have thies to be able to follow thee conversation." (A)

"Is this what I think it is?" (C)

"Ehk, yes. The lEft one is for hearing, or rather smElling, the right one is speeaking. Ehk, the right one is a bit harsher on your throat. It might bee that it's gonna take a while till you can talk normally again." (A)


Now it counts.
She could easily get angry at me for even suggesting something like that.


"Splendid! To think I would receive such a wonderful present!" (C)


Considering her inclination this could've been expected.


"However, I fear I can't just drink an unconfirmed liquid. Please tell, is this enough for more than one?" (C)


Why this question?
Hm, given the amount it should suffice for two if distributed well.


"I thienk so. Yet the effEct might be weeaker or take longer." (A)

"Then this works out perfectly. Milea, drink this!" (C)


She looks at the maid next to her.


"M-me?" (Milea)

"Did I speak unclear? I want you to drink this. Half of it, not more. Don't make me wait." (C)

"B-but, Milady." (M)

"Milea!" (C)


The maid moves with hesitant steps toward the tray.
Once she takes it, I can see how tears are gathering in her eyes.
She looks pleading at the woman who forces this onto her, only to be urged to continue by a wave of her hand.
That's why I hate nobles.
Born so high above anyone's station that they can't even be bothered to care about what they're doing to others.

First starting with the receiving agent, the maid opens the flask and already recoils at the smell.


"Ehk, that one's for thee nose." (A)

"You heard her, Milea? Apply it correctly." (C)


Was that wrong?
But using it in the wrong way can't be great for her either.

Next, it happens what is to be expected.
I saw it often enough.
She retches and her tears flow stronger, solely from the overstimulation.
After a while, the poor maid manages to rise up again.
Though, incredibly unsteady on her legs.


"No time to dawdle, Milea. There's another one waiting for you. Don't spill anything!" (C)


I really don't like her, but it's not like it's my station to berate a noble.
Especially, as she's exceptionally powerful and might be one of the only ones with a positive attitude to our side.
Even Owen seems to be aware that it wouldn't be good to sabotage our side's cause.

Huh, my side are the insects.
Weird to think about it this way.

Yet now the remaining potion has to be used.
I don't envy her there.
Though, there's one tiny silver lining.


"I-it's a toned down version. The effEcts won't be quite as seevere and allow to maintain normal speeech. The downside is, that insect speech won't be quite as developed." (A)

"Oh, can it be upgraded?" (C)

"I-I think so?" (A)


If I understood it right, it would be mostly about adding more of the same.
So it should be possible to add further changes.


"Wonderful. You heard her, Milea. Show me the effect!" (C)


Pure dread shows on the woman's face, but she can't defy her employer.
Her superior.
So she does as she's told.
And presumably regrets it a moment later.
This is at least what I gather from her writhing form on the ground.
Eventually, it stops and she lays still.


"Milea, are you good?" (C)


This prompts her to stir again.
...and creak.


<Scraah!/Help!> (M)


"Clap, clap, clap"


"Magnificient! Did she just say something in your tongue? Or whatever else you're using." (C)


I'm growing distinctly uncomfortable with this person.


"I-it works just as intended." (A)

"Splendid! In that case, you can tell Honiu that I will use them myself, later, in privacy, and while you're at it, maybe ask her for said upgrade. As it seems that with this everything is settled I think you can leave now." (C)


Great. Wouldn't want to stick around.


"Ah, but now that I think about it, one more thing." (C)


So close!


"If I'd ask her, would it be possible to receive wings like yours as well?" (C)


Seriously, that woman.


"Ehk, probably, if she's in the mood and you give her a reason for this." (A)

"Then you may bring my request for this, as well as the upgrade, to her ear and tell her I'm willing to pay any price. A dosage for two, by the way." (C)


Her gaze drifts to the poor maid from before who only squeaks and whimpers on the floor.


"Milea, how much longer do you intend to spend there on the ground? Hop, hop! Clean this mess you made and then prepare my private chambers. It seems I have an exciting time before me." (C)


I'm so sorry, Milea.


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