
A Path Forward 4


While passing through the tunnel to the open cave on the other side, I ponder what the princess meant by speaking of an experiment.
It's certainly concerning.

This feeling of weirdness only intensifies when I get a first surview of the area.
As I mentioned before, this cave is expansive.
In the dark, I can barely see the walls.
There's the equipment for the tents readily prepared to be set up in the area.
In addition, I see the barriers, blocking several tunnels leading away from here.
Also... there's a crate of weapons, right next to the materials!
What exactly is the meaning of this?



"Why the fuck are they putting our weapons there?"


They take the words from my mouth.
Why would they arm prisoners?
Wait, why are the spikes from the barriers pointing outward with those huge insects guarding on the inside?
I really don't like this.

Conveniently, the princess follows directly behind us.
Of course, with a huge ass escort right around her.
But I fear I'll regret it not to ask her now.


<What is the meaning of this? There's something up with the camp! Tell me!> (D)


It's extremely open, basically uncontrolled and they're obviously up to letting us build a military force here.


<As you wish. This is all an experiment of mine to see if Princess Erys' ideas are worth being pursued. Personally, I wish you to succeed, but if not, I'll have to mitigate my possible losses.> (C)

<Succeed? Succeed in what?> (D)


This all is already far too tense of a situation.
Those discrepancies are not ignorable.
The soldiers notice them.




As it shows when they suddenly start rushing for the weapons and arming themselves.
Of course, they still don't stand a chance and are going to be surrounded.
Which prompts those assholes to use us others as meat shields when they retreat deeper into the center of the cave.
This leads to a rather troublesome situation where we might die at any moment if the insects decide to rush us.
The stalemate gets broken when the princess approaches the soldiers behind a barrier of these giant creatures and speaks up.


<What is the meaning of this?> (C)

<As I said, the soldiers are unnerved. They're about to fight for their survival.> (D)

<Excellent! They continue to do as I’m expecting!> (C)

<Expecting? Expecting what?!> (D)

<That they will fight to survive. I'm depending on that.> (C)


What is she implying here?


<I demand answers!> (D)

<As you wish. But not with this kind of commotion going on.> (C)


Begrudgingly I need to acknowledge she's right.
It might come any moment to violence.


<Now would you finally clear this situation up? I wish to proceed.> (C)

<Ugh. I'm sorry, but without reassurance, I doubt the instigators are going to let go of their weapons.> (D)

<Then let them keep their pointy sticks. They'll need them anyway.> (C)


What does that mean?
Why would they need their weapons?
This princess doesn't strike me as the kind to do arena fights.


<Are you going to tell them?> (C)


Okay, better get started.
Albeit I'm still rather concerned about my voice.
Well, it's not like I have much of a choice.
This needs to happen.


"Thee priencEzz says you can keeep thee weaponz." (D)




That's what I'd like to know as well.


"I'm not staying where she wants us! It's a trap!"

"ThEn diE for all I care! Thiez iz your chanze!" (D)


Are they even aware of our situation?
We are surrounded and right in the center of an insect hive!
There's no way they can fight their way out here!


"Forget it! I'm not giving up!"

"What do you even want with us?! You already chose your side, Diroen!"

"I'm willing to fight for my freedom!"



A monster just appeared behind the barrier.
I-is this a giant crab?
Oh damn, I think I know what this is.
A goddamn Cresoal!
They're encountered across the Ceranian coast or further in the north, preferring stone cliffs to nestle in.
Usually, they’re not a major issue, as they rarely leave the water for fear of drying out.
While there are incidents when small fisher boats got dragged down by the nets, they are too heavy to swim up to a ship and cause greater trouble.
Yet this one is clearly here, attacking the fortifications that are currently only manned by the insect warriors!
This fucking crab is massive and throws its whole weight against the barrier.
This one still holds, but I'm not sure how long if those huge pincers will continue to slash at them.


<I'd suggest you humans try to kill it. The guardians may or may not be able to deal with this threat, but who knows.> (C)


I think I realize the game she's playing.
When I look at the fight it seems like the insect warrior caste can do some damage, but not to an efficient degree.
Even those tailspears don't manage to thrust through those shells.
They're lacking more dedicated weaponry or even weapons at all.


<Once my guardians fall I won't be able to hold this partition anymore. Collapsing the tunnel will be the only option to avoid casualties. Yet I can't let you inside my hive, with those weapons you're pointing at us.  In this sense, it would be in your best interest to take care of the threat.> (C)


Yes, she just can block the entrance.
This whole camp is merely set up to have us as her new blockers here.
I need to tell the others.


"Thee princezz tellz us to kill theese things or she's going to lock uz out!" (D)

"What did you say?!"


"No tieme to argue! Do somethieng!" (D)


I grab myself a spear from the weapon crates and rush to the barrier, right next to one of those big guys.
They're busy holding off that crab and don't pay any attention to me.
The good thing is, the crab is the same and I'm probably too small to be judged as worthy of its attention.
His bad, as I can thus freely stab at it with the spear.
If I analyzed this right, the face and joints should both be its weak points.
I take all the time I need and stab at the place where one of the legs protrudes.




Okay, that made it angry.
Fortunately, I'm out of its reach behind the barrier and this thing isn't the most agile to begin with.
Yet now it tries more forcefully to come at me who just hurt it.
Though, by doing so it only manages to impale itself against one of the spikes of the barrier.

Finally, some of the remaining members of my former troop also get the hint and join me.
Which, in turn, prompts others to also realize that it might not be good for us if that thing breaks through and they come running to help deal with it.
I'm sure that some of them would rather rush this princess, but one doesn't need to be a genius to understand what the chances would be to attack this massive wall of warrior insects in front of her.
Not to mention attempting to push through that narrow tunnel.

This crab monster, on the other side, is standing alone.
I'd say most of ours don't even mind the assistance of those tailspears.
This way, we manage to whittle the crab down.
Eventually, one of the younger recruits, an enthusiastic boy, manages to pierce through an opened wound deep inside.
The sea creature jerks once more and then crumbles to the ground.

I breathe in and take stock of the situation.
The princess is still watching us.
Then she moves closer to the site of the battle.


<Marvelous. No losses or injuries. If you can do this much, reclaiming my hive may not be out of reach anymore.> (C)


What did she just say?


<What just happened here?!> (D)

<As you can see, my hive struggles with an invasive race of shelled creatures. They're likely to take this path, as it marks one of the connections to the underground river they originate from. Yet now you humans will serve as a suitable blocker.> (C)


So she truly intends to make use of us as a fighting force.


<You can't do this! This is no way to treat prisoners of war.> (D)


Shit, I stepped too close.
I need to calm down or those agitated warrior insects will do that for me in a more permanent manner.


<What else would I do with you? You and your fellow humans are of a fighting role, correct? I don't see much of a choice for you on that matter.> (C)

<If we'd die either way here, we might as well do so fighting our oppressors!> (D)

<How troubling. It seems you humans need an incentive to support my hive. Fortunately, I seem to have just that!> (C)


At this one of the flying insects approaches and hands something to the princess.
A moment later she extends it towards me.

It's a gem!
Can it be?
Is this truly adamantium?!


<I was told you humans would fancy these little things. Is that true or was I deceived?> (C)

<Huh, well... No, it's not wrong. But what does this matter for the situation? > (D)

<If you and your humans manage to defend this position and enable me to establish better accessibility towards my former mycelium so that my hive may be sufficiently supplied, either by providing me with the harvest that still lies there or, alternatively, killing enough of these terrible Crusteans to provide safe passage for my workers, then I will give every single one of you humans such a stone.> (C)


Already one of these stones marks a fortune.
Handing one out to every single soldier is ridiculous.


<In addition, I'd like to add that I'm not unknowing of your people's peril. If you humans can manage to bring my hive out of its current predicament, I might be willing to support your cause. Both, in direct aid, and by interceding for your side in front of my mother, the queen. She's likely to mind my advice, I'd like to add. I'm her favorite.> (C)


Can this be true?
We may not have captured a princess, but this offer almost equals it.
If we succeed here, the support of this princess could allow us to drive Koreso out of the north.
An unbelievable success.


<I'd like to know now, will this be enough to make you humans serve my purpose? Tell me, human.> (C)

<I... think so. However, the troop is in quite a difficult mood.  It won't be easy to convince them.> (D)

<Do so, and I'll support you in any way you require.> (C)

<I, I'll convince them!> (D)

<As you say. I expect results from you.> (C)

<I'll do what I can.> (D)


I don't have any other choice!
This has to work out.
There's no alternative!
Hopefully, my word will be enough for the princess.


<I trust you will. One more thing!> (C)


Again her stinger pierces out and I feel a sudden panic at how she intends to make use of it.
However, contradicting my expectations she only lets a drop fall on her claw.
Which she then plunges on my forehead.

I become instantly aware of a certain scent, but am too startled to manage calling her out on that.


<You proved to be useful. This will allow you to leave the compound as you see fit. If there's anything you deem needs to be brought to my attention, then do so. For now, I'll retire and await your news after you conclude dealing with these humans.> (C)


Seems like I got into the inner circle.
Or at least in a position where I can be at somewhat close distance to the princess without getting killed.

Sigh, now for the hard part.


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