
Chapter 178

And here we are back to present! Time for some exciting discussion time, yeah!


- Erys -


The council continues.
After it seemed imminent that Uma would tell us all that any contact to the surface, and more importantly the humans, would cease from now on, due to an astonishing turn of events, which involved the sudden appearance of Chera, things have changed drastically.
Now it looks as if Uma would be almost willing to support Tarsona.


<So you see, in my opinion, we should claim control over this 'country' and in turn help the humans survive the coming onslaught, as only surviving humans can repay their debts.> (C)

<You expect us to do a lot for these humans for very little in return.> (U)

<Naturally, there would be no immediate gain, but the long-term benefits should outweigh any temporary decline. This measure would allow us to claim everything we wish for afterward.> (C)

<While I see your point, you weren't present when just prior to your arrival, Honiu explained that controlling the humans wouldn't work as you intended. Also, assisting these humans will require considerable fighting strength for it to matter. Sending a limited number of forces that may fail would be unacceptable, after all. Moreover, fighting defensively on our own ground would, by the nature of things, greatly limit any possible attacks from aggressive humans. Even if they'd have the numbers to challenge us, to my knowledge, they lack the capabilities to traverse our world as we do. As such, I'm sure a limited conflict could be sustained indefinitely at a relatively low cost.> (U)


I'm not sure if I'm fine with something that's gonna turn so incredibly violent as tunnels flooding in ever-spilled green and red blood.
Yet it makes sense.
A great conflict on the side of Tarsona would be a huge escalation in contrast to some skirmishes in the tunnels.


<Maybe there's a chance to control only certain core facilities to ensure their loyalty. This would allow us to concentrate our focus.> (L)


Liseti is gratefully still willing to take my side on this matter.
From a strategic point, it might even be smart to keep Tarsona intact, so they'd deal with human aggressors for us.
However, this is quite problematic talk.
Especially, in front of the nobles.
They whisper, plot, and collude, but only one is willing to truly raise his voice at us.


"Ahem, may Ie..?" (K)


What would the king want?
Unfortunately for him, speaking up calls his captor, or perhaps self-perceived owner, to action.


<Human, if you’ve already decided to draw attention, then talk normally so that you will be understood!> (H)


At this, he looks slightly defeated.
I think only Mum can relate as to how well one can endure Honiu.


<Squea-, Skreak! Scre-ak!/I, I would like to propose an alternative. It might be more favorable than the other options.> (K)

<Alright, human. You may approach!> (L)


Countless drones lay their eyes on him, more than ready to end his life at a moment's notice.
I can fully understand that he's uncomfortable speaking in this situation, but fitting his kingly status, he doesn't let that stop him from doing so anyway.


<My esteemed ladies, as much as it pains me to admit the past shortcomings of my subordinate, which I will certainly take proper responsibility for...> (K)

<Human! Only relevant information!> (H)


I seriously feel bad for him.
No one deserves Honiu.


<I'll try. You see, I wanted to ask you if we couldn't agree on a less invasive, but for this reason, even more stable form of control.> (K)

<You're making little sense, human. How would holding back on our control increase security?> (L)

<Liseti. I'll allow it. I'm curious about what he wishes to relay.> (U)

<You have my gratitude, Queen Uma!> (K)


I must grant him this, it needs courage to stand this bold in front of our titanic queen.


<As Honiu stated previously, no pleasantries, please.> (U)

<Of course. What I would suggest would be that our integral structures will remain untouched. If the country remains stable, the people won't have much to complain about. This would bring the stability you wish for.> (K)

<You still fail to elaborate on how that would prevent you and those with you from turning against us once again.> (U)

<While it might be a complicated matter, I assure you that it's possible for a greater nation to control human factions with minimal direct action. There are established systems for such a relationship.> (K)


I think I understand!


<You want to turn Tarsona into the swarm's protectorate!> (E)

<Quite right.> (K)


I had this term discussed in my studies.
Mostly when it was about what Koreso even thinks it could achieve in Tarsona.
As it was explained to me, Koreso doesn't want to have Tarsona become a genuine part of it.
That would mean granting citizens the same rights as their own and thus no slaves.
No, rather they want to take over Tarsona as a lesser nation from which they can derive tributes that may, to a great deal, consist of slaves.
An outcome that became quite unthinkable as Tarsona abolished slavery.
A seemingly fundamental conflict that can only be solved in spilled blood.
But why would the king then suggest just this?


<Could you elaborate on the term 'protectorate'?> (U)

<In this sense, it's mostly thought of as a formal contract of subjugation between nations. A greater power takes a smaller power under its protection. In return, the lesser one is going to be dependent on the greater.> (K)


I guess nobody here is arguing that the swarm is the greater power in this example.


<As far as I'm aware, this kind of dependency would also include that we could decide about your politics. Especially, the alliances you could start. Isn't that so?> (E)


From what I was taught, it's actually one of the most important factors.
While the inner politics have to be watched by the greater power to prevent, for example, the establishment of an army that could threaten the superiors, alliances with other neighboring nations would mean they could just invite them to form a coalition against the tyrants.
So the system of being the protectorate can only work if the greater power has a say.
After all, it isn't exactly the most voluntary situation a nation could end up in.
Yet if we would do this at their request, I'd want to be clear about the conditions.

<Yes, princess, that is so. The formal contract would include clauses to prevent independent acts of the contractee so that the agreement will remain stable.> (K)

<How would a 'formal' agreement prevent you from simply changing your mind and straying from your word?> (U)


Uma is quite clearly letting it slip through that she finds it exhausting to work around the fact that humans can't be trusted.


<As I said before, there are measures to ensure such a thing. Political hostages, regular inspections, officials tasked with surveying the state of affairs. It shouldn't be an impossible task.> (K)

<But why would you agree to such a thing? Isn't this very war just to prevent this kind of outcome?> (E)

<My dear Princess Erys. The difference is the real outcome. While we know what to expect under Koreso's thumb, it can be assumed that the situation with your swarm would be more tenable. After all, it is well known that Koreso desires our people. But what kind of tribute would you ask for?> (K)


What would I ask for?
In return for protection, my former country may be willing to give me anything within reason.
Well, I suppose I should say, give us anything.
There are several things I believe would be fitting.
Yet before I can answer, another, more relevant individual, does so in my stead.


<Food! Enough to feed millions of my children and grandchildren.> (U)


Once again she imparts something a bit strange.
It’s more like the brood of my offspring of the princess pattern, but that would be too cumbersome to use.
Grandchildren sounds nicer in my head, so I'm translating it like this.


<In this regard, I would like to add that due to our position on the frontline, according to this 'map', the brunt of the task will probably lie on my and Inati's hive. Yet as I'm relatively closer, I'd be willing to bear the majority of the responsibility of guarding this border. However, such a grand task will necessitate that I neglect my own food production. In this sense, it only sounds reasonable that I would receive the majority of those deliveries to supply the drones needed.> (C)


She doesn't miss out here, huh?


<If you say so. I see you gave it some thought. I'm certain you wouldn't propose such a plan if you deemed yourself unfit for the task.> (U)

<So food deliveries. I'm sure this could be arranged. It would be a relatively small price to pay.> (K)


He seems more than willing to meet this demand.
Establishing some more fields in return for a safe border.
Usually, mercenaries are more expensive than this.

At this, I feel Liseti's gaze upon me and a wordless command that I should speak up now.
Apparently, my pheromones let slip that I have ideas of my own.
From her comes a sense of expectation for any insight or display of proficiency that would justify my participation and allow me to play a crucial role in the decision about Tarsona's future.
It would seem she’s kindly giving me another opportunity to warrant her support.


<Ahem, while that might be a start, for the things you're demanding from us we'll require a bit more, so to say... long-term benefits and securities.> (E)


For a moment I feel his pheromones, which he still can't control completely, perk up, as he clearly didn't expect me to make additional demands after I was so supporting all this time.
However, my recent abduction might've decreased my will to act in favor of that nation just a tiny bit.


<What could you possibly wish for?> (K)

<For starters, access. Permanent access to all intelligence facilities. This includes libraries and research centers, as well as facilities for official affairs. While on this topic, we'll also need a more permanent presence on the surface to ensure that there won't be any plotting against our side.> (E)


In my opinion, a crucial but not unreasonable point.
In this regard, I think I'm in favor of Uma's philosophy that change can be good.
Those who never adjust to different circumstances will be lost in the end.
In this sense, knowledge plays a big part in adapting.
You need to understand a concept before you can apply measures.
For this reason, information facilities are crucial.
Especially, if we want to keep up with the advancement of military technology.
The other part would be that we should at least be able to keep stocks of any potential schemes they'd be working on.
Gioras' betrayal made me quite suspicious about secret affairs.


<This is quite a lot that you demand. It could be difficult to convince the upper instances.> (K)


The king looks over his people at the far end of the hall.
They are already stupidly intensely engaged in frantic conversation.


<That's very curious. As I was informed, you don't have a choice in your all-so-peculiar position but to accept all we demand and hand over what we wish for.> (C)


I need to say the king seems rather willing to lower himself.
Yet it only makes sense.
By keeping up the occupied status of his country he can avoid that Koreso presses forward. Objectively, being a protectorate to the swarm has no extraordinary demerits aside from the formal status of being under our reign.


<I, I understand. What else would you wish for?> (K)


At this, I must speak up, to finally claim the last, and in a way, the first, thing on my agenda.


<The Garanas.> (E)

<You... want a river?> (K)

<We already talked about this. Many times. We want the water and the necessary facilities to control our investment.> (E)

<You seem to be very focused on this idea, Erys. Is there something that I should know?> (U)

<Um, you see... I would like to establish my own hive in the future. This region would, in my opinion, be a good location. If I am correct, I could channel the water of the river into the mycelium, and it would provide a very stable supply.> (E)

<I see you gave it some thought, my little Erys. However, I think there is an issue with this. Isn't that so, human> (U)

<Uh, well, the people of Caradis won't easily accept this. The Garanas is of the greatest importance to the town. Both for their water supply and also as a means of commercial traffic. Just claiming it from them will surely lead to conflict with the locals.> (K)

<Caradis? Human, tell me, what is Caradis?> (U)

<Well, Caradis is one of our wealthiest port towns. It lies at the river mouth, where the Garanas ultimately flows into the ocean, and is of the greatest importance for the seaside traffic to the south.> (K)

<Ah, so it's like this. Then the issue is solvable.> (U)


What is solvable?


<U-Uma?> (E)

<To resolve the open question of what would be suitable compensation for the grievances suffered by my daughter, Erys will receive 'Caradis'> (U)


Uh, excuse me!?!
Sorry... Did she just claim a town for me?!
Not just any town, but as far as I know, Caradis is known as the "Small Jewel of Tarsona".
Next to Great Valera it might look tiny, but it's still a very wealthy harbor that is essential for trade along the coastline and definitely has its merits.
Due to being further in the south, it's also a bit warmer, and therefore, a popular destination for the rich to have a vacation.
It's completely ridiculous to hand this over to me.
Not to mention, I don’t know the slightest bit about ruling a city!


"This is outrageous! Taking Caradis from us is nothing but an insult!" (High Noble)

<Can someone translate what this human is saying?> (U)


Chera does so at a moment's notice.
Probably to advertise herself.


<Scruhscruhscruh!/An insult they say. Then what was the abduction of one of my beloved daughters? What kind of wrath am I supposed to feel about this?!> (U)

<Ehk, scrik, sriuh!/Ehm, but maybe we shouldn't? Humans are rather prideful. Too much pressure might cause them to lash back.> (E)


And if I have Caradis then I'll probably be the target.


<Erys! You fail to see the difference between retribution and compensation. These humans may receive our support if they meet our demands, yet they also harmed you and through this the whole swarm. So I wish for a suitable price to be paid to make up for their misdeeds. Not to forget, if you wish to establish a hive in this territory that has any connection to the surface, it won't do if you don't assume full control of all the factors that could influence the hive. I consider a town full of problematic humans as such. See it as a challenge. Prove to me that you can create a reasonably secure and stable environment for yourself and your brood, or give up on establishing your own hive until I deem you to be truly ready.> (U)


As always, it has to be a test.
Why do I see trouble coming my way?


<What about the people living there? It's not like Caradis is just some place that can be cut out of Tarsona. There are intrinsic relationships to keep in mind. Agreements that need to be fulfilled, deliveries running through this mercantile center, noble influences that have to be met.> (Ki)

<Then meet them, but not at our cost! It's your compensation. Find a solution!> (U)


That's maybe asking a bit much.
Barely any consideration for feasibility.


<I, I at least wouldn’t wish to force people from their homes. As long as they would be willing to live alongside us peacefully, they could stay.> (E)

<If that is what you wish Erys. Yet, that place in its entirety will belong to you. They will abide by your decisions or depart.> (U)

<Very wise, mother. Losing something important should be a good reminder to these humans that actions have consequences.> (C)

<It seems Chera approves. How about my other daughters? Do you deem this a sound course of action?> (U)

<This direction is probably offering the most valid options. Therefore, I assent.> (H)

<It is a commitment, but leaving an issue unattended sounds like the greatest foolishness. So I support this plan.> (L)

<And you, Erys?> (U)


Do I really have a word in this!?


<I'd like to prevent the loss of lives on any side, but Koreso probably won't leave us in peace. So I don't see any other choice. Sigh. I agree.> (E)


What the objectives are and the rules that govern them are quite clear.
Uma wants to keep Tarsona under control, which means that we can't allow it to fall under Koreso's rule.
So I guess this answer makes sense.


<Now, little human, you know our demands. Are you willing to meet them to receive what you so desperately pursued?> (U)

<I suppose I don't have much of a choice with such a relentless negotiation partner. I agree!> (Ki)

<Then so be it! But I hope you're all aware that this is no favorable outcome. You are agreeing for our brood, our children, to lose their lives in a conflict that maybe could've been avoided.> (U)


I understand Uma.
Despite her... impressive character, she cares deeply for her swarm.
A decision to go to war should never be made lightly.
We'd need a solution where Tarsona would, despite all the trouble, still be able to defend its territory, without having to sacrifice any Formicean lives for that cause.
This means no open battle against the considerable forces Koreso sends their way.
But how to avoid a fight if the other side is so determined to do so?
What could stop such a force?

A stopper!!


<I, I think I have an idea.> (E)


Instantly, all eyes in the room are on me, which prompts me to shut my mouth just as quickly up again.

I’m no soldier.
My simple plan may be worthless.


<Erys. What is it that you want to tell us? Please speak freely. Your insight is valued.> (L)

<I agree with this statement.> (C)


Their pheromones are filled with assurance, supporting their words.
Thus, I continue.


<I, I think we should build a wall!> (E)


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