Gamer Superstar

Chapter 127 [Bonus ] 127 - Black Velvet Again?

Chapter 127 [Bonus Chapter] 127 - Black Velvet Again?

- Olivia's POV -

On the way home, I had slipped Ethan's small helmet over my arm as I held Noah's waist and looked out at the view around me.

Riding on the back of a motorcycle was a very exciting feeling.

I guess because I had never ridden a motorcycle before, the feeling was so new that it felt like I was riding a long roller coaster.

When I felt comfortable, I asked Noah to speed up a bit, and the adrenaline of hearing the motorcycle's engine roar and feeling my body being thrown backwards made me hold Noah even tighter.

It's a shame that he bought this bike now that he's going to change schools, because I would have loved to go to school with Noah every day, taking me on his bike...

Something I noticed while holding his waist was that Noah was getting ripped!

I could already tell that he was getting stronger from his figure, which had changed a lot in the last few months, and also from his arms, which were much thicker, showing that he was really very strong.

But since he wore baggy clothes most of the time, you wouldn't have guessed that his belly was so defined!

When I held his belly so he wouldn't fall, I could feel that his belly was already defined!

I was even curious to tell him if he had a four pack, six pack, or even an eight pack, but I didn't try because I thought it might make him uncomfortable.

But it was nice to see how Noah had changed over the past few months, from the depressed, chubby boy who stayed in his room to the proud, excited boy who always brought a new surprise and novelty to the family.

I'm very proud of him...

- Noah's POV -

When we got home, Ethan, who was waiting in the yard, heard the sound of the bike and came running before he could even see me.

As soon as we parked, Ethan ran to the bike and grabbed the little helmet that Liv was holding.

The helmet I bought for him was a smaller version of the one I was wearing, all black with a black visor.

But even though it was smaller, it still cost the same $500.

If I were Noah a few months ago, spending the $16,000 I spent today would have been unthinkable! But with how much I was making now, I felt comfortable giving myself the freedom to spend my money on things I liked, and most importantly, things that would make my family happy.

At first I even considered just treating them well because that was the mission God had given me before I came into this world, but now I was doing it because I really liked them, because I cared about them, so spending that money was no big deal.

And seeing Ethan's smile as he put the helmet on his head made me feel like it was all worth it.

To be sure, I explained the same things to him that I had explained to Liv, which he listened to carefully and attentively despite his anxiety, so when he got on the back of the bike, Ethan was very careful not to touch the bike's exhaust pipe and held on tightly to my waist.

I could have asked him to hold on to the side bars, but it was much safer for him to hold on to me.

So with everything in place, we set out for our ride, and unlike Liv, who wanted a more relaxed and quiet ride, Ethan wanted excitement.

[Motorcycle Driving Mastery Lv 5 -> 6]

With another point in the skill, I felt more confident to drive a little faster, but not that much, since I didn't even have the skill at Lv 10 yet.

But that was enough for Ethan, who drove between cars, made a little noise with the bike, pointed at some girls who looked at us and smiled, all of which made Ethan laugh happily, which consequently made me drive with a big smile on my face.

Coincidentally, while we were walking, Ethan pointed to a little friend of his from school and called out to him.

"Hey Tony!" Ethan shouted as he moved his hand from an innocent wave to showing the little boy his middle finger.

Seeing the finger that Ethan was pointing at him, the little boy got angry and yelled at Ethan while giving him the finger as well.

Although he could not see Ethan's face, the little boy apparently recognized Ethan only by the finger Ethan was pointing at him, which made the little boy angry as Ethan laughed his head off on the back of the bike as we rode away.

Because it happened so fast, I only noticed that there was a pretty girl next to the little boy, but I didn't recognize the girl, even though I thought she looked a little familiar.

But as we walked away, I noticed that Ethan froze for a while and became quiet.

Then I heard his muffled voice. "Are you mad at me, Noah?" I asked, confused.

Confused, I asked. "No, why?"

"Because I gave Tony the middle finger." He said.

"Nah buddy, I'm not mommy, you can do whatever you want haha." I laughed, noticing how he relaxed.

I got into fights quite often, who would I be to criticize Ethan for giving the middle finger to a little boy at his school?

Even though they were very young, it didn't make him a bad person, so I let the kid have his fun.

But while I wasn't worried about it, someone else saw it and got worried.

- 3rd POV -

"Tony, what was that?" Charlie asked her little brother suspiciously as she looked at his finger, hearing his sister's question, Tony froze as he tried to explain himself. "Uhh... that boy on the bike, I'm sure he's from my school... he showed me his middle finger and I showed him mine..."

"Why were you fighting?" Charlie asked, staring at him. "Do you fight a lot at school?""A little..." Tony didn't know what to say.Sighing, Charlie asked. "Who was the little boy?""I'm pretty sure it was Ethan Black," Tony said angrily.

"Ethan Black...the little boy we saw at your little friend's birthday?" Charlie asked in surprise.

"Yeah... that Ethan." Tony replied frustrated, not wanting to talk about Ethan.

But while Tony was frustrated, Charlie was surprised to remember that the little boy was on the back of a motorcycle with a man on it.

Since he was wearing a helmet, she couldn't tell who it was, but remembering his muscles and how close the little boy was, the man could only be Ethan's father or his brother, right?!

If it was his brother, wouldn't that be BlackVelvet?!

Considering how young the rider of the motorcycle looked, the chances of it being Ethan's father were very slim, so Charlie realized that she had met BlackVelvet again, but hadn't recognized him...

I thought he was going to transfer to my school, but even after so many days he hasn't shown up there... I wonder if he didn't like it there,' she wondered in frustration.

- Noah's POV -

Back home, Ethan was excited about how much he enjoyed riding his motorcycle and wanted to ride it every day, which I'd promised him I'd take him for a ride every time I came home from school if he wanted.

My parents and Liv were still talking on the porch when we got back, and smiling, I took off my helmet and the keys to the bike and handed them to my dad.

"Go and reminisce about old times hehe." I said laughing, making him smile proudly and my mom embarrassed. "But if the police try to stop you, don't try to run away again, okay?"

Hearing this, my mother's face froze as she looked at me in fear and then turned to my father in anger, wondering why he had told me this.

Seeing the look on my mother's face, my father froze as well, but I just laughed as Liv stared at me, wanting to know more details.

When they left, I told her and Ethan about my father's past, how he used to run from the police on his motorcycle and how my mother loved the adrenaline rush, which made Ethan think about how radical our father was and Liv was shocked that my mother would enjoy something like that.

Since it was Saturday, I still had to do my show, which unfortunately didn't have a C Rank singer for me to open the show, but since today would be the day that "A Bar Song" would be released, I was excited to see how it would turn out.

Not to mention that this was a song I definitely wanted to add to my repertoire to sing in all the bars, as it really fit the mood and atmosphere of the bars.

The only disappointment I had was not being able to ride my motorcycle to the bars, since I usually drank and didn't want to risk driving home drunk.

Not to mention the fact that I could be fined, jailed or even have my name burned if I caused an accident because of my drinking.

And I didn't want to stop drinking at gigs, since it was usually the audience that gave me drinks.

The problem I would have is that tonight would be the first time I would really end a concert.

I would be the last artist to sing in one of the bars, which excited me.

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