Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 75

After that, Ewald would distract him. The reason why Gilgamesh didn't let the cardinal use his Excalibur.

Anyway, the reason he didn't let Ewald use his sword was because he was going to corner Diodora too soon. The amount of sacred and light elements that Excalibur rapidly radiated could lead Diodora to flee, not to rescue Asia if she discovered that the exorcist who was taking Asia was too strong. What? Diodora might be obsessed with her, but it was pretty obvious that he wouldn't throw his life away just for her!

The sword that Gilgamesh lent him was one of thousands present in the [Gate of Babylon], it was a simple sword that had the ability to increase the speed of whoever used it, only it was not a holy sword.

'He is here...'


Gilgamesh nodded and turned to Diodora, who emerged from the bushes. He looks at him with a small smile. After Ewald distracted him, Gilgamesh's friends took Asia and hid her to lure Diodora to this place, the place where he was waiting. He had already asked Ewald's permission to do this, and he had agreed.

"Welcome to your grave, Diodora Astaroth."

Permission to silence it... Permanently...

Diodora's eyes widened, the smiling eyes he always wore were gone and it was clear he was surprised. But it only took a moment for it to turn into a snarl when he finally figured out the situation.



Everything he was going to say was cut off when Gilgamesh moved. He was simply a blur in Diodora's eyes, one second he was leaning against a tree, then the devil saw him right in front of him. He was grabbed by one hand before feeling pain as he hit the ground. Then another sharp pain rose from his stomach, courtesy of Gilgamesh's kick, making him gasp and hurling him into several trees.

"I know what your plan is for Asia, devil" Gilgamesh said in a tone that was obviously not friendly as he approached the devil, his eyes focused on Diodora, who was trying to feel pain.

Diodora, who managed to balance himself, clearly hadn't expected this. That hurts! It hurt! He couldn't believe it! How! How was this pathetic filth able to hurt him like that?! It was unacceptable!

However, despite the pain, he couldn't help but smile. Oh, did he know? He found out? Did the Church tell him? It was a big possibility, but since he knew it didn't matter...

"Asia... She knew, right?" Diodora asked with a gleeful look.

"Everything" Gilgamesh simply replied, his tone empty of all emotion and Diodora burst out laughing, a gleeful laugh.

"I see…I see…Well, it's a shame I couldn't see her face. It must have been filled with despair, wasn't it?" Diodora laughed with joy.

"You like?" Gilgamesh asked, his tone still hollow: "Why?" He asked.

"And why not?!" Diodora scoffed, "They're Church people, my enemy! Isn't it my job as the devil to drag them into despair?" He said with a gleeful laugh, "Oh... Church-affiliated women's expressions are dropping, no matter how many times I see them, I never get upset."

Gilgamesh was silent, his eyes just stared at Diodora without showing any sign of emotion on her face.

"Oh, why am I talking to you anyway? I shouldn't worry! I don't care what your plan is or what you're going to do. Asia must be here, right? If she's around, it is. It's simple! All I need is to kill you, bring your head and throw it at her feet! Then she'll have all her hope shattered! Her expression will be perfect!"

Diodora raised both hands and green demonic energy filled her hands before countless green projectiles appeared around her, glowing menacingly and taking the form of sharp bullets.

"Die! Dirt!" He declared and the projectiles were launched, all made of dense Mana that was strong enough to destroy a stone and even iron like twigs, and there were many of them, dozens if not more, even a devil with the [Tower] stroke. they find their defense unable to stop it completely.

Gilgamesh stared at it silently, his face still holding his stoic face as he watched the oncoming attack. He was aware of what they were capable of. However, despite knowing that he simply joked and looked forward to it. This attack was deadly for a normal human and would take down most middle class devils or angels.

Middle class.

And that wasn't even enough to scratch Gilgamesh's skin.

Even more in his battle suit, his outfit was not ornamental, it was created from a fabric, light, resistant and flexible so as not to get in the way in battle and was also imbued with several Nordic runes that increased its physical and magical protection.

Then, when the attack hit him, it was obvious that they instantly dispersed, dissipated, shattered like a glass being thrown against a brick wall. An attack at such a level couldn't scratch him, never mind harm him.

Diodora's shocked face clearly brought Gilgamesh pleasure, despite his raging emotions behind his previously stoic expression, he couldn't help but smile at his opponent's look of disbelief.

"That's it?" he asked in a bored tone.

His insult and teasing snapped Diodora out of her shock, and he growled at him with anger added to it.

"Don't be convinced! Your petty trick won't save you again!"

This time, he put more power into his demonic magic, the number of sharp green projectiles increased, their color became darker, more shaped and also more solid. The power behind was now more than enough to destroy a high-class devil or an angelic being if the attack hit them at close range, and they were all aimed at Gilgamesh, floating in the air menacingly before launching him like missiles bombing your enemies. target.

Gilgamesh stood there in silence. Then his lip moved.

"Come on"

At that moment a small golden light covered Gilgamesh's hands, and as she disappeared two short swords, one gold and white and the other silver and black, appeared in his hands.

Gilgamesh raised one of the hands that held the golden sword. Then he swung it to the right, repelling the missile that was coming at him, before raising the silver sword, swinging it, and repelling another missile.

Then he moved, his hands blurry as he maneuvered his swords masterfully and slashed at every attack that was being launched at him as if he were a group of insects instead of deadly lightning.

Diodora looked at this scene with a mixture of shock and horror when all his attacks were being destroyed, the projectiles he launched were too many! Several dozen in fact! Every second he launches more of them, but none of them hit his target, they're all being pushed, repelled and attacked like they're nothing!

What was making him even more enraged was the human, the dirt! He was giving him that look! The look like he wasn't worth it! The look that told him he was so much more superior than HIM! And a look that said 'I expect more'.

"You! Impossible! You're just a rotten dragon! Not only that, you're also a mere humble human! Die you bastard!"

Diodora's scream of rage was followed by an increasing number of his demonic energy projectiles. Sweat began to trickle down his forehead as he felt the tension of using a great deal of energy begin to emerge.

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