Greetings, Mister Principal

Chapter 113: Reiner's Prophecy

After sending a series of teaching materials to Principal Nathan Fisher, who was far away in the Rainbow Tower, and giving a lot of suggestions at the same time, Reiner was waiting for feedback while also starting his own research work.

The materials he asked Mr. Osborne to purchase were finally sent to Luna Nova Magical Academy yesterday. Reiner could not wait to come to the laboratory early this morning, ready to continue his isotope research.

The experiment process was very simple. He purchased several same elements from different planes to verify that the relative element mass of the same element would be different due to regional distribution and other reasons.

He must first figure out whether the isotope phenomenon was universal in this world, rather than a unique attribute of the "Borren" element.

Reiner called Sharon, and the two worked in the laboratory for a whole day before finally measuring the relative element mass of the four elements purchased by Reiner.

Among them, all four "Steiner" elements collected on the four demiplanes had different mass from each other. Three out of four "Carbone" elements collected on the four demiplanes had different mass from each other. In terms of the rest two elements, "Plumbo" and "Safron", two out of four had different mass from each other.

There were three elements whose relative mass was not too far off, and Reiner had well documented them.

Experiments had proved that this phenomenon of the same element with different relative element mass not only existed in the "Borren" element, but also existed in other elements, and there was no distinction between metallic or non-metallic elements.

Unfortunately, Reiner had never been able to separate pure isotopes or prove that there were indeed two particles with different relative element masses.

On the earth, isotopes were generally divided into stable isotopes and unstable isotopes. The difference lay in the length of the half-life, which was the time during which the radioactivity would decrease. Generally speaking, isotopes with a half-life of more than ten years were called stable isotopes. What Reiner was now able to measure should also be stable isotopes.

The theory needed to separate isotopes was not well remembered by Reiner. He vaguely knew that isotopes could be separated by temperature or reaction speed. As for proving the existence of isotopes, perhaps a mass spectrometer could help.

But the theory involved in the mass spectrometer could only be accessed by middle-level mages. Reiner couldn't access it at the moment. After all, the magic model of a stable electric and magnetic field not only required 500 academic points but also required the user to have strength above a fourth-ring mage. Modifying it to the extent that Reiner needed would require an even higher level. So Reiner couldn't make one himself.

Reiner decided to write the thesis first, at least to file it in the Rainbow Tower to protect his rights. As for how to prove the isotope, he still had to continue to find a way.

If Reiner succeeded in attracting ideas, and someone gained inspiration after he published the paper and successfully isolated the isotope, then Reiner himself could also get some feedback from the world. He would not lose anything.

Of course, the best case was that Reiner could extract the isotope himself, but under the current circumstances, this hope was a little small.

In the evening, Reiner sat at his desk, holding a quill, and began to write his own thesis.

"A Hypothesis on the Difference of Relative Element Mass and Its Influence and Discussion on the Law of Elements"

"The relative element mass has been proposed for decades. The mages have made precise measurements of the relative element mass of common elements. However, in my experiment, I found that the relative element masses of several elements had an error that cannot be ignored compared to the accepted value. In this regard, my assistant and I conducted experimental research, and finally came to the following conclusion... ."

Reiner recorded his own experimental process in detail. The origin, measurement values, and errors of the five elements were meticulously described, which was true and credible. At the same time, Reiner also recorded the data of several other elements with no measured errors to prove that the measurement array used in the experiment was not problematic.

For these elements with the same properties but different relative element masses, Reiner named them isotopes.

After writing these, he began to derive the law of elements.

Reiner believed that the idea of sorting by relative element mass was correct, but due to the existence of the above-mentioned isotopes, the arrangement of His Excellency Lanchester Steinen was flawed.

His Excellency Steinen's element table had eight columns, which included most of the mainstream elements, but some special elements still lingered outside the form, and even if it was periodic, the elements in the same row had some forced approximations.

In general, there were still many problems with this original periodic table, and it could not be regarded as truly reflecting the nature of "period".

Therefore, Reiner re-arranged the elements on top of the list of elements arranged by His Excellency Steinen.

He first adopted the familiar vertical arrangement, placing elements of similar properties in one column, swapping the positions of several elements with similar relative mass due to isotopic reasons, and leaving some space for elements that were similar to those with active or unusual properties.

"Fortunately, I don't need to make poker cards to sort."

Reiner laughed at himself. Presumably, His Excellency Steinen had already got some feedback from the world when he proposed periodicity. This time he really stood on the shoulders of giants.

After finishing this periodic table of elements, Reiner simply made a bold assumption and predicted the existence of some elements.

Reiner didn't know if there were noble gases in this world, but at present, there was no such element in the element table of His Excellency Steinen. This kind of element itself was not easy to combine with other elements, and most of them exist in nature as simple substances, and it was very hard to find them.

He predicted that between the element "Florin" and the element "Thordian", there should be an extremely inactive element. This element should be a gas, and Reiner made several predictions about the gas, based on the properties of the two elements, and recorded them, along with several other guesses, for the final chapter.

It was late at night when he finished writing these essays. Reiner put down his pen. There seemed to be a little ripple in his Heart LakeH, but as if it lacked something, the ripples soon disappeared.

Like the deepest night, in the silence, a storm that could sweep the world was brewing.

He shook his head. Just when he thought that the little guy who often came to visit him didn't visit today, he heard a meow from the window sill.

But when Reiner poked his head out, he found that the tiger-stripe patterned cat was not on the window sill, but on the ground downstairs.

Next to the cat, there was a girl squatting, feeding it with food. Judging from the school uniform, she should indeed be a student of Luna Nova Magical Academy.

"Huh? Who is she?"

Reiner thought. The students should have turned off the lights and gone to bed now

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