Happy Tycoon

Chapter 68

Chapter 68: Every family has its cupboard

“Grandpa, I’m Yang Jing, don’t you remember me?” Yang Jing sat on the sofa, holding his grandfather’s big, slightly hard hands in both hands, feeling a lot of emotion in his heart.

These big hands used to be Yang Jing’s most familiar hands. From the memory, these powerful and warm hands are the hands that have appeared the most in Yang Jing’s memory.

In the small garden in front of the door, at the door of the kindergarten, in the antique market, and in the field net rabbits, these big hands hold their little hands.

Now, those little hands that were once have grown up, but the big hands that were once full of strength and warmth are now gradually shrinking, and the power that was once relied on by the owner of those little hands no longer exists… …

“Oh, you are Yang Jing?” Grandpa looked at Yang Jing vaguely, and then smiled on his wrinkled face.

Yang Jing looked sad. He knew that Grandpa didn’t recognize it. This smile was more of a kind of politeness to strangers.

Since Grandpa had the operation, anyone he saw would smile so politely, as if he remembered everything. But in fact, his memory has been reduced so that his relatives can’t bear it.

Don’t say it’s me, the cousin of the aunt’s family, the cousin of the aunt’s family, as long as they don’t come in two weeks, grandpa will not recognize them. What’s more serious is that sometimes grandpa could not even recognize his biological daughter.

According to my mother, she had a short haircut in the spring, but the old man didn’t recognize him after returning home…

The old uncle brought a glass of water over and put it on the coffee table, “Yang Jing, I remember you don’t seem to drink tea, so I didn’t give you tea.”

“Uncle, why are you polite to me?”

“Yeah, this is not polite. Your kid has stayed abroad for two years, and now it’s hard to go home. Why should the uncle have to serve you once?”

Yang Jing was about to say something, the grandpa next to him said: “It’s half past ten…”

The old uncle and Yang Jing looked at each other helplessly, and the old uncle said: “Dad, wait a while, the meal will be cooked in a while.”

The old man said “Oh”, grabbed a cigarette and asked Yang Jing: “Yang Jing, do you smoke?”

Yang Jing waved his hand dumbfoundedly and said, “Grandpa, I don’t smoke, you just smoke it yourself.” Then, Yang Jing picked up a lighter and lit the cigarette for his grandfather. The old man took a sip and sat beside him. Speak.

“Your grandfather… alas…” The old uncle also took out a cigarette and lit it, watching the old man sigh helplessly.

“Since the operation, your grandpa has known two things, one is eating and the other is sleeping. In the past two years, the disease has become more and more severe. Usually, he lay down at 8 o’clock after eating breakfast. Get up at about 10:30 and start to ask for food when you get up. After lunch, your grandma needs to take a nap. Your grandpa has enough sleep in the morning, but he sleeps less at noon. He gets up in 20 minutes and starts tossing and turning on the TV. , Turn off the TV, and you can switch the TV on and off five or six times within ten minutes. No, the earlier TV was broken by your grandfather. This one was just changed this summer.”

After a pause, the old uncle took another cigarette and said: “When your grandma can’t sleep, your grandpa falls to bed again. Get up at about 4:30 in the afternoon and continue to look for food after getting up. Now dinner is usually five. Start eating at 1 o’clock, and the workers who go to work have not yet got off work. After eating dinner, it’s less than 7 o’clock in the evening. Your grandpa fell down and started to sleep again, and he started to wake up again at three or four in the morning. Tossing people… alas…”

Yang Jing shook his head speechlessly, this is really no way. The craniotomy caused a trauma to my grandfather’s right frontal lobe, which affected perception and memory. In fact, he didn’t even know what he was doing.

However, compared to those patients who died of cerebral hemorrhage or were directly paralyzed on the bed, it is a blessing for my grandfather to be able to recover like this. Aside from other things, at least Grandpa himself can still take care of himself now.

“Now, the first thing your grandpa does after getting up is to smoke. After smoking a cigarette, he starts to look at his watch, and then he says to you, oh, it’s half past ten; oh, it’s half past four.. …. This old man doesn’t directly say that he wants to eat, he just tells you what time it is, which means to remind you that it is time to cook…Your uncle, I have almost never been out in the past two years I can’t even take care of the company’s business.” The old uncle was babbling while smoking. Obviously, the old uncle was complaining.

As the saying goes, there is no filial son before the bed for a long time. This sentence sounds cruel, but it is a true fact.

Of course, this situation does not mean that the old man is sick for a long time and the child is ignored. It is not a dutiful son, it is a beast. The actual meaning of this sentence is that when children at home take care of sick elderly people for a long time, they will inevitably complain. This is human nature, even children who are filial to each other will occasionally complain after encountering this situation. of.

But if you complain, you should take care of it.

The old man did a pretty good job at this point.

The old uncle ran an industry and trade company before his grandfather became ill. He had his own factory in the south. The products he produced were shipped to the north for sale. Through bidding and other procedures, he directly supplied some large food factories. The benefits have been good.

But when my grandfather became ill, the old uncle patronized the elderly, and the company took care of very little, so that now his company is half-dead and can barely survive.

No way, UU reading www.uukanshu.com can’t take care of anyone who encounters this situation. The nature of the old uncle’s company determines that the old uncle needs to travel to the south frequently, and the customers in the north also need to visit frequently. But the health of the two elderly people in the family is no longer good. The three older sisters are all married out. The elderly can only be taken care of for a while. At night, they are really inseparable from the old uncle, so you must take good care of the two elderly people. , The old uncle must not be able to care about his company any more.

The old uncle had also hired a babysitter, but what he didn’t expect was that the vague grandfather would disagree and said that he would not let the outside babysitter take care of him. In fact, the reason why the old uncle became like this is mainly because of grandpa.

Don’t let the old man take care of him, even if his three daughters take care of him, the old man is not happy sometimes.

In desperation, the old uncle had no choice but to be tied tightly at home.

And because both grandpa and grandma fell when they got up at night, the old uncle couldn’t go home for the night anymore, so he could only live with grandpa and grandma. As a result, my aunt was very upset, and now both of them have become troubled. Handed over…

Thinking of his aunt, Yang Jing was also full of helplessness, but as a junior, Yang Jing couldn’t say much…

Every family has scriptures that are hard to recite!

Yang Jing knows all these things, but he doesn’t know that the illnesses of grandpa and grandma have become so serious in the past two years.

Just about to comfort the old uncle, the grandfather next to him said again: “It’s almost eleven o’clock…” The look in his son’s eyes was filled with a look called “hunger.” ……

PS: Bow, thank you “Ding Ding Cat”, “Icy Octave”, “hgtyqwas” 100 rewards!

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