Harem King from A Slave in Another World

Chapter 585: Fleeing Battle

While running through the gap in the enemy lines, the 100 Dalish bow cavalry shoot left and right to incite chaos.

The chariots also unleash a barrage of ballista bolts. In addition, the blades attached to the wheels are hard to see in the dark, keeping the enemies at a distance more than required.

Arrows were indiscriminately fired by the bow cavalry.

Knowing our allies were either in front or behind, the chances of friendly fire were smaller. Getting hit just means they’re unlucky.

Lastly, the infantry push aside confused enemies away with shields and swords, leaving no solitude behind.

Ambroise's small group of soldiers was guarding the refugees tightly.

A bunch of highly motivated and skilled individuals were gathered for the job.

By no means was Saxon-Fanoss Union weak, yet they seemed to be easily overpowering the enemy soldiers.

"Chivalry will not yield to the likes of you!"

Baron Angoer was also fighting well.

He’s wielding a greatsword in one hand and a greatshield in the other, kicking, punching, and headbutting those in his way.

"We can’t lose to him."

I swept my longsword under the enemy propping up a shield in front of me and scoop him up off the ground.

My sword quickly made its way to the right to decapitate the enemy targeting Irijina's side.

Crossbows focused their bolts at us.

Seeing the trigger finger move, my body instinctively stuck out my shield to deflect the incoming projectiles.

The bolts themselves were difficult to knock down, but it’s easy to block them when I knew they’re coming――


I felt something hit me from the opposite side.

My back was also being targeted and a bolt stuck into my body through a gap in my armor.

Fortunately, my muscles stopped it before any real damage was done, so I swiftly pulled the bolt out and tossed it away.

Meanwhile, Myla was periodically checking on me as she’s fighting, although she herself was not fully recovered. She also hadn’t noticed what happened yet.

If I worry her needlessly, she would get injured herself and I didn’t want that.

"A little more. We can do this."


We’re almost through.

Reina cut an enemy before her horse dashed towards my side.

Suddenly an enemy cavalry came at her from her right with a spear. She twisted her body like an acrobat to avoid the spear thrust at her, almost falling off in the process. She was far from the graceful Sekrit but her reflex was enough to survive average attackers.

When I was about to slow down to allow her to catch up with me, a jolt of pain shot up my body from my side.

Ultimately, we successfully broke through the enemy’s encirclement of Kosora with Ambroise’s assistance and some effort by the allied forces.

"There they go."

"Yes, they’re gone."

Ambroise and Angoer smiled before giving the order to halt the attack.


The sun had risen high into the sky and a cold breeze blows across the empty plains.

Our soldiers were out of breath and wiping the sweat from their brows.

"Run, keep runningー Don’t stop moving your feet!"

"Have the cavalry rest the injured on the backs of their horses."

We marched north in a straight line…… or rather, we ran away.

The Ambroise army, mainly consisting of infantry, had been marching continuously at a very high pace.

"We’ve been marching at such a speed. I don’t think they’ll catch up……"

Myla commented worriedly.

Ambroise’s help should have made it so the soldiers surrounding Kosora couldn’t move until dawn.

"The problem will be the cavalry. No matter how fast we march, the cavalry will merely consider the distance trivial, like a small calculation error."

"If they really try, they’ll catch up."

"It’ll be a tough fight for us then."

As Myla made a serious face, I felt a weight rest behind me.

Sekrit had jumped on.

She hugged me from behind and licked my neck.

"Hey now, this isn’t the right time."

Sekrit, keeping an eye on the angry Mirai and Myla, spoke in an amused tone of voice.

"The pursuing cavalry isn’t the only thing we should be careful of."


When I turned around, she stole my lips.


Mirai shouted out as Sekrit continued.

"Our escape was known the moment it became dawn. If the cavalry truly wanted to, they could be on us by morning."

Sekrit playfully pointed in the direction we were marching.

"If we keep going in a straight line, we will end up running into them on the small hill. Well, there is a road to walk on so it shouldn’t give us any more problems than an upward slope normally would."

She tilted her head sideways and smiled while looking into my eyes.

That would be a cute gesture if the small Mirai did it, Sekrit just had a malicious air about her.

"What would happen if a defensive formation was created on the hill? What if the cavalry caught up right at that moment?"

Sekrit said that much then hopped back onto her own horse.

"Nobody aside from the cavalry can catch up and you’re suggesting something like an ambush…… ah!"

Mirai put a hand to her mouth as if suddenly realizing the implication.

Right. Those guys had wagons and were capable of moving at high speeds.

"Yes, it’s convenient…… no wait……"

Myla also made a troubled face.

Miraculous occurrences, ‘what if’ scenarios with a low possibility of happening, could be safely ruled out.

Mobilizing the wagons immediately after news of our escape reached them by an express messenger, then running full speed around us to the hill to unload their soldiers and setting up a simple encampment ahead of our arrival ……

"It’s possible."

I didn’t care about miracles.

However, simply being able to do anything and everything quickly made it possible.

Besides, it’s not like the Saxon-Fanoss Union army hadn’t done so before.

Then we reach the aforementioned hill.

「It’s exactly like she said?」

On the slope of the hill, we can see the South Yuguria Empire flags lined up along a shallow hurriedly constructed ditch and a similarly rough-looking fence.

"Enemy encampment in front…… approximately 1,000!"

Leonhardt and I turned to each other and nodded silently.

"Enemy cavalry confirmed behind us! Roughly 1,000!"

If this was all arranged, they certainly executed everything with perfect timing.

"Let’s do this."


Leonhardt and I separated after a short exchange.

Leonhardt would lead the infantry to breakthrough the enemy camp in front.

I would lead the cavalry to charge at the enemy behind us.

"According to theory…… no, we would be losing already according to theory."

Myla smiled bitterly as she followed Leonhardt.

Normally, theory would dictate that the cavalry be the ones to breakthrough the enemy camp while the infantry would stop the enemy cavalry’s attack.

However, defending against a pursuit on an open plains was impossible.

We would have to rampage enough so the slow-footed infantry could run away.

"I’m taking this side!"

"Me as well."

Irijina pumped herself up as she twirled her spear around while Mithra took out her bizarre weapon. It was a sickle shaped blase with points.

Combining with her clothing made out of animal skin, she looked out of place compared to armour wearing soldiers around her.

"Leonheardt-san has commenced his attack on the enemy formation! The enemy cavalry is also charging in from the rear!"

Mirai yelled out beside me.

Our opponents were over 2,000 strong, meanwhile our forces were over 3,000 with hundreds of them infantry that had gone forward leaving us to deal with the enemies.

"We have to do something."

I raised my longsword and ran up to the front.

"Uoooooh! For the mighty Union!"

"For the honorable queen!"

Enemy soldiers shouted as they ran at me.

"Time to charge. You guys, shout out the things you like!"

Mithra and and Irijina followed me.



Reina, Malty, Sekrit, Mirai were next. We went backwards to engage our pursuers. Then, followed by the rest. 

Myla accompanied Gabriel, Auclair, Ambroise and Angoer went forward with infantry.

Both sides spread out and close the distance.

Nobody had any intentions of stopping or detouring.


Gheyna commanded and the bow cavalry skillfully launched a swift volley of arrows.

Most of the arrows flew parallel to the ground and were practically drawn to the incoming enemies.


"Firing arrows while charging……"

"These guys…… gue!"

Getting hit at point blank range meant more than a few of them went down.

Close to 200 fell off their horses or tumbled to the ground along with their mounts.

"Another volley! Aim for the horses!"

The bow cavalry nock arrows to their bows and shot another barrage.

Once they’d released their offerings into the sky, they stored away their bows and drew their swords.

I was always fascinated by how fast they were.

More horses fell and those that didn’t have their mobility hindered by the shower of arrows, which end up obstructing the path of their allies.

"My horse is hit!"

"You’re going to get in the way. Move away quickly!"

Here to take advantage of the mess in front were the bow cavalry who had switched to swords, the raiding unit and myself.

I put my full power behind the first strike to set the tone.

My longsword cut through the head of a horse and the body of the rider altogether.

With a loud thump, the severed upper body parts danced in the air.

"And one more!"

I turned my sword around after the followed through for another slash.

As if a fruit was split in half, the two parts of the horse’s body fell to the ground in opposite directions.

"Shit, this guy’s dangerous!"

"Get into de―― gugyah!"

Before he could hide behind his shield, Demia swung her sword to cut him down.

"Defend yourselves if you can."

Sekrit danced between several men and cut them one by one. She was isolated within the enemy's rank.

Demia bashed another cavalry with her shield to knock him off balance and then kicked the rider off as she passed by to approach Sekrit's position.

"This woman, finish her off!"

Spears were thrust at Demia from both sides.

Her shield easily deflected the weapon on the left side and she purposely let the one on the right hit her armor.

Although she was pushed to one side by the impact, she restored her posture. 

"Our target is you."

Ignoring the two close to Demia, Reina set her aim at the commander in the back.

"Not good, protect the commander!"

Too late.

An enemy tried to hit her with his sword but his blade was met by Mithra's sickle. Her weird sword shattered the man's sword with a bright clink sound. Reina used her extraordinary speed to run on her foot past a dozen enemies before reaching the commander.

"Damn you, little girl!"

The commander swung his large sword but Reina was faster. She made two slashes at his exposed neck.


"These guys are good! Not just with bows!"

"Eeeei, they’re a measly force! Calm down and defeat them!"

The bow cavalry were fighting hard.

I was sure the enemy thought they were simply archers riding horses.

Actually, the bow cavalry weren’t weak by any means at close combat.

They’re especially good at slicing enemies as they passed by in this kind of situation where both sides were charging at each other.

I jumped between them to help the now cavalry. Some knights from Redcliffe also joined in.

Gheyna’s contributions in particular were outstanding.

"Over there! One more!"

She’s shooting down enemies one after the other even as other soldiers approached close enough to touch her.

Right when they’re about to strike, she switched to the sword held in her mouth at blinding speed, then delivered a precise slash to the wrist or neck of the enemies.

In a flash, ten cavalry were finished off with arrows and two with her sword. It did wonders to our morale.

"W-what’s that half-elf archer!?"

"This isn’t fair…… gyaー!!"

There goes Irijina, running around and sending enemies flying.

The initial development was in our favor.

But we couldn’t return south like this, so we lowered our speed and clashed with the enemy.

It became a melee where both sides stopped to cross swords or maneuver their horses skillfully while fighting.

Our side remained superior in terms of skill due to my personal soldiers, however the Marquis cavalry, lacking skills , slowly started to get overwhelmed by pure numbers.

No longer were they given luxury to shoot arrows and I see more spears piercing through the bow cavalry.

Momentum shifted to the enemy side.

"Now is our turn!"

That was when the Redcliffe cavalry joined in.

Wielding shields and lances, they didn’t give an inch to the enemy.

Standing their ground firmly, they ward off enemy cavalry with protruding spears and shields.

It became a jumbled mess of man and horse.

Despite being fewer in number, it appeared for a brief moment that our side was pushing back the enemy.

Of course, the women and I were also thrown into the chaos.

I plunged the Dual Crater into one enemy, pulled it out and decapitated another, then stick my longsword into the headless body and launched it at yet another, knocking two enemies off their horses at once.

"Five, six―― hmp! ……it’s hard keeping count."

After dodging the spear of the fifth enemy, I slice off his hands, and then I punch the head of the sixth enemy’s horse to send it tumbling to the ground.

Noticing another wave of enemies around me, I took a deep breath before swinging my longsword in a full circle, cutting down everyone in the range of my attack in one fell swoop.

I winced in pain from the wound in my side.

I relied on my sheer strength as my skill was very low.


The scream drew my attention to a Malty who fell off her horse after killing an enemy and was about to be stabbed by the spear of an enemy.

I wanted to save her, but at this distance I was not going to make it in time.

"Someone save her!"

"Got it!"

A bloody red sword ran through the throat of the enemy.

It’s Mirai. She teleported instantly to Malty's side.


Two friends of the soldier Mirai just killed tried to take revenge.

Malty deflected the spear with her sword and Mirai blocked the second enemy’s sword with her short sword.

Mirai parried upward and then slashed the vulnerable man’s knee.

As blood spurted out from the gap in the screaming man’s armor, Mirai silenced the crippled soldier with a sword through the windpipe.

The remaining enemy hollers angrily as he thrusted out his spear again.

This time Malty  stopped it with his sword and snapped the spear shaft from above with a forceful strike of her shield.

Malty didn’t give the man any time to throw the broken spear away and unsheathed her sword.

In one smooth motion, she cut him down.

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