Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 74 Betrayal Game

Tuesday, Hogwarts Castle.

To be more specific, it was 12:24 noon on Wednesday, at the door of the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's office on the third floor of the castle.

It is now lunch time in school. Most students are gathered in the auditorium on the first floor to enjoy the lunch carefully prepared by the house elves. The few students who have finished eating have mostly returned to the common rooms of their respective colleges. After all, now It's still a while before the first class starts in the afternoon.

There were not many students coming and going on the third floor of the castle, to be precise, there were only two.

Wright put the golden magic pocket watch in his hand back into the mok bag on his waist, and then looked at Chang Chu who was about to raise his hand to knock on the door.

Wright's expression looked a little hesitant. After thinking for a while, he finally spoke: "Chang Chu, is it really okay for us to do this?"

Chang Chu immediately retracted her hand after hearing Wright's words. It could be seen that she was also a little hesitant about her current bold move.

"What we do should, should be, in compliance with the rules..." Chang Chu looked up at Wright and said hesitantly. This way of speaking seemed extremely uncoordinated on Chang Chu, who always seemed very decisive in the past.


Before Wright could speak, Chang Chu suddenly sneezed loudly. Although the cold she contracted at the beginning of the month was immediately cured by Madam Pomfrey, due to the increasingly cold weather, some lingering symptoms were still left. Even now at the end of the month, she still sneezes suddenly from time to time.

"Didn't you also hear what Professor Derwent said in class before?" Chang Chu frowned and rubbed her slightly red nose, "About the specific rules of the betrayal game."

Of course Wright remembers what the rules of the Betrayal Game are, not to mention that Professor Derwent emphasized this matter again in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class that just ended in the morning. After all, the game will officially start this Sunday.

"The rules of the Betrayal game roughly maintain the rules of the previous game, but this time it is no longer a comparison within the two teams, but a comparison between the blue and green teams and the red and yellow teams. The competition location is in the Forbidden Forest." Wright recalled said.

"On December 2, which is this Sunday, a professor will help arrange a relatively safe location in the Forbidden Forest as our competition location."

"But the point is, this time spies are allowed to exist in both teams, which means..."

"Stop!" Chang Chu interrupted Wright before he could finish, "They are not two teams. When we were taking the first Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Professor Derwent once said..."

"There can only be two teams in the first game." Chang Chu and Wright said at the same time.

Wright nodded. This sentence was also the main reason why he came to this office with Chang Chu.

According to Wright's original idea, Hogwarts originally had four houses. Professor Derwent's previous practice of dividing all first- and second-year students into two groups undoubtedly simplified this competition that was nominally called an extracurricular activity but was actually called a college competition.

But if the variable of spies is added to the second game, it is certain that the second game will lead to an extremely troublesome situation!

In fact, in the past October and the upcoming November, a lot of messy things happened in Hogwarts. Even if we limit the scope to first- and second-grade students, there are still many things that make people sad.

Although Wright, Terrence, Cedric, and the Weasley twins, as the supreme leaders of the blue and green teams and the red and yellow teams, tried their best to restrict the students from spreading the conflicts that occurred in the extracurricular activities of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class to activities. However, in fact, the effect of their restricted activities is minimal.

Many students would cast spells on each other in the corridor, but not everyone had such a good memory like Wright and could remember the faces and names of all the students in the team. In fact, when students cast spells on each other, they generally attacked according to the division of departments.

Gryffindor and Hufflepuff students will set up magic traps for Ravenclaw and Slytherin students at the corners of the corridors, such as big dung eggs, stinking swamps, and devils from time to time. Dangerous magical plants such as grass; and the students of the blue and green teams will then use magic spells to attack back.

Hogwarts Castle was in a state of chaos among the students, but for some unknown reason, the professors turned a blind eye. Even Professor McGonagall, the most notoriously strict professor, would only stop students when they interfered with her classes.

Among the first and second grade students, the worst offenders were not those who had a clear college. The worst offenders were students like Chang Chu who were clearly Ravenclaws but ended up in the red and yellow teams.

In fact, if Chang Chu hadn't spent most of her time with Wright every day, she would have been shot long ago, either by the red and yellow team's magic trap, or by the blue and green team's magic spells.

This is only the first and second grade with a total number of less than 300 and a small number of magic spells mastered!

In addition, during the battle in September, if Professor Derwent had not announced the rules a little late, and the determined battle location was on an open platform, the students were not given sufficient preparation time. Wright even felt that even Hufflepuff students would specially plan some conspiracies. From Cedric's performance in the last game, it can be seen that Hufflepuffs are not all heartless people.

Wright himself had been avoiding the blue-green team's internal game plan before, but even so, in the final battle on the big platform, Wright still had to discuss a rough plan with others within five minutes. come out. But there was still Slytherin's betrayal, and the direct consequence was that almost all the Ravenclaw students in the blue and green teams were wiped out.

Now that the second game has added spy gameplay, how could Wright not take it seriously?

The only thing that makes Wright feel gratified is that he can still maintain a high level of authority among the blue and green teams, and this is all due to the prestige he used his wand to strike in the battle in September.

According to Chang Chu, many students in the red and yellow teams are already plotting how to overthrow the Weasley twins as vice-captains. After all, the twins’ performance in the first game was too poor. For the entire team, The team hardly played any positive role.

Not to mention, the winner of the first game was Hufflepuff!

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