Harry Potter : Flash Forward

Chapter 90: CH 90

As they were settling down, Daphne asked, "Harry, why do you wear glasses? What charms do you have on them?"

Frowning, wondering where Daphne was going with this line of enquiry, he said, "I need the glasses because of my poor eyesight. And there're no charms on them. I didn't even know I could get charms on them."

"You've never noticed that our school mates don't wear glasses?" she asked, surprised. "I mean, Tracey did for the first two years. But, that was because you need to start puberty before they can magically fix your eyes."

"Huh!" he exclaimed. "It would be brilliant if I could get my eyes fixed. I hate having to wear them. It's yet another thing that lets people recognise me."

"I think we should speak to Professor Flitwick about organising you a day to go to Saint Mungo's to get them fixed," she opined. "But, first, we'll speak with Madam Pomfrey about it."

"On the subject of getting things fixed," said Hermione, from her side. "I need to speak with Madam Pomfrey about getting my front teeth fixed. We can't rely on Malfoy accidentally hitting me with the tooth growing hex, this time."

"And both of us should really start on the anti-pregnancy contraceptive potion, as well," Daphne added.

"Hey! Whoa!" exclaimed Harry. "Jumping the gun there a bit, aren't you?"

"Jumping what?" Daphne asked, confused.

"It's a muggle phrase," replied Harry. "It means doing something early, even too early." He gave himself a bit of a mental shake and said, "But, that's beside the point. I thought we agreed to take things slow."

"And we are, love," said Daphne. "But, it's still something we should talk to her about."

"Harry, how do we know that our bond doesn't render those sort of potions useless?" asked Hermione, propping herself up to look down at her bondmates. "We know there are a great many potions and charms that'll no longer affect us. A standard contraceptive potion may be one of them."

With Harry pushed flat on his back, Daphne also propped herself up on an elbow to look at the other two. "The same could also apply to the sex charms we learned in those girls-only talks Madam Pomfrey gave us in first year."

"Sex charms?" Harry half-squeaked.

"Get your mind out of the gutter, Harry James," Hermione scolded him. "They're the two parts of a pair of charms cast on the witch and wizard by themselves to ensure the witch doesn't fall pregnant immediately, or within a few hours beforehand, of the two having sex. Either should do the trick. But, both are supposed to make sure.

"They're usually only used, though, when the witch isn't taking the contraceptive potion," added Daphne.

"Just what did you girls learn in that class?" Harry asked, a little horrified. "All we got was the usual, 'No means no' talk. And that her door was always open for us to go and talk to her if we had any questions. We didn't even get the 'what goes where' talk I know they now give in muggle schools."

With a sigh, Hermione said, "In other words she basically told you, without actually coming right out and saying it, that ensuring the witch doesn't get pregnant is the responsibility of the witch. That's just stupid. And not a little irresponsible."

With a shrug, Harry explained, "Most of what boys come to know is actually learned, if you want to call it that, by listening to the older boys talk. And that, I'm very sure, is at least ninety percent hippogriff shit."

"You're not sure?" asked Daphne, frowning a little. "Harry," she asked. "Before we came back. And even as of now, this time around, that I think of it. Are you a virgin?"

"Yes," he replied a little embarrassed to admit it.

"I would have thought..." she began. "You know..." And blushed.

"You thought that, because I'm the Boy-Who-Lived, I would have had sex with half the girls in school by now."

"Yes," she softly said.

"I haven't," he admitted. "I haven't even spent time in a broom closet, fumbling about in the dark, with anyone."

"You know at least half the witches in school wouldn't mind doing that with you, don't you?" she asked.

"I do," he sighed. "However, they all want to have sex, and tell about it afterwards, with the Boy-Who-Lived; not Harry. Besides, I wouldn't know who to ask, anyway."

"Do you want a list?" Hermione asked a little gleefully.

"Merlin, no!" he exclaimed. "Look. Can we just drop this subject, please? It's going to make it hard enough to get to sleep as it is."

"Hard enough?" asked Hermione, wanting to twig him a little more.

Harry just blushed again and groaned as both girls laughed.

"You do realise this talk is going to make me have those sort of dreams tonight, don't you?" he plaintively asked.

"Sorry, Harry," both girls apologised.

With Harry flat on his back, and both girls using his chest as a pillow, they all soon drifted off to sleep. As he lay there, Harry just hoped it wouldn't be an embarrassing night; or morning.

It wasn't.

The next day, the Sunday, the girls spent a good portion of the morning after breakfast helping Harry come to grips with Ancient Runes. It was a subject they hadn't been paying as much attention to as they'd originally promised a couple of weeks earlier.

Harry covered how far he'd managed to get through his 'Introductory' book and the practice examples he'd worked through.

The girls also quizzed him on the identity of the various runes and told him he needed to spend more time memorising them.

"Shouldn't I also be practicing carving the runes?" he asked, at one point.

"You should," Daphne confirmed. "But, we'll need to get you started on carving them on blocks of chalk. We'll need to owl-order the proper carving tools and blocks of various substances for you to practice on. For now, you can borrow mine." She rose to go to her trunk to get the tools and blocks of chalk out of her own supplies.

While she was gone, Hermione showed him what they were working on as fourth years. And outlined the term project she and Daphne, who had paired up for the year, were aiming to accomplish.




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