Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 823: BabyOil

  Chapter 823 BabyOil

  "Ding Ling Ling"

  Monica's cell phone rang, she picked it up from her jacket pocket to connect it, and she quarreled with each other as she spoke.

  Pomona retracted her gaze and looked at the two little thieves riding a motorcycle in front of them. They were also talking on the phone.

  The technology of Muggles is getting more and more advanced. They are becoming more and more like wizards. At the same time, they also want to understand more and more what happened in the dark Middle Ages.

  In addition to vampires, the church also has historical materials. Before the four great inventions of papermaking by the Chinese were introduced to Europe, papyrus and parchment were tools for recording words.

  The difference between parchment paper and ordinary plant fiber paper is that the raw material is "skin". It is generally believed that parchment paper is the skin of sheep or other animals, stretched to the extreme on a wooden frame, thinned with a knife, and dried into flakes.

  Parchment paper is not a leather product. "Leather" is the product of immersing animal hides in lime water to remove hair and fat, and then soaking in tannin or acid to cause a chemical reaction to change the fiber structure in the original hide.

  Parchment paper is the same as tanning in the stage of soaking in lime water to remove hair and fat. After that, it is stretched with a special wooden frame, and it is dried and kept in a physical stretched state. It does not use chemical means to obtain fibers.

  Every time a roll of parchment is obtained, a creature dies as a result, and the church uses papyrus, a plant material, to record text.

  In the twelfth letter written by Zodiac, it was written that he would tie up some of them (slaves), throw them on the ant pile, and watch them scream, twitch, and wriggle.

  Children often burn ants to play. Many people have done this. They catch snails and set them on fire, catch chafers and put them in a bottle, and put them in a net bag to catch butterflies and raise tadpoles.

Children don’t understand the meaning of life and death. At this time, they have only pure curiosity about the world. They are not cruel. When they grow up, they will understand. His pet is dead, even if it’s a goldfish. Crying for a long time, let alone warm-blooded animals like cats and dogs.

  If a child understands what death is, or kills animals, especially furry warm-blooded animals, then it is a trickier problem.

  He has no empathy and does not think about problems from the perspective of others. Many serial killers start from torturing and killing animals, and even seemingly weak women can kill infants.

  In the 1940s, there was a female nurse Miyuki Ishikawa in Japan. She murdered many babies. According to statistics, the number of her victims was as high as 103. At that time, the situation in Japanese society was very unsatisfactory, and abortion was illegal. Poor parents had little choice. Without charity organizations willing to help them, they had to abandon their children in the hospital.

  Ishikawa Miyuki believes that the best solution is to let these babies die naturally without anyone taking care of them.

Ishikawa Miyuki’s infanticide was not a secret in the hospital, but the hospital did not expose it. On the one hand, it was to protect the reputation of the hospital. After all, this scandal is extremely deadly to the development of the hospital. In doing so, Miyuki Ishikawa can also save the hospital a lot of human resources and money.

  American female serial killer Bailey not only kills other people's children, but also his own children. She mainly cheated on insurance and made money and killed herself. She didn't want anything except money. Her first husband was a candy merchant, and he didn't let her learn to enjoy the happiness brought by candy.

  It is very scary to run into this kind of woman. In this day and age, if you want to pick one thing that the East and the West can still reach a consensus on, it is “children’s life is sacred”. In shootings, air strikes, or natural disasters targeting large numbers of people, the death of children is far worse than the death of adults.

No kind of love is greater than the love of parents for their children, and no crime can be worse than killing innocent babies, but the sacred life of children is not always there. Infanticide in human history is not only very serious. It is common, and it is also a widely accepted method of maintaining household income. The "innocent children" that people envision are more likely to mean that they are ideal sacrifices for those bloodthirsty gods. Cooking this group is not only disobedient. , The creatures that love to live and jump at night put too much pressure on their parents, which drove them to kill infants under madness.

In addition, human infanticide is mainly based on survival considerations. In ancient Rome, children who were not strong enough would be abandoned. When famines occurred, they would change their children and eat. Infant and sickly or deformed infants could not escape the disaster. In medieval Europe they were called changelings, and in Africa they were called "witch babies".

  If someone has a deformed child in the family, the whole village will be anxious and feel cursed by the witch.

  Pomona looked at the distorted faces on the brows of the church doors, which were used to guard against the devil.

  The "Witch's Hammer" published in the 14th century is often bound together with the "Ant Mound" written by Needle. The Ant Mound tells stories about witchcraft, with the purpose of teaching witch hunters and judges how to recognize witchcraft.

  Is it possible that Zodiac has seen "Witch's Hammer", and then he has a supernatural imagination, treating the human soul as an ant under the sun and a magnifying glass?

  Some people say that curiosity is the driving force of human progress, but not all curiosity is commendable.

She does not approve of the reintegration of the wizarding world and the Muggle world. Knowledge in the wrong hands will cause disasters. Those people will use knowledge to hurt others. Linda Lingxiang cat was cut into pieces and put in a suitcase. After entering the lagoon, the locals felt that she was treated as a sacrifice for some kind of Satan worship.

  This is possible, or it is possible that the person who killed her dismembered her in order to facilitate transportation.

Muggles’ curiosity about witchcraft is not always cute. After mastering witchcraft, they can be used to collect money and harm people. It is no different from a professional killer who kills with a knife. It is just a bad defense and incomprehensible. Strength is nothing.

  The large-scale persecution of wizards in the 17th century was the Inquisition. There was a position called Commissioner of Wizards. Their job was to use the smallest evidence to ensure a large number of persecutions and killings.

  There have been fierce struggles in many administrative regions about whether to arrange this position. Bavaria rejected this model and tried its best to avoid such harm, while the Cologne candidate emperor made full use of the wizard commissioner and tried to find as many victims as possible in Germany. It is precisely because of this that the Black Forest in Bavaria has become a destination for many people who do not want to become victims.

  At that time, the suspected wizard in France was beaten into a trick, admitting to use baby fat to develop an ointment and use it to fly into the sky at night and bring cold weather.

A warm climate can bring a good harvest of food. The "little ice age", as the name suggests, refers to a relatively cold period, but it is still warmer than the main ice age that destroys a large number of animal and plant life. Historically, the "little ice age" is all As a result, the earth's temperature has dropped drastically, and the global food production has been drastically reduced. This has caused violent social unrest and a sharp decline in population.

  The last Little Ice Age began in the 13th century, reached its peak in the 17th century, and eventually slowed down the activity trend in the 19th century. The industrialization of mankind began when the climate began to warm up.

  In addition to accelerating the melting of glaciers, greenhouse gas emissions also play a role in insulation. It seems that there is no need to worry about the arrival of the Little Ice Age.

  People in the 13th century did not expect that the weather would suddenly become cold. Before the weather became cold, people’s lives were still very happy.

  Cold and natural disasters are an exam. If they fail the exam, they will be eliminated. Human life is not sacred in the eyes of the Creator. When a human child burns an ant to death, have he asked what it feels like?

  This is the meaning of the unkindness of heaven and earth, taking all things as a dog. "Heaven" will not favor humans, and let this species give up evolution and let humans continue to survive because they are lazy, not enterprising, and give up evolution.

  She admired what Buffett said, and she could only tell who was swimming naked when the tide was low.

In the movie the day after tomorrow, 90% of the people were eliminated, and only a few people who stayed in the library survived to the end. The consequences of choosing the wrong "leader" are fatal, but compared with the police, who would believe one? What about young students?

  The reason why people do not accept inequality is because they are not those with vested interests. If they are those with vested interests, they will not reject inequality.

  Compare with each other who has more wealth, who can build taller buildings is like a tower of heaven, the closer to the sky, the closer the disaster.

  Humans have forgotten not only that they cannot fly too low, but also that they cannot fly too high. Wings made of wax have melted due to the high temperature.

  Even though Icarus flew very smoothly at the beginning, he eventually got into trouble because of his recklessness. His father lost his son in an instant when he was negligent.

  The desperate father buried his son's body. In memory of his son, since then, the island where Icarus's body was buried is called Ikaria. Daedalus continued to fly again with grief. He flew to Sicily, where King Cocarros ruled. Just as he was treated by Minos on Crete, he was also received here and treated as a distinguished guest.

  He trained many famous artists here and became the founder of Sicily’s indigenous culture. Although he was respected and respected there, but because of his son's tragic death in the sea, his heart was always depressed, and he became more melancholy and distressed in his later years. Finally he died in Sicily and was buried there.

  No building in Venice is higher than a tower. The houses in the Jewish Quarter are constantly being covered with the influx of refugees, and it looks higher than them. The Republic of Venice ordered them to continue to repair.

  The rich have money and architects to design the "highest" houses for themselves, but they are also restricted.

  When the motorcycle turned into a courtyard with few tourists, Pomona used her magic wand to turn the road into quicksand, and then the motorcycle sank.

  But because of inertia, the travel bag flew out, and the pile of birds, snakes and cockroaches flew out of the open zipper. In panic, it fluttered its wings and tried to take off. Then, Pomona watched it deform.

  She wasn’t sure if she could make a fifty-foot snake the size of a bracelet again.

  The Muggles were frightened and panicked, just like the Muggle kids who awakened the sleeping dragon in the Hogwarts dungeon.

  (End of this chapter)

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