HP: The Arcane Thief (LitRPG)

Chapter 86: Pitiful Daphne

"I'll go now." When the topic shifted to his wand, Akiko decided to take her leave now that she was sure Axel was fine.

Martina, on the other hand, hesitated. "Actually, the thing is… about your wand… I can't actually fix it…" she admitted.

"What?" Axel froze, as the sinking feeling he'd been having after his wand had been destroyed came back to him. Martina couldn't fix his wand? The only reason he had been fine with his wand getting damaged was because he knew Martina would fix it. And now she says she can't?!

"Then why did you say you could?!"

"Well, I didn't say I could fix it, I had only said I can help you fix it," said Martina, pursing her lips.

Axel could suddenly breathe again. He didn't know he'd been signing for this when he decided to strengthen his bond with his wand for extra power output. "Then, it can be fixed, right?" he asked, just to make sure not to jump to the wrong conclusion this time.

Martina nodded vigorously, "Oh, of course! Don't worry about that. But the thing is, you'd have to come to Italy for that. Um… d'you have plans for this Christmas?" she asked, looking abnormally nervous.

Axel thought about it. Christmas was the nearest date he could leave Hogwarts. At least without breaking the rules. And as far as he knew, "I have no plans for Christmas," he replied. He has never had plans for Christmas, except for the last one, which he blew up by causing a spectacular misunderstanding, also by being picky with his food, not being able to talk much, and by just observing the happy family like a creepy depressing outsider. So yeah, he didn't think he had plans for Christmas. He couldn't ruin another one of theirs.

But going to Italy? "Why Italy?" he asked.

"My mother's side of the Family specializes in magical weapons and my father's side in enchantments. So that would be the best place for you to get your wand fixed," Martina explained.

"What about Olivander? Can't I just get it fixed there?" He asked. As far as he was aware, Olivander was the best in Britain and it would be far less troublesome to get it fixed in Britain.

Martina shook her head sadly, "You don't understand, Axel. Repairing a wand is not something normal. Usually, when a wand is broken and damaged, the only choice is to get a new one. Olivander can't repair that much damage. And even if he did, the bond will no longer be there."

That last line sold Axel. But he was a bit surprised by what her words implied. "So, your family is actually better at wands than Olivanders?" If that was the case, then why hadn't he seen anyone else with a Valentino wand?

Martina nodded. "It actually is. It's one of the reasons why we're the most powerful family in Italy. But we never make wands for outsiders."

Well, that made sense. But…

"But, I am also an outsider, aren't I?"

Martina broke eye contact on that. "W-Well, my parents think you aren't…" she murmured in a low voice.

"Hm? What does that mean?"

"Uh, nothing! I meant to say that they can make an exception since we're friends."

"Oh." Axel was really grateful. "Thanks."

"Well, there's just a small thing…"

Axel wasn't surprised. Of course there will be a catch, Nothing is free in this world, "What is it? Don't worry about the money. I can pay any amount…" he began but Martina cut him off.

"No! it's not anything like that. You just have to…come to my home and celebrate Christmas with us—"

"Wait, what?" Axel had a bad feeling about this. The last time he had met that family, their idea of greeting him was literally assaulting him, and that was still in Britain, right inside Hogwarts. Who knows what they'll do if they had him in their own home, in a country which they all but rule.

So, if it were any other circumstances, he would not, in his right mind, be caught anywhere near their place. But…did he have a choice?

Axel gripped his broken wand and felt the weakened connection. He only now realized the significance of its presence. It was like a part of him was absent.

"Alright… I'll be there," he said with a sigh. What's the worst that could happen?

Martina smiled, "Really? That's great! I'll inform my parents then!" She said excitedly. It was the first time she was having a friend over. "I'll go now. You need rest."

"Alright," said Axel, even though he had no such plans.

"Also, do I call in Daphne before you rest? Asked Martina, turning while leaving. "She's been quite anxious,"

Axel thought about it for a moment and shook his head with a sigh, "No need."

"Oh… alright then."


When Axel had won the match, even among the deafening noise of the crowd, Daphne cheered the loudest. She was his number 1 supporter after all, and she had a thing for Quiddich. So, she was very deeply affected.

She was the only one he had shared his troubles with when he was injured, she was the one who had seen him struggle daily, attending classes with dark circles under his eyes, madly working on getting healed, and… she was the one who introduced him to Quidditch. It felt like just yesterday when they were both sitting right here, in this VIP box, when she had explained everything about Quidditch to him. In fact, just a few days ago, she had also recounted all the rules and other things that he would need to pay attention to so that he doesn't screw up.

So, now that he had performed so well, her Axel had performed so well, of course no one could be more happier and excited than her.

But, with all the happiness, there was also a bitter feeling to accompany it. Now the rest of the world also knows about his brilliance, it felt like she was losing something precious, something like a secret that only the two of them shared. She couldn't help but have this… fear that now that the other girls, better girls might try to get between them now that they knew a little bit more about Axel. And, who knows? They might even succeed. Axel is no longer that same rude and closed off guy who wouldn't trust you no matter what you do. And frankly, she wasn't the best choice he had.

But she didn't let her own insecurities Dampen the happiness she felt for Axel, cheering him the best she could.

Though, everything changed when the match ended. That bitch was Patricia was on to Axel, hugging him like that! Daphne couldn't believe it! She had to wait so long before she could get one hug from Axel! And here was this slut, hugging him so tightly! Why is Axel letting it happen?! What is so good about that tramp when it is so clear she's using him?!

And then she noticed! Axel didn't want to be hugged! It was written all over his face that was being displayed on the big screen, making her realize that something was wrong with him. Daphne was so panicked that she must have tried everything to get on there on the pitch with him. But… by the time she reached there, she saw him falling into the arms of Martina and Akiko, who had somehow gotten there even before her.

Before she knew it, Axel was already surrounded, being floated to the Hospital wing magic while a forcefield fended off anyone who tried to get too close. There was nothing Daphne could do that wasn't already being done.

"What the hell happened to him?! And how the hell does Akiko know Axel?!" Asked Rose from her side, after she was finally able to shrug off the reporters who had been surrounding her.

Daphne was quite ashamed to admit it but, "I have no idea," she told Rose.

"But what do you care?!" She asked fuming as they followed the procession which was getting bigger and bigger.

"Why are you angry at me? I'm the one who lost today. I'm like…his slave now!" said Rose defensively.

"...You're saying it as if it's a bad thing," muttered Daphne enviously, in a voice Rose couldn't hear as she rushed into the procession.

As soon as they were out of the wards, the crowd got even bigger. With everyone following Axel. And Daphne was kicked out at the Hospital wing, just like the hundreds of other fangirls who were screaming Axel's name. Only Martina and Akiko were allowed in.

When Martina and Akiko came into the waiting room, both of them were swarmed by reporters.

"How is Axel's condition now?"

"Is Axel Hunt stable?"

A lot of questions like this were thrown at them, and to the reporters' questions, Martina shook her head, "We don't know. Madam Pomfrey said his organs aren't functioning properly. It's a state of extreme fatigue."

This caused a commotion among the crowd, and Daphne panicked as well.

"Is his fatigue related to the "activity" you guys did with him last night?" Asked one of the clever reporters and Martina and Akiko were left speechless at that as they exchanged glances.

"!?" Daphne was dumbstruck.

'...What the hell?!'

What the hell was happening? Daphne felt like everything was slowly falling apart. What was it that these two did last night with him? Why couldn't they tell anyone? She also wanted to know, but no answers came as Martina and Akiko refused to answer.

She waited in the waiting room for hours while various reporters came to her, asking her and the others for an interview but they all simply refused, but Patricia was quite glad to take the offer though.

As the hours passed, the others either fell asleep or left. But Daphne didn't sleep a wink, anxiously waiting for Axel to regain consciousness. She felt that it was somehow her fault. Maybe if she hadn't dragged him to the party last night, he would still be fine.

When Axel finally woke up, Daphne quickly got up, wanting to rush in and see how he was. But the first people he called in were… Martina and Akiko.


With the things that were happening around her, Daphne was slowly beginning to realize something: she wasn't as close to Axel as she thought she was. There are suddenly these girls who seem much ahead in the race than her. They seem to be ahead of her in almost everything.

After a few minutes, when Akiko came out, Daphne quickly went to her. "How is he?!" She asked, not caring whether she knew the girl or not.

"He's fine. He just needs rest now"

"Did he…call me in?"

Akiko shook her head, "No. Anything else?" She asked, looking to be about to leave.

Daphne hesitated, "How do you know Axel?"

Akiko shrugged, "We train together."

"...Okay. Thanks," said Daphne in a shaky voice as she went back to her seat. She was now feeling numb. The one thing that she thought only she had exclusively with him was also gone.

'Axel… you scumbag…'

Daphne didn't even have the right to be angry. He didn't owe her anything. He doesn't have to return her feelings, especially since they're only friends.

When Martina came out, Daphne got up once again. "Can I go in now?" She asked.

Martina looked really awkward. "Um… he refused for any more visitors…"

Daphne's eyes were brimming with tears now. "Oh… of course. He needs to rest…" She felt like she was an idiot for waiting for so long. And yet, even as Martina left, Daphne began walking back to her seat on her unsteady legs.


At this moment, Daphne felt her hand being gripped by someone, startling her for a second, though in the next moment, her grip on the hand tightened. She knew whose hand this was… there was no way she could forget.

The hand tugged on her, leading her out of the Hospital wing, and Daphne let herself be pulled. As soon as Axel became visible, Daphne couldn't hold back anymore. She hugged Axel and began balling her eyes out. She knew that she was probably blowing away the little friendship they had left right now, but she couldn't help herself. Axel didn't push her away, just putting a hand on her head.

"Listen," he said after a while, making her forcefully stifle her crying and look up at him. Her eyes were puffy and her nose and ears were red. She looked very pitiful, enough to melt anyone. But Axel's words seemed to have no mercy. "Don't approach me in public from today on. We can't be seen together."

The tears that had barely stopped began to overflow again. "Why…?" She asked, trying really hard not to cry more.

Axel sighed. He didn't plan on telling her more, because that'll only put her in more danger if her mind was read, but looking at her like this, even he was a helpless. "I have some really powerful enemies, and they'll probably know about me after today…"

Daphne understood the rest, she wasn't stupid. Axel was strong, and clever. Even if his enemies are stronger, it wouldn't be easy for them to get to him at all. And the textbook solution to this is going after the people he cares about. She understood it, of course she did, but… it didn't make her feel much better.

"Then why….?" She was going to ask why he let Martina and Akiko approach, but stopped immediately. Those two… even 10 Daphnes might not be able to scratch on them. Of course they can take care of themselves.

"Why what?"

"Nothing... Will you still train me?" She asked desperately. The desire for power in her was now burning stronger than ever. If only she had been stronger…

Axel nodded readily, "Even more intensively."

"Thanks!" Daphne hugged him again. Usually, anyone would be devastated at knowing that the hellish training was going to be even more hellish, but Daphne only felt blissful. She could feel the gap between them widening. She felt that if she didn't quickly gain strength, it would only widen.

"Anyways, I couldn't meet your family. Sorry for that," said Axel. He had been unconscious for around a day so of course the Visiting day was over.

Daphne shook her head. "It's alright. You'll see them at Christmas, right?"

Axel paused. "What…?"

Daphne looked up at him confused, "What do you mean "what"? Aren't you coming home for Christmas?" Daphne felt it was only normal that he came. She and her family had much planned for him…

"...I was invited?"

Daphne frowned. "Of course you are. You're coming, right? Mom and Tory would kill me if I didn't bring you."

Axel seemed at a loss for words. "I'm sorry. I have to go to Martina's home this Christmas."


Daphne felt the distance widening once again.

Seeing Daphne's hopeless look, Axel sighed as he slowly took out his damaged wand.

"Look at this."

"Your wand—what?!" Daphne let out a gasp as she looked at the wand. "Is this…?!"

Axel nodded. "Yep, it's broken."

"Oh Merlin, I am so sorry Axel…" she said, holding his hand between hers. She knew how much that wand meant to him. In fact, she had found herself jealous of that wand many times, that's how much Axel cared for it. And now seeing it broken, she could only imagine how bad he must be feeling.

"It's not surprising, really," said Axel, emotionlessly looking at his wand. "Good things don't last long in my life… they never have. That's why…" he paused.

"That's why…?" Asked Daphne.

Axel shook his head. "Nothing, just make sure to not appear with me in public. And, I'm going to the Valentinos to get it fixed. Otherwise I'd have come."

"Oh…" Daphne understood now. The Valentino wands were famous in the upper society. It would make sense that he couldn't come for Christmas. But… no outsider was allowed their services. What does that say about Axel and Martina?

Two days passed, and the popularity of Axel's match only increased. And on the Wednesday morning, when Madam Pomfrey finally let Axel "officially" leave the Hospital wing, he went to the Great Hall for breakfast like usual.


But as soon as he went past those double doors, he realized something. Every pair of eyes turned towards him and the bustling atmosphere quieted down for a moment, before bursting again with even more noise. Students began pointing at him and many were rushing towards him for autographs and selfies.

'Fuck…' This thing had slipped his mind. Somehow, the concept of people actually treating him like a celebrity seemed quite absurd to him. But, it was happening, and Axel was hating every second of it. He wanted so much to share an eye roll with Daphne, but he resisted the urge.

Looking at the crowd surrounding him Axel sighed, knowing that his quiet life had forever changed.

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