I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 110

            Dany's "Declaration to the People of Ghis" is not a lie, she really intends to use the redemption method to obtain the property and food in the manor.

"Hey, look, the Unsullied are putting up a notice again. Let's go over there and see what's written on it."

Before the Freedom Fighters Monument was erected, Dany told the craftsman to put a low wall around the Plaza of the People to serve as Astapor's bulletin board.

If Dany has any decree released, in addition to posting notices on the bulletin boards and streets and alleys, she will also ask the Unsullied to carry a bell to every corner of the city, while ringing the bell to attract the attention of the public, while reciting Dany's words aloud.

It is not just recited once, but like a repeater, it is recited repeatedly, and if citizens come forward to ask, they will explain the decree in detail.

Well, almost all of the Unsullied are illiterate.

Dany directed the scholars, the scholars conveyed the decree to the Unsullied, and the Unsullied went to the streets to let the whole city understand Queen Dany's instructions.

In the beginning, Dany had the idea of ​​having scholars stand under the notices as commentators.

Like the plot in a costume drama, every city gate has an arrest warrant, and there must be a show under the arrest warrant.

While the scholar was explaining the text, the illiterate crowd around him echoed with "Oohs and Aahs".

It's a pity that those scholars are pretentious and unwilling to do it.

"Your Majesty, it's not that your slave wants to go against your will, but a Ruler should not use a precious vase as a chamber pot! When the Lord Good Masters bought this slave, he spent a full 1,888 Gold Honor!

This slave is proficient in history, literature, poetry, musical instrument performance, and other more benign knowledge. At the age of 25, I obtained a certificate of high-level scholar in the Volantis library, so I can't be confused with a street performer!"

That's what Ethan cried to Dany at the time.

Then Dany asked Jorah: A Westeros Ser's ransom is generally 100 Golden Dragon is it not?

(about 300 Gold Honors)

Jorah's twister expression told everything.


"Daenerys' Legal Code Volume 1″, preface… I am Daenerys Targaryen, I have set up this legal code, let justice shine on our world, and find all evil, so that we may find prosperity." Free scholar Orwen said aloud, word for word.

"It turned out to be the legal code." The thin black man said uncaringly.

"Barden, you don't understand, the legal code is the foundation of rule, the pillar of any Kingdom, now I'm relieved." Scholar Orwen said with a hearty chuckle.

"You've stopped worrying?" Barden asked.

"I was worried that the Queen would leave with the Unsullied after liberating Astapor. After all, she's returning to Westeros to restore the Targaryen Dynasty. If that happens, we'll be in trouble."

"What does a legal code have to do with her not leaving?" Barden still didn't quite understand.

The free scholar looked and pointed in the direction of the Great Pyramid with excitement, and said with emotion: "Queen Daenerys is more wise and fearless than I imagined.

She really wants to change the world, and also has the ability to change this old world of decay.

It is not as I had feared before, that liberating the slaves was just a moment of a little girl's sympathy."

"Hey, Scholar, stop sighing, hurry up and tell us what's written on the notice." The illiterate citizen next to him clapped his hands impatiently.

"Oh, let me see…" The free scholar turned his eyes to the notice wall again and said aloud: "1. Under the Gods, the people of this world may have different identities, but they are all born free, enslaving others is a sin, and will be cursed by the Gods and Dragons."

"We are born free, those slave masters will suffer in death!"

"Long live the Mother of Dragons, long live Queen Daenerys!"

"Mhysa, Mhysa!"

As the legal code was recited, the surrounding new commoners cheered loudly.

The scholar frowned slightly and found that the law did not specify the penalties for slave traffickers.

If the Gods curses actually did something, would Astapor have survived for six thousand years as it was?

It might have been better to say 'You will be punished by the Dragons'.

What he didn't know was that Dany also had good intentions.

"Legal Code Volume 1" just tells the world what can be done and what can't be done. The writing is relatively simple and popular, so as to increase the circulation and acceptance of the legal code.

If the first article is too detailed, illiterate citizens would quickly lose track and not remember and ignore the equally important legal code clause below.

It is better to change the "Daenerys' Legal Code Volume 1" into the custom and tradition of "it is known". When the sentence is actually sentenced, there is a "Daenerys' Legal Code Volume 2" for the detailed explanation.

There will definitely be Daenerys' Legal Code Volume 2, which is for professionals, like judges and lawyers.

Well, even Westeros has no judges or lawyers. Dany has raised the level of this world a lot this time!

"2. Injuring the innocent is a serious crime, and will be punished, especially those who kill young children and infants; 3. A citizen's legal property is sacred and inviolable, and the King cannot ask for taxes from his subjects 4. The Unbelievers will be spurned by the Gods, and written contracts and oral agreements with witnesses are protected by King and Dragons; "Epoch-making", perhaps all ethnic groups have similar traditions, but no clear legal text has been formed.

Starting from Article 5, the content of the "Daenerys' legal code" has become popular in ancient and modern times, and of course, it is more in line with this era and this world.

Detailed regulations are made on criminal, civil, trade, marriage, inheritance, trial, servitude, and household registration systems.

By the way, household registration is also a new thing.

Although Dany has come up with a style of the Khitan Hairstyle for the Dothraki and the Eight Banners Army Formation, in fact, it can be seen from the laws she has formulated that the Astapor Kingdom she has created, Its core is more like the Han Dynasty.

Especially from the household registration and servitude system, an alternative concept of the county system can be extended.

Of course, she won't really make a system like the Han Dynasty.

Any Dynasty in China was born to move closer to strengthening centralization, no matter how strong or weak.

A Dynasty with a high degree of centralization is doomed to not live long here.

The very simple reason is that the power of the kingdom is concentrated in the hands of the Ruler, and the chance of there appearing a foolish and incompetent King is much higher than that of a wise King.

In particular, House Targaryen has the "Mad King" gene. If all the Targaryen Mad Kings were to be born in China, according to how they are, it is felt that after 50 years there would no longer be China.

"Dong dong dong…" There was a sudden burst of drumming from the direction of Plaza of the People as a dull vibration rocked the bodies of everyone.

"The Queen is summoning us." The Free Scholar shouted and quickly squeezed towards the Great Pyramid.

Many personal experiences told him that he was too far away from the Queen, and he couldn't hear or see anything except shouting "Long Live the Queen" with the crowd.

Barden was also clever and moved faster than him.

Well, if you get closer, you can't see Queen Dany on the stone steps.

"Long live the Mother of Dragons, long live Queen Daenerys!" Scholar Orwen was moved to tears when he saw the Queen so clearly for the first time.

Dany is standing on the second step, about 7 meters above the square, with Green Grace and Ser Chainbreaker on her left, and Whitebeard and Aggo on her right.

"Slave masters!" Barden exclaimed, pointing to the third step.

The free scholar was stunned and looked up. Sure enough, on the steps above the Queen stood nearly a hundred Ghis people wearing Tokar robes, including a young Maiden, a woman wearing a silk scarf, and a few others. The older child is held in the arms of the woman.

"Do you want to judge the children of the Slave masters?" As soon as the free scholar finished speaking, he said with a frown: "But If they are sinners, how can they stand above the Queen?"

"Woo-" He saw the Queen take a step forward and blow into the mouth of a bright black horn fixed on a wooden frame. The desolate and low noise made everyone in the square sink.

Suddenly, the square of tens of thousands of people was silent, only their own breathing could be heard.

"You have read the "legal code", Article 2, hurting innocent lives is a major crime, and killing young children and infants is the most heinous of crimes.

What is an innocent person?

Without a public and fair trial, only the Gods know whether one is guilty or not, but the ignorant young children and infants are bound to be innocent.

It is a great sin to harm the lives of innocent people. This sin is unforgivable!"

The free scholar praised "The Queen's wisdom, and the Queen's kindness" in his mind, and at the same time wondered: What does the Queen want to say?

Until she pointed at the big slave master clan on the step above, "Their father and brothers sold slaves, and regarded those slave's lives as worth nothing, with blood on their hands, and deserved the death penalty."

"Death to them!" The people below were angry and shouted loudly.

The Ghis aristocrats above experienced this level of hatred from the people for the first time.

Whether they have repented of their sinful slave-master lives, no one knows, but they must understand one thing deeply at this moment: the small world they once lived in has changed.

Seeing the Queen's right hand pressing down, the free scholar, like the others, immediately stopped shouting, staring at her as she continued to speak.

"A person can decide their future and can make changes at this moment, but they can't choose their origins. Yes, most of them are descendants of evil slave masters, but they hold no choice, they are still young and their hands are not yet stained with blood."

"They are innocent, they don't deserve to die, but how many innocents have died, at the hands of the uprising Freedom Fighters?"

"Oh, you're not going to kill them, are you?" The freelance scholar was shocked and had a very bad guess.

"What?" Barden was confused and said: "I think what the Queen said is very reasonable, I didn't think of it before, and only after Her Majesty's advice did I find out that as a man I really can't choose my origin, I don't want to be a slave!"

Scholar Orwen: If you could choose, would you be reincarnated as a sinful slave master instead?

Well, that's not the point, the Queen's words seem to be paving the way for her following actions!

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