I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 119

      "Flap flap..."

If a Dragon could sweat, Big Black would be sweating at this time, his wings are folded in huge arcs in the air, because only when they are exhausted do they ensure that they do not sink.

Dany tightly wrapped her arms around his slender neck, and her legs were fluttering on the undulating dragon's back.


Big Black spewed two thick long white smoke plumes from his nose, and seemed to be chittering loudly at Dany: I can't breathe!

"Hey, you said, you are bigger than the silver horse and heavier than her, why can't you just carry me and fly?" Dany glanced sideways. On the square ground, the pyramid is only as big as the mouth of the bowl, and they must be at an altitude of more than 1,000 meters.

Dany can ride a Dragon.

It's not even ridding. She must lie on the dragon's back and distribute the weight of her body evenly. If the weight is concentrated on the back of the neck, he will not be able to bear it.

And only the Black Dragon, Little White, and Little Green are not refusing her to ride, the key is that they are not as big as Big Black, and there is no place for her to lie down.

In the past six months, the effect of Big Black devouring the Undying Ones has become more and more obvious. It is 10 meters long from the head to the tail section. Except for the long neck and tail section, his back is also more than two meters long.

The White and Green Dragons are only 2/3 the size of Big Black, and the difference in body size is obvious.

Actually, two months ago, Dany knew that she could ride a Dragon after passing the load of three Dragons.

In the past six months, the three Ghis city-states Meereen, Yunkai, and New Ghis have formed the "Alliance Against the Evil Mother of Dragons", which Dany calls the Ghis Alliance.

The Ghis people not only promote Dany as the lewd Mother of Dragons "each morning she eats ten babies, in the evening she sleeps with ten strong men", but also often sends fast ships to the docks and coastal strongholds to project incremental bombs – Clay pots filled with kerosene, or tar-soaked cotton cloth wrapped around flammable material.

In the beginning, Dany also let Big Black attack the enemy's sails at night, but later the other party learned shrewdly and quietly arranged hundreds of sailors to hide under the deck with strong crossbows. From the small window on the deck, the crossbow arrows were shot like rain.

At that time, Big Black was shot into a sieve, which is not an exaggeration. Afterward, Dany counted, and Big Black was hit with at least 70 arrows.

Falling down from the air, Dany in Dreki state was terrified.

Fortunately, it was close to the coastline, so Big Black barely glided and landed on the friendly camp, his two thin fleshy wings turned into two pieces of rags, and the scales on his lower abdomen were also pierced, bubbling white smokey blood gurgling out.

Only one point, an iron arrow tip is relatively short, only four centimeters, and the dragon blood has a very high temperature, the wooden tail behind the iron arrow is directly burned by dragon blood, and the iron arrow is also slowly softened.

The iron arrow is too short to penetrate the abdominal muscle layer of Big Black, so it doesn't hurt the organs. Looking at the terrifying sight, it was only a superficial wound.

It is also fortunate that this is Slaver's Bay Instead of Westeros. The People of the Seven Kingdoms Have seen Dragons way too many times with a relatively complete set of Dragon slaying skills, While The New Ghis People Have Never Fought Dragons.

If the crossbow shot at Big Black is a specially customized "Scorpion", then 30% of him may be unscathed, 50% will be seriously injured, and 20% may be killed on the spot – Scorpion is a giant crossbow, the size of It is too big, it is troublesome to operate, it cannot be manned, the number of arrows installed on a ship is limited, the number of arrows is small, and the sky is too dark.

After the injury, Dany changed her strategy and couldn't dive attack, so let's bomb at high altitude!

Ser Barristan told Dany that the Scorpion arrow is made of steel and is heavier than the Unsullied lance. It is the limit that it can fly 200 meters into the sky.

In this way, Big Black only needs to maintain an altitude of 500 meters to drop incendiary bombs on the sea surface unscathed.

Big Black was the first to learn the "bomber" skill. the White Dragon and Green Dragon never learned it. When they were training, they flew straight down and used their mouth to breathe fire.

Since the Dragon Horn time, the White Dragon and Green Dragon have been tamed by Dany a lot, they usually listen to what she says, whip them with whips, and the two dragons rarely clip back (spray at her with fire).

Without going into Dreki state, Dany had a hard time getting them to understand.

Later Jorah suggested that when training, shoot them with bows and arrows cut off the arrows, so as to exercise the ability to avoid arrows, and let the two dragons understand what to do.

I have to say, this idea sounded good at first, but when I tried it, it turned out to be terrible, and one Unsullied was burned at that time.

For Dany the mother, a Dragon child can endure, other people dare to hurt them, they get angry and spray Dragonflame.

If Dany hadn't been on the side and stopped the Dragon in time, the Warrior would have been honored... uh, can't be considered honorable, a little embarrassed.

Later Dany placed the crossbow side by side, the trigger was tied with a silk thread, and a single pull could shoot dozens of arrows, she herself trained the Dragons.

Not to mention, the two Dragons have become a lot smarter and gradually understand the skills of high-altitude bombing.

A Dragon's eyes are particularly good, and the hit rate is very high. The three Dragons bombard them in turn, and they can drop at least dozens of kilometers of cloth bags soaked in fuel at a time. As long as they hit, they can basically destroy a ship.

Well, they drop the fuel pack first, then do a quick dive down and catch up to ignite the pack with Dragonflame.

By comparing the weight of the package with the three dragons and comparing it with Dany's own weight, she determined when she could ride the dragon.

Don't wear armor, Dany is 90 pounds, and Big Black can grab a 200-pound package and fly at high altitude, so she dares to try to ride a Dragon.

Well, Little White and Little Green can only lift 130 pounds of cargo.

"Nagga—" After flying around the area outside the city for about 150 kilometers, Big Black felt powerless as "out of fuel", so Dany had to let him bring her Back to the pyramid.

"Plap La Pu La-dong!"

Big Black fell heavily on the grass, and the nearby Fruit Tree branches and leaves were rattled by his wings.

Dany jumped lightly and jumped directly from the back of the Dragon which was more than two meters high.

In the past six months, she has been practicing swordsmanship with Barristan, and her strength and agility have grown a lot. The old man also praised her for her talent which is comparable to Rhaegar.

Dany isn't flattered by this, Rhaegar's fame and power are too far behind.

In the legend, his martial skill was only matched by the Sword of the Morning Arthur Dayne, and as a result, he was crushed by Robert in the first stage of his life.

The big hammer hit his chest, and his death was extremely miserable.

"Your Majesty, there is urgent information from Yunkai." As soon as she jumped off the dragon's back, Jorah greeted her with a serious face.

At this time, Jorah's outfit has changed again. The original black Valyrian steel armor is inlaid with a layer of exquisite white glaze on the chest. The silver thread and hooks gleamed in the sun, and the whole person seemed to be different.

If any of the Westeros nobles come here, they will exclaim "Kingsguard" when they see him.

Barristan was appointed Lord Commander of the Kingsguard by Dany after his apparent identity. Jorah had no objection to this. It was because the other party was too old and his reputation was too Legendary.

Then Dany also specially held a simple but solemn ceremony for the elderly. On the third layer of the pyramid, she took the oath in front of tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians.

Afterward, a notice was issued to inform everyone.

When Barristan became Commander, he traditionally dressed Jorah Mormont in a white robe.

In this way, the Big Bear becomes the official White Cloak that can be recorded in the White Book.

In addition to the white robe, there is also white-scale armor. Of course, Jorah did not want to change his armor, so he specially asked the Smith from the city to inlay a layer of white glaze with ice and snow patterns on his chest.

Strong Belwas wanted the identity of Kingsguard but refused to wear white scale armor, white robes, and even more complicated white cloaks, which he thought would affect the speed of his sword swing.

the fat eunuch also takes the dexterous and quick way of the Dothraki.

When Barristan joined Dany's inner circle, he took the military Commander position.

It's not that Jorah is distrusted, but that his experience and military skills are far inferior to Barristan's.

Jorah's been Commander of no more than 1,000 troops at most, but Barristan has commanded an army regiment and has experience in army combat.

35 years ago in War of the Ninepenny Kings, he was the commander-in-chief of the entire army, with more than 100,000 horses under his command, including army and navy, cavalry regiment, infantry, and longbow regime.

Jorah is the Vice Commander and part-time Master of Whisperers.

Well, after all, he has worked as a spy and is familiar with the business.

The Spider's intelligence network extends to Vaes Dothrak, Lhazar, Qarth, and Dany is not as important as an "ancient man" who attaches great importance to intelligence warfare.

In the beginning, a group of merchants were stranded in Astapor for more than a month because their sails were burned by the Dragons. When they left with Dany's compensation, a group of newly cultivated dark sons also followed out.

I don't expect them to be 007, or Ethan Hunt, just collect the news of the passers-by in Yunkai and Meereen.

I have to admit that the Ravens in this world are also a kind of fantasy creature.

Yunkai is 500 kilometers in a straight line from Astapor, and Ravens can travel back and forth in about two days and one night.

Dany took the wet towel handed by Irri, and wiped the sweat and dust on her face and arms, Jorah said solemnly: "Yunkai gathered 30,000 slave soldiers, 3,000 yellow silk capes, and 5,000 sellswords, an innumerable number of military vendors, set off this morning and headed for Astapor.

Ten Wise Masters, Great Masters professed to be the Allied Great Marshal, one of them named 'Grazdan mo Eraz' a Wise Master known as the leader of war of Yunkai, he is the actual commander of the army."

The Ghis guards of the Slaver's Bay city-state used to wear yellow silk cloaks with densely palm-sized reflective copper pieces, so they were often referred to as "Yellow Silk Cloak", or the "Bronze Guard".

"Heh, another Grazdan….and brought 30,000 slave soldiers, they sent more to me?" Dany couldn't help laughing while wiping her hair.

Jorah looked strange and said, "Your Majesty, you may have misunderstood. Your reputation is not good in Yunkai. Your deeds of liberating slaves, distributing fields for slaves, and building the whole kingdom are not known by the people.

In the eyes of other slaves, you are just a treacherous and crazy woman who took Astapor by chance."

"Those people are too much, and you offend the slaves for the sake of those slaves. -Master's." The Dothraki maid said angrily.

"Under the control of public opinion, what can slaves and peasants do?" Dany shook her head.

She was not angry, but rather disappointed.

She asked: "The proportion of slaves is too high, the rest are sellswords, and there are few real Ghis.

This is the realization of the descendants of the ancient Ghiscari Empire?

At this point, in some of my systems, the lower-level slaves have been concealed, but can the upper-level slave master still know about it? Is there not a single smart person among them, and they don't know that my presence is an impact on slavery?"

Jorah smiled wryly.

"If they don't see you as a threat, they wouldn't send troops to attack Astapor. But Meereen and Yunkai are slave city-states after all, and in addition to slave soldiers, the peasant Guards of the two cities combined will not measure more than 5,000 people."

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