I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 69 - The door in the mirror

The bathroom was dark and the surroundings were very quiet. Chen Ge could vaguely hear his heartbeat.

He looked at the mirror in front of him. When the pointer crossed the twelve o’clock, the mirror surface became a little blurry, as if covered with something. Then, a number appeared in the center of the mirror-“0.”

The number in the mirror changes again, which is completely beyond Chen Ge’s expectations. In his view, this number is left by the monster in the mirror. Now that the monster in the mirror has been eaten by Zhang Ya, the number should also disappear. Correct.

“Does this number have nothing to do with the monster in the mirror?”

He took out his mobile phone to take pictures of the digital, but as soon as he raised his hand, he was completely stunned.

The scene in the mirror is different from the reality, the door of the toilet cubicle turned red!

It is a red color that is completely saturated with blood from the inside out. It was as if the compartment was filled with blood, and blood was still leaking out of the gap between the doors.

“Why did the door of the squat compartment in the mirror change?” Chen Ge took out the video of the mobile phone and turned to slowly open the door of the compartment.

In reality, the door of the compartment is pushed open, and the door of the compartment in the mirror is also opened.

In reality, there is nothing in the compartment, and everything in the compartment in the mirror is dyed red, including baffles, paper baskets, and even small advertisements posted on the walls.

In the dark and dark bathroom, the blood-red compartment looked unusually dazzling.

Chen Ge couldn’t figure out what was going on. He took a step forward. As soon as half of his body protruded into the compartment, the surface of the skin produced a sticky feeling that seemed to be squeezed and wrapped by something.

He hurried back, and after about a minute, the door of the compartment in the mirror returned to normal.

At this time, Chen Ge entered the compartment in reality, and there was no such strange feeling.

The blood-red door in the mirror appeared only a minute after midnight, and then everything returned to normal.

“Why does the door of the toilet compartment in the mirror turn red? And when the door is pushed open, the walls and decorations behind the door are all blood red.” Chen Ge turned on the light and leaned on the window sill, silently contemplating: ” Is that the world in the mirror? The monster in the mirror escaped from that blood-red world? “

In order to confirm the guess in his heart, Chen Ge found the information of the first nightmare task in the black phone.

The mission prompt at the time was-wanting to see another world requires extraordinary courage, extraordinary luck, and a little help.

“It was clearly stated in the mission to see another world. This world should refer to the blood-red world in the compartment.”

Recalling the strange mission process that day, although Chen Ge didn’t open his eyes, his ears were always paying attention to the movements around him.

“I can be sure that at that time I heard the sound of the toilet compartment door shaking! Everything was normal at the beginning, and all the weird things only appeared after the door was shaking.”

Halfway through the task, he heard a sudden sound from the door of the cubicle. At that time, he thought the wind was blowing, so he didn’t care. Now think of it, the sound of the door flapping at that time was probably from the mirror.

“The mirror may be a buffer zone connecting the two worlds. The door of the toilet compartment in the mirror was pushed open, and the monster escaped from the blood-red world. Because of the obstruction of the puppet, he was finally forced to stay in the mirror.” Chen Singing staringly at the wooden door of the squat compartment, a strange thought appeared in my heart: “What happens when I enter the real compartment when the door in the mirror turns red? Then I’m not a footstep another world?”

Shaking his head to dispel this crazy idea, Chen Ge once again walked in front of the mirror: “After the number is zero, a blood-red door appeared in the mirror. It seems that my previous guesses are all wrong. This number has nothing to do with the number of murders. It should be just a countdown. , May represent the time limit for the monster in the mirror to move in reality. “

The door in the mirror has returned to normal, but Chen Ge ca n’t guarantee that it will appear again in the future. It is even possible that as long as the monster in the mirror does not return, the door will appear on time every twelve o’clock.

“If it continues to appear tomorrow night, pick up the mirror, which can only be done for now.” Chen Ge found a thick black cloth to cover the mirror and left the bathroom.

Back to the staff lounge, Chen Ge opened his black mobile phone and began to check today’s daily tasks.

“Simple difficulty: A thrilling experience should not cause traumatic psychological shadows for the experiencers. I think you should understand the truth that is too short. Please improve the security system of the haunted house and investigate the hidden dangers in the haunted house.”

“General difficulty: One tree is difficult to support. A good haunted house needs an excellent team to operate and recruit more talents. They will help you through the difficulties.”

“Nightmare difficulty: another person has been living in your room, don’t you want to know who he is?”

These three tasks ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Chen Ge is very familiar, in fact, he is also very tangled, in order to develop faster and better haunted house, choose the best nightmare task, but after experiencing the monster event in the mirror, he A bit guilty about the nightmare task of a black phone.

“Forget it, let’s take a good rest today and plan again tomorrow.” Since getting the black phone, Chen Ge has not slept in a stable sleep, and if he goes on like this, his body may not be able to hold up.

Covered with a blanket, it didn’t take long for Chen Ge to enter the dream.

At eight o’clock in the morning, Chen Ge, who was “resurrected with blood” hurried out of the room. He first came to the night scene of the zombie resurrection on the first floor. The area he selected last night had changed, and there was an extra road leading to the underground. Channel.

“Black mobile phones are quite efficient.”

The floor was hollowed out, he walked down the stairs and went directly to the abandoned underground parking lot.

Looking around, there is no light in the parking lot, very dilapidated.

“Nothing? Expansion to expand a staircase?” Chen Ge was a little disappointed, but thinking of the entire underground parking lot as his own venue, he quickly rekindled his fighting spirit: “The future virtual park in the eastern suburbs is the latest Built in three months, I want to unlock as many horror scenes as possible, upgrade the horror house, and strive to build a theme park that does not lose to each other. “

Going back to the first floor of the haunted house, Chen Ge came to the door of the horror house with a black mobile phone. In the middle of the protective fence and the haunted house promenade, there was an opaque black wooden building with the appearance of two wardrobes. together.

“This is the midnight ticket counter? Isn’t it too rough?” Opening the door, Chen Ge sat inside to feel it, and the interior space was narrow, as if it was pressed into a coffin.

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