I play as a beast in World of Warcraft

Chapter 131: Orc Attack

Located near the second town of Stratholme in Lordaeron, Strahad Manor boasts a beautiful environment nestled amidst mountains and water.

With over ten thousand private soldiers within his territory, Strahad can even seek assistance from the king when necessary, rallying reinforcements from Stratholme.

Over the centuries, nobles have continuously intermarried, creating a web of complex and intertwined relationships that even some families struggle to untangle.

It is possible that two noble men who fight over a woman could turn out to be relatives. These marriages, both fragile and strong, make it nearly impossible to resolve issues among the nobles.

”Gentlemen, Prince Arthas is preparing to return to Lordaeron with his troops. Have you all received the news? Hmph, His Royal Highness Prince has actually allied with the Naga!Let us not forget, our fleet suffers losses every year due to those cursed Naga! Sir Bael, your son perished on the trade route to the Kingdom of Stormwind, attacked by the Naga! Sir Tidus, I recall your two grandsons were killed by murlocs by the seaside, those filthy murlocs are servants of the Naga. Hmph, for centuries, the threat of the Naga has never disappeared. This despicable race, and His Royal Highness Prince chooses to cooperate with them, it is truly distressing!“

Sir Strahad summoned a large group of nobles who were friendly with him to his manor for a meeting, along with many lesser nobles who were dependent on him. Despite their lower titles, united they could exert pressure, even causing King Terenas to take them seriously.

"Hmph! His Royal Highness Prince is reckless!"

"We must not collaborate with the Naga, they must be eliminated!"

These nobles, in their arrogance, show no regard for race. If it were the elves with long ears, they would be members of the Silvermoon Council!

And now, these nobles actually have objections towards a prince leading troops, the sole heir to the throne?

"Yes, His Royal Highness Prince must be held accountable. The heritage our ancestors toiled to establish cannot be squandered. If we give in, will the Naga seize our lands? These lands are ours, not to be handed over to the Naga!" A rugged man gritted his teeth and exclaimed, this was Garithos.

In the Blood Elf storyline, he had troubled the High Elf Prince Kael'thas, treating him like a dog, ultimately leading the elves to rebel against their own kind.

The crowd condemned Arthas, with only a few individuals remaining clear-headed and not joining the chorus.

Among them were Baroness Anastaria, Countess Calandra of Hearthglen, who was the wife of Tirion Fordring, one of the five Knights of the Silver Hand.

They maintained their composure. Their husbands were at the frontline combating orcs, while they stayed home caring for their children and safeguarding their homes. Their presence at the meeting was due to Sir Strahad's influential connections, a gesture of respect.

Facing the fervor of the incited nobles, their expressions remained unchanged, even showing a hint of disdain.

King Terenas had limited mobility in his legs, a consequence of years of warfare. This was why he had children late, not due to lack of desire but lack of ability.

However, everything changed when His Royal Highness Prince brought an enormous dragon envoy who, with a spell, cured King Terenas' legs.

Furthermore, His Royal Highness Prince brought news of extended life and maintaining youth, crucial for men.

For women, maintaining a youthful and attractive appearance, witnessing their peers age while they remained young, created an incomparable sense of superiority.

Due to this, most noblewomen remained composed. Even if incited, they were compelled to comply. Disobey? Then be prepared for the consequences.

On the outskirts of the Ghostlands, the Tribe was being blocked by an invisible runic barrier.

Here, the orc warlocks were unable to cast spells, even the powers of witch doctors were suppressed, causing great discomfort among the orcs.

"Have you found out?" Orgrim's gaze fixed on the burning elf camp in the distance. He had divided his forces multiple times, all to bypass attacking Lordaeron, never once revealing his intentions.

The signals he sent out were to gather more allies to resist the Human Alliance the enemy of my enemy is my friend, a saying fitting in any world.

“The distant runestones, Zulkin explained to me, were placed there by the high elves when they arrived in this land. By dismantling these runestones, I can strengthen the ogres with the power contained within them. When the time comes, it will surely aid Warchief in conquering Quel'Thalas!" Guldan spoke humbly, eagerly awaiting an opportunity that was now within reach.

Orgrim stared at Guldan with eyes the size of copper bells. As a notorious member of the Shadow Council, he had no trust in Guldan's words. He knew that one day he would eliminate Guldan the fall of Lordaeron would mark Guldan's end!

"Then go and do it, but no tricks. I will be watching you!"

"At your command, Warchief." Guldan bowed respectfully, but inwardly he sneered, "Foolish Orgrim, the ones you sent to watch me are under my control. Watch me? You are nothing but a pitiful lackey!"

Meanwhile, orcs and trolls worked together to dismantle the sturdy runestones, while high elf hunters in the distance tried to interfere.

However, the distance was too great, and even with magic assistance, the effect was minimal, only managing to take down a few careless orc soldiers.

With golden hair, emerald eyes, a hunter's hood on her head, a graceful figure, and a face of endless anger, the stunning Hunter General gazed coldly at the orcs and trolls in the distance.

She had never seen so many trolls before, along with those peculiar orcs. Hundreds of hunters had already perished on the battlefield.

The high elves were already a scarce population, and now she loathed them even more.

If Arthas were here, he would surely see the name on her head, "Sylvanas Windrunner, Hunter General!"

The Hunter forces had always been under the control of the Windrunner family, preferring nature and archery over magic.

This did not mean they were incapable of magic they were just not as obsessed with it. Even without the Sunwell, they would not struggle too much to adapt.

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