Chapter 114

Chapter 114 – 112 [Zero Casualties, Defeat Thousands Of Thieves]

Chapter 114 112 [Zero Casualties, Defeat Thousands of Thieves]

There are many prominent families in Ji’an Prefecture, but which surname has the most people?


The son of Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty, Changsha Dingwang Liu Fa, had sixteen sons in total, one of whom was granted the title of Marquis of Ancheng, who governed Anfu, Yongxin, Taihe and other counties.

Generation after generation, it has spread all over Ji’an counties and even the whole of Jiangxi.

There are thousands of villages in Ji’an, and the entire village is named Liu!

At this moment, Chen Maosheng is in the home of a Liu family in Jizhou Tang—the head clan and ancestral house of the rich family. He will definitely not be in the city, because the city simply cannot accommodate him.

This family is engaged in business, so they moved to the city to settle down, but they also have land in the countryside.

“Your Majesty, spare your life, Your Majesty, spare your life!”

They thought Chen Maosheng was here to rob, so they knelt down on the floor. He even offered to offer goods and food, just to satisfy the appetite of the rebels, hoping that the rebels would not kill people.

Chen Maosheng said: “Mr. Zhao founded the Datong Association. What is Datong? In the countryside, Datong means that everyone has land to cultivate, everyone has food to eat, and everyone has clothes to wear. There are no farmers in the city, but there are many domestic slaves in the city. …”

“Datong has no high or low. Gentlemen and merchants are human beings, but servants are not human? Under Mr. Zhao’s rule, there are no domestic slaves, and all domestic slaves have been released. We don’t want money, we don’t want food. Datong is for the poor. Yes, you quickly bring the bond of sale of the house slaves!”

Liu Dingzhong looked at these rebels stupidly, thinking for a moment that he had heard wrong.

The rebels don’t want gold, silver, or food, yet they come to free the slaves?

“Hurry up, bring the slave’s deed of sale, I’m going to leave the family!” Chen Maosheng scolded angrily.

Liu Dingzhong trembled in fright, and quickly said, “I…I’ll get it right away.”

Before the deed of prostitution arrived, Chen Maosheng continued to promote: “Dear slave brothers and sisters, don’t be afraid. To tell you the truth, Mr. Zhao was also a domestic slave before…”


There was an uproar in the courtyard, and the house slaves were inexplicably shocked. The bandit leader who occupied Fucheng this time was actually a house slave!

Apart from being shocked, I was also a little excited.

Chen Maosheng also said: “Mr. Zhao is a domestic slave, I used to be an actor, and we are all sluts. But who in the world is not a slut? Tenants are tenant slaves, farmers are serfs, workers are hired slaves, and soldiers are military slaves. Just Don’t even those scholars serve as slaves? When you become an official, you are an official slave, and when you take the imperial examination, you are a scholar slave. Who can be more noble than whom?”

“Those who are willing to go with us will be brothers and sisters in the future. If you want to farm and share the land for you, if you want to do labor to find jobs for you. No one dares to bully you, no one dares to beat or scold you, you are your own masters. Look at the person behind me, Chen Huai, what did you do before?”


“Liu Zhenzong, what did you do before?”

“Hey, I’m Master Liu’s slave in Meitang Town.”

“Liu Gao, what did you do before?”

“I am the slave of Master Liu in Baisha Town.”

“Xiao Zhong, what did you do before?”

“I am the slave of Master Xiao in Huangqiao Town.”

“Are you all full now?”

“Eat every meal.”

“Does anyone dare to beat and scold you?”

“Fuck it!”


Looking at the majestic Chen Maosheng and his men, many domestic slaves began to feel envious.

Whether a house slave lives well or not depends purely on the character of the master, and this is often the most unreliable thing.

Take Xu Xiake as an example, he is quite friendly to the slaves, but what about him? One of Xu Xiake’s sons was later killed by a domestic slave riot.

When the small imperial court of the Southern Ming Dynasty resisted the Qing Dynasty, countless domestic slaves rose up. They would rather seek refuge in the Manchu Dynasty than overthrow their masters!

Historically, the thieves from Shaanxi only attacked Huguang, and the domestic slaves in various provinces in the south of the Yangtze River rioted one after another.

Daming is full of gunpowder kegs, which will explode at the slightest touch of sparks.

Finally, Liu Dingzhong found the contract of sale of the house slave, and offered it to Chen Maosheng tremblingly.

Chen Maosheng read the names one by one, and after reading, he asked: “Who else’s identity card has not been brought?”


A house slave stood up: “My body deed is not here.”

Chen Maosheng smiled and said, “Master Liu, you are dishonest.”

“Look, look for it right away, it must be a leak!” Liu Dingzhong said quickly.

Not long after, a few more identity documents were sent.

Chen Maosheng burned all the deeds of prostitution in public, and said to the domestic slaves: “Who is willing to go with me? No longer accept the master’s birds!”

Three people stood up one after another.

Chen Maosheng said: “Have you ever been deducted monthly money?”

“Every month was deducted.” A house slave said.

Chen Maosheng pointed to the silver on the ground: “Take back your embezzled things, don’t take too much indiscriminately.”

The three house slaves immediately went to get the silver, and only dared to take two or three taels more.

Seeing this, several house slaves came out, took silver and stood behind Chen Maosheng.

Among them there was a pair of brothers and sisters, the elder brother was twelve or thirteen years old, and the younger sister was only seven or eight years old.

“The rest are unwilling to leave?”

Chen Maosheng glanced at it: “You don’t have to leave, you are all hard-working brothers and sisters, I will help you change your life deeds into employment deeds.”

Renewing the contract on the spot, this thing is definitely useless, and the owner will turn his face and deny it when he turns around.

However, as long as the master refuses to admit it, the house slave must have resentment.

Chen Maosheng took eight liberated domestic slaves and immediately went to the next house, but he really didn’t grab money and food.

Liu Dingzhong sat on the ground foolishly, looking at the money and food around him, looking at the domestic slaves around him, feeling like he was dreaming absurdly.

Running all the mansions in the south of the city, Chen Maosheng took away a total of fifty-one house slaves. Most of the house slaves still refused to leave their masters, even though they would be abused and beaten in the future.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Maosheng recruited more than ten actors.

He even went to the brothel brothel, six prostitutes were willing to go with him, and there were as many as nine turtle men who actively followed—Chen Maosheng and those turtle men were all cuckold lovers!

Zhang Tieniu went to the wharf to recruit people, recruited more than 20 coolies, and took away more than 70 coolie family members.

The two scholars, Xiao Huan and Ouyang Zheng, looked at those house slaves, coolies, prostitutes and tortoises with strange expressions on their faces.

Ouyang Zheng sneered disdainfully: “Your hero, rely on these people to conquer the world?”

“Oh,” Xiao Huan said with emotion, “Mr. is truly a man of gods. In the whole world, who would look down on lowly people? Rescue them, sir, and they will definitely follow them to the death.”

At this moment, countless people rushed to tell each other, and ran to join the army in groups.

These people are a special group, and almost form a class in Ming Dynasty.

The homeless class!

A large number of farmers who lost their land flooded into the city to work for a living. They are escaped peasants in the countryside, and homeless in the city, and can only do some very menial jobs. Some also joined the trade, some became street vendors, most of them worked as coolies, and many became beggars.

You can understand it as the Ming Dynasty version of migrant workers, and these migrant workers do not have ID cards.

Zhang Tieniu recruited coolies at the dock, and the news spread quickly, and countless homeless people flocked to join the army. They were also real proletarians, and many of them were bachelors without family members.

Zhao Han was shocked, there were more than 2,000 people who joined the army!

Anfu County.

The mob north of Heshui turned into rogues. They crossed mountains and ridges to Anfu County, and they managed to engulf tens of thousands of people along the way!

There are so many people, the leader of the bandits forgot his surname, and ran to attack the county seat.

Well, not demented.

Under normal circumstances, let alone tens of thousands of people, thousands of people can take down the county.

But the governor ran fast by boat, led the troops first and arrived first, and had already rushed to camp outside the county seat.

The scout learned that there was a thief who had thrown himself into the trap, and Xie Xuelong immediately let the ship go elsewhere. He led 1,000 people to hide in the city, sent 1,500 people to hide in Menggang Ridge, and another 1,000 people to ambush in the woods southwest of the county seat.

The bandit leader “Zhen Luo Xiao” didn’t even know he had dispatched a spy, so he foolishly brought tens of thousands of people to attack the city.

“Kill the thief!”

Suddenly, drums sounded from the city tower, Xie Xuelong unfurled his handsome flag, and a thousand township braves and yamen servants raised countless flags.

Zhen Luo Xiao was inexplicably terrified, and shouted in fear: “There is an ambush, retreat!”

Tens of thousands of thieves retreated in panic, and Xie Xuelong led his soldiers out of the city to chase after them. They were so frightened that the thieves even threw away their food.

The southwest ambush suddenly broke out, and the bandits completely collapsed.

Of the 1,500 ambush soldiers in Menggang Ridge, 1,000 people have already circled south to block the retreat of the thieves.

The bandits saw the flag from a distance, and ran eastward again in fright, and then the five hundred ambush soldiers from Menggangling rushed out.

Many rogues knelt down and begged for mercy, and more rogues fled to the northeast, completely in a panic, because Lushui River was waiting for them.

Tens of thousands of thieves were wiped out in World War I, and the casualties of officers and soldiers were zero.

“The commander-in-chief uses his troops like a god, just like Lord Yangming is alive,” Zuo Xiaocheng bowed and complimented, “I admire you so much in late life!”

Xie Xuelong frowned: “Then why hasn’t Bandit Zhao shown up yet?”

Li Zongxue guessed: “I must have noticed the whereabouts of the officers and soldiers, and I was so scared that I hid in some mountain.”

“I don’t feel at ease if this thief is not eliminated,” Xie Xuelong ordered, “Send more spies to search. Once you find the trace of Zhao thief, even if you enter the mountain, you must go and destroy it quickly!”

Captured thousands of thieves, Xie Xuelong did not kill indiscriminately.

He screened out the heads of the thieves and beheaded them. He selected 300 young men to be the brave men of the village.

Waited for another two days in Anfu County. The spies rode around on mules and horses, but there was still no news of Zhao Han.

Xie Xuelong began to become irritable, this situation is really uncomfortable.

“Urgent military situation, urgent military situation!”

A fast boat came, standing outside the city and shouting anxiously.

This person was taken to see the governor, and he knelt down and said: “Commander, the city of Ji’an Prefecture is gone, and all officials, big and small, from Ji’an Prefecture and Luling County have died for the country!”


Xie Xuelong was stunned and stood on the spot, and several staff members and generals were also dumbfounded.

Li Zongxue got up and asked: “There are eight hundred guards in the city, and the city is high and the pond is deep. How could it be captured by the rebels?”

The messenger said with a mournful face: “According to the guard soldiers who escaped, the **** Zhang Yin forcibly took 750 people out of the city to defend his Chaoguan and mansion. All the officials are killed!”

“The **** is hateful! It should be killed, it should be killed!”

Xie Xuelong was so angry that he trembled all over, he suddenly drew his sword and chopped off a corner of the case.

This battle is impossible to fight. Once they return to Fufu City, the rebels will definitely run away. If you don’t run along the river, you won’t be able to pursue it without the cavalry Xie Xuelong.

His soldiers are too few and lack of training, even if he wants to encircle him, he can’t do it.

Even if you know that returning to Fucheng is useless, even if you know that you will be led by the nose by the rebels. But Xie Xuelong still has to go back, the fall of Fucheng is a serious crime. Once a huge loss is caused, the gentry will link up with the officials to impeach him, and he, the governor, can be easily imprisoned.

“Return to Yuanfu City!”

Xie Xuelong felt very tired and wanted to strangle the **** to death with his own hands.

In Yongxin County far to the west, Li Banghua, who was in charge of the big detour, wanted to strangle the magistrate to death!

(end of this chapter)

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