In One Piece, as Hashirama Senju

[91] Trouble (2)

Chapter 91: Trouble (2)

“As for you,”

Robin looked at Mikita. 

The blonde-haired woman was sitting beside Hashirama, and she had her arms crossed. Though she tried to put on a strong front, Robin could see the stiffness in her hands.

When Robin looked at her, her blue eyes locked with Mikita's green, and she gave the blonde a disappointed look. Although she had only known Vivi for a few months, Robin didn’t side with Mikata as she knew that what they did was wrong.

The two of them had traveled over two years together; they would trust their life in the other’s hand in a split second, but Robin could not sweep this kind of thing under the rug. She was not fond of what she had been doing with the Captain of this ship behind Vivi's back.

"Do you have anything to add to what Vivi just said, Mikita?"


Mikita's voice trailed off. After a bit, she grumbled and looked at Vivi.

"You are right, yes, that's really what happened. I'll just make it clear that he wasn't forcing me or anything. I mean, I already told you that I love him, back in Jaya, when we first met."


"It's stupid of you to assume I'd wait for you to make your move, and it’s stupid of you to think I would stop just because you slept with him."

Vivi's eyelids twitched at those words. She opened her mouth to retaliate, but Mikita didn’t let her. Robin frowned and gestured to Mikita to shut up, but the girl spoke anyway.

"Actually. That day in Jaya, when he killed all those men… for me, I was more than just touched. While you gave him complicated looks, and even called him out on it, I was in love. It's your fault that you didn't love him enough to accept him even if he was a killer. I don't mind if he's a cannibal, or a rapist.While you sulked around I wasn't, I took the chance."

"I went with him on that ship and I had him push me down on the bed. I slept with him before you. Ah, in that sense, not that it matters, but you were the one who stole him from me, not the other way around."

"Mikita! Shut up!" 

Robin yelled with authority, and the cook went silent. Robin's rage grew when she noticed how Hashirama had to suppress a small content smile.

Vivi on the other hand looked stunned. Her eyes were confused and filled with a betrayal. No, she didn't want to believe what she just heard. This wasn't how things were in her head.

How could her man have always been like this? He couldn't have slept with her that day!

Despite the situation, she turned her head to Hashirama. She looked into his eyes and pleaded silently for him to say otherwise. She wished his eyes would say no, that Mikata was making things up. However, Vivi was met with despair  when he just shrugged.

"So it was all a lie…"

Vivi's eyes shook and tears once again threatened to break free. She stared at him again this time her eyes twitched in desperation, adrenaline rushing through her veins as she nearly moved to attack; instead, she stood up and raised her voice.

"You said 'I love you too' that day… was it all a lie?! Not only did you kidnap me, you saved the woman who nearly killed me!, but you actually slept with her right after.  Was I always the second choice? If I didn't come with you that day, would you have left me for her? Hey, don't just stare, say something!!"

Vivi was worked up. Her arms flailing around, if it wasn’t for Robin, she was going to attack her childhood sweetheart. Gently Robin guided her back down. At first, Vivi was going to punch Robin on instinct but she couldn’t do that, because to her knowledge Robin was on her side, as she was the only girl who hadn’t played around with Hashirama. 

After Vivi sat down, tender hands wrapped around her. Vivi tensed, her mind racing. Even right now, all Vivi could see were ways to beat Hashirama to a bloody pulp. In response, Hashirama looked down and scratched his neck, for the first time Vivi saw Hashirama guilty.

"This will sound like an excuse, but… well, uh, dammit. We had an agreement before: Mikita and I. Back from when I defeated Crocodile. Robin… did something so that agreement went on hold. Then when I killed all those guys, feeling somewhat awkward afterward, she and I remembered that agreement out of nowhere. Then that happened."

"...It does sound like an excuse, yes."

Vivi replied quite quickly, and her breathing was ragged.

This time, however, it was Robin who was left in confusion. He said… what? They had an agreement before? Mikita did seem a great load reluctant when she asked her to come with her and leave Alabasta. No way, did the two of them have this sort of relationship from back then?

Was it ultimately Robin's own fault for separating them, therefore causing a sense of betrayal between them, that broke to reveal the love underneath when it was too late when Hashirama already accepted Vivi's love confession?

Robin stayed in her spot, frozen, while Hashirama sighed.

"I know it does. But at that point, it was like choosing between someone I love a lot, that being you, against someone I used once and found fascinating — an old feeling that somehow rejuvenated after three years."

"Men are selfish, huh…"

"Men are selfish, yes. I'm surprised you can guess. I wanted both, and well… I gave in."

Vivi Nefertari was a Royalty.

Although her father didn't have more than one wife, she was very much used to the idea that great men had more than one woman.

These situations weren't foreign to her. But she never saw herself sharing the man of her life. If she had a King, she wished to be his only Queen.

Vivi looked at Mikita. This woman was possessive too. Since the start, she knew that. This woman fought her for Hashirama from the beginning, she was not into sharing as well. Then… why?

"Mikita, I thought you wanted him for yourself? Why did you continue sleeping with him after he already touched me? If I was in your position, it'd seem to be that he chose me over you. Why are you still doing it with him after that?"


Mikita didn't know how to say it. Her green eyes were filled with hesitation. She looked at Robin for assurance, but the older woman couldn't offer any help this time. She seemed to be in her own trance.

Mikita sighed. She could lie… she knew in this situation she could kick Vivi out of his life with ease. Then, she could have him all for herself. But… she knew what would happen if she did that.

After a long silence, Mikita shrugged.

"He loves you more than me. I'd be disappointed if his feelings for you were less than what he had for me since before this we were just a flick, and we did have a misunderstanding in the name of betrayal. If I wanted him, I had to accept him with you. I didn't mind since it just seemed like marrying a man with kids. Frankly, I don’t even see you as a competition. You are so childish, voice out you didn't even let him kiss you for a long time. I would have liked to think you changed, but look at how much you're crying… because you can't accept reality."


Vivi's eyes shook. She wasn't expecting such a long reply. Actually, she was expecting the other girl to just stay silent at this point. Vivi's tears paused and she frowned.

Mikita was lying, of course. Vivi was a competition for sure. But admitting that would be like accepting to her face that she thought of herself as the second, which was impossible.

She didn't like what she was saying, but she had no other choice. She didn't want her to leave him, because she knew it wouldn't make him hers alone. He was weird like that. Lastly, Mikita continued lying. 

"Not that I love sharing, but if it's a man like him… well, it's not up to me anymore. I mean, you are a Princess. You should know how this polygamy thing works. If a King truly wishes, he can have a dozen wives. Who can stop him? Hashirama is more of a King than most Kings of this world, yes? We learned about Haki from him in the last few months, we know that those with the Conqueror's Haki are all Supreme Kings."

"Frankly, as he is a King, I don't mind if he grabs – let's say Robin, for example – right now and the two of them engage in sexual acts. I could care less. I don't mind if he has more girls beside me."

Mikita felt pain lying, while Robin was visibly shaken hearing what she had used as an example. With a rosy tint in her cheeks, she glared at Mikita.

Lastly, Mikita added. "Obviously, I can never let just any random bitch share my position. They have to have some sort of greatness about them if they want to be the woman of my man. When he slept with you, I thought you stopped being childish – and I didn't mind him with you since in my eyes you're more than qualified. Obviously, you don't think the same way since you were raised a princess of a big country, unlike a poor thief like me, so you have larger dreams and bigger privileges. You don't want a man that has multiple women."

"Thankfully, even if I wasn't raised a princess, I was raised enough to know how to love and how to recognize love. He loves me and I love him. So we can bang, and he can bang others if he loves them too. Yes, my preferences aren't quite exquisite like your ladyship, but oh well. Your ladyship can go fuck herself. I don't mind having him all for myself if you can't share."




The entire ship stayed silent for a long while until Robin looked at Hashirama. With no hope whatsoever, she asked him for his opinion.

"Anything you want to add?"

"Not really. It's just, I do love both of them. It's not a fling. You might think I love none and am just using them both, but that’s not true. I don’t care about the ending of this meeting, I am not letting any of them leave. Saying this just in case but if you want to leave, Vivi, I am going to tie you up and lock you in your room.”

Vivi scoffed and looked away, resting her head back on Robin’s head. She was a little less jumpy, her mind was calm even.

“Do I look like a loser? Why will I leave just because you touched another woman? Even if we never had this conversation, I would have never left. I chose you, and if it was a bad choice – I will just have to fix you.”

Vivi gave Mikita a look, hesitating before she spoke.

“I don’t like you. Honestly, your impression was growing well, but you are so annoying right now. But… sure. You can stay with him. I mind it, but I will compromise. Because unlike whatever you said, I love him too. More than you. Also, you are number-2, keep that in mind.”


Mikita tried to say something, seemingly the beginning of another argument, but then the entire world shook. She was interrupted by a large explosion, as a cannonball came flying from afar and hit the ship.

It didn’t hit the area where the crew was gathered, so nobody was hurt or thrown flying. Everyone stood up in unison as Nami blasted her hands and feet to rise in the air, quickly locating the enemy.

“It’s… they’re flying a red flag. I think it’s the Kuja Pirates.”

The crew was informed of who sailed this calm sea before coming here, so Nami easily recognized the ship. As the words were absorbed by the crew, Hashirama went a little pale in worry.

Amongst the Warlords, there was only one person he wished to avoid. His strength was useless, as his personality was naturally weak against her powers. The Pirate Empress, Boa Hancock was an unexpected counter to Hashirama and all his attempts.

“Everyone, uh, code red. This is dangerous.”




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