In One Piece, as Hashirama Senju

[93] Amazon Lily (1)

Chapter 93: Amazon Lily (1)

The steering wheel of the Sail of Ohara was finally used for once, given Hashirama wasn't directly controlling the ship this time. While he rode a plain platform that flew in the sky, Mikita followed behind by piloting the ship.

 "Is it smart for us to go there? We did attack their ship, even if we did save them afterwards. Isn't that the island of a Warlord?"

Nami asked nobody in particular. Even as Mikita and Nami were piloting and navigating the ship, she added on that.

"Yes, it's the Pirate Empress. A lot of people say that she is the world's most beautiful woman, while another group says she is the strongest woman in the world after Big Mom."

"...I think it should be fine."

Vivi added from the side, sounding a little reluctant even as she just spoke to Mikita. Though she was looking at Nami when speaking.

"Hashirama… Shira-ra-ra said that the Pirate Empress isn't on the island. So we shouldn't be in any trouble."

The other three girls gave her a side look, noting that she returned to his nickname, instead of the full name she had begun to use. Karoo the duck noted it too and sighed with a shrug, though nobody saw her.

It was Nico Robin who had to break the girls out of their slight nervousness. Her next words were directed toward Vivi and Nami, not Mikita because she knew better.

"Nami, you most likely are not aware of this, but Hashirama has already defeated a Warlord before. Mikita should know better than me since she was there when it happened. Now, as he is a lot stronger than back then, there's no need to be worried."

Mikita smiled at Robin. "Yeah, you know Germa 66? It was like their Raid Suit, but the size of a giant, and made out of wood. It was pretty cool, to be honest. He piloted that titanic armor, he was like a wooden giant. Ah, I helped out too of course. He said he wouldn't have won if not for my help. We got that bastard Crocodile together!"

Mikita looked happy as she recalled that fight. She was so reluctant to basically become his knuckle-dusters, but when she did and they won – she felt like she had finally accomplished something.

"You two have been pretty close from the start, huh…"

It was Nami who muttered that, but that was the same thought Vivi had in her head too. Mikita just smiled and focused on the road of water.

"Just know that no warlord is a danger to a man like him. It's safe around him."

* * *

"By the way, what is this power? How can you create and control plants?"

"I was born like this. Nature loves me."

"Haha, your hair is pretty. What sort of hair soap do you use? Can you tell me the ingredients?"

"Ah, no hair soap. I was born like this."

Swarms of girls surrounded Hashirama and made small remarks. They began to ask about his hair when he started tying his free hair into a bun. Many sorts of questions were asked, and Hashirama didn't have many creative answers.

As the perfect human specimen, the peak of humanity that he was, he never had to use any artificial products. He was just perfect from the get-go.

Once again, the saying that looks don't matter was falsified. These girls who were so skeptical of him a while ago, were now friendly and chatting with him.

"If your chest wasn't flat, I think you could have been considered as pretty as the Empress!"


One of the younger girls accidentally said, and all the other girls snapped their heads at her. Their eyes were worried and horrified.

The girl panicked. Luckily, Marguerite decided to speak to divert the attention from that girl, otherwise she may have pissed herself.

"I mean she isn't wrong. Though I think Hashirama looks good as it is. Her sort of beauty is… suitable for this look."

"Thank you, lovely. But can you refer to me as 'he' instead?" 

Hashirama smiled, feeling a little better than a second ago. He didn't like being compared to the world's most beautiful woman


Hashirama watched the older women of the group about to say something since in the end, Marguerite was still young. By now, he was acquainted with her and learned that she was just the same age as Vivi, merely 16.

"I agree with you, though. I look good as I am."

Hashirama decided to stop the older women from saying anything bad to Marguerite. His solution to that was to grab his shirt and slowly take it off.

The older women, and all the women in the platform actually, paused. Their eyes locked on the naked torso of the first man they had ever seen. 


"How beautiful."

"I don't think beautiful suits that…"

The girls began to mutter. Their eyes locked on his pecks, the slim muscle over his ribs, and lastly his abdomen. It was tight, and as he breathed it felt like the waves of the sea.

"You guys wanna see something cool? Watch."

Without hesitation, he straightened up, chest naked, and began to move his body in a fluid, rippling motion. It was weird, almost like a hallucination. His muscles moved like ripples of water, the tides of the ocean as if he was made out of pudding.

It was a real technique that even people from his old world could do. It was called a muscle control wave.

"Oh my, what muscles…"

The Kuja tribe may have never seen a man, but they were a warrior tribe. They had muscles, and they knew what one had to work for to earn that sort of muscle definition and control.

This guy, in their eyes, was a freak. A pure freak of nature as he stunned their eyes with his movement.

"Ah, we are here."

Before they knew it, he stopped with a shout. He looked down and their eyes followed on their own. They were above Amazon Lily.

He turned back to them and smiled at their speechless faces.

"Lovely ladies, let us descend."

* * *

The Island of Amazon Lily was quite a geographical masterpiece. Filled with hills, it had a tall mountain in the middle. On top of that mountain, the earth shaped three snakes into life, which then formed a heart shape.


An entire city existed under that snake heart symbol, connected to a stream of the ocean. A road that stretched from the sea and went through the city.

Hashirama's flying platform landed near the start of the stream since the Sail of Ohara had to stop there. The dozens of girls began to get off the platform, while Hashirama's crewmates got off the ship.

They were supposed to rush to him and meet, but they paused as they walked down the ship. Their heads scanned the surroundings in awe.

Hashirama wasn't as affected, but the scenery was beautiful enough to make him release a whistle.

If you took out a part of ancient China and put it in a beautiful forest, that'd give you Amazon Lily. Buildings of intricate designs filled the entire terrain, as women of all ages peeked from their day-to-day life to take a look at the new faces.

"Gasp! Look, one of them is naked!"

Some gasped and noticed Hashirama's shirtless stature. Little girls flocked and hid behind buildings, staring at his body. They didn't know what a man was, but the cycle of evolution, their DNA, knew enough to be charmed. Muscles that not even their best warriors possessed were on display, and they couldn't take their eyes off it.

A group of Kuja warriors rushed to the scene and blinked. One of the older women that had ridden Hashirama's platform stepped forward. It seemed she was the leader of this group.

"Sister Rose, this is…"

"Let me explain."

The new group began to chat with the woman called Rose. Hashirama filtered out the words and picked his ear, looking around and smiling at anybody he found nice.

Goddammit, there were too many hotties in this place. So this was heaven?

Before Hashirama noticed, Vivi came from behind him and kicked him in the head. His Observation Haki screamed and he managed to step to the side to dodge the blow.


"You hey! What are you doing?! Have some shame!"

"Tch tsk."

Vivi grumbled and shot him a glare as he shrugged his shoulder and backed off. Sighing, Hashirama walked towards the woman named Rose who seemed to have wrapped around the past events by now.

"Ah, you..."

An older woman who was chatting with Rose, seemingly Rose's superior, blinked at Hashirama as he approached them.

The purple-haired woman looked a little hesitant before she hid that expression and smiled.

"Welcome to Amazon Lily. I am Lumi. Thank you for saving our girls. Although you were the attacker, to begin with… Anyhow, a savior is a savior. We will be having a feast soon; you've come at a lucky time. I respectfully invite you, and your crew to take part in the feast."

The crewmates gathered around him as he hummed at her invitation. Well, there was no thinking this through.

"Thanks, we'll be sure to attend it." He gave her a sincere smile. She was hot.

The crewmates, namely Mikita, gave him an annoyed look. How could he not even discuss this with them?

Before the crew would wander off into the city, the woman named Lumi looked at Karoo and then back at Hashirama.

"By the way, if you need help cooking the duck, you can give it to me now. I'll make sure only you guys get its meat for the feast."

"Oh. Ah, yes, you can take her."

Hashirama blinked and then smiled. He accepted her deal and turned to Karoo, but the duck had already run off while leaving a trail of sacred tears behind.

"Y-you! Heartless!"

Vivi yelled at him and ran after Karoo, while the other crewmates face palmed, watching their captain break into a peal of mad laughter.

All the while, the Amazonian Lumi tilted her head as the noon sun rose in the sky.

“Ah. Put on some clothes, please. You’re… distracting.”




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