Infinite Lucky Emperor

Chapter 205 - envy

Gardner wandered out of the inner city with the eight people, turned left and right on the streets of the outer city, and found a small restaurant that looked unremarkable from the outside. After entering, he raised his hand generously and said proudly:

“Just order it! As long as you can eat it, I can afford it!”

Xia Ruize gave Gardner a meaningful look. He was so naive. There are six testers with big appetites sitting here.

Since Gardner asked so sincerely, several of the testers were not polite to him at all. The ordering menu was so long that Gardner’s face turned green, but he could only look at a man with a pale green face. All the food on the table was eaten.

I have to say that the taste of this small restaurant that old fritters Gardiner found is still very good.

When Gardner handed out a gold coin at the checkout, his hands were shaking, and he ate half a gold coin in one meal! It’s worth the cost of three months’ food for an ordinary family!

Although these newcomers helped him exchange a bottle of potion, the potion was worth at least 3 gold coins, but it was the first time he heard about half a gold coin in one meal. in pain.

Heartbroken, Gardner didn’t want to see these difficult newcomers anymore. After sending them back to their residence, he left a sentence: “Take a good rest, practice hard, and I will send you ID cards at eight o’clock tomorrow morning.” He disappeared in front of the eight people in a flash.

When the two indigenous students thought that there was still a potion in their luggage that was rewarded by the academy before leaving, they couldn’t hold it in any longer. They hurried back to their room to practice. With the aid of potion, the cultivation process of elements entering the body was particularly pleasant.

The six testers were not in a hurry to return to their residences. The two groups parted ways in front of the residence gates, and each explored the city called Sark, which was actually more widely known as the “main battlefield”.

There are a lot of magicians in the inner city of Sark wearing various robes. Even the magicians in black and silver-edged robes can occasionally encounter them. The magicians in blue robes are even easier. As for the magicians wearing gray robes The magic apprentices of , almost all over the street.

The entire inner city is firmly protected by a circle of tall walls. The center of the inner city is the auditorium of the Magician Association. Behind the auditorium is a large magic teleportation array. The entire inner city is built around the auditorium. Qingshi Street is divided into eight areas, and the buildings on the ground account for most of them, but there are also many buildings underground.

After exploring the inner city, the three of Xia Ruize wanted to stop by the outer city, but they were stopped by the grey-robed man who was guarding the city because they couldn’t show the ID card, so they had to return to their residence and wait until they got the ID card.

When I returned to the room, I found that the red-haired aboriginal roommate had fallen asleep after training.

After washing up, Xia Ruize and the three sat on the wooden bed and practiced magic separately. Since this mission world only recognized the attack power of magic, then they were in a deadly relationship with magic.

The main quest has been completed, and they can leave the world at any time. Under no pressure, they really can’t figure out any reason not to stay and explore the world of the Silver Pages. After all, the main quest can be completed so easily. Never encountered it.

Cheng Huaiqian and Gao Hexuan each had a bottle of potion, but Xia Ruize had two bottles of potion in his hand, one from the academy’s reward, and one from the magic soldier’s treasure chest.

One night passed, and the two bottles of potion in Xia Ruize’s hand were all used up. After personal comparison, Xia Ruize determined that the potion produced by the treasure chest had stronger and lasting effects.

Xia Ruize smiled happily. Before they were forcibly kicked out of this mission world, let them harvest some treasure chests and try their best to increase the upper limit of the magic power stored in their bodies.

The next day Gardner came to the small building on time to find eight newcomers. He held the identity cards of the eight people in his hand. After handing out the identity cards to their respective owners, he waved his hand vigorously:

“Let’s go! Today is the day when you officially go to the battlefield. You have to persist on the battlefield for six hours. I believe you can do it!”

Gardner has seen the sharpness of several newcomers’ attacks yesterday, but when it comes to fighting endurance, these magic apprentices who have only just stored a little magic in their bodies must be scumbags. When he thinks of later today, he will be able to show his seniors. The spectrum taught them a lesson, and Gardner was thrilled in his heart.

Today, everyone has an identity card in their hands, and the guards at the inner city gate didn’t even ask any extra questions. They just glanced at the identity card and let them out.

There were fewer empty cars in the big square where the black leather cars were parked than the day before. It might be that there were more magicians who went to the battlefield in the morning and had already gone out to send them off.

When they arrived at the dispatch office in the seventh district, everyone saw that the magic apprentices waiting to be arranged in front of the dispatch office formed a long queue.

In the process of waiting in line for the arrangement, a non-flower country tester took the initiative to propose to Gardner that they wanted to be grouped according to rooms, and one room was responsible for one room.

Gardner thought about their combat effectiveness, and the words of refusal were stuck in his mouth. He had to turn to look at Xia Ruize and others for advice, but saw Cheng Huaiqian nodded in agreement.

What can Gardner say, he can only take the initiative to communicate with the dispatcher when it is their turn: “Set up two rooms for us.”

The gray-robed dispatcher glanced at the faces of all beings behind Gardner, with a bit of doubt on his face, Gardner quickly assured with a smile:

“Don’t worry about me doing things? These new little guys are really good, and I’m still watching from behind. If there is anything, I’ll definitely know the bottom line.”

After Gardner assured him, the dispatcher did not refuse any more and gave the eight people two adjacent rooms on the second floor, 82 and 83. When Gardner arrived at the corresponding defensive position with the newcomer, he attacked here as early as possible. Ordinary soldiers hurriedly saluted several people.

The dispatch of ordinary soldiers, magic apprentices, and magicians is arranged separately, and there may be situations where all three are in the same room. Among them, ordinary soldiers are bound to be arranged, while magic apprentices and magicians are arranged by the dispatcher according to the situation on the battlefield. arrange.

Gardner nodded slightly as a response, focusing on teaching several newcomers to stick their identity cards on the city wall, and said regretfully:

“Hey, from now on you will have your own identity cards, and your kill record will be recorded on it.

In my opinion, with your strength, you can save yourself a bottle of potion in a week, plus what the Magicians Association issued… God! You might have two bottles of potion in a week, which is so, so enviable…”

The more Gardner said, the more regretful he felt that he no longer had the opportunity to collect a bottle of potion in one day as he did yesterday.

However, after the loss, he still cheered up and watched the performance of the eight rookies, especially the two indigenous rookies who did not seem to be well suited to the battlefield.

Today, the eight people are not assigned to the top of the third layer of the city wall, but only to the second layer. In the closed and dark city wall, there is a lookout port in one room. Everyone’s attack needs to be completed at the lookout port, and they also need to rely on the lookout port. The light that penetrates and the candles together illuminate.

Although the lookout port is not particularly large, the magician’s attack requires a long spell, and he can attack in turn. Even in the interval between the magician’s alternate attack, ordinary warriors can shoot arrows.

Xia Ruize didn’t turn on the illusion when he thought that he had an identity card to record his achievements today, so Gardner was stunned.

Yesterday, he only knew that Xia Ruize and several people had strong magical attack power, and he expected that they would not last long. After all, as a magic apprentice, after casting one or two magic spells, shouldn’t he stop to introduce elements into his body to have enough magic power to continue casting magic?

Can anyone explain why these newcomers can cast spell after spell?

Gardner watched Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian cast five or six spells in a row before they sat on the ground to introduce elements into their bodies to recover, and compared with the newcomer who had to sit on the ground and introduce elements into their bodies after casting one or two spells, it is intuitive. Feel the huge gap between the average genius and the extreme genius.

After all, he wouldn’t think that the two newcomers who behaved similarly to him were not geniuses.

When Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian started to introduce elements into their bodies at the latest, but were the first to recover and start fighting again, Gardner was even more depressed.

Look at the four newcomers in the other room. Three of them are also casting one magic after another, and they also recover quickly. Gardner is full of question marks, and he can’t figure out what the little-known town of Bei’an is this year condition?

How could he teach so many evildoers all at once, even though he is a newly graduated magic apprentice, his strength is not inferior to that of an old magic apprentice like him.

Gardner, who has been observing from the rear, quickly discovered that several newcomers in the two rooms quickly worked out a battle and cooperated, attacking and recovering in a staggered manner.

Although I know that the magic apprentices who have just graduated from the academy still retain the cultivation habits strictly required by the teachers in the academy, but it is not like they do not give themselves any rest time, right?

Gardner secretly decided that if he had time, he still wanted to teach these foolish young people, and he still had to learn to “combine work and rest”. Their state of being beaten up was destined to not last long, and they would not last for six hours in the end. All right.

Then Gardner stood behind him with a numb expression on his face, watching the newcomers quickly adapt to the long-term battle on the battlefield, insisting on fighting for one hour, two hours, three hours…

Gardner is numb, and the three non-flower country trials are jealous.

Because Xia Ruize didn’t cover it with an illusion today, after he killed the demon soldiers and exploded the treasure chest, all six testers present saw the treasure chest.

Cheng Huaiqian and Gao Hexuan knew it for a long time, but the three non-Hua Nation testers saw the treasure chest belonging to someone else lying in the army of monsters before they knew that killing the magic soldiers would explode the treasure chest? !

Secretly glad that they completed the main quest and did not leave the quest world immediately, the three of them killed the demon soldiers with more enthusiasm, looking forward to opening the treasure chest.

But the reality is that the next door to the Huaguo tester exploded a treasure chest in a while, and a treasure chest exploded in a while, but it took them a long time to harvest one, which really made people’s eyes red.

So, the three non-Hua Nation trialists and Xia Ruize were on the bar, and they fought harder to kill the demon soldiers, vowing to get more treasure chests than the next door.

Of course, they lost badly in the end.

If it wasn’t for the exploding treasure chest, it would stay in the group of monsters under the city wall before it was opened. The three non-flower country trialists really wanted to jump outside the city wall to retrieve the treasure chest.

But the reality is that they can only watch the treasure chest unclaimed until the end of the time, the treasure chest disappears into the air, and automatically returns to the space of the killer.

In six hours, the three non-flower country testers were full of anger. Just looking at the collection of a treasure chest and a treasure chest next door, they opened four treasure chests in the whole day. They were really angry. pain.

The three non-flower country testers were jealous, but the two real indigenous newcomers really couldn’t hold on.

Even if they arrange the interval of each round to rest longer and longer, the energy consumed in the round of attack and recovery cycle is real, and it is really exhausting.

The pressure on the real battlefield is much greater and more difficult than when studying in the academy.

They now deeply understand the good intentions of the teachers of the academy. After all, the time to study in the academy after passing the sacred screening is too short.

In the short ten days of study, the teachers of the academy ruthlessly squeezed the students’ energy limit, so that the students would get used to the constant cycle of introducing elements into the body and casting magic every day, in fact, to let the students adapt to the battlefield in advance. rhythm.

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